I think it's time we look back over this movie and figure out what the hell went wrong.
>First 20-30 mins is a clunky exposition dump presenting our cast one by one
>Script doesn't even pretend Slipknot is anything else but a demonstration of the neck bombs
>Movie doesn't really understand what the purpose is of Task Force X
>Task Force X's cover is already blown thanks to the armed marine escort and Rick being there to babysit.
>They establish the bombs can be activated via remote, and yet they still need a guy there with an Ipad?
>Amanda Waller kills her staff which is out of character
>Joker is just there and isn't really funny
>Massive reshoots/tone change
>Capt Boomerang barely does anything with boomerangs
>Katana could have been cut entirely
>Batman traumatizing a child in an alleyway is out of character
>Deadshot's daughter defending Batman is stupid
>"Muh Family" thing is rushed as hell, as these people just met a few hours ago
>Movie tries to paint these characters more as anti-heroes rather than actual villains being forced to do government dirty work
>Mission wasn't great
Did I miss anything? Do you agree? Is there ANY sort of hope with the sequel?
I think it's time we look back over this movie and figure out what the hell went wrong
Leto joker is the worst thing I've ever seen
But even as bad as he is, cutting out virtually all of his scenes is detrimental to the movie on the whole
WB wanted their own Guardians of the Galaxy.
When it failed, they didn't stop to think that maybe they should stop trying to shove the square block into the round hole and either use a different property better suited to it or just make a faithful Suicide Squad movie.
No, they just got the actual GOTG guy to try it again.
Mainly the problem was that DC wanted them to push their newer shittier version of the Suicide Squad rather than adapt the amazing comics that Ostrander wrote, we got a few things like Slipknot running, but goddamn that movie was an absolute mess.
They should have replaced Katana with Dutchess, she would have fit being their with Flag with the military and would have been another bridge liking SS to JL and the prices from Apkolips. Instead we got Katana who would carry the magical McGuffin that allows Harley Quinn to save the day.
I get that they were trying to make Joker a third party and wild card that would risk fucking up the mission, but ultimately it didn't work. Also I just remembered how many helicopter crashes there are in this film with people being completely fine afterwards.
Oh I'm well aware what happened. The first trailer compared to the second is completely different tone wise.
Wait, did they do anything with that sword? Because all I remember was a bomb
The Katana is used to kill Enchantress. In the novelization it was also made clear that only the Katana could kill her minions as well but they cut those scenes
why waste time?
Movies based on shitty comics turn out shitty
I get that DC fans like you are fucking retarded but it's seriously the simplest shit
That's all we do on this board
And this thread wouldn't be complete without you, Ladderbro
To be fare, New 52 Suicide Squad and beyond has been shit user, Ladderbro wasn’t wrong when he said they tried to adapt a shitty comic. Had they used more Ostrander and less Glass the movie could have turned out awesome
Oh I don't deny New 52 Squad was shit. I was speaking strictly conceptually.
The fact that these clowns were sent to on this mission but then at the same time had the army guarding & escorting them I find hilariously retarded, why didn't Waller just send in the army.
Because baseball bat girl can help ward off Superman-level threats, didn't you know?
I don't know why this is so hilarious to me but it cracks me up everytime
Ah right I see that's how it is.
I'll never get over how fucking 10th level retarded the movie's rationale is. Ludicrous doesn't even touch the idea of someone saying Will Smith with guns and a thot with a bat are suitable for dealing with hostile superhumans
Waller sold the team entirely wrong
>"Gentlemen, we're ignoring a valuable resource here. Often we have dirty work that needs done, and now we have people to do those jobs with totally deniability. Infiltration, assassination, recovery, you name it, our hands are now clean. We can sit here and have taxpayer dollars room the most dangerous and powerful scum on the planet, or we can put them to work"
It's so unnatural and clearly trying to be cool even when it's not that it doesn't just fall flat, it engraves itself into your mind
I'm surprised none of the soldiers spoke up and called Rick a goddamn lunatic
>"Sir, what the hell are you even talking about? Magic sword? Magic is real? The soul exists? I know I'm sitting next to a crocodile man and know aliens exist, but cmon"
You could've cut/replaced half the squad and I think nothing of value would've been lost
Can it honestly be said anything went wrong, at least commercially? It's my least favorite of the DC movies so far, if fun to just throw on in the background while doing something else sometimes and for a few brief scenes, but it was wildly popular amongst normies and sold all the fucking makeup and outfits. WB (perhaps rightly) likely consider it a massive win.
Then again maybe not, as they seem to be taking critical reception and vocal comic fan backlash to heart with the DCU.
No one denies it made money. It had zero competition that August
>"I'm not like other girls" comic
I hate hate hate the HQ costume but fuck this
you guys excited for Gunn Squad?
1. the premise was ruined with joker/harley shit
and then...
2. They gave the trailer house that edited the Bohemian Rhapsody trailer final cut of the film. That's why the movie starts twice and the editing feels like a commercial or a promotional short.
You missed literally the biggest problem. Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn is both the worst actress and the worst character in a comic book film.
Any project that abortion of a combination is attached to is doomed to failure.
To me it's like they forgot to introduce Katana and then said, "Shit what do we do... aw fuck it."
I think if they replaced the generic evil alien monster with some terrorist/insurgent group lead by Bane or someone taking over the city with a top secret weapon, a lot of problems would've been fixed. It'd still be shit, but it would make a bit more sense.
At least they had a good design for Enchantressoh wait they only used it for two minutes.
Swamp Witch was waaaay cool than her final form. I Fucking loves the way that lady moves her body, years later and she was still the best thing about the film