Why does everyone hates the original Etta Candy...

Why does everyone hates the original Etta Candy? She is just a simple fatty ginger woman and best friend of Wonder Woman. Why can't we just have a fat and ginger Etta Candy instead of the bland blonde Post-Crisis one?
Does Hollywood (and DC animation and comics) hates ginger so much that a little sidekick is too much to ask nowdays?

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>Wonder Woman Bloodlines's Etta Candy has freckles
>And she is black
What the fuck is the point?

And Wonder Woman's Bloodlines's Etta Candy has also light brown eyes and black skin.
What the fuck is the point?

>only one IP
calm down sperg

Which fat ginger actress could be Etta Candy?

the chick from workaholics could be good

I said a fucking GINGER fat actress.
Not a Blandie-Blondie

There's actually a law in Hollywood that any fat woman with more than 2 lines MUST be played by Rebel Wilson. Any other physical characteristics are irrelevant.

I don't care. I will have my fat ginger Etta even if she will be played by a ginger BBW pornstar

Nope. Enjoy your rangeless, wooden, Australian line reader because that's all you're getting. Hollywood will only tolerate the presence of one fat lady at a time and she's it.

Don't understimate the power of complaining and boycotting, we changed that white man that was gonna play an asian man in Hellboy 2019 into an asian man and we will do this for Etta Candy!

Or black!
Etta Candy can be Gabourey Sidibe!

you know what...I'd allow this

Me too!
Gabourey Sidibe deserve some happiness after being hate for so long!
Let her be a kind and sweet girl!

I'm the OP, I know what I said in this post, but I have a crush on really cute fatty black girls!
So Gabourey as Etta is the only option I can forgive!

So...everyone hates gingers uh?

Nikki Blonsky

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Because she's a lighthearted comedic character and that isn't acceptable in mature and serious comics for mature and serious individuals such as myself.

I said a fucking fat GINGER

I think Grant Morrison handled her well in Earth One, in a realistic setting she could be a feminist/femalism that think Wonder Woman is a goddess of feminism

Aidy Bryant from SNL.

This. The problem with Etta in the current age is that she's not a comic relief anymore. She's supposed to be Diana's funny, down to earth sidekick, but now she is just serious military liason. Simone had her as both, and it was great.

To be fair, Etta was the comic relief in the movie, and she was fucking fabulous, but still. Mainline books are terrified of letting her be funny for whatever reason.

What the fuck is your problem?
I said a fat ginger, so a NATURAL REDHEAD!

This is a fucking fetish thread disguised as a thread about a Wonder Woman character. OP just wants to trick people into posting pictures of "potential actresses" who fit his fucking specific type.

>not wanting to fuck Etta Candy
Who let this pleb in here?

>To be fair, Etta was the comic relief in the movie, and she was fucking fabulous, but still. Mainline books are terrified of letting her be funny for whatever reason
Reminder that if she isn't a ginger she still isn't the real Etta Candy, Etta the Original is a ginger, screw the other versions.

Did a fat woman stole your girlfriend?

Why don't you want to fuck a ginger bbw?
Is our only reason to live

This exactly.

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I know it would mean having to watch the godawful movie which is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy but movie Etta wasn't blonde

This thread gets a "WOO WOO" from me, dog.