I don't see the purpose of this type of character

I don't see the purpose of this type of character.

>He's an annoying piece of shit but you can't touch him because he's not the villain, he's just an obstacle looool.

Attached: DoloresUmbridge_WB_F5_UmbridgeSmiling_Still_080615_Land.jpg (320x240, 15K)

Give some Yea Forums examples, please.

Umbridge was to show that not all villains are super obviously evil monsters, sometimes they're sadists who love following orders.

That's nice Yea Forums but she still did nothing wrong

But Dolores is a villain, she's literally a magical fascist and gets gangraped by centaurs as punishment.

i always thought umbridge was the most well-written HP antagonist

Not Yea Forums. Dullest franchise. Fuck off.

Not Yea Forums but common, you could have at least gotten a better Yea Forums example to fit your point. She was definitely a villain in that series, though a more minor one. The only reason they didn't deal with her directly was that she was backed by the most powerful organization in the wizarding world. Fighting her would have meant fighting the whole Ministry of Magic.

You mean like that fat kid in Kick Butowski that wanted to date his twin sisters?

fuck off back to Yea Forums you shitbrained tumor

Not that she fits the description you gave, but non-villain characters that act as obstacles test the protagonist's ability to deal with a problem in more unique ways than just violence.

Perfect casting as per usual for the Harry Potter films.

Meant to reply to OP, my bad

Well the other options are exactly world class, you've got

Entitled rich asshole

His son

His son's retard friends

The most evil guy ever you guys he's basically Hitler and he...collapses a bridge? Kills like ten people?

Faceless bad guys in masks.

A pervy weirdo who pretended to be a rat for thirteen years.

And a big snake.

And an even bigger snake.

>gets gangraped by centaurs as punishment

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Is there a biggest snake? Or possibly even a maximum snake?

>conflict is limited to basically that one single island, maybe affects a few tens of thousands of people total
>wonder what kind of stuff is going on in the rest of the magical countries, like wizard america
>literally the same fucking shit
Fuck you Rowling

Basilisks pretty much constitute biggest snake unless you count dragons

Is it bad when I love it when the obstacle characters get their shit caved in by the protagonist too? I don't care if they're not evil I just want to see an asshole get his ass kicked

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Batman needs more villains like this. Like a politician that is not corrupt but honestly sees Batman as something that Gotham does not need and the root of all its problems and launchs a crusade against him.

Voldemort goes abroad from time to time, user. The UK is just the base of his operations.

Eventually Muggles will just enslave the witches and burn the wizards.

Wasn't that Harvey Dent in a few works?

>Is there a biggest snake? Or possibly even a maximum snake?
You don't go overboard with the snakes, if you do you get this.

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its fun to watch and it works in other series, but it would not work in HP.

It's a good trope. Strong.

What I like about this is most writers generally don't kill off the obstacle characters like they do the main villain, so the beatings are usually pretty prolonged.

>mfw remember was really sick once fall in my senior year of high school and beat the game 4 times back to back just because, and was just 3 minutes away from the then world record on speed demos archive by the end
Good times

Yeah but he creates six separate life saving artifacts and then hides, uh, all of them(?) in Britain.

That's a bonus for sure. Since I don't want assholes killed like genuine evil, them just getting beatings hits it perfectly

Yeah there's occasionally international incidents like the big quidditch game in Goblet of Fire but it's still almost entirely limited to Britain

>What are secondary villains?
>What is abuse of power?
>What is an external conflict?

Yeah but he became two face. I think Batman should have someone who is an obstacle with good intentions who does not become a villain. Someone who Bruce has to make an effort to beat as Bruce and not Batman. Someone that takes him out of his element and he can't just punch.

OP Umbridge was gang raped by centaurs, what other punishment you need?

Gordon Godfrey, Amanda Waller, JJJ (not at the moment of course), Stillwell (comics not the show), Ms Bitters

i preffer HP when is only about school shit so this was the perfect film for me.

This one really pisses me off, they had the perfect opportunity to explore other parts of the world and maybe even see what wizarding life is like in other countries, instead, we get a full fucking movie of Harry and his dumbass friends sitting UK forests.

>collapses a bridge? Kills like ten people?
You're referring to the movies, right?

>i preffer HP when is only about school shit
Don't worry, Voldie always strikes at the very end of the school year, as to not disturb the education of young wizards

He also was kind enough to allow the entirety of the Tri-Wizard tournament to play out so that Harry would touch a cup. Because there was literally not one other object they could have enchanted

>The most evil guy ever you guys he's basically Hitler and he...collapses a bridge? Kills like ten people?
So just to be clear, you've never actually read the books, yeah?

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>I will never again see that amazing picture of her being fucked senseless by centaurs because I can't remember my WWOEC login information anymore and I can't remember the artist's name. I could swear it was TURK-something or other but I've done search after search and I can't find it anywhere.

Life is suffering.

she was dragged off into the woods and raped by centaurs, what more did you want

Sounds like you see the purpose to me.


>WWOEC is dead

Yep that's suffering

>Kills like ten people

He killed hundreds, maybe thousands. He did have hundreds of Inferi, enchanted corpses of his victims, guarding the lake where his Horcrux was.

The whole setup is so contrived that you could probably write an entire novel of the shenanigans Voldy had to pull in order to make sure Harry touched the cup.

HP is at its best a weird school comedy and at its worst as a serious action adventure.

Not since the last one came out 12 years ago so yeah the movies are more of what I remember

Moaning Myrtle being eternally thirsty for boys was hilarious and arousing to me when I was a kid.

I always though Harry and Umbridge should have gotten together


Not gonna lie. Moaning Myrtle made me discover girls.

Myrtle was a mostly one dimensional side character and she's somehow amazing simply because of how weird she is. That's the kind of shit Rowling is great at and she should have stuck to it instead of all the Voldemort nonsense.

Not Yea Forums but pic related is the perfect example of the trope you're describing.

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FUCK REAVER. He's responsible for ruining the experience of 2 and 3 for me. 1 with Lost Chapters is fantasy-game kino.

The purpose was so Rowling could ree at Thatcher. Also fuck off to Yea Forums or Yea Forums

Based. Fuck Thatcher.


What is beating the living crap out of you and stomping on you like the minor threat you are for 200?

I always find Lizzie-tier character to actually deserve a bigger sadistic prolonged punishment than any other kind of villain. BUT WE NEVER GET IT.

You're mixing Kick Butwoski and Johnny Test.

How the fuck does she manage to be as evil if not more evil than the main villains? The bullshit she pulled was Delightful Children tier, not even Count Spankula and many other villains got so up and personal and sadistic.

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And then there's this autistic bitch obsessed with spoons and being a commie tightwad.

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On a similar topic, who the hell thought a villain who spanked random children was a good idea.

Let's not forget this smug asshole who loves ordering everyone around. His indifference and smugness just makes you want to bully him. God he so deserved to work at Walmart and leave Frankie as president of the house.
Frankie and her grandmother should have ruled the house, not the grandmother's tightwad imaginary friend.

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This character strongly reminded me of that teacher from Donnie Darko. Characters like this enrage me (as they are intentionally written to do) in a way no actual villain probably could.

I wish I could think of some Yea Forums examples of this, but it seems more like a Yea Forums thing.

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Maggie was right about almost everything. Fuck socialists, fuck communists, fuck parasites and leechers.

Autistic asshole tightwad characters who don't give a shit about anyone is also an Yea Forums thing.

I don't remember the movie; what made this teacher so awful?

I just don't see the point of these characters unless they get their asses annihilated for 80% of the screentime. But 100% of the time they do not.

What's the point of making an abysmally hateable character if you're not going to bully him like with Butters?

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Because having an antagonist who keeps getting away with it is satisfying when their shit eventually catches up to them.

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She got off too easy

>when their shit eventually catches up to them.

Why the fuck wasn't she made fun of and bullied as badly as Jessie and a few more characters? This bitch was untouchable and nobody insulted her directly.

Why the fuck didn't this bitch get her ass kicked in a show where ass kicking happens to everyone? Even Number 3.

Violence is ALWAYS an option, if not you're just not using it right.

These characters should be just as abused as doormat straightmen characters yet they never do.
It's logical yet it's as stupid and ANTI utilized as good romance relationships.

Apparently rape solves problems according to JK Rowling, so you're saying Harry should have just raped her instead of letting it drag on so long? Leaving her a mind-broken shell that jumps at the smallest sound?

She worshipped an evangelical pedophile scam artist and abused the power of her position in the public school system to indoctrinate children into his ridiculously stupid cult which revolved around the idea that the world could be simplified into two emotions. Even after it was revealed that she had been sending kids to the cult leader’s kiddie porn dungeon all along, she refused to accept reality and tried to remain his only one true believer.

These characters are literally Evil Inspector Gadgets. An untouchable character who's too dense and autistic for the good others.

Voldemort is a punkass bitch that got murked twice by a kid and his crusade never once got further than the British Isles.

He's baby school.

I mean Winn did die in a fire for being a dumb bitch.

>She got off too easy
I gave it my best

Attached: Gul-Dukat-as-a-Bajoran-dukat-18652248-692-530.jpg (692x530, 90K)

He was just a shitty villain-sue

When you were king you should have been allowed to murder him, you had both the ability to do so and the cause (don't give me any BUT THE GREATER GOOD waffling, you can literally turn your kingdom into a shithole for profit and then raid the treasury so none of that money actually goes into fighting the invading threat)

And then the next game is setup by him being HURR GENIUS MASTERMIND and it being canon the player character married some worthless naive nobody who wasn't clinically retarded just for him to manipulate.

That's kind of fucked up.

>He's an annoying piece of shit but you can't touch him because he's not the villain, he's just an obstacle looool.
It's worse when they're a fucking ally of the protagonist so you're supposed to root for the little shit.

I wonder if it would be worth losing all the good loveable rogue characters so no one had to live with bad ones, which are 99.9999% of the total.

Dr. Doom and Joker when they played the diplomatic immunity card.

grandma is with that white man?

Hey now, being sacrificed by Space Hitler so he could rip a fat line of Pah-Wraiths and take his salty runback angry black Space Jesus is a little more than "dying in a fire."

>Joker being made the ambassador of Iran
Comicbook writers everyone

>He's responsible for ruining the experience of 2 and 3 for me
>Not the sister you killed not fucking off

She's consistently presented as pathetic more than evil.