Soo...if all new cartoons feature lesbians...and the daria reboot is coming out soon (i hope) that means...?

soo...if all new cartoons feature lesbians...and the daria reboot is coming out soon (i hope) that means...?

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>the daria reboot is coming out soon (i hope)
Why would you do this to yourself?

im a glutton for punishment

dariafags are another breed

more importantly, will they make her more autistic?

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it means that Daria is lesbian and dates a black guy and in every episode she argues with the token racist/misgysonist white guy character (she wins every argument)

Daria and Jane should kiss

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>dates a black guy
if youre going to spew this garbage at least have it make sense

>more autistic

Deep down Daria was all about waifubait
The reboot would be the same

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silly user, waifus are for the east!

this. everytime i see an image of that bitch i can only imagine a mild breeze going through her skirt and then the entire room smelling like white mackerel.

Daria was literally the Watamote of its time. Except with a higher opinion of herself.

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Daria herself is a hard maybe. Jane munches mad carpet though.

Yeah people would be okay with that. But Dotiy isn't going to be that great. It's already someone else's project. It was going to be a reboot but now it's following the x generation after college. I think it's funny how they aren't using the old cast.

Reminder to check out the Fan Remasters with the fixed Soundtrack.

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Except they aren't in it


in my 7 years in the fandom i have never once understood this point. always thought it was the other way around.

>never had a boyfriend, and then when she had one she was cold and in-affectionate towards him and REALLY didnt want to have sex with him, aversion to presenting traditionally feminine, constantly talks about “feeling different”, future cat lady, extremely close female friend

>just a normal alt chick whos kinda cynical and has a fairly normal social life and is actively interested in men

See it like a band-aid, the sooner it happens the sooner you can stop giving a shit.

underrated comment

>>just a normal alt chick whos kinda cynical and has a fairly normal social life and is actively interested in men


Jane literally was hit on by another female artist at the art boot-camp in the movie "Is it Fall Yet?" Jane was on the assumption that they were all there to work on their art. Not fake it just to sleep around for nepotism. Literally a redpilled look at the art scene and how academic art schools or the art world itself are really a scam but should only be served to learn about technique and the process.

why does it seem like the loyalty tracks were put in for like 5 seconds originally? really shows how MTV was with non-music shows back then.
I'm sure the original soundtrack went to the international releases of the show including the handful of foreign dubs it got

black hair brittany was prime waifu

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original darias had a lesbian subplot
it was actually good
it was actually offensive
to the left

>big tiddy goth gf

Or you could just not give a damn because it stinks like hell.

I have both versions now, but there I remember many segues that just stuck with me. It might have been the nostalgia attached to those scenes and the musical landscape at the time period So it can be jarring when rewatching old episodes and not feeling that same click.

Rather it was intentional or not that MTV inserted those musical segues into the scene transitions in order to promote their music in their programming. It stuck to many fans of the show and those fans wanted to restore the original scores that go to those scenes. Personally, I can go either way.

There have only been a few instances were not hearing the original soundtrack has affected my nostalgia for the show. That would only be because of some old recordings of the show I had on VHS I would have probably rewatched while in highschool. Although it is nice to be able to have both versions of the show, as originally aired.

At that point you probably should care and get some disinfectant and maybe see a doctor honestly, which is also something you should do soon. The sooner the show airs the sooner it becomes Old News and people will stop bitching/fapping to it.

Brittany was my second favorite character. She was cute and sexy. While also being a stereotypical cheerleading ditz and a bit shallow. She wasn't a bad person on the inside and had good intentions.

unironic fpbp

yes black gf is confirmed

thank god

hot Jane is hot

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jane jane is also hot

She's so skinny. It's like she'd break in half if you put her in a mating press that's kinda hot

Jane was one of the best characters in the show.

athlete jane is hot

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daily reminder to dariafags that she looked like this in bab

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The episode where she low-key blew Daria out over her hang-up on being "above" physical appearance was her star moment.

Most of the rest of the time she's just a silly cartoon, though. Doesn't fit with the more serious parts of the show.

Motivated Jane is hot.

yes, yes she is

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That dumpy frumpy misery girl got a spinoff.

are “dariafags” even a thing? despite being the titular character she really isnt anyones waifu

diarrhea cha cha cha

>mfw no qt monotonous bookish gf

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Don’t know why people enjoy this show, it’s just Rick and Morty for girls.

I thought it was cool that the Lanes, a family of weirdos, actually embodied stereotypical suburban family values much better than, say, Daria's family. They had a lot of kids (instead of limiting the family size due to money concerns), several of whom are following in their footsteps as weirdo artists (passing vocational tradition down), and Jane at 15 or 16 has already learned basic childcare from helping out with an older sibling's kids (in-family experiential education). She'd be well equipped to have kids of her own in her early 20s, the sane time to do it although they turned her into a childless NYC stereotype in that "20 years later" thing.

There was that late-series episode where all the Lanes got together and they kind of hated each other, though, so maybe it doesn't work so well. Too bad, it seemed like a good satire of upper-middle-class American values without it being shallow counter-cultural rejectionism.

Its funny, almost suits her better then how she was drawn in her actual show

Daria being homely doesn't fit with her personality in the full series. It's not that she's incapable of taking part in society, it's that she rejects it. This is why her briefly copying Quinn in that one episode is a cool piece of characterization rather than just a goofy sitcom gag.

Too much of this series was just goofy sticom stuff, by the way.

I meant in the way that half her dialogue with other characters is just them calling her ugly, so it actually makes sense for her to be...yknow...unattractive?

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>that time period where I saved every bit of Daria porn I could find

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Because the same fandom ship Daria with Trent

dont remind me

they are all long gone

many moons ago with my fried HDs

dead pixels in the sky user

Yeah, I was one of those fans.


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why are daria threads always filled with trannies

Not everyone is a tranny over the internet faggot, and not every poster on Yea Forums(nel) is a faggot, user.

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Daria always struck me as someone who would get depression

>not every poster on Yea Forums(nel) is a faggot, user.
Now that's where you are wrong, faggot.

>implying she didn't

From what I read about the reboot, I’m probably gonna skip it and watch the old show again.

NEETs are pretty useless, so you're not wrong.

She was also pretty normal, personality-wise, and was only cynical inasmuch as she had to go to school with Beavis and Butthead. She wasn't the misanthropic misery-guts she became on her own show.

shes gonna have a nigger gf

You mean Jodie?


Women are just decoration again, he

i LOVE it when Yea Forumstards seethe over cartoon women that arent fuckable to them

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>not being man enough to fuck the dyke
Truly the real incels of society.

she kills herself in the reboot

more like
>being man enough to realize womens value isnt based on whether or not you find them desirable

B&B Daria is my waifu because she was this incredibly plain looking, terribly dressed lonely and chill chick. Daria Daria is just awful.

Can't you just off yourself accidentally in embarrassing sexual accident like normal people? Why must you shit on my childhood for your sick perversions?

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this lol

They did a deathmatch of the two yet? Only flip side if not.

so many samefags

you know what it means user

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>thread about a 90s MTV toon only has a handful of posters than anything new airing right now
Holy shit user, how did you figure it out?!

>posting 4d women on Yea Forums

This but unironic.

sad she wasnt a lardass in her own show

In BAB I only remember the assholes interacting with her, so looks wouldn't matter regardless.

In her own show the characters always just said she had a lot of potential if she would only conform to standard female looks a little more. At the sametime, its later revealed that a lot of characters admire her for her seemingly gloomy characteristics and give no fucks about what others think in the death episode

Show really works on a lot of levels and would probably piss off everybody if done the exact same today.

who the fuck are you. why do you keep doing this

but thats just a theory, a game theory

Thanks for Watching.


this thread does NOT need to have this many replies holy shit

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cringe spideyposter

I don't need to stick my dick on the skillet to know it'll burn it.

Likewise its painfully obvious /pol/, clickbait, and outrage culture would hurt themselves if 90s Daria popped out today taking a swing at everything.

but its not the 90s...90s daria doesnt exist

How retarded are you?

Daria isn't a lesbian, she just distrusts men thanks to Butthead. Didn't you watch the Beavis and Butthead christmas special?

When will the "let's reboot it but much much worse" era end?

What would /pol/ get mad at?

women existing

Yeah I kind of wished she and Daria had a drunken hook up

no, i didnt

I say jane is super gay because of her absolute fixation with Maria. There are tons of moments in the show where Jane will legit do a 180 just to please daria and she has canonically had a sexual orientation crisis.Keep in mind that in "is it fall yet" the crisis about her sexuality, which is only resolved by daria saying that she liked jane better when she knew who she was I.e her straight best friend. The icing on the cake is that she literally lets daria off the hook for scumbagging her and stealing tom, even though daria continued to date him. I'm pretty sure at one point jane even says that part of the reason she liked tom. Not to mention how eager she seemed to set daria up with her older brother. Jane might not be a full on lesbo but she definitely likes daria in a special way

When great movie crash comes along.

its kinda funny how the two guys that were their main love interests were kinda just the male version of eachother. tom is a snarky, deadpan brunette who dresses plainly and has an affinity for classic literature. trent is still that stonery art type, and probably has similar bone structure to jane. just a thought

>what is friendship

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lul imagine daria reboot comes out and /pol/ is just threads saying shit like DARIA GOT BLACKED

Does platonic friendship really entail consistently giving up opportunities for social improvement or sacrificing things that make you happy just to keep their approval. I mean cannonically speaking Jane is willing to do relatively extreme things to please those she really likes. Remember that time she changed her entire wardrobe just to impress that weird guy? Now maybe its just low self esteem on the part of jane which I do think is a factor. But the whole is it fall incident and the line about tom, plus a few other things like her dream school being a.convenient drive away from.Daria make me believe that there Jane might like Daria as more than a friend. However I am 100% convinced that Daria is straight so I don't ship the two together or anything.

what a cuck

>more like
>>being man enough to realize womens value isnt based on whether or not you find them desirable
Thanks for the laugh, babe. Now shut up and suck my dick.

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its ok man, you can just say you think jane is a dyke, we wont judge you


this lol. people say shes hot but in real life her hair would be caked in grease and she’d have a mask of cystic acne.

so shes a femanon?

worse, an unironic wojak poster.

Daria was a sex symbol of my youth. Waifufagging is sapiofagging anyway.

probably an e/lit/e

I wouldn't say jane is a full on dyke. Probably just a bi girl who likes daria as more than a friend

>be me
>roastie sister
>parents favorite, gets all the guys because shes a whore
>even though i have a collection rare pepes and i read hegel
what do i do robros?

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probably a horse fucker.

or even worse...she posts on Yea Forums

>no, im not a girl, discord tranny

she calls jodie a reddit nigger

>randomly leaves a link just to start drama
nothing personal anonymous.

I think the '40s thing with that guy was just a fun lark for Jane. One of the things that started to sour it was him looking down on people who did it just for fun.

Her getting over Daria stealing Tom was foreshadowed by things not going that well with him in the first place and was a way for the writers to threaten the core concept of the leads' friendship without actually destroying it.

makes numerous threads on how lolita isnt a classic and is misogynistic

she is:

She's like, anti-autistic. Every episode is about her dissecting and discussing social norms.

That's what smart people with autism would do. Since they don't have an instinct for social interactions they have to analyse them consciously while normie don't really understand what they are doing and why, they just do it naturally.

image fixed

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shes an unironic sperg?

this thread has and inane amount of replies considering how niche the topic is

thanks user

>the state of Yea Forums...

they did in my version

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i really cant tell whether youre a 14 year old lesbian or a guy in his late 20s who blows his load to teenagers

take a guess user

>implying trent and jane are similar in any way past being family

best post

pest bost

yall bored? lol

rip another daria thread.

miss obama its been a pleasure

But the original series already had that one bisexual girl chasing after Jane

Brittany and Kevin canonically get the best ending.
>“The head cheerleader and quarterback of Lawndale High are married and have three girls and two boys. Brittany is the weathergirl at the local news station and moonlights as part-time cheerleading coach at Lawndale High. Kevin is a stay-at-home dad who dabbles in children’s birthday-party entertainment. While he can’t quite squeeze into his belly-baring uniform anymore, you better believe Brittany’s cheerleading uniform fits her like a glove — and she wears it every Halloween.”

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kinda sweet honestly

maybe brittanyfags are righ


ok canonnigger

Dariaposters should be gassed. You guys are invidious

holy shit this thread is based

>Daria confrirmed Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

lul wut

in the reboot shes a tranny whos voiced by that one twitch faggot with the stupid hair


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>hey guys, darian here, and today we’re going to be taking a look at cringe redditors

nice way to ruin an actually amusing thread jackass


Jane actually got to explore her sexuality in "Is it Fall Yet?"

She's straight as an arrow

lul ok

Reminder that in "Is it Fall Yet?" Jane herself confirms she's straight

she doesnt though. she sorta contemplates her sexuality and then just drops it entirely

ayy lmao

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she'll be transgender

>it's announced that the Daria sequel will be "Daria & Jodie"
>racists get assblasted that Jodie gets a spotlight
>normie Daria fans get assblasted that it's not "Daria & Jane" or just "Daria"
>now it's just "Jodie," but there are going to be multiple TV shows in the "Daria universe"

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ok instagram nigger

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Being a lesbian would be what people would expect of her, so she wouldn't be one

its a thing about how theres nothing wrong with being a stereotype and its everyone elses fault for thinking you being one is wrong

>Daria was at least a sophomore in college in season 1 because Quinn was a freshman
>Daria 100% looked like a cis woman
>meaning if she were a trans woman, she would have to have been one of those people that transitioned at age 5
>5 year olds transitioning in the fucking 1980s
you perverts thought you were going to masturbate to the feminine penis, but have fun with your masculine vagina

no she’ll be the other type of tranny. instead of chopping off your dick you chop off your hair and ask people to call you a man

>sophmore in college
>80% of show takes place in highschool
user i think your math is off

new beavis and butthead episodes when?

meant high school

I think highschool is called college in shithole countries

feminine penis daria > canon darias crusty unwashed unshaved bean-flicked vagina

You’re standing on my feminine penis.
Sick riff

Hope we get a “I don’t really know what counts as lesbian sex” episode

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only good post


Never becuase MTV already fucked up with the reboot years ago.

such a samefag circlejerk. jane wouldnt want to fuck you, degenerates

Kind of In a way. First the reboot was announced. Then a few months later it was announced the show would focus on Daria and Jodie. Then they announced the show would be called Daria and Jodie while writing Jane completely out of the show. A year later they announce the show will be staring Jodie and Daria is written out of it. They didn't hire back any of the cast and instead hired someone else to make it. Now she the calling the shots and is the one who forced all of these changes. The show now follows Jodiy after college and into her first job.

was it that one amy tumor writer that was hired on?

That's the best possible outcome really

Used to like this show. Bough it on dvd and never watched it.

the only valid response

>"I totally wasn't like Daria in high school, I-I was the Jane"
t. Darias in denial

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man what? literally no one is like that in this thread

joke stolen from old /pol/ thread about reboot. nice try user

>replying to a robot soimen

R*ddt*rs are cringe so he is right about that.

Comments like these make me wonder if anyone who claims to like Daria has ever watched the show.

Don't get me wrong, they are kind of cute together, but there's like a whole episode toward the end of the show that turns on one of Jane's classmates incorrectly assuming she's lesbian/bi, hitting on her and being turned down. And when she's turned down she pressures Jane to reconsider and "just try it" and she's like "yeah, no, that's rapey".