It is a shame this guy who cared so much about animation now wants to burn bridges with all his animation friends to...

it is a shame this guy who cared so much about animation now wants to burn bridges with all his animation friends to maintain lets play brand integrity

will there ever be another wave of web animators like the NG crew?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Another fucking eceleb thread. Fuck off.

Has there ever been discussion of creating an actual eceleb board?

I have no idea.

They're just the worst

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"Mean" is my favorite buzzword. Say you are against being "mean" and you are in the right even if you are attempting to cancel a fellow animator and friend.

idk, I think that last post chris made is pretty spot on. Arin sounds like such a faggot.

Egoraptor goes where the money goes. Friends are only valuable if they can help your brand grow.

>Being negative doesn't help
>I dislike my old stuff I made as a teen because I grew up

>tells Arin to grow up when he gets more butthurt at Arin's critisims then Pelos did

The Pelos cartoon wasn't particularly mean and most of the story time animators enjoyed it because it showed the guy watched their videos in depth

Reminder that Arin has an actual career, has been in cartoons as a voice actor and actually liked.

Meanwhile Oney has spent the last decade trying to get his shitty Hellbenders cartoon off the ground and failing.

Arin seriously made that lighthearted parody into a thing about himself throwing Newgrounds under the bus for no reason, potentially triggered since the cartoon shows his old friends in it.

Chris pointed out how he's a hypocrite and how that is low to throw your friends under the bus like that.

Arin had to defend his business partners and attempt to end Pelo over a joke cartoon that wasn't even as intense as Arin had made in the past, not to mention Arin has been even nastier as of late on Game Grumps than through parody cartoons.

This, it was more constructive criticism than anything. That said, storytime "animators" are fucking garbage so who gives a toss about their opinion.

this. newgrounds had nothing to do with this thing and storytime animators didnt even have a problem with it except for the one that *COUGH*is going on TOUR with arin soon...*COUGH*

>hating Arin this much
what did he do to you? Piss on your OoT cartriage?

He didn't make it about himself, he used himself as an anedote, and the whole Newgrounds thing is litterally it's reputation, it is a site where edgy teens went to make or watch shitty edgy flash cartoons, that's what it was mainly used for and what it's remembered for, he's not saying anything new there

>he didnt make it about himself
>entire post is about himself

Uh huh.

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Arin was in the wrong though, and he later decided to settle his differences with Pelo. His thin-skinned sensibilities ended up getting him BTFO by former friends and followers alike.

It’s time to move on, just accept it. It’s okay. He jumped in and tried to cancel someone without even watching their video first and rightly got dug into.

Is it safe to say all these YouTube people are fucking terrible?

he also did it behind the scenes rather than publicly acknowledging any wrong he did by trying to cancel pelo keeping that fire burning

it is why no one has let it go since arin wanted to keep it lingering

Oh shit she's based

explains why dingdong and julian wanted out almost immediately

>sucking Arin's cock this much
He deserves being called out

b-but he's a good person... he said so on twitter... and all of his defensive vlogs he has been uploading lately...

>Being negative doesn't help
being arbitrarily positive is complicit with conformism and conformism is a friend of injustice.

>I dislike my old stuff I made as a teen because I grew up
Grew up into a giant faggot. Getting older and becoming more empathic are both things that dont necessarily make you a better person.

It is severely fucked up what happened to them

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>friend of Arin
>unabashedly complains about blacks
checks out

So Oney and Arin aren't friends anymore? Can someone explain?

Are these people mentally retarded? Why do they talk like that? I barely understood what they said.

>shit from 9 years ago
>shes totally the same now
imagine being this dumb

they wer never friends, Oney is super fucking jealous that Arin got sucessful while he can't get his cartoon picked up.

He wasn't, and he's not thin-skinned, he just don't care when people are assholes, people who got mad at hime are the thin-skinned ones because clearly they can't handle him critisizing one guy that weren't even themself.

>he also did it behind the scenes
And this is suppost to be bad? we don't need to see ecelebs making up online, go and watch some cartoons.

I thought it was because Arin got pissy when Oney's two co-host friends, who were actual gay, said that Dream Daddy was fujoshi crap.

Then there's that Oney calling Arin out about Newgrounds, cause Arin got infected by California. Egoraptor wants to deny any offensive jokes and art he may have drawn back then.

Who are these people and why should we care about it?

Arin became what he made fun of. He finally sold out completely.

It's really simple really.
Arin grew up and actually got sucessful
Oney is forever an edgy 15 year old stuck as the edgelord animator he was 15 years ago.

But his criticisms were out of left field and didn’t even apply to the person he was talking about, and it was also a clear attempt to cancel them rather than take it to DMs.

You make literally no sense. Arin was wrong on this one and he had it coming.

there was a reddit post from someone who knew about the projared situation before it was public saying that it was due to things between chris and arin when he was living at their place

>infected by California.
I wonder who could be behind this post...

Half of these are new user. The Etsy scam was only a few years ago. Lying about DD&J was recent as well.

>clear attempt to cancel
no it wasn't, do you even fucking know what that means?
He just critisized Pelos animation for being needlessly meanspirited, thats it.

Now does he hate his past as a edgelord flash animator? yes, any adult would hate that past.

This blind cock guzzling is what Arin would love from an employee. Hope he hires you.

Then fucking post proof of them instead of irrevelant shit from almost a decade ago.

hey, then I'd have a job that could go somewhere atleast, like Oney whos ever stuck in edgy internet community

It wasn’t mean spirited in the slightest, if you know how to take a fucking joke. It was poking fun at a growing trend of animators in the most lighthearted manner I could fathom.

And he was clearly trying to cancel him because he wanted to guilt him by making a public callout post for everyone to see, but it failed fucking miserably and ended up apologizing to Pelo.

Bitch got punted down and put in his place. Fuck Arin.

>Those reasons are just unfounded rumors
Not that user but come on. Is Arin especially offensive to autistic people or something.

Not sure if it's successful if Arin is still not part of any big animation industry like Disney or cartoon studios.

Not even voice acting. Even Kirbopher had at least some anime roles before he confessed to being an abusive piece of shit.

arin is the biggest hypocrite of them all. Oney stays true to who he is while arin spoiled off of the attention started playing victim and Oh no this is too mean.
The dude makes fun of people only to stop now? Nah he got too fucking full of himself.

Would just turn into Kiwifarms

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Arin has a bigger internet presence then Oney, Game Grumps is fucking huge, he's in Star Bomb, got merch, has been a voice in some cartoons.

Yeah, not sucessful at all.

reminder being a voice actor isnt steady work. Shit gets done with in days and then they are done. Arin is a YouTube personality. Thats it and he is a former shell of himself.

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Changing as you grow up doesn't make you a hypocrite, that's absurd. Hypocrisy would be if he said one thing and does another at the same time as he said it. Not ten years after he said it and moved on from it and doesn't believe in it anymore.

Zach is at Adult Swim now. Chris animated on that Rick and Morty April Fools episode a year ago. Arin has not gotten any work within animation at all outside voice acting and it usually is for friends rather than being scouted.

Ok I'll conced this is pretty shitty of her, it's still 4+ years old.

Also reminds me of how Soulja Boy would import Chinese bootleg system and sell them.

putting out two albums that people dont give a shit along with his declining series. The reason Arin had those jobs was he boot licked into the industry while Oney wouldnt do that.

It's really easy to get yourself branded as the bad guy so Arin is playing it safe and pandering to the viewers.

>Arin has not gotten any work within animation at all outside voice acting
Of course not, he doesn't want to animate, he wants to voice act. He only did animation so he could voice act in his own cartoons in the first place.

>has an actual career
If you're talking about game grumps, how is that any different than oneyplays (except that chris does it more to fund other projects than as a full time 'career')?
>has been in cartoons as a voice actor
cameos in something your friend made are nothing special.
>is actually liked

Oney still does what he's passionate about (animating), and still has friends. Arin has sold out and abandoned what he enjoys for youtube channel that he's clearly tired of, and is in the process of burning every bridge he has.

/trash/ actually exists and allows them, ecelebfags just don't use it so moved threads die fast, but the fact the threads can't get good speeds even there means there genuinely is LESS reason for a /eceleb/ board then say a /fat/ - Obesity board or /cog/ - Comic and Cartoon Generals. since THOSE threads thrive even in /trash/.

no making yourself into victim when he was the one of those people who did the same thing does. He didnt grow up, he got full of his own bull shit. Being mean while he lives in LA, home to the emotionally elitist youtuber who mocks people regularly on his own fucking show? Yeah he didnt grow up he got to be apart of the popular kids and sold the fuck out.

>arins career isn't in animation
so? he's still more sucessful then Oney.
>Zach is at Adult Swim now.
no he just pitched Hellbenders to them and they promptly turned them down.
>Chris animated on that Rick and Morty April Fools episode a year ago
Good for him.

>shits on a smaller youtuber for harmless jokes, remains butthurt even after the guy apologises

>defends the guy's comedy (along with cory) and calls arin out for his hypocrisy

>Dream Daddy
Remember how well that Barnes and Noble event went?

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Why aren't flash cartoons a thing anymore? Why are we forced to reminisce about people who haven't made anything in ages?

>no he just pitched Hellbenders to them and they promptly turned them down.
you mean adult swim made an offer to buy the series buy getting them to release all rights and they turned adult swim down

because it wasnt viable on youtube anymore and people wanted to chase money rather than passion

because they don't make money on youtube, and no one outside of people looking for nostaliga uses Newgrounds

>no he just pitched Hellbenders to them and they promptly turned them down.
>Good for him.
Wow I guess you win Arin.

>more sucessful
based on what? Their sub count?
Oney has said time and again that his lets play channel is just something on the side to raise funds for other projects.
You're right about zach though, he's not at adult swim. He's storyboarding for spongebob now.

No they turned it down for Mr Pickles.

Yes, they would rather air Mr Pickles then Hellbenders, really tells you something

Arin used to be one of the worst offenders of "being mean" to people. Both in his animations and early Grumps. Arin is slowly turning into Eric Cartman:

Isn't also because YT will not allow you to monetize flash cartoons if they either have something racist, offensive, violence, or anything else deemed as problematic?

Shhhhhh lalalalala cant hear you! Lets plays are success not proper careers in animation!

holy shit you are right

They didn't make much money back then either and those who still do animation make better money just drawing porn.

you tube allows all kinds of videos it just seems that depending who pays the most to keep it on gets to stay on.

>he used to be like this and now changed so he's a hypocrit
because what the fuck is growing up and changing ammirite, we're all the same person as we were when we were 15

Yes, mostly because of advertising, that and youtube atm rewards steady frequent content which you can't do with animation

does anyone have that screencap of danny being super passive aggressive to fans on the subreddit?

No, i don't really follow Ecelebs, gimme the gist since i love myself some afternoon gossip.

Because Youtube and Live Streaming is the primary content delivery methods for Video Entertainment these days, Youtube has had its payment formula genrally punishing to animators since you have to put in more effort for length that is required for monetization and no guarantee anyone will watch it when you could just ramble about Digimon or whatever for the same amount of time and probably get MORE views and heftier chance at getting exposire because more people search "Digimon" then whatever your original shit was called.

So we get less Super Mario Bros. Z and more Dragon Ball Z Abridged.

>"he changed!"
>acts exactly the same as he has always acted

this. he's just moved from being a right-leaning asshole to being a left-leaning asshole. Most of his commentary is still shitting on people.

I don’t even know who these people are.

The only difference is that he isn't flinging slurs openly. He still acts as bitter as he has always been.

No the problem was he acted like a victim in the original tweet when he was one of the biggest newgrounds predators. So him going around, burning bridges where newgrounds actually tolerated him makes him look like a fucking dick.

Id post a picture of how he critiqued kirbopher like the biggest asshole on this hemisphere, but im phone posting.

>because what the fuck is growing up and changing ammirite, we're all the same person as we were when we were 15
not mentioning he does the same fucking thing too this day with other people arin just hopped on to his high horse on one issue that he had no right to get on that highhorse is hypocritical. You cant call someone out for shit you also did back then and act like you are in the right to pass judgement. He did this shit and continued beyond 15 he was a grown ass man doing this shit. He has no right to say anything.

I know who they are but I cant understand why people care. Nigga just hit the unsubscribe button and watch another cartoon or something

He silently went and censored some of his cartoons before a lot of this happened. If he was genuinely apologetic I don't think he would be trying to stealthily cover his tracks.

I'm literally into gay daddies and I thought this game and the people who made it were sorry sacks of shit. It was so patronizing and shitty. Why cant real writers and artists like Gengoroh Tagame make visual novels it ain't fair.

Because visual novels are like terrible picture books that can speak to you play a game.

>he's just moved from being a right-leaning asshole
He was right-wing? What?

Holy shit.

>because what the fuck is growing up and changing ammirite
If he would've grown up, he would realize his own hypocrisy and either stop whining like a cunt, or make a statement or a video where he profoundly and separately apologizes for each and every single offensive joke he's made in the past.

As well as apologizing to Jontron. But Arin still ain't doing that.

I guess not. I was thinking in 2019 standards, when saying the n word automatically makes you right wing.

Now thats just sad.

Dream daddy was nothing probably everyone at game grumps knew that already. It is why people tried to get DD&J to speak up about it when they couldnt.

No offense, but Tagame is basically just FEEL BAD even outside the the Gore,Scat, Bodymods, castration , Mindbreak and BAD END, couldn't you just said Gai Mizuki or something instead? And HE did art for plenty of doujin games over the years. Tagame is garbage you probably only read because the content available was/is tight..

Nothing wrong with something going softer then his stuff, that said Dream Daddy was pretty fucking shit and definitely pandering to the "Faghag" and streamer crowds more so then the Homo one. Didn't it also have some edgy DEEPEST LORE or shit datamined that was gonna be used as Stream Bait too?

there was an unused path that people took a lot of issue with which was found through datamining which was for halloween or something

a lot of endings didnt even work on day 1 and only recently could you get some of the achievements since the game was so broken

>they cancelled future panels after this turnout

Actual faggots of Yea Forums. I'm legitimately curious, did any of you find Dream Daddy fap-worthy?

>"I grew up"


only one design was mildly fappable and the game's writing made them so insufferable that i would not even want to hatefuck them

The game and the content in it no, fan art of some (One) of the characters Yes, but Fanart can makes most things fapworthy and it is in spite of the source material rather then because of it.

No prize for guess who the one was. It was the redhead, and god his "route" was garbage. But i digress.

Not one bit, no. Was a really hollow experience.

>Implying Egoraptor ever gave a shit about animation
Arin only ever wanted to be super popular by being funny on the internet. At the time the best way to do that was Newgrounds and the best way to get popular on there was to be super violent... or be pretty good at flash animation. Now that he’s big time youtuber with his own youtube unlimited show, he doesn’t need to animate to be popular and why would he? Animation is harrrrrdddddddd. It’s much easier to scream and make dick jokes behind a mic while you fail at video games.

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well also kirbopher was a prick too

oney has been acting like one too.

doubt anyone really grew up, people are trying to hide how much of a shithead they are if anything.

what has oney done recently?

I got you.

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The game's script is cringe level territory so any potential there for arousal was squashed. It came off as self congratulatory for making a game about gays and that's it.

oney doesnt act like he never did it. He owns up to it.

hey arin was almost 25 when he made that post cut him some slack, he was still a kid.

Called Arin a bridge burning hypocrite.

yeah but what bad stuff?

i saw more straight people loving the game than gay people did

Because it's a game made for straight "allies" to feel good about themselves.

>"#2 Best Selling Indie Game of 2017"

When the only two gay people at that office said anything they got attacked for it. True blue allies to the gay community.

I still find it hilarious how varied Chris' friend group is compared to Arin "that was mean" Hanson's. Like seriously, 90% of the people in that office are straight white cis men and women and this faggot has the gall to try and call out Chris for not being PC?

they aren't the right kind of gay and trans for arin.

the kind that lays down and does what they are told.

Does arin want to make anything artistic anymore or did he give that up years ago?

I bet next semesters tuition he would stand by this despite tearing Kirb a gaping asshole.

this was the thing that pissed me off. arin and suzy's fanbase doxxed dingdong, outed him to his family making them disown him for being a fag, his phone number got passed around, his friends distanced themselves to not lose their jobs, all leading him to try to off himself. for years those same friends just stood by idly while he got his shit kicked in for saying things they wrote for him to say. no fucking wonder he stopped wanting to do youtube anymore because holy shit people are fucking ruthless and cold blooded

Didn't he do a thing for ADHD years ago?

Who the fuck wouldn't? Kirb is a piece of shit.

retard attacks other retard

That was in 2012.

Turns out political correctness only forms a group of assholes because by principle it cripples normal human interaction. I remember feminists in my art school calling me evil nazi too back in the day. Nowadays they're fat dykes with no friends, while my friend group has monthly DnD sessions and playing online games during weekends and that group involves a dude and his wife from Greece, korean immigrant, a guy with arm prosthetic and his wife, french and russian exchange students and one faggot.

Beer, video games and metal music ironically bring people together better than "not being mean" and safe spaces.

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will online animation ever truly come back?

Only women and trans men thought DD was good, now I barely see them talk about it. Wonder why.

Old news is not worth virtue signaling. Best of all I bet nobody of those same shills actually bought the game. Judging from this anons pic:

And even then he's subs are stalling.

>that’s gross and problematic, we don’t want to associate with you.
>damn SJWs crippling normal human interaction!
You’re the problem user.

I really wished ding dong said what really went down, or was in an environment he COULD say something

If an animator doesn't animate anymore are they really an animator?

>Hates blacks, gays and crippled.
>Invites them to his DnD table as long as they like beer and metal music.
Damn, he really sucks being a racist.

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Go watch your toy opening videos, son.

Isn’t mortemer Arin’s wife?

Good on ya, bud.

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Wait what?

With how far he got pushed I doubt he wants to think back to it. It was discussed elsewhere that he was showing signs of PTSD so who knows how bad it got.

did arin ever truly animate beyond chickenscratch doodles for cheap newgrounds cartoons?

>hurr parody and satire are never oook
You fucking clown

>because what the fuck is growing up and changing ammirite
He never changed, he bashed dozens of games this year alone, god gamegrumptards are retarded.


It was just a really weak way of downplaying all the shit Arin has said and done despite continuing to be an asshole

> he bashed dozens of games this year alone
That's his job rofl that's like complaining about Stephen Colbert bashing the president.

twitter screencap threads should be banned on sight

Egoraptor still exists?

I miss you ding dong and julian, bless up

>>Invites them to his DnD table as long as they like beer and metal music.

Lost me on metal, they can jump off a cliff.

>Best he has is a cameo CARTOON VOICE role
Cartoon VAs get paid shit. Why do you think people like Tara Strong screech lile an autistic whore when they get passed on for a role? Even when that role is an actual shitting baby. Pretty sure it is the same in dubs. Video Games are supposedly the only market where va work can be reasonably done. Plus Game Grumps is doing bad lately; a lot.of his vids get less than a mil per view and just keep dropping. Add to the fact he has employees he has to pay, yeah. He missed that hot iron.

his job is internet personality, not game critic. He could choose to talk about literally anything on game grumps, yet he chooses to be an asshole about EVERY GAME THEY PLAY.

dingdong has to love games more than anyone i can think of

he would probably fuck a dreamcast

No. Arin talking about animation is completely absurd at this point.

I really hate when animators waste their talents on game grumps.

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Oney and Spazkid were absolutely in the right
anyone that says Arin was right is a GGfanboy or just as much of a manipulative pussy as he is

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>they’re all white
Checks out

Why are people typing "hurr durr e-celebs" when these people have gigantic audiences bigger than most tv shows?

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>"we have a very diverse team"

He helped animate Bee and Puppycat, but that’s the most recent thing I can think about

>"gets more butthurt at Arin's criticisms than Pelos did"
>when arin got more butthurt at the video in question than any of the animators mentioned in it did
damn, wonder why people think you're a hypocrite, arin

He voiced a character who says one line every episode in mighty magiswords. That is nothing to be proud of

Because even the biggest piece of media in the world doesn't belong here when it's not a fucking comic or cartoon.
Arin's not an animator? Great, let's stop talking about him in Yea Forums and take it to somewhere relevant like fucking Yea Forums or whatever. Get the fuck out.

carrozza seemed to be hoping that those two were going to help with ratings but the show got cancelled immediately anyhow

>bitch has enough money to live in a two story house with a nice walkway
>complains about an eating disorder of all things

Oh wow, I thought he voiced the male main character. People bring it so much I thought he was a big deal at this point.

Hey, at least kiwifarms got murrlogic to delete his deviantart account via doxxing

Magiswords may have been one of the worst shows that aired on CN period.

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He did some one note side characters in a few episodes but mostly he voiced gato who was just the "one word wonder sidekick" to morbidia

he played games well and cared a lot about them which was what got me into oneyplays. havent really kept up after him and jules left.

>if someone close to you, who presumably loves you and has your best interest at heart, says something negative about what you are doing, you should cut them out
>because feeling bad is always bad and you should never examine the validity of what you're doing from a different perspective
Fuck you Suzie. This is what cults are made of.

I liked her fashion sense but now I see she is just crazy wrapped in black lace

Suzie really is poison and Arin is drinking it all in.

Looks like what I would expect from a CN show runner.

this image doesnt even make sense

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no. i picked it up out of curiosity, "played" it for about 10 minutes and immediately dropped it. shit was fucking awful on multiple levels. didn't even get a refund because i forgot about it until way after the time window passed

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welcome to hollywood kiddo

He has a history of this shit

Remember when he their a fit over a "chick with a dick" joke? And preached like hell, bending over backwards to praise trannies and say all of them are beautiful? And trying way too hard to make sure their feelings don't get hurt?

...In a fucking LEISURE SUIT LARRY SPINOFF, a game that thrives off offensive and obscene humor? And wasn't out of place at all?

This is why liberals are insane. They have no concept of reality or real social interaction.

That is because Arin is a tranny in denial.

Bro I'm a tranny

And even I think it was ridiculously overboard

it isn't even a left thing it is an angle being worked right now since it is the most viable for business

exploitation has always had its periods within hollywood so gay is in at the moment

none of this is genuine and it will fizzle into something else next with everyone shifting their mentalities to line up with it to stay viable

Which is why liberal Hollywood is poison.

Remember not to use the word crazy anymore. Arin said it is not ok.

The fact no one in this thread seems even remotely shocked at this speaks volumes

missing the point but you will be ripe for exploitation during the next shift that happens

I'm a much worse person than I was at 15.

Arin falls far short of what I would consider a successful adult, in spite of his money.

Is hilarious how Arin accuse newgrounds of being toxic when most artists at the time were really friendly to everyone, Arin in the other hand was infamous for being extremely rude to both fans and minor artists, being possibly personality wise the worst of the big artists newgrounds ever had.

don't absolve arin of blame entirely - it's not like he got yoko'd. There's a pair of them in it.

do you think he will delete simpsons hit and run to burn visible relations with oney or is he going to leave it up since it is one of their most popular series and makes him money

Nothing Hollywood can do now will make any shift. They make the least amount of difference in the narrative. Especially with the pendulum swings the other way. People are not watching cable anymore which means they are not being brainwashed by mass media as hard.

isn't all of doodle doods still on the channel?

hence why someone like arin is becoming viable since online media is overtaking television.

game grumps is under CAA now for a reason. as long as people want stardom and money you will always have a hollywood trying to take advantage of people.

They deleted all the ProJared videos about a month before all the public controversy. If Chris is no longer safe to associate with then I could see Arin purging all videos done with him to save his image.

>3rd most popular series on the channel
>essentially was an oneyplays episode

>will there ever be another wave of web animators like the NG crew
i wish but this gen doesn't want to animate or have anime shows they like like dbz and (insert other) growing up. Ng artist and animators are a combination of many different factors that can never be recreated

The old internet was a different place compared to where things are currently. Newgrounds actually allowed material to be voted into relevancy by the community rather than an algorithm trying to cherrypick the safest most marketable content like Youtube which is where younger animators are probably posting their work.

aka youtube killed newgrounds and every single other animator site and then changed their algorythim to make animation earn way less

doesnt help people want to stay committed to these platforms when the platforms dont value the creators at all and actively try to bury them

The Dream Daddy devs are now making an "office dating sim" for transtrenders.
>Anogender or Anagender: “Ano/ana” meaning “up, back, again, anew”; a feeling of gender that fades in and out but feels the same whenever it comes back.

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NG still exists and could still be a place for new creatives to flourish but with people like Arin insulting the entire website based on a few select people, as well as the outside image being that everyone is a racist bigot homophone transphobe nazi, it will never really get to reach anyone new despite Tom trying his hardest.

Hopefully people steer clear of it this time, but I know that will never happen.

This is so fucking stupid.

They really are just virtue signalling. Talk about being out of touch.

>burger king pronouns club the game
No thanks.

Wouldn't that just be the same damn thing as being gender fluid?

would anyone have even paid attention if these games werent under game grumps?

this is the least inspired idea yet.

Honestly, I don't see it getting big. Dream Daddy is a quick and easy concept for a broad audience. They're shooting themselves in the foot by pandering so much and overcomplicating things.

I want to wax those stupid fucking chops

Attached: 364A9A44-1098-44F8-8751-4F13F11E4049.jpg (638x347, 204K)

with how many people got roped into playing dream daddy for arin i could see history repeat. if game grumps has no attachment then it will fail pretty hard.

And yet, he still has the Schmorky guest animation on the main channel, even when Schmorky was outed as an actual pedophile.

He looks like he is about to cry.

Holy shit I forgot about that. Arin really picks winners for friends.

They really want to stack up as many brownie points as they can get. This looks even less interesting than Dream Daddy and that is awfully impressive to pull off.

from 1 chair at the barnes and noble to 0

General rule of thumb is that the edgier something is, the more friendly the creator is. Like compare Shadman being a chill-ass dude to Arin being so high-strung, it's like night and day.

>youtube killed newgrounds didn't kill animation but animators did when they stopped making animations for the hell of it. They got older and needed money which caused them to stop making what we know and just showed them the door

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How do you just stop feeling a gender? Do these "people" breathe consciously?

I'm pretty sure even Tumblr isn't into this retarded shit anymore.

Watch them attack any trans folk who criticize it.

>They got older and needed money which caused them to stop making
And they stopped because there was no way they could earn money through it because of youtube killing any way for them to get famous or paid.

>"we need to google search as many genders as we can!!!"

Is there a single web animator who still animates?

Krinkles, David Firth, Harry Partridge and Greasy Tales are some "old guard" still active animators

as much as oney shit all over lets plays on sleepycast it is all he does now

They can't get good speed there the same reason a Yea Forums thread can't get good speed there. People don't go to /trash/ for discussion, they go there for porn that is banned on other boards. Like furry porn, MLP porn, lolil porn, etc.

>that's mean
>couldn't you just be nice instead of being mean
>growing up means never being mean anymore because it might hurt someobody
Beware of people who can't laugh at themselves. They're never good news.

This is what upset me the most, Newgrounds is already on thin ice but Egofaggot had to spread bullshit about them, this shitty twitter post probably made everything way worse

There has been an animator who worked on Spongebob ranting about Newgrounds and Oney on a daily basis calling everyone transphobic and racist after Ego's post.

and when someone is mean you break down and cry and try to rally everyone you know to attack them for making you cry

In their defense, it works.

Until someone bigger does it to you.

Loli ain't allowed on /trash/.

>Let's make bullying kill itself!

>Gamegrumps never reached a thousand subscribers in one single day after this drama
>the difference beetwen the subscribers of Jontron and Gamegrumps grow larger everyday
At this rate at 2020 Jon will have one million subscribbers more than Arin

But that's where I see all Loud House porn dumps?

Then nobody is reporting it. They say it's not allowed right there in the /trash/ sticky.

are you ok?

That's what a portfolio is for you fucking mongoloid. Companies like Disney want to hire animators that can tackle a variety of artistic styles, not just some kid who puts up a few videos in a recognizable style.

Didn't Studio Yotta help with a spongebob episode a while back?

Bully-proof sounds like Bullet-proof. Is Troll-safe supposed to sound like something else?

>If you want to be an animator you must work for Disney, Nettflix or AT&T
Fuck off burgertard, this monopoly bullshit killed american animation, and now youtube is repeating it on the internet.

Indie webcomics and games managed tho thrive but animations died, why? Youtube.

Video content is royally fucked right now online since youtube is the site people go to for exposure to that medium

It gets worse.
>Egogender is a gender which can only be defined by oneself, and is similar to gender nihilism, Max Stirner's philosophy of egoism, and the creative nothing (also related to Stirner's philosophy). It is a unique gender, and an individualistic gender. A person who is egogender may use nameself pronouns, but it is not necessary.
>'Egogender' is a gender which can only be defined as you. It's based on their own identity as a person.
Basically "I identify as me. I'm me-gender."

Attached: megender.png (1250x895, 479K)

when did arin become such a fag

I would want to punch someone if they did this since it just comes off as condescending. I don't believe anyone like this actually exists.

>identifying in third person
Billy Mitchell is egogender.

literally the "you just don't get it" of genders

they clearly looked up a list of random pronouns since they needed variety

This is the line that would be crossed from wanting to be respectful to just rolling your eyes at someone

ffs they added a new one. What does this one mean? Also this person wants you to use Addie as their pronoun? How does that even work? "Hey Addie where did Tim go?" "Addie went to the store." The fuck. Also why do this fuckers want to use they/them? Do they think they have two people in their body? The everyday problem that Addie needs to come to terms with is (he/she/we/it) needs to get therapy.

I don't... you're already you regardless of your fucking gender, you literally can't not fucking be you.

Oops didn't read the post, was just browsing images.

They/them has been an acceptable gender neutral pronoun forever, snowflakes didn't invent it

So wait. They are physical manifestation of office supplies? Is this like the pigeon dating sim?

Did you just assume I am who I am, shitlord?

"Where did the special snowflake go?" "They went to the store."

>They and them are always used in place of plural nouns or noun groups in the third person. However the fundamental difference between the two in grammatical terms, is that they is a subject pronoun, and them is an object pronoun. They is used to refer to the subject of a clause.

This is not how they/them is supposed to be used.

*Personal privilege* Did you just assume he's a shitlord!?!?! Also you need to say personal privilege before every post.

Pretty much, except pigeons actually have personality and that game was pretty fun. This is as bland as actual office work.
>Welcome to CompCorp! What's that? Your new coworkers are office supplies that came to life? How silly! These are real people who would love to get to know you! As our newest intern, it’s crucial that you get to know your new coworkers. After all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time together!

Attached: the office type.png (1552x873, 2.06M)

Cosmo and Wanda?

So being a huge cunt to people around you = fighting injustice? Fuck off and grow up kid.

Singular they is not a new English convention.

Did you just assume I made an assumption! UGH! You're so intolerant, I just can't even with you right now. You need to educate yourself! *Rolls eyes*

I am looking at the singular they wiki page and the only examples I see make sense but this one. This is the kind of thing I don't understand.
>"This is my friend, Jay. I met them at work. They are a talented artist."
You would say "This is my friend, Jay. I met him at work. He is a talented artist." If not it sounds like you are going from a singular person to a group. Jay isn't multiple people. A conversation would make no sense. "So what does that girl you met do?" "They are an accountant." No fucking sense.

While reading over that description, it hit me that this whole 101 different genders is really immature. It's like everybody has to invent new reasons that they're special and different and there's enough people to tell them it's real and they're not just playing make-believe. It's like validating a child's imagination but letting it influence actual parts of their life.

*Personal privilege* WHAT PART OF USE *Personal privilege* DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?!

how does that confuse you but not
>But a journalist should not be forced to reveal their sources
>Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it?

Gotta be more unique than the other lowly basic bitch transsexuals.

this is exactly how it started. People on tumblr realised that the more of a minority you are, the more power you hold in a culture of safe spaces. then it was just a matter of minority power creep:
>You think you're discriminated against? Well I'm a woman!
>Well, I'M a woman who used to be a man!
>That's nothing! I'M both a man and a woman!
>You think you've got it bad? I'M egogendered! Check your privilege!

Both of those are being used as singular possessive and one of them is even unknown singular possessive.
>"This is my friend, Jay. I met them at work. They are a talented artist."
Jay here is known. This is not a case of being possessive. It's an entirely different type. All that is happening is they are replacing a functional pronoun for one that makes them feel special because they don't wish to conform to a gender roll. Even in cases where the gender identity of a person isn't known that isn't how you use they or them.
>"Hey Bill. Todd had a kid right? How is it doing?"
You wouldn't use they or them as a pronouns to identify the child, you use identifying descriptors like "Child, kid, it, or the baby. Same thing here with a response.
>"It's doing alright."
You wouldn't use they or them here as it implies multiple people. The first guy didn't ask about anyone else but the child. You can't use they or them because it lumps into a group overriding the point of it being a singular assessment.

>intentionally missing the point this badly

Hold up, aren't two of those black dudes just copypastes of the gay dads?

They do. I haven't met on for egogender but once my friend stupidly invited me, a dude who openly hates all of this bullshit, to a party where his tumblr tier sister who claims she is trans man (woman? IDK she's a girl who thinks shes a boy) and likes to use "they them" was. When she introduced herself to me the first thing she said was "please use they/them when addressing me" I told her "Hi, I am user. Please use his almighty and godking when addressing me" She fucking flipped a shit and my friend didn't talk to me for weeks.

Who the fuck uses a metal mousepad

Julian and DD stream a bunch on Twitch if you didn't know. It's weird listening to them though since they aren't being streamers, they're just being people. No veneer.

I follow them and occasionally watch DD play but my god is he depressing to listen to. Just monotones statements and getting butt flustered at games other than Splatoon bring too hard.

Yeah. It's definitely a gear shift.

>I-I never wanted to animated I just wanted to voice act
then Arin never would have actually improved in his animation like he did, he clearly wanted it go somewhere
When he said that it was the biggest cope I ever heard and it's hilarious knowing retards believed it

>aRiN's sUcCesSfUl!
>meanwhile he has to constantly shill and posture to fags on twitter to stay relevant while the GG money slowly drips away
yeah okay, Arin

Shit people shit opinions shit thread

all the people that think Arin was serious about that are idiots, he's just trying to make the most of his failure

>no he's actually a failure because i'm a mind reader who can see his finances
solid argument, not a product of delusion at all
a man who can more or less guarantee sold-out shows whenever he wants is obviously struggling for money

Who is that?

>butt flustered
what streams are those because he sounds asleep and bored every time

he played through mega man x and just didnt say anything the whole time

I miss Spoony.

Hi Spoony.

when it is him with julian it just feels like an old oneyplays episode. they played evangelion a couple of weeks ago.

I can only see success for that project in the future.

Attached: GamesforSJWs.png (687x725, 592K)

>DLC: Rise of the Attack Helicopters.

You know as well as I do that Spoony doesn't miss Spoony. He's content to collect his ever-decreasing Patreon payments and rot in his girlfriend's house.

Was that when he soft locked it at the end showing off a glitch?

why do you people like talking about this stuff

is this even remotely interesting to an LGBT person?

>mfw read some of frog raccoon strawberry yesterday and remembered it has not one goddamned redeeming feature beyond the fact the main girl occasionally doesn't wear the frogsuit
the humor improves to be fair, but not to any real good level, it just stops being absolute shit and stays pretty random the whole way through
art style isn't that bad at times but most of the designs are awful
and the whole thing ends out of nowhere, guess cause he got that show with cn

reminder: he was legally branded a cuck, lost his lawsuit, and got banned from ever bringing up the charges in court ever again.

He never fucking sleeps and goes for 24 hours

fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

Are these e-celeb threads just another way to complain about politics? What does this have to do with comics or cartoons?

I’m convinced Arin is AGP in denial.

I dunno but because of the pelo drama I looked at some of the oneyplays stuff and psychicpebbles is probably the funniest person I've ever heard

>Arin grew up
haha, no

>needlessly meanspirited
which it wasn't

>Arin grew up

>He only did animation so he could voice act in his own cartoons in the first place.
i'm gonna call this fake news because he only ever said it long after he stopped animating

>I believe children should be sexualized and taught to reject their biological body in an attempt to legitimize my own beliefs
>Positive toxicity
>toxic masculinity
>rape gendered
You and people like you. You’re all the problem.

fuck off, 25 is more than old enough to know what you're doing

last thing I remember was he made a shitty rocko's modern life animation using that crazy-stairs painting as the background

because we are peaking Huxley's vision

Attached: main-qimg-2d9d8869d9fffc002cfdb449628f106b-c.jpg (570x4550, 776K)

not on jewtube

Ick, the they/them usage in that paragraph is very jarring and doesn't read well at all.

suzy and her bush

Betsy Lee

he's always been this kind of thin-skinned faggot
he just can't hide it anymore

considering they're touring together, think Arin bitched hard at his request?

Attached: AGF-l78sEvF98PZ5X4jYVGmBcdmv_fwNi73akc9rAg=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo[1].jpg (900x900, 73K)

Who the fuck is this faggot?

Odd1sout, a faggot who ripped off Swoozie channel without adding anything new and now retards think he started story time videos format, even though Swoozie started doing this kind of video every month 5 years earlier and was already getting millions of views per upload.

he's one of the lead storytime "animators"

sorry poptart but her saying it once means she thought about it a million
this is the world we live in now. Deal with it

>Oney whos ever stuck in edgy internet community
you don't actually watch him do you?

Not at all. These people are a very vocal minority in activist spaces, and even in those, I've only ever encountered one person with the neopronoun bullshit. Most nonbinaries use they/them.
From what I remember there was some tumblr drama about this game but that quickly fizzled out. Now not even Tumblr gives a shit and the Twitter page doesn't get much traffic.

They already got on tumblr/twitter's shitlist for making their token blacks Hole Punches (because niggas are violent lol) and having all three versions personality revolve around being activists. You know you're pandering too hard when even tumblr shits on you for it

Attached: das rayciss.jpg (1280x3840, 990K)

Redpill me on what happened, I no longer follow any of these people

I'ma need to zoom in and do some enhancements on Photoshop...

>sr. pelo made an animation poking fun at both storytime animators and people who talk about them
>a lot of the people in the vid like it
>egofaggot gets bootyblasted and cries about it on twitter
>he blames newgrounds and calls it toxic
>newgrounds alumni come back at him hard

why is she peeing in the tub

>there are actual egoraptor apologists in Yea Forums

Attached: smug mymy.png (225x208, 99K)

Thanks user
That’s pretty autistic


So true. Dave who made Retarded Animal Babies is one of the nicest, most considerate person I've ever met.

I remember moot once mentioned that he thought about making something like that. One board for waifu, celebrity, and e-celeb shit.

Of course, one problem with having a board based around following real people is that it will no doubt lead to stuff like doxxing and stalking, which I doubt moot (or Hiro now) would want to be associated with.

Yeah but, like Jon, Arin is pulling the "dead to me" routine

>"When we were making Doodle Dudes with Ross and that other guy"
Fuck off Arin.

>doxxing and stalking
Kiwifarms basically. The people there who obsess over these e celebs are way bigger "lolcows" than them. Especially the head honcho himself, Josh.

>Massaposting on Yea Forums


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When you hate labels but also want a label to feel special

Oh I remember hearing about this a good while ago.
One of the chicks looked cute, until her profile read some bullshit randomized letters as her gender.

Are they....different aspects of the same person?

No, the dating sim has male, female and genderspecial versions of every character so players don't have to see any filthy subhuman men if they don't want to

Source on that?

>Schmorky was outed as an actual pedophile.
wait what? when? That guys voice always creeped me the fuck out

>arab character loses their headscarf when they are male

Was it this one, user?
>Aporagender (from Greek apo, apor "separate" + "gender") is a nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term for "a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between (unlike Androgyne) while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling" (that is, not an absence of gender or agender).

Attached: magenta.png (1189x884, 550K)

No, I think she just looked like a regular skinny tomboyish girl
>Google Image Search

He was messaging sexual fantasies to underaged girls, trying to roleplay as a child in a poopy diaper.

Not to mention that he was manipulating his girlfriend at the time, then turned around and claimed that she was being abusive to him.