Elsa is a psychotic bitch and Anna is a immature idiot, it’s obvious they can’t rule arandel, Hans is a good leader (he gives clothes and food to the people in need because he cares about them) Anna it’s too stupid to understand how to be a queen and Elsa is a coward that runs away when any little trouble appears
Arandel will fall into shit with this government
Hans was the hero of the story
I doubt Arendelle was an absolute monarchy, especially with such a young queen. The previous regent, the nobles, and Elsa’s advisors would probably help her out for a couple of years if need be after the whole Hans thing.
>Hans was the good guy! He was right to annex Greenland--I mean, Arendel!
Be subtler. (And have sex.)
Found a right wing. Elsa and Anna had their parent's ministers helping them. They kept on helping. But all he cared about was power. The second he saw weakness he took them down. If he was smart he would have befriended Elsa and found away to make her into a weapon.
>he gives clothes and food to the people in need because he cares about them
I liked the 'trolls are evil' theory more
uh huh, yeah, this is truly the face of a caring and benevolent leader doing what must be done
Where's the like button on this stupid website?
Anyway I REALLY liked your post Anonymous!
Even if you don't have an original name :p
I’ll have sex with Hans
Hansfags are the worst because they’re not even memeing at least part of the time. They’re all serious
Replace Hans with Hans Gruber
Does he make the movie better?
It really isn't believable for him to be such a heel-turn villain. The mother fucker risked his own life fighting an ice elemental to save the princess. This is probably the first time he's ever seen anything like it and he doesn't bat and eye before jumping in. That's not something a villain would do.
>takes clothes from private enterprises and gives them to people for free
>hot soup from a government building
Hans is a filthy socialist, that's what he is. If he came to power, Arendelle would turn into a bloated nanny state with an underwater social security scheme and ever increasing taxes to pay for populist tax and spend scheme. But thanks to the glorious intervention of her Majesty, all citizens of Arendelle enjoy the freedom of the free market, where the strong corporations survive and the weak die off.
The inivisble hand of the market will bring prosperity to Arendelle, unlike your commie socialist Hans. Hail the queen of the free market!
What the fuck did I just read
do you not know how to read?
But Elsa used her powers to provide everyone with free ice, thus destroying Arendelle's ice harvesting industry through nationalized handouts.
Now get off Yea Forums, that horse shit isn't going to shovel itself.
>does a better villain make a movie better
Gee, user. I don't know.
If you think meme is a verb you seriously need to rethink your life
His character was just ruined by stupid writing.
Are you stupid? How is it not right wing to have a hereditary monarchy and unelected elites running the country? Hans was a step up
No it wasn't. Despite what Yea Forums would tell you Hans was always a bad guy, even in the early scripts when Elsa was still a villain. The only difference is that early Hans was a complete moron.
Oh no no no no
Exactly, you get it.
>We are in a reality where killing a literal monster is bad
>He thinks THIS is a monster
This desu, it made no sense to me, why would he bother risking his life if he was going to kill her anyway?
He should've tried harder to woo Elsa. This ship is comfy.
The south sends regards
I liked the part when he transformed into a giant ice wolf.
>Disney forbids Nomura from having Anna or Elsa be party members or bosses
>Nomura just fucking turns Hans into a legendary Ice Wolf who sends the fucking moon hurtling towards the planet in a last ditch effort to make the world memorable
>>Disney forbids Nomura from having Anna or Elsa be party members or bosses
Heard that game was kind of a shitshow, at least in regards to that part. why were they so anal about those two specifically?
That is some elder god level retardation. Elsa was fucking tailor made to be a vidya character.... I can't even.
Hans was a boring villain. He didn't even get a song or epic moment.
>After all these years, Helsafags still aren't exterminated
As a foreigner, he has no right to the throne. It's that simple.
Helsa is Zutara by proxy.
I love the ship, I want him back, but come on now, fire powers are everywhere in this fanship's shit, he's a prince like Zuko out for glory, you know damn well what itch this is scratching. You want a boy who 'plays with fire' that you can cool with pretty ice powers.
Granted, sooner or later, you're all going to meme magic a decent story with that going down, and I too want it to happen but we have to admit what's fueling this somewhat. Maybe then the ship can either die in the cradle, or we can make something decent of the emotions behind it and rekindle drama demons from two fandoms since passed, giving these threads the fuel to last until November.
"Fire powers" Hans is retarded. But I felt Helsa the first time I watched when Hans was interacting with Elsa in her ice palace "Don't be the monster they think you are!" and she responds to it, and then he saves her. Then they threw all that away and made him a retardedly stupid saturday morning cartoon villain.
Does anyone know where I can find a recording of the Denver preview of the Frozen stage musical? I really want to know what "Hans of the Southern Isles (Reprise 2)" sounds like.
Sis...I was a hardliner at first too...but time has soothed the wounds and I read some great smut
It’s hilarious how he could have probably easily won either sister’s hand by just NOT deciding to randomly try to kill them
Well the alternative is that everyone in the kingdom dies a horrible death because an evil ice witch cursed the land and everyone within it. Yea he was doing what must be done for the good of all right here.
Makes me want to bash my head into the wall. Disney missed such a great opportunity to show that someone can be completely wrong but not evil. Hans could've been trying to be the hero, trying to save Anna and everyone else in Arendelle from what he thought was a threat. He could've tried to get Elsa to turn it off, and then, when she couldn't, he could've thought there was no other way but to kill her, believing that he was the hero and heroes act. Anna steps in and stops him and everything proceeds like it did in the movie, sans face punch.
>DUDE what if the handsome prince was EVIL
What a waste
Link to any good fics?
I think frozen is a Make it up - Delete it - make it up again , for many time before the final version as you can see
before that Duke of Weselton is high rank officer who is the temporary king before his successor become a queen.
and before that if we connect Frozen to Tangled, Elsa is an adopt child from Corona Empire (aka, Germany) , So .. technically Anna is the real successor.
that why Duke of Weselton and Han can command Elsa soldier at the first place
Real dark ? Yes but It is More fun to think about this cartoon.
It's a bummer cause they have four party member slots in KH3 so you could have done more interesting things like having Hans be a party member at first and Elsa a boss only to switch it around, but they just didn't do that.
Pixar worlds generally speaking do take advantage of the extra slots.
I mean she probably killed a lot of people with that snow storm. God knows the wildlife was probably fucked.
>If he was smart he would have befriended Elsa and found away to make her into a weapon.
This is why I love Helsa. The idea of him being just a little bit smarter and exploiting the fuck out of Elsa's emotional baggage to become a warlord is delicious.
>Not choosing to be the hero, grabbing your sword, and killing the witch to save a kingdom
Without Hans Elsa wouldn't've turned the kingdom back to normal
Also the trolls clearly forced him to become evil
He thought Elsa could fix it. Once he asks her to do so when she's chained up and she straight-up says that she does not know what the fuck she's doing, he figures killing her might fix it.
A fellow brother at arms. Indeed, one day those Arendellian half wits shall know the truth and we shall bring freedom from their ice witch!
The trolls caused Hans downfall
>You will never love your Disney husbando so much that you buy his coat for those cold Arendelle winters
It's also lined with screenshots of his face.
Listen who would you want as your monarch? A douchebag like Hanz, or a superpowerful ice witch that can literally control the fucking weather. Imagine ALWAYS having a tactical advantage over any oncoming force because there always happens to be a fucking BLIZZARD blowing directly from the perimeter of the kingdom.
Now imagine that witch not giving a fuck about you and preferring to let you freeze to death or starve because she is afraid of her feewies. Also no one knows Elsa because she spends all her time in the castle, and an absent monarch makes a country stagnate, slowly killing its people.
Elsa did that without bating an eye. Her citizens should give those monarchs the guillotine, sell Anna as a breeding sow and get under Corona's protection. They can be of use to the superior monarchs such as Fredrick and princess Rapunzel.
Duke Weselton as a manipulator villain trying to be the power behind the throne convincing an increasingly desperate Hans to take more and more drastic action as the blizzard continues and Anna slowly dies and he's unable to help her, ultimately culminating in him trying to kill Elsa wouldn't have been that difficult. It was so easy for them to have set Hans up as a tragic villain and instead just had him turn evil out of nowhere. Also they could have modified Fixer Upper, a song with an already unpleasant subtext, into a villain number where Weselton cajoles Hans to marry Anna (over his own second thoughts now that he's actually had time to interact with her and see her as an actual person) and seize the throne.
I just can’t buy Weselton as a villain. Maybe if he lost the mustache.
I think Hans is quite literally Disneys first incel.
that would explain his popularity on Yea Forums. :-/
Frollo came before Hans, zoomer
>Fixer Upper being sung for Hans in regards to Anna
Fund this shit
>Implying that he wanted the girl and not the sweet sweet title
His only incel-tier moment was taking the gloves off and revealing himself to Anna without killing her, my nigga believed too much in the ice cancer
>You know, maybe I shouldn't marry the girl I met just a couple hours ago. I don't really know much about her or her personality, and what I do know points to her being headstrong and kind of an idiot.
>Nah, bro, it's just a little tard wranglin', you gotta tap that and get the crown.
All I know is that come November 22nd, there's gonna be a fuckton of Hansfags on suicide watch when they realize he's no longer part of the story. He's history.
>bug eyed baby-faced succubus alien creature
>not a monster
Disney villains have been redeemed in sequels before
>His twelve brothers will be mentioned, but not Hans himself
A guy who is willing to lie, sacrifice lives and kill innocent people to get rich and powerful.
Two good, honest and selfless girls … but they're too naive and overemotional. So let's vote for the liar and manipulator dirtbag. He 'll work for the good of the people.
Hans is straight-up evil
uh huh, yeah, this is truly the face of a cruel and hard-hearted murderer being evil
It literally is! His conniving ass just saw a hapless retard to prey upon
>yfw Jennifer Lee explained that this is him realizing he has a vulnerable target because Anna has no self esteem
>They're making a sequel
>Hans is not in it but some random shitty new characters are
Why do you keep rubbing it in, user
Considering how all the flowers started blooming again the moment she ended the winter, everything's probably fine.
You may need to get your eyes checked.
Frozen 2 is less than 100 days away. It's happening bros.
Did he even know who she was at this point?
This was after she says "It's just me" and something about it being good that he didn't bump into her sister, who she name-drops before screaming about being late to the coronation.