What's Danny up to lately?

What's Danny up to lately?

Is the Brisson run pretty good?

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Why? I've heard good things.

It's alright, the armless guy was a cool dude.

Iron Fist is the only good thing he's written.

>Iron Fist's tarnished normie reputation didn't cause him to be untouchable in the comics.

I'm happy.

He's gonna be in Avengers eventually I assume since IF was part of the Avengers BC

He also had a digital series no one read and is gonna be in an AC tie-in


Absolute Carnage

He's in the Lethal Protectors mini. Misty, Cloak, Dagger and Morbius are all there too

So is John Jameson aka the Man-Wolf

Oh, I see Thanks.

I remember seeing Dagger on the cover and thinking it was a blonde Colleen. What the hell is SHE up to anyway?

yeah, he only acts and looks like the actor in the Netflix show.

He's also going to play a part in that contagion book, not only him but his adopted daughter/protege Pei is going to play a role too.

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Since when the HELL did Netflix Danny, act like this?

He was insecure as all fuck.

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but they've tried "darkifying" his looks and book in recent years. The black tracksuit is disgusting.

But that started before the series came out.

She was in the digital daughters of the Dragon series, that no one read.

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>adopted daughter/protege Pei
She still exists?

The only time we ever fucking see when is when Misty's around. If she's not within 30 centimetres from her, it's like she doesn't exist.

Yep. Apparently, Marvel is really interested in her after the Netflix show, I'm sure you can imagine why...

>MFW Brisson brings back the H'ylthri


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doesn't make it right or good tho. And most likely that was a mandate to make Iron Fist darker for the Netflix show

wonder if Master Khan will ever make a comeback

Yup, apparently someone other than Kaare Andrews remembered her.

I don’t really think that showing up in one weekly crossover book really translates to ‘marvel is really interested in her’.

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it was serviceable. i hope something comes of it, but i doubt it.

>Brings back Danny's half-sister Miranda from Wendell's first marriage, that hasn't been since seen the first run

Actual, certified MAD LAD.

Daughters of the Dragon would make for an amazing action movie franchise.

What a waste.

So, how's the death of Lei Kung and destruction bit K'un-Lun dealt with?

I mean if Pei's there, that means Rage is canon, right?

And, how the hell is Orson alive?

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.

It’s canon, it’s the whole reason Danny’s powers were fading out and he agreed to the tournament on the island, but it gets a little messy reconciling Brisson’s Iron fist with the Kaare’s immortal iron fists book where Danny is training Pei.
In Brisson’s book Danny’s still losing his powers after what happened in Kun-lun, and Shou-lao was almost full grown, but in Kaare’s mini Shou-lao is still a baby and Danny’s powers are fully restored when Pei uses her chi to save him after his heart is torn out by a demon.

K'un-Lun is being rebuilt by the survivors. sparrow is the new Yu-Ti. Orson came back during a Damnation tie in book where a demon offered Orson a chance to return to the land of the living but ends up sacrificing himself for Danny, Fat Cobra, and Danny's half sister

Is the island another heavenly city?
K'un-Lun needs a Thunderer. Perhaps a role for a redeemed Davos? Although, I don't know what he's doing after being turned evil and would rather Lei Kung come back.

Based boy. Let him rest, I assume they went to hell somehow?

It's not an official city, just a semi mystic place that a bunch of people who left kun-lun found.

Must be a lot of them running around. Surprised they don't become refugees in the other Heavenly City.

Plus, Danny's personality changes depending on the writer holding the pen.

Might be a bit tricky in this day and age, especially after what people think of Danny.


What happened to PMIFAnon? This would've been great for him to story time.

I know Fat Cobra is the most popular of the Immortal Weapons, but I would really see the others be involved in other things. Like Dog Brother #1 his issue was heartbreaking.

>archenemy dies in a fucking Namor book

Reminds me of Bogeyman (Power Pack's arch) being killed off in a Luke Cage series, or Norman Osborn finally being taken down in The Pulse.

>Adopted daughter

General reminder: Danny could have had a real child, but Marvel doesn't like happiness.

Is the bogeyman based on the folkloric one of the same name?

Mutant asscheek

>Mutant asscheek
I’m pretty sure that’s Jessica Jones.

He’s been through some bad shit, let a kid drop off of a ferris wheel, then lost his hand when the kid cam back possessed by a demon, then went to a hell, made a chi hand from dark chi, got possessed himself, then he got his hand back and the day was saved.


Is this from that demon hand story?

Yes, yes it is.

With how much the demons were calling Danny a thief in that story it's funny that it got wrapped up in a single panel "I earned this, fuck off."

Hell came to Las Vegas during the Damnation event in Doctor Strange. And Sparrow from The Living Weapon arc is the new Thunderer.

It definitely had its problems, but at the end of the day it still felt like a daughters of the dragon story. And I have to give the writer some respect, he had some deep dives in there, I can’t even remember the last time anyone even referenced super midnight let alone used him.

She was in Iron Fist vol. 3, the limited series from 1998

Iron Fist lore gets fucked up with every run because the writers are too lazy to read any of the stories that came beforehand.

Which is hilarious considering the amount of Iron Fist material out there is negligible compared to most Marvel characters.

It's tradition at this point for every writer to change the lore.

Would be nice if Keith Chow knew this. Asshole.

I thought she's now Yu-Ti after Lei Kunged got Davosed?

Lol haven't read it in a long time. Cheers. Shows Brisson is really reading around Iron Fist.

He also remembered Scolleen was a thing.

Really, if anything it's the reverse. I mean look at how much Fraction/Brubaker expanded the lore.

The Immortal Weapons could each carry their own line. There could even be a "Book of the Iron Fist" comic run showing past and present and future Iron Fists.

And, that's not looking a what was established originally, with the dragon kings and those plant beings, and more of how K'un-Lun society functions. If the K'un-Lunians are (now) ethnically Han Chinese, after seeking sanctuary in the Kingdom, what are the immortals of K'un-Lun themselves. Are they offshoots of the Celestials, or another species entirely?

There's a lot to explore if we are looking at Danny's K'un-Lun side.

Was this AAIronFist meta commentary?

And, did he really swear?


>Let a kid drop off a Ferris wheel

Surely by accident?

Lol panel?

Yeah, he was holding on to the Ferris wheel with one hand, had the kids mom dangling from his neck, and the he didn't really have a good trip on the kod, who slipped from his hand and fell.

Clearly Danny hates will add this to the list of things they hate about him.


Did he die?

>hit pieces against fictional characters
why is the world the way that it is now?

>Doing zombies in 2019
Holy shit, has someone on Marvel's offices just been defrosted?

No, he was in a coma for a while before he got possessed and Danny had the bigger devil make a deal to fix all of the people possessed by the demon after it was defeated.

Because, user he should have been ASIAN, and because he isn't we're gonna continue to ruin him, even though Shang-Chi is American now.

If we haven't enjoyed him, no one cannnn!

Bruh, from 2014 onwards there were nothing BUT hit pieces on Danny, and his poor actor.

Good based boy, Danny.

Did we ever find out what happened to Nu-An (Yu-Ti) after he escaped at the end of Immortal Iron Fist?

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He appears in Secret Avengers in 2012 during Avengers vs X-Men because Bendis is a retard
>200 years ago, Yu-Ti gets visions of the phoenix force
>tells Lei Kung to train red-haired woman as Iron Fist to fight phoenix force
>present day, Lei Kung reads this in a book, with Yu-Ti watching over him

Bendis presents Nu-An as the current Yu-Ti because he's a dumbass that doesn't read other people's comics, and presents Lei Kung as a title instead of an immortal man's name because he's a dumbass that doesn't read other people's comics

sorry, it was New Avengers, not Secret Avengers

Has been this improved or is he still doing the same shit over at DC?

Search his name in the catalogue for a thread about one of his DC OCs and see for yourself.

Jesus, how many of them are there?

Hex is a legacy character, now?

Hippy Danny is the superior Danny look.

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I don't think the track suit is too bad. It would be infinity better if it was green and had a sash though.

Does this mean that Danny and Misty could get together again?

She's a terrible girlfriend
let Danny move on



>cheats on him
>dumps him when she's bored, knowing he'll always be there for her to go back if she wants it
she's a cunt
maybe if you actually read comics instead of reblogging your favourite ships on tumblr you'd know that

People have over 40 yrs worth of investment in this ship. They aren't gonna get Danisty go without a fight.

And what 10 before this storyline, before a writer tried to derail the train? There's a reason why people don't acknowledge it.

Suitable girlfriend replacement?

Hard Mode: No Colleen

One shit book written by Priest isn't enough to derail the entire pairing. Otherwise other prominent Marvel couples would be just as bad

Didn't Priest also give Danny cancer, and kill him off?

Clearly he had it out for him.

Sparrow or Joy Meachum would be fine here and there secondary relationships.

I would've said Brenda, but she's basically Joy Meachum redux.

Psylocke, so their rich, white, kung-fu master asses can make AAs implode with rage.

>Betty has the body of a Japanese chick, while Danny's is a white guy

Lets be honest that's all they care about.

This actually looks pretty damn good, does this prove to show they just needed to give Danny a costume, so he's stunt double could do his magic?


She ditched the jap body and is back to her old self because weird psychic stuff.

Oh, really? Is she still a ninja?

(Are people pissed about that?)

Whoever decided it thinks she needs to be extra british now and has her use a sword and shield, Kwannon got brought back to keep being the psychic ninja.

People are very pissed.

They've taken it further and she's going to be Captain Britain

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She was Captain Britain before she was Psylocke

Eh that was already a thing IIRC.

Shit taste

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The only way to make Shang Chi and Ironfist happen successfully is to make them both gay.

You mean so people didn't get buttmad over "Whitewashing".

Can't have a white girl using a katana, that's totes problematic, don't ya know!

That's Danny costume, not Danny casual.

>Can't have a white girl using a katana

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Tell that to Gwenpool

Fuck you, they are perfect for each other and we need more WMBF couples.

People conveniently forget Colleen is full Asian, including the writers of Iron Fist's most acclaimed run. At least Jeph Loeb and Scott Buck remembered for the show. Probably one of the only things they remembered about Iron Fist canon.

That was just one shitty book and hasnt been a canom in years.

I wanna see him with a knottop and a beard. I think he could pull it off the most.

Why were they pissed, if the Japanese chick is still around?

Because Kwannon is an irrelevant non-character and not an X-Man like Betsy. She's getting a book with other knock offs so maybe they'll calm down.

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in the Luke Cage s2 cameo he was pretty close to this. It gave us hope that he was gonna be better written in IF season 2.

He wasn't.

It was a mistake putting him on Netflix. Clearly they didn't have the budget or imagination to pull him off properly.

I am the Immortal Wu Assassin, protector of San Francisco and sworn enemy of the Wu.

I also have to fight Chibs from Sons of Anarchy to protect the pipeline for Yellow.

Quit making him a basic bitch fuckboy. Next you’re going to want drop-crotch pants and a leather wristband to go with his crystals.

Haha, no I don't. But, that sounds fucking hilarious.

Yet, she still has Psylocke's Power.
Is it residual?

Blame Loeb. Quick rundown
>Pitches a character with an outlandish and comicbook origin with a group of other three heroes that is more ‘grounded in reality’, that would need an appropriate budget to be done justice.
>Announces this with Iron Fist announced second in the lineup, but with no showrunner or actor chosen
>Have trouble locking down a suitable storyline, because Danny’s inherent mysticism keeps getting in the way, so you keep pushing Iron Fist back so he’s the last Defender
>Meanwhile, while you’re sorting out a way Iron Fist can be ‘more grounded’, an internet campaign spurned on by lack of Asian-American leads in the MCU aims to co-op him into said ethnicity, using a strawman of his origin story and using story elements that have since been re-conned from Danny’s story
>Campaign becomes that dominate, with article after article following the wake of the initial blogpost regurgitating that false character study, getting more distorted as it goes on that it forces your hand to include Asian-Americans in your casting process, even though it narratively doesn’t work for Danny
>The schedule of The Defenders means that you HAVE to get a showrunner now, to fulfill your contract with Netflix
>Hire the showrunner who’s known for his maligned run completing the once acclaimed show Dexter, because he knows how to get shows completed under budget and on time
>Cast the guy from GoT that’s known for his twink physique, and because he needs to be on set stat he doesn’t have time to turn into a thunk
>Danny is a martial arts based superhero, but only give your lead who has no martial arts training 10 MINUTES to train, before each scene
>Never give Danny a costume, so like in Daredevil he could be swapped in easily with his stunt double.

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>Asian-American actor that auditioned for Danny uses the show as a ‘come-up’, deliberately over inflating his presence, while simultaneously throwing your show and it’s lead actor under the bus.
>In the show itself has Danny come back to NYC as Danny Rand, instead of the Iron Fist, which perpetuates the narrative that he was just a trustfund kid that went to K’un-Lun on his fucking GAP YAH.
>Doesn’t know who murdered his parents (and, in this version even Loves Meachum), even though this is his sole motivation for becoming the Iron Fist in the first place was gaining vengeance for his parents' death, and then not following through with it, triggering character development and seeing him finally resume the identity of Danny Rand that got abandoned when when was nine. This in turn makes Netflix Danny Rand feel entirely aimless as a character that remains static.
>Completely fuck up the lore and attach the Iron Fist to The Hand
>Makes Joy and Ward into his family unit, instead of Colleen, Luke and Misty. Thraws the whole ‘White, rich guy having PoCs as his family’ theme and tries to subsume him back into White, bourgeois culture. Allowing Danny detractors to look right.
>Has his love interest be his Asian-American female friend that like a sister to him, that he’s famous for never having dated, despite the trope of the male MC falling in love with the first female character he interacts with into his girlfriend. Which to detractors sees Danny/Colleen as ‘Mighty Whitey with his obligltory Asian GF’ couple
>Show comes out and gets panned and is the biggest then flop in the MCU (Hello Inhumans), based on the shallow storyline, the underpar fight scenes and the actor being White
>Hangs the lead actor out to dry to defend his own presence as this character
>Makes Danny detrators look right, and gives Iron Fist fans that have been defending him since the smear campaign feel like they were collectively slapped in the face

Loeb has nothing to do with 90% of these, holy shit you don't know anything about how television is made. Fuck Loeb btw, I'll never forgive him for shoving his dead kid into Superman

>Gets a season 2, with a showrunner that’s a self-proclaimed Iron Fist stan. Overall a much better reception, but the damage is already done. To make matters worse Colleen is made Iron Fist and given the final fight against Davos, further pushing Danny out of his own narrative, to please people that wanted an Asian Iron Fist. The only solace Danny fans got is in the final scene of the show. Which is now that last we’ll ever see.

This is seriously probably the biggest mismanagement of a superhero property in Hollywood history
He gave a character with a small, yet dedicated fanbase, a rapid anti-fandom and turned him into Marvel’s Aquaman with a much worse reputation.

It makes me fear we’re never going to see a proper Iron Fist adaptation.

Luke Cage season two proved that this dude was perfect for the role of Danny Rand
kek no, season two was way worse than season one. The only season two of Netflix Marvel that was better than the first was Jessica Jones and even that was a flaming piece of shit

>Implying Danny couldn't rock it.

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Poor sod didn't even really get chance to prove himself.

IronFlix Danny was just a poor portrayal of his character arc in the 70's anyway.

>The head of Marvel's TV division having the choice to put the character with the DEEPEST LORE and budget onto Netflix

Really? Before Danny came out there were articles saying they didn't know what to do with him, showing for a time Loeb painting himself into a corner.

They fucked up his origin and motivations so Goddamed hard.

Thanks for proving you don't know shit more than you already have, here's your (You).

Is that show any good?

Iron Fist S2 had people saying it was better, but not by much.

>Loeb, who's the head of Marvel TV, who oversees all the shows and hires showrunners, looks over scripts and checks upon set
>Nothing to do with 90% of these

Who would you blame for these story choices, then?

>Danny has a top-knot
>drop-crotch pants
>leather wristband
>healing crystals
Smashing chakras and eating everyone’s avocados.

I've always thought Heroes for Hire would be a big property especially in an era where hip hop was big

Like if Black Panther with it's trap sound blew up, wouldn't audiences devour a H4H show?

He plays a big role in them seing as he's literally the head of Marvel TV and EP on all the shows. He was the one who chose Iron Fist for tv in the first place despite knowing what they were getting into.

>proved that this dude was perfect for the role of Danny Rand

he wasn't. He still looked like a twink and couldn't act. Neither could Mike Colter btw, who was miscast for his role as well.

The killing was on O'Neil's orders. It's a bit complicated.

>Colleen is full Asian
Half. Her mum is white, and she takes after her, hence the red hair.

It's basically Netflix Iron Fist mixed with Last Airbender. With all the Asian "Danny" complaints taken into consideration.

Acting and writing is absolutely terrible, but fight scenes are solid for the budget. At least main character isn't portrayed as an incompetent geek, which automatically makes it better.

Main character (Asian Danny) has quasi-family (The Meachums) he works with in a restaurant (Rand Enterprises) as a cook.

(The Meachums) are a brother and sister duo. Childhood friends of (Asian Danny). The brother is a druggie fuck-up (AKA Netflix Ward Meachum), the sister is the one taking care of the restaurant from a business standpoint for the most part and is (Asian Danny)'s love interest who also secretly fighting in a fight club (AKA Netflix Fusion of Colleen Wing and Joy Meachum).

That goober Lewis Tan is in this too as a regular role, who was an instigator in the AAIronfist stuff.

Actress from "Vikings" plays a detective, she's probably the best actor in this.

(Asian Danny) also has quasi-family member who appears to be evil at start have a redemption arc.

Chibs from Sons of Anarchy is in this as secret main antagonist.

He mother is japanese, her dad is american chinese.


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>and turned him into Marvel’s Aquaman with a much worse reputation

it was fucking terrible how badly he was portrayed and shat upon in the Defenders.

>Motorhead wasn't the soundtrack to the entire MCU

wasted opportunity honestly


>The scene with Mike Colter and Rosario Dawson in church

She acted RINGS around him, it was fucking embarrassing.

For what purpose?

Lol Someone add this to the request thread.

Heroes for Hire and Daughters of the Dragon could have been AMAZING franchises!

If Marvel didn't fuck it up...

Her mum's a jap, and Wing isn't a white name. Lee Wing's heritage is presumed Chinese.

>All this stuff could have been a coincidence

>Lewis Tan

I'm so glad that assface didn't get Shang-Chi.

For the love of God Jeph in current year, you make sure you get it right, right away.

And, you DON'T wait over 2 years to cast him, when everyone else has been cast. This all could have been avoided look at how Feige handled Dr. Strange casting.

He screwed the pooch royally and now Iron Fist is used as an example of what NOT to do. And, look what's happened to Danny's reputation. He's a fucking laughing stock. Fuck sake Loeb.

Folks, I'm sorry to say this.

The only way to save Danny, is to put him on the social victim hierarchy.

They need to make him gay. And not just a little bit gay, or only suddenly gay. But retconally gay, he never loved any woman he's been with romantically.

That means he wants to suck cock. Luke Cage's meaty, black cock. Shang-Chi's 1.5 incher. Fat Cobra's hidden schlong beneath those layers of fat.

Gay and White Danny Rand is the only future.

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So, #AAIronfist did that much damage to Danny's reputation, it fired up an Asian-American showrunner to create his own show?
This character doesn't even sound like an "Asian-American reconnecting back to his culture, using Kung-Fu", but I guess it doesn't matter anyway, because he's Asian. (Is the actor even American?)

The only hope we have is Shang-Chi being a runaway success, spawning multiple sequels (He's having his own 'Iron Fist style' backlash in China, so we'll see how Feige deals with that one.) An Asian Namor and a few years for the Netflix show to fade in people's mind.

Considering both Brisson run and the online run have Danny spitting in the face of people saying he stole the Iron Fist, I think Marvel is actually standing their ground with Danny.

Danny and Luke already have a lot of sexual tension between them honestly.

Iko Uwais, an Indonesian, of "Raid" fame plays the main character.who is Chinese-Indonesian in the story.

Created by 2 white guys, one of "Hell on Wheels" Fame.

I'd take it if Jessica fucks off.

>What did Luke Cage actually mean by this?

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Thanks for putting "Danny" in quote marks. Everyone should know they didn't want Danny, that's why they kept strawmanning the FUCK out of Danny's origin.

Good. He's probably the most social conscious white character out there and the slandering of his character and potential has been completely unfair. However, that's in the comics, it remains to be seen if Marvel will cowtow to naysayers if Danny ever got a live action reboot down the line.

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>The only time Danny and Misty are together and happy is when they're teenagers in an Avengers mobile game.

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>The man with unbreakable skin tops for the guy literally named Iron Fist
not buying it

Danny's a twink compared to Luke. I can only see him doing it as a special occasion.

Can someone more versed in Iron Fist lore please redpill me about the H'ylthri?

And, how the hell is it pronounced?


it will be 2056 and they will continue to do NOT!zombie stuff

Oh, hey, Nate!


>Settles for Jessica fucking Jones, because he got her up the duff.


... And now it's over.

They should just confirm her Chinese-American father has an Irish ancestor, and the red hair skipped a gene. Keeps her as a natural Asian redhead, which along with her white and blue jumpsuit/leathers combo is important part of her visual iconography.

Just confirm it so people don't end up getting confused like Fraction and Brubaker.

Wasn't she brunette in the original runs?

No, I don't believe so.

What else has Brisson written?

I've only read Lemire's Iron Fist, is there anything else thats good Yea Forums?

Lemire wrote Iron Fist?

Read his original run, extending into Heroes for Hire. Mary Jo Duff's run is good fun. You can leave out the 90's stuff, unless you read want to read everything Iron Fist. Immortal Iron Fist, controversial choice, but read Rage and see what you think. There also the current Brisson run.

Bare in mind when you read, you'll see Danny's personality move all over the place, some personality changes will make sense, some not so much...

>Imagine being Finn Jones thinking you're being given the role any actor coverts. A role in the MCU
>Empathize with Danny rand on a personal level because you're both adopted orphans that want a place of belonging
>Get hounded as soon as you get the role
>Hit piece after hit piece picking on the character and by extension yourself
>Go dark on Twitter, but attempt to answer a "fan's" question to calm her down, this in turn launches another attack on you, you delete your Twitter account
>Don't have adequate time to prepare
>Actor you worked with trashing you behind your back and befriending said girl
>Reviews come out that trash your show. >Some legitimate criticisms, but leveled between journalists who had extreme vitriol over you being white
>Get media promotion cut short, because of all the negative attention
>Has to be seen if it's adversely affected your career

I feel sorry for that poor cunt. :(

Was his run recent?