So when is the Rocket Power Netflix original?

So when is the Rocket Power Netflix original?

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Holy shit I remember seeing this image in a Nickelodeon magazine special where they showed several cartoons grown up. I think it was because of All grown up?


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I think there was Arnold and Gerald and they looked like hipsters. I think there were two more cartoons, but idk since it must have been 13 years ago when I used to read it.

the fuck is wrong with Squid's legs?

Ok in the wikia it says the name of the article if anyone can find it:

>anyone wanting a fucking Rocket Power reboot of all things

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who said anything about Reboot? just a a closure treatment like Rock, Samurai Jack, and Zim got.

It already had closure when Otto’s dad married that Hawaiian chick

He skips leg day

Which of them is the gay one?

Obviously Reggie.

>Reggie's in print media

if you need closure for a cartoon you watched 20 years ago you should probably just kill yourself because I can't imagine life has been kind to you

>Squid grows up to the a megachad
>Otto ends up being a washed up nobody loafer

This will never stop being aesthetic as fuck

Is all that good.

Nah I think Sam is the gay one.
Maybe Otto and Twister had a bi fling too.

He took over his dads Surf shop. That isn't really washed up.

Who is that semen demon with the orange background?

His dad didn't had a Surf shop you retard, he had a restaurant.

I'll bring closure by offering you as a sacrificial tribute to my Tito shrine.

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You mean that place constantly teetering on the edge of bankruptcy? Yeah, thats washed up. Plus he wasnt even half the man his father was.

sorry meant for

>not Tito and Raymundo

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Like the acient hawaians used to say "Watch closely before throwing the coconut at someone"

His dad surf shop couldn't sustain itself, the restaurant was his actual business.

>the restaurant was his actual business.
How long would an Otto managed shoreshack last with Otto's immeasurable hatred for Shoobies?

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Ray got married to a hawaian woman in the final episode.

if they could make Ralph "Rachel" then they can do anything.

Ralph was obviously gay since day one in the show.

He had both.

>Otto and Reggie live with their strict-but-loving dad, Ray "Raymundo" Rocket (John Kassir), who along with his best friend and business partner, retired surfer and self-styled philosopher Tito Makani (Ray Bumatai), owns and operates the Shore Shack, a restaurant and surf shop where the gang usually hang out.
>a restaurant and surf shop where the gang usually hang out.
>and surf shop


was this for real?

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Are there more scans of it online?

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this argument has no winners.

You can talk to animals and get them to do the fucking conga but you still can't beat Nigel for popularity? Is it because people just like seeing him be a dipshit and getting hurt?

Update: He got stingray’d :(

>Donnie's face
Holy shit I am dying.

Remember when the Squid totally beefed it?

It’s all about the energy. Bringing up Steve Irwin is a good example. He wasn’t some amazing animal handler or zoologist, but shit, he was fun as fuck to watch.

>Is it because people just like seeing him be a dipshit and getting hurt?
uhh yes?

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No real interest but I'd sell a kidney for a little more As Told By Ginger where they disregard the current ending and undo the implications of Ginger/Darren and don't leave Courtney's story at JUST

Nigel has a legacy following that she probably won't inherit until he retires.

>you now remember that donnie was voiced by Flea

The guy's been on the air since before Eliza was born. He's had two decades to become a household name. Eliza's show is likely only able to come close to competing with it because of her father's name.

>the writers hated Otto so they made him grow up to be a loser

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Tito climbed into Reggie's room and immediately punched her in the face, knocking her out cold. Upon awakening Reggie found herself bound and gagged to a chair. Tito was naked, standing in front of her with a big Hawaii boner staring her in the face. "As the ancient Hawaiians used to's time for a dicking!"


Nick should surprise everyone with a Real Monsters Netflix original instead, since there was allegedly a movie in production back then anyways

Oblina’s VA is dead.

Shoot I completely forgot about that

But then again, we are getting another Rugrats TV show and live-action movie, so maybe just get Chuckie's current VA to do her?

Source before everyone thinks I believe Timbox:

Jesus Christ, since no one can C&P apparently, here’s what the fanwiki said:
>In an article called "The Next Nicktoons" in Nickelodeon Magazine Presents All Grown Up!: Angelica Turns Lucky 13, it features artwork of the "adult version" of Nicktoon characters. As an adult, Reggie becomes conglomerate to "The Zine".
It was released in August 2004 but I can’t find if this was just another issue of Nickelodeon Magazine or if it was a a special one off.

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He totally beefed it, that's why.