Are you fine and dandy Yea Forums?

Are you fine and dandy Yea Forums?

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More depressed and apathetic.

Like sour candy.

Not all the time, but at least I'm not Connor.

Somedays I am feeling fine, but not dandy. Other days I've been dandy, but not fine.

so did the endless Ikea store plot just get dropped or what? why does this fucker work so goddamn slow?

He literally broke his ass and is still recovering. He made a new video recently to try and tithe people over until he can get back on track.

I miss triceratops adventures. All this SCP mumbo jumbo is trite nonsense.

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'K. Nobody cares.

Ah yes, SCP: The teenager drama

Oh was there a new episode since the ikea scp.

Aside from literally breaking his ass, he doesn't work with an actual animation tool, instead he uses fucking Sony Vegas to animate.

After infinite IKEA, three shorts were made since.

more confused and melancholy

Connor is probably in his 20's or so. Not really a teen.

>every episode thus far has been standalone
>two part episode

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any feet pics of him?

dont worry guys im totally still working in my amazing second part of the ikea episode which will be totally amazing its really going to happen because im making it happen because how amazing it will be, meanwhile you can watch this shorts i made which i worked really hard on, where is ikea part 2 you ask? not done yet because im working superhard on them since its so amazing, meanwhile you can enjoy these shorts i worked so hard on to finish in time for you to watch while you wait for the amazing second part of ikea thats taking so long because its amazing and im working really hard on

I am neither fine nor dandy.

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those shorts almost all either re-use old footage or very simple scenes that are easy to make and shit out the door. They're either static pan shots or silhouettes.

I tried to watch an episode. I didn't get it.

Connor's a prisoner that engages in horrible experimentation that exploits powers that he doesn't want or understand, but his social life could be worse.

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We need Connor in a test with the cum goblin.

Angry but happy.

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Even with that, two of the shorts use what they have very, very well.

I hope the evil door-to-door salesman shows up again someday.

Helps that she's really into sex with anomalies, too.