>8 million intake from a 38 million budget.
>critically panned
>most didn't even know it's based on a comic
Seriously, what was DC thinking?
>8 million intake from a 38 million budget.
>critically panned
>most didn't even know it's based on a comic
Seriously, what was DC thinking?
>comic: hot trio of femme fatales
>movie: dumpy old women
They removed most of the selling point.
Wow it's almost like DC is box office poison or something
But hey look on the brightside DCucks turns out DC is BETTER than Marvel at something
I mean you never hear a Marvel movie called a massive bomb and one of the worst movies of the year. In fact I bet you guys that this will win more razzie awards then Marvel could ever dream of which they have to do since none of their movies will ever be even so much as nominated for them.
I couldn't tell if it was comedy, drama, or dramedy, from the trailers.
Essentially, DC is trying to branch out beyond just cape films. The problem is that in doing so, they chose a niche product, then proceeded to remove everything that made said product interesting.
>DC is trying to branch out beyond just cape films.
because they know they can't compete
>2 Posters
We get it, you hate DC.
I don't even know what the fuck this is
Funny how these idiots are acting like this is some DC Universe movie like Man Of Steel. It's a fucking Vertigo book. To these Yea Forums casuals, there's no other comics than DC with Superman and Marvel with Iron man.
This was a Vertigo book. Hell. I think it was a NuVertigo book from after Karen Berger left. The producers at Warners made sure they got the rights... and they royally fucked it up. Too bad because I like some of the creators on it. It looks like it was a decent book, but I couldn't be bothered with NuVertigo because Waners neutered it all so they could use it as a launchpad for movies. Clearly it failed. Vertigo doesn't even exist anymore.
Just being based on a comic book isn't enough to sell a movie.
I haven't seen anything about this movie anywhere, nor a trailer. Its like it was just made and thrown into theaters to sink or swim with 0 hype or attempt to generate interest.
What is even the premise?
You act like this is new. They've been doing that for over a decade:
> Constantine (2005), based on the (John Constantine): Hellblazer series of comics.
> A History of Violence (2005), based on the graphic novel A History of Violence written by John Wagner and illustrated by Vince Locke. The film was directed by David Cronenberg and starred Viggo Mortensen and Ed Harris.
> V for Vendetta (2005) based on the comics series by Alan Moore and David Lloyd, and produced by the Wachowskis.
> The Fountain (2006), developed alongside the graphic novel by writer/director Darren Aronofsky (the OGN was illustrated by Kent Williams).
(That one's kinda a cheat.)
> The Losers (2010), based on the Vertigo monthly series of the same name, which was created by Andy Diggle and Jock.
> The Kitchen (2019), based on the Vertigo series, created by Ollie Masters and Ming Doyle.
They also have had a Constantine tv series, which was arguably better than the even more Americanized movie. They also had iZombie, Lucifer, and Preacher. I'd argue those were all watered down garbage compared to the original comics, but they still have had popular followings on tv and even Yea Forums.
There was also that Fables video game by Telltale. Sadly ABC passed on a Fables tv show... only to develop Once Upon A Time which used more Disney versions of fairytale characters to go along with their parent company better.
You forgot the rousing success that was Jonah Hex.
I didn't even realize it was based on a comic because I had stopped reading DC and Vertigo by that point. I actually own a couple other books by one of the creators, but didn't bother with this and totally forgot about it.
Warners sucks. Even if they didn't automatically have the film rights to many Vertigo titles, they should have pursued the film fights any number of those critically acclaimed books they published.
They also have a number of DC / Vertigo crossover titles that they do own the rights to. They made a Doom Patrol series for their shitty streaming service. They also had that clusterfuck of a Swamp Thing show on it. Supposedly they're working on a Sandman movie... but David Goyer is involved. So I have next to no hope for it.
>people who think a DC movie is a DC movie are idiots
You're the kind of "genius" who keeps telling everyone that Spiderverse and Venom aren't Marvel movies, aren't you?
1) That was mostly based on the DC proper Hex comics with some elements from the oft forgoteen and legally troublesome Verigo series.
2) I think most of us try to forget there was that damned Jonah Hex movie even if it did have a well cast lead actor.
Producers must've been asleep during the casting.
David Goyer's Sandman is so far beyond Monkey's Paw that I don't even
I had no idea this was coming out. Hope Ming Doyle got paid enough to support Neil and her’s kid
'Cause they're not the same. Neither example is.
You're glossing over important details. Just because DC and Vertigo are owned by the same company, they produced vastly different books.
It's even more of a big difference with your other example. When you look at how Sony manages their Spider-man films which are only licensed from Marvel. Marvel Studios may have had recent negotiations with Sony, but Sony still is gripping onto those movie rights for dear life. Marvel Studios wishes they could control the Spider-man films, but the old producers and Sony still have their mitts all over them.
>I think most of us try to forget there was that damned Jonah Hex movie
It's sad how this can be said about nearly every DC movie
Honestly, I think that as long as Sony is making hugely successful/popular movies with Spider-Man and his cast, and they are still connected to the MCU, Marvel Studio is fine with it.
I don't see them going beyond 3 movies a year (MAYBE 4), and they have a lot of stuff to work with now.
Eh, by next year, Batfleck will be buried in the subconscious, and every DCfanbot will be proclaiming Sparkly Batman as "the greatest Batman yet" just like all the other Batmen.
Does anyone else imagine them having hot steamy lesbo threesome?
To be fair, I don't blame Affleck for how bad his Batman was. I still wish DC handed him a Justice League movie instead of Snyder. Affleck, along with George Miller, was one of the ones Warners approached for a Justice League film before Man Of Steel. Affleck said he'd love to, but he wanted to finish work on Argo for Warners first. Warners didn't want to wait. I think they may have started pre-production with Miller, but that fell apart. Then somehow Snyder got involved and ended up doing a Superman movie first.
Hollywood need to understand that women don't care about female characters, all they want is to see movies starring handsome and ripped actors like thor or captain america
If you completely dissociate Lucifer from its comic counterpart, it’s a decent show. Or perhaps I just like the detective.
The iZombie tv show is much better than the comic.
>every DCfanbot will be proclaiming Sparkly Batman as "the greatest Batman yet"
Yeah all 4 of them
I say this as someone who had to listen to years of Affleck's shit-tier Batman being fellated.
God I want to fuck Karen Berger so bad
>I've never spoken to a female woman in my life
You should. He brought Terrio on board, and he also made changes to the script on his own.
>Giving a shit about brand wars when all live action adaptations are garbage
They uglied the women up, removed the horrendous violence, took out the objectionable content, excised integral characters, and had some bullshit ending where two girls survive to rule as underworld Queens.
It missed the point of the comic by a mile.
They just made a shitty crime movie. It happens
No, they are just going to continue making excuses for Affleck's wretched Batman, and Cavill's empty, lackluster Superman.
Original Book
>No matter what your intentions or desperation might be, getting embroiled in crime WILL corrupt you and turn you against people you used to be close with. Nobody survives forever.
>YAAAAAS QUEEN. WE'LL RULE TOGETHER. Except for that one we killed because she was TOO evil. Not like us.
Wait, this came out?
DC/WB's perpetual embarrassment over their comic book properties will always be their undoing.
>so let's use this well received project and adapt it to film
>but the medium is embarrassing so lets distance ourselves from it by changing what works
>surely i know how to improve the work despite the fact that im using it because i couldn't come up with something original on my own
>Feeble humans! Your mortal weapons have no effect on the god of dreams!
I can see Halle Berry or Rosario Dawson pulling the black character off well, don't know about the rest though...
>This was actually based on a comic
>I swear I thought this based on a true event/fifty shades of grey tier novel...
Wew Lad
I dunno but the movie and book look like trash
yeah women usually line up for guys like cumberbatch, and if the movie has gay shit in it regardless of if male on male or female on female they get fucking soaked
>Out of all the Vertigo books out there they make this one into a movie
I haven't read it but why this one of all books?
Especially when it seems to have changed the whole thing. Have people not noticed that Melissa McCarthy is box office poison yet?
>>most didn't even know it's based on a comic
literally doesn't matter. Everything is new to normies.
The thing that made it flop was shitty writing.
>unga bunga
>muh life for muh tribe
>other tribe smell
I'm too old to understand this but...why young people like company wars so much?
The picture you just posted was originally a DC property. Just FYI.
Validation for liking something
This. It's not as if the comic was popular to begin with, but the authors understood that they had to have something to draw an audience with, so they made the three lead females hot.
Fast forward to 2019 SJW identity politics, where women can only be and dress sexy in real life because then it's THEIR AGENCY. So they go for three ugly middle age bitches, which absolutely ensures that this will bomb, and it's unlikely it would have done well with three hot chicks since the story is boring but at least it would have done much better.
DC is DC and DC is WB. Don't get tricked by your corporate master.
One of the big criticisms I see is that people don't find it believable. I wonder if they would have been able to like that aspect of it if they knew it was a comic?
Yea Forums fights about everything like this.
Politics, cartoons, movies, comic companies, everything is 'me tribe good'.
What do you guy think of the JJ abrams rumors that he’s taking the helm of DC?
Marvel Studios does it to a lesser extent as well and The Boys incredibly so
This. I'd just assume from OP's pos that it was some film in the long running maxresdefault series I keep seeing posted.
>I may be a social outcast for playing videogames, but at leaat i don't play a DREAMCAST.
same thing as race wars fambino
I don't see what's wrong with taking a smaller book/story and adapting it with a modest budget, it's not like they were expecting it to do Endgame numbers.
Haven't seen it so no idea if it's good, too bad it failed.
It's like people who think Marvel, Pixar, Lucasfilm, Disney, and now Fox are different studios
They fucked up badly. They didn't have faith that a comic movie could sell so they minimized it. Now that the cat's out of the bag, that minimizing feels like they were trying to scam people. At least that's how it worked for me; I lost all interest the second I realized this shit wasn't a true-ish crime film.
Shit wouldn't have been hard to sell with the bimbos either. Widows got praise, and if they could've done half of that with some good ol' comic-style T&A plus ultra violence, then they might've got themselves an audience with true crime and exploitation film fans.
wasn't blade trinity a box office failure?
Fantastic Four too but ladderbro don't care
Nothing whatsoever.
Kys ladderfag
>>DC is trying to branch out beyond just cape films.
>because they know they can't compete
Which is sad, because they're competing with Buffy the Vampire Slayer formula from the 90s. I've literally never heard of the movie or comic OP posted, and looking at the casting choice, it seems I've been blessed
Yes which is why there hasn't been a Blade movie since
Yes which is why there hasn't been a Fantastic Four movie since
Yet you DCuck retards can't figure that simple fucking fact out can you? See you dipshits when you try to figure out why Joker and Birds of Prey also bombed
Killing Star Trek and Star Wars on me wasn't enough?
Or, they just hired two really well known and popular actresses.
He's working on a spiderman comic and has directed two of the best star wars movies ever made he's a shoe-in for a MCU movie
There's literally no way he would throw that away to work on a movie for the career killing DC
>well known and popular
Tippity top kek
>has directed two of the best star wars movies ever made
The fat lady is really popular with normalfags.
Moss has been highly acclaimed in two different hit TV shows.
>Hiring Melissa McCarthy
Top level sabotage.
She is not a good enough actress to have a leading role.
Part of me wants to feed her to hyenas, but no, I can be reasonable.
Just make her a secondary character.
Twilight and Hunger Games are some of the highest engrossing films of all time and romance novels are sold at every single western shop available. As much as men consume porn, women spend a LOT of money on romantic films and novels with handsome young "bad boys" in them.
Those "rumors" were made up by a retard who also keeps saying a Snyder cut is actually coming out and has literally never once broke a correct story.
Notice that Twilight, Hunger Games and romance novels also have female protagonists for women to self-insert as. Which is also the exact reason action movies have always had generic white guy protagonists and hot bimbo love interests.
You don't want Hollywood script writers to have their own ideas, trust me.
Are you stupid or just living under a rock? He’s already signed a half a billion dollar contract with WB tied to his Bad Robots company. He’s inspired a legion of followers across Hollywood and realized that Star Wars is fucked so he’s jumping ship he’s got a big cushy to fall back on when all is said and done
company wars is part of human nature in ancient times it was my god is better than your god convert or die
>it has black people and women in it so it's bad
Shouldn't your retarded ass be on Yea Forums repeating some dumbass unfunny meme for the millionth time?
Hollywood writers are surprisingly retarded
He already said he's doing original movies, not working on existing franchises
In their defense, the movie version is what the wives of mob bosses would really look like.
You can't be this stupid