Be Viacom in 2006

>be Viacom in 2006
>throw a bitchfit when your content gets sent to YouTube for free
>sue YouTube and single-handedly destroy the site
>own Nickelodeon
>Nickelodeon gets paranoid that they get terrible ratings on TV again so they throw every revival special to Netflix
>neither you or Netflix put Content ID on the specials so this movie is just sitting freely on YouTube

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-18-14-36-41.png (720x733, 472K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Inc.

also Jhonen was streaming the movie free on twitter as well

based Vazquez killing Netflix

I wonder why more companies just don't make a deal with YouTube to show their full tv shows and movies for free but with a few ads.

Imagine watching a movie with an activate windows box in the lower right hand corner the for its entire duration

>Activate Windows

I have infinitely more respect for the man now

List of shit they made and then threw on Netflix without airing in the last few years:
>Rocko special
>ZIM special
>Pinky Malinky
>Glitch Techs (RUMOR ONLY)
>Loud House Movie
>TMNT Movie

Plus, Netflix's Avatar live-action reboot.

What the fuck is Nick's gameplan, exactly?

Youtube doesn't get paid enough in ad revenue to justify acquisitions like that.

Not only that, it's in 1080p and the audio doesn't sound altered.

>What the fuck is Nick's gameplan, exactly?

maybe nick wants to dominate the kid section on netflix

cable's dead to kids

But why not air the shows on their channel as well? Why ONLY give them to Netflix? It comes across like a restaurant who won't serve you and does delivery only. It's kind of backwards.

You forgot the part where they failed to win the case because they also uploaded their own content on Youtube for advertising shows and couldn't differentiate what they uploaded and what other people uploaded.

Which shows?

Because Netflix pays more money for exclusivity. It's an all of nothing proposition. Take a risk an run things on your own cable channel and hopefully get enough ratings / live viewers to make good money with commercials, or play it safe and take the one time payout from a streaming service and give rights to your product away complete for the length of whatever contract you negotiaite, no matter how popular / not popular that product ends up being.

they're moseying up to the most popular streaming service because their marketing directors still think that netflix and chill is the hot new trend.

He did?

I wish Viacom won that case a decade ago. The internet and culture in general would've been very different, but much better.

>All the nicktoons are enjoying a new renaissance while their live action shows are stuck on a channel almost nobody watches anymore

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Is this from the All-That reboot? I was curious enough to watch it, and made a personal promise that the second they start Fortnite dancing I’ll turn it off and never look back, and sure enough a few seconds in and a kid started to floss and I had enough,


>I wish Viacom won
Fuck you

Have a (You)

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what case is he talking about?,_Inc.

Nick is too cheap to make there own live service so they just use Netflix

Wait, so Nickelodeon almost killed Youtube?

The best part is they could have won that case too

Youtube was small time at that period and had no real way to defend themselves against a corporation like Viacom
Viacom gifted them the win because they're idiots. I'm sure any other company would have won had they not tampered with evidence and the things they planted

Shouldn't Google be able to pump money into YouTube then?

no because Youtube is a financial drain

>sue for a billion
>have your own bureaucracy undermine your case
At the very least they shouldn't have admitted to secretly uploading their content onto Youtube or better yet not do it in the first place.

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Oh fuck kids today weren't even born when this happened what the fuck. I'm having a mid-life crisis because of this.

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>I wish Viacom won that case a decade ago.
be careful what you wish for

Look up some of the new skits, cancelled and babies who brunch aren’t bad skits

technically all that old youtube copyright shit was like, double-blind anonymous. nobody knew who was flagging what. To this day, creators like Toby Fox will say they've authorized people to letsplay their shit with no contentIDing, but it happens anyway

>Put the movie on netflix
>The show is on hulu
Streaming was a mistake

jesus christ.

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Holy shit wow.

based scumbag vasquez

Already reported that link, thanks

I hope Jhonen makes bank on this movie. It's obvious he's proud of the work he put in, and he was always salty about never getting a dime from the licensed merch.

Jhonen in general doesn't give a fuck and this totally seems like something he'd do

I like that little mixed girl, in a totally not-wanting-to-mouth-fuck-her way

The two Marie Kiddo have been great as well.

Two Best cast members coming through

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>”we need another revival of Nickelodeon’s All That, but it’s Dan Schneider-free and it doesn’t suck ass this time”
>”say no more, kid”

Attached: Allthat.jpg (1125x1108, 1.11M)

That’s not Gabrielle.

Looks like it's gone now.

its not that bad
has some skits that are actually funny

>Ryan and Lex
>0 votes

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