What the hell is DC doing?

>Let's bring back the orginal Legion Of Super-heroes and use doomsday clock as the main jumping off point.
>Oh, no wait, they're taking too long on the scripts and now Bendis is demanding to write the Legion. Well let's just give it to him and reboot everything and set it in the 32nd century. Also new character designs from a artist completely unfamiliar to the Legion.
>But, oh wait we have to change the initial design of Lightning Lad. And destroy all copies of the previous scheduled comics that have the white version of him. And also, it's not set in the 32nd century anymore, now it's back to the 31st.

Is this the worst launch for a superhero comic book team?

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Other urls found in this thread:


These sound like warning signs to me. And not in a "this book is gonna be terrible" way, more like a "this is not gonna end well" way.

it's interesting how DC just started absolutely shitting itself the minute Bendis came on board

I'm went on Legion World (that ancient legion of superheroes board that like 10 people over their 40's still use.) I wanted to see any discussion for this reboot. Some where dogpiling one member on the board who thought the lightning lad re-re design was cheaply lazy and said a white male victimization joke. So they branded them a "racist". But that person pointed out that if they just marketed him as black in the beginning. No one would really care. Using classic designs to bait the old fans is the problem.

I'm surprised how much power and influence he just got seemingly out of nowhere.

Only the Legion gets the worst of it due to its setting. In this politically correct climate having white characters in anything is questioned like it's the reverse of the 50's. Everyone has this mindset that their way of thinking will still be taught and amplified in the future (that's how science fiction works after all.) So obviously the Legion has a large liberal fan base.

especially considering he tanked Superman's sales almost immediately

I almost think they're bending over backwards because they're still hoping they can lure in Fraction

Pure coincidence

>they can lure in Fraction
Why? Does he have a time machine?

If you mean "not going to end well for DC comics as a whole" then I 100% agree with you.

Things were starting to fall apart beforehand, to be fair. King was shitting on Batman, Jurgens was writing more than 0 books, Johns was (and still is) dragging his ass about Doomsday Clock, and Snyder vomited out Metal that led to half the absolute trash we're dealing with now

Id say it started with METAL

I can't believe I actually bought into Rebirth.

>Doomsday Clock, Metal, Heroes in Crisis
Come on, we need a 4th member for this Four horsemen apocalypse.

Event Leviathan

does anyone actually care about Event Leviathan? The first issue didn't even crack the top 10

When this reboot was announced on DC's twitter, the tweets recived 1k likes, now since all this info is leaking, it can barely get past 500 let alone reach it.

Also the tags have just been flooded with I guess the new fans.

"I'm completely know nothing about the Legion but I love Brian Michael Bendis and I heard that it had one queer in it that I don't even know but their my bae now, so I'm totally on board."

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That book is too under the rader to cause any significant damage. I heard it sells are pretty awful though, but I need to actually fact check to be sure.

>Also the tags have just been flooded with I guess the new fans.

Any examples?

First issue was around the 70,000's, second issue was around the 50,000's.

I'm kinda surprised, isn't this their summer event?

I just find it funny the electric hero was turned black. It's not worth being a legion fan. It seems like nothing but suffering

>I heard it sells are pretty awful
I can only hope

superman is gay

If you have a Twitter you can see for yourself. "Legion of super-heroes" I feel weird screencapping strangers I have no ill will towards. They're really just annoying Bendis groupies.

>anything Bendis
>Heroes in Crisis
>Doomsday Clock taking literally two years to finish

DC had an insane amount of goodwill from the Rebirth one-shot and they pissed it away in record time. Can't wait for the Rebirth-style apology for the aftermath of Rebirth.

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Bendis is a symptom, one of multiple bad decisions had y the current managers.

It use to be great in the late 90's...

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>I'm kinda surprised, isn't this their summer event?
No. Year of the villain is. Event Leviathan seems like an event inside of that. Both are selling worse than the out of continuity Zombie mini

It sure was.

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This is some 5D move by Dan Didio

>Legion of Superheros
>Written by Brian Michael Bendis
>The Leader of the group is a grown up Jon Kent who is send in the 31st century
>The Book is going to Suck because they have a bunch of Z-tier heroes nobody knows
>The Book is going to getting cancelled
>Finally DC is going to getting rid of the GrownUp Shota Bait


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>No. Year of the villain is. Event Leviathan seems like an event inside of that.

I feel like Event Leviathan was supposed to be the event but they knew it wouldn't do event numbers so they did Year of the Villain as an overlap.

I love the Legion, but this team really needs to be either put to rest, or be given to Hickman. Unlike Bendis, this guy openly refuses to listen to yes-men. He's is upfront with you that he cares what his readers want from his books. Now that's a writer you can respect. On Bendis's Instagram, some people are out right saying they're hoping for another reboot in the comments. He just ignores them.

>people are out right saying they're hoping for another reboot in the comments. He just ignores them.

Damn, talk about dense. He really thinks all his ideas are flawless?

Fraction is writing a 12-issue series of Jimmy Olsen. Maybe he can be on board to take an on going.

Why would anyone want to read a comic book about Jimmy Olsen. This isn't the 60's. But now that I'm thinking about it, when Bendis was in charge of Marvel, there was a big surge of low tier characters getting their own series, then immediately getting canned cause their fan bases where too small.

I want to read it because Steve Lieber is doing the art

>Why would anyone want to read a comic book about Jimmy Olsen
>This isn't the 60's.
More's the pity

It's fine

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I mean whatever floats your boat. I don't see a point in it.

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there's no point in comic books in general

Why is Superman grabbing his crotch that hard?

What do you mean "The point"? Is enjoying the goofy adventures of Jimmy Olsen somehow more pointless than Aquaman beating the shit out of Black Manta for the 100th time? Let's not pretend there's a grand story being told with Superhero comics.

I think what happened here is DC had this plan to fix everything with Rebirth, and hyped the shit out of doomsday clock, claiming it will reveal why the new 52 happened, but also by bringing back the orginal legion, promoting the theme "legacy" rebirth was trying to push.

But for some reason Doomsday clock is taking eons to get done to the point where DC has quietly made it un-canon. All their orginal plans are fucked, but Bendis comes in as I guess their damage control saviour and writes for all their most important titles. Unwittingly fucking themselves further.

Is DC as a whole try to be unidentified unprofessional mess of reboot compared to Marvel?

I rather read space epics, you rather read cheesy but fun adventures. None of us are wrong for our oppions about this.

he's not writing Justice League, which is the "main" plot right now. Of course, Snyder is also doing retarded things over there so that's a pyrrhic victory

I generalized a bit yes, but Superman and Batman are fairly important.

No Justice, that was when they did really dumb shit like rip-off Marvel's Celestials and completely ruin best boy Vril (Which considering I don't give a shit about Justice League Odyssey, was that even fixed?)

There's Bendis' Man of Steel mini too.

Too late.

except nothing is happening in Batman because King likes navel-gazing too much to advance the plot (and he waaaaaaaaaaaaaay overcommitted even after cutting 15 issues) and no one's paying attention to Superman.

Bendis ruins everything he touches

Metal and Doomsday Clock actually sold

Scott Snyder is the only one keeping DC afloat

Meanwhile King killed the main Batman book and Bendis can't even make a Batman-Event succesful to boost his sales.

DC is in panic mode, they're trying to prevent AT&T to shut them down but DiDio is still a moron with a stick up to his ass and he's STILL trying to make his vision real. Which in turn is making people buying old reprints in drones. It's really funny if you think about it.

Those fans won't buy the books.
Just like they didn't with Marvel's old failed progressive books (whose authors are starting to be hired by DC)

they're still absolute garbage, and Metal especially led to an even larger pile of garbage

It's not about how well they sold. I know I was happy reading Doomsday clock before I knew how fucked it was. It's how they're negatively affecting the company as a whole.

It doesn't look like it. Can't fault anyone for not caring, the event is halfway done, but nothing interesting has happened so far.
It's mostly characters not acting like they should, standing around talking about things the reader already knows.

I was actually waiting for Doomsday Clock to finish so they could finally release the new Legion before all this bullshit with them hiring Bendis happened
Now because of these previews where they might as well have just called many of these characters whatever with a new team name, because lets be real here, these guys will never be THE Legion, I get to save my money for other stuff

How does it feel knowing your comicbook company will get burned down along with your favourite character?

year of the villain.

>and it had to be my favorite most obscure team that's responsible.


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>Can't wait for the Rebirth-style apology for the aftermath of Rebirth
Would it even work? Like, why would anyone trust DC after everything they have done? What can DC even do?

They can’t bring out Wally and tote him around an pretend to care after they made him into a crazy sociopathic killer. And even if they try to do the same with another character, it is kinda hard to take DC’s (in particular Didio) word that they won’t purposely fuck it up and edgyfiy said character.
They have openly admitted they HATE superheroes getting married and superheroes having and raising children, so them trying to “tease” status quo changes like that mean literally nothing because we know it is a lie and won’t last.
And to top it off, not only do they still have shitty writers like Tom King and Bendis at DC fucking everything, but DC is looking for more of Marvel’s terrible writers (they are even getting the guy who did the terrible Iceman comic and attacked Marvel for not promoting it enough).

I remember looking at some reviews for issue 75 and feeling a bit sorry for all the people who believed that King was finally speeding up his plot. I understand that other people don't want to get spoiled and don't look at solicitations, but we already know that Bruce will not return to Gotham before issue 80.

>but DiDio is still a moron with a stick up to his ass and he's STILL trying to make his vision real
Didio needs to just fuck off already. Why even put the guy responsible for Beast Machines in charge of continuity?

It could work if they play their cards right for the short run. But if enough people keep referencing what they initially promised then they will have to do some serious double downing.

Sad that Bendis and King won’t be punished for their crimes and will instead go work for Marvel after everything has burnt to the ground. And they will blame everyone else but themselves.

12 issues of uninterrupted Lieber art, good. Matt Fraction writing for Lieber, bad. DC really has picked up every terrible habit from Marvel it's like the stages of a fucking disease

Dceased is not groundbreaking in any way, but for what it is, it's fun. Even if everyone is dying.

Leviathan is boring and full of bendis-speak

I haven't followed any of the year of the villain stuff.

I read Mark Russell's Sinestro oneshot and was greatly disappointed

btw, among Legion fans, what was the general consensus on Mark Waid's Legion run? I remember sitting in on a con panel around the start of it, having not really read any LoSH before, and they seemed to be pretty optimistic.

The Jimmy Olsen comics were absolute kino

What's worse if Bendis said his Legion is basically Ultimate Legion with an entirely new continuity. Fucking Hickman can't get his Legion but apparently this bald fuck can.

I wouldn’t mind Jimmy Olsen if it wasn’t the same old shit again and again.

Shit, even New52/DCYou tried to flesh him out a bit. It even let Clark reveal his identity to Jimmy out of trust and was a bro.

I looked at one issue and it just seemed like a Marvel Zombies ripoff like a deacde and a half too late.

I'll take wacky adventures over CONSQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME in every other book

Fair enough

I can't quite remember if that's the one everyone hates more than any other run, but I think it is

>Tfw I like the 3 of them

It pretty much is that.

Was it all according to keikaku?
(Editor's Note: "keikaku" means "plan"..)

>Wanting a serious 'fleshed out' Jimmy Olsen Book
>Jimmy Olsen
Tom King Garbage is that way. Even Kirby knew to keep his Jimmy run light.

Jimmy is a fucking idiot who somehow manages to keep failing upward. The last thing I fucking want is someone like Bendis and King taking his crossdressing habits seriously and admitting he was gay or some shit and write an 'emotional' issue about the stress of being Superman's pal.

It had a really good first arc, but then the hype kinda fizzled out so they had to add Supergirl to keep sales alive. Then Jim Shooter replaced Waid and wrote it to cancellation.

How much did DC pay for Bendis and how long does Bendis’s contract last?

Wow. Don't even remember that No Justice. Musta took one look at it and ignored even news about it.

The New 52 boot is the one everyone hated.

Someone must be insider from marvel with the job of writing bad comic on DC.

DC is so fucked.

It was forgettable garbage.

I thought it was fun, but yeah thinking about it now, I can't remember the plot at all.

Holy shit. I barely know what this version of Vril is about, but just this one page I found sounds and looks awful.

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It’s weird that in November 2017 many of the books had legit momentum and felt like they were building to a big story and Doomsday Clock had its first issue. Except that was also the month that Bendis was announced and the very last month of the Rebirth branding. It was as soon as that Rebirth logo disappeared and the corner box showed up that almost every book went to trash and everything became directionless.

Guy's said to get stroppy if you try to use one of his speshul characters in any way,

>Bendis can't even make a Batman-Event succesful to boost his sales.
and isn't this Leviathan shit just him retreading an old Morrison arc? I swear I have seen this shit before and done far far better.

Bendis doesn't need a keikaku. All his ideas are perfect and should never be questioned.

Reading this just depresses me

How poetic.

Even before this recent shit I gave up on new DC and stuck with old issues and trades. Last new DC book I got was like 2014? 2015? My my. How time flies.

Pre-raped Vril apparently. If he's been trapped all his life by his people, and doesn't now Lobo, he never meets Stealth, then there is no Lyrl, thus no Braniac 5.


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Looks like the future to me.

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well if he's saying it's like an Ultimate Legion then I guess he's admitting it's not the original or real Legion

The fandom is probably going to split apart over this, the Bendis groupies who know it's pretty bad and the orginal traditional fan base will just give up on LoSH and Dc all together.

>he wasn't a ginger

It's Black lightning now.

Did these morons ever stop and think it's too similar to Black Lightning? Isn't giving the black guy electric powers as cliche as making them run fast? Why don't we just call you White Fish?

no, because Bendis is an idiot

If a proud black man like Brian Michael Bendis doesn't know what is best for black representation in superhero comics, then I don't know who would.

I dunno guys, Bendis is actually doing better than most of the rest of the crap in DC. He’s certainly more interesting to read than King’s Batman or whatever else is going on.

The association between blacks and lightning powers is mainly a thing because a lot of them got fried in the electric chair back in the day

America was interesting to read but that didn't make it good

..... user Bendis was at Marvel for over a decade. King maybe, he only had a short stint there but Bendis is only gonna go back if DC gives him the boot

>I dunno guys, Bendis is actually doing better than most of the rest of the crap in DC. He’s certainly more interesting to read than King’s Batman or whatever else is going on.
King and Bendis run isnt even fit to sit next to my toilet as emergency TP.

>bring back the original legion
There can't possibly have been anyone who didn't understand that this would be another reboot.

so are you trying to start a meme or did you just want to try out a new catchphrase

Bendis should have retired years ago, because all he can really do is ruin what other people build

Bendis can only write Back and gays stories

The traditional fanbase hasn't been enough to maintain a Legion book for many years, so I can't blame them for trying something crazy even though I'm not at all looking forward to this.

Hoi. BM wasn't *bad*- though I'll openly admit it was certainly far from good. If anything, it just kinda... existed, really. Didn't help that it came after Beast Wars, even if it *was* after the weakest season.

Bendis has been a DISASTER for a good decade before he got on Superman. Why did DC hire him after the DISASTER of an Iron Man Run he had? Past performance is an indicator of what a company gets in the future. Bendis isn't good with established characters or character histories, and he isn't good with heavyweight characters with heavy sci-fi backgrounds like Iron Man and Superman.

he isn't good with any characters
>but Daredevil!
all the problems with Bendis' other work are present in Daredevil

Bendis just copy & pasted what he did at marvel & bought it over to DC.

>What can DC even do?
At this point the only way a Neo Rebirth would be taken seriously would be if they actually brought past continuity back rather than just making amends (like a Post-Crisis line, a Bronze Age line, etc to please various parts of the fanbase).

that is what you should come to expect from (((Bendis))), and may you never forget it, for your own good.

I think the only thing that will save the day is by changing the guard, Fire Didio and Lee, and Put Geoff Johns as EiC (say what you will, but he knows how to bring people back)

Yesr of the villain is more of a status quo shake up than an event. It's like dark reign

The problem is there have been two other where they gave villains this much focus, Faces of Evil (2008) and Forever Evil (2013) and each are like 5-6 years apart. And at this point feels like desperation

How could anyone look at Bendis' history as a writer and possibly think hiring him to run important titles would be a good idea? Did no one at DC actually read his work? It's pure unfiltered dogshit!

Oh, it was shit long before that.

Mere coincidence

No hes not he likes chicks exclusively

To stop the cummies.

They are doing tie-ins left and right. If that's not an event i don't know what it is.

That image always makes me laugh without fail every single time

Just get Grant Morrison back on JLA and release doomsday clock in the tpb the month after issue 12 gets out and introduce LOSH and JSA. Use DC black label for books that were and could be vertigo titles.

I wonder if Bendis's stuff sells better in trades or something. I can't imagine what DC saw in him otherwise. Certainly wasn't the floppies sales, his last couple of years at Marvel had his books flop one after another.

Has Bendis ever been good? I've read some of his "better" titles and they still suffer from the awful crap that ruins his "bad" titles, just in smaller amounts.

I blame John's for all the delays that doomsday clock has undergone

>But for some reason Doomsday clock is taking eons to get done
It's the artist, he's infamous for causing delays.

Allegedly, Johns also did some rewrites.

It seems he's trying to keep up with the constant plot twists and continuity snarls, but he just can't and so DC's basically delayed forever.

I wonder why all of Johns' shit is getting delayed?
Internal power struggle or just too focused on TV/film?

Their first mistake was given any kind of power to Bendis, that fucking garden gnome should have been on the bottom of the totem pole and proved himself at DC before they let him just ruin all of their shit

Waid was part of the Zero Hour reboot Legion from 94 and the Threeboot Legion from 2004.
Reboot Legion is my shit. Loved it.
I have a couple Threeboot trades. It had some cool character ideas but the plot was super decompressed and dragged.

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No Justice was a 4 issue mini meant as a bridge between the end of Metal, and basically the end of Rebirth, and the beginning of Snyder's JL. Conveniently for the marketing department, it's title and story premise aped a successful Marvel book at the time.

Cucks on Twitter think making a legacy connection between BL and LL explicit is a great thing.

>Meanwhile King killed the main Batman book
What a load of bullshit. Batman is still selling. There are enough Batfags around to keep if floating. You need to go back to Morrison and behind to find horribles sales. In the range of 39K or less.

The new designs are fine, I genuinely don't understand Yea Forums's autistic raging about them.

No one having any idea about Lighting Lad's race is not a good sign though just from a general planning stand point

The real monkey's paw is now you won't be able to talk Legion without the pockets of Bendis hate just infecting everything

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What the fuck is going on with Doomsaday Clock? The damn thing has been lingering on for two years now coming out once every two or three months. With the story shifting between issues and plot points being completely dropped and forgotten from issues.

What the hell is happening with that book?

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I was watching JL vs Fatal Five the other day and pic related appeared. I was wondering why Rokk didn't get racebending, even his suit clashes better, you avoid the stereotype of nigger = electric powers and so on. Then hit me, Bendis choose Garth because his fetish. He want to be the writer that Blacked Imra. That is the only reason for this.

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>wondering why Rokk didn't get racebending

He looks pretty asian now

I hate Bendis but I was actually willing to give this a shot, because I like the property and I like the designs. I just can't abide the raceswap for Garth. Oh well, now I won't suffer through Bendis' inability to write distinct character voices.

Looking asian in comics is nothing, only if the character is drawed in a cartoonish style. Rose Wilson spend the last years of her existence as a white girl even the fact she was race mixed and half asian. The transformation of Connor Hawke from asian to a blonde with a suntan to enterely white is another example.

Rokk has been racebent Asian.

It is trades. Books with his name sold $2,023,850.29 worth of stuff in 2017. Brian Hibbs collected data for the 2017 bookscan report. Other names:

PILKEY DAV $12,473,032.26
TELGEMEIER RAINA $9,640,046.81
KIRKMAN ROBERT $7,782,164.81
RUSSELL RACHEL REN $6,128,321.53
VAUGHAN BRIAN K. $4,263,973.08
PEIRCE LINCOLN $3,854,861.56
LEWIS JOHN $3,758,518.00
KIBUISHI KAZU $3,600,365.04
ISHIDA SUI $3,487,487.51
MOORE ALAN $2,926,106.54
JOHNS GEOFF $2,848,375.36
ISAYAMA HAJIME $2,835,506.03
HIMEKAWA AKIRA $2,813,826.66
KUSAKA HIDENORI $2,609,804.84
SNYDER SCOTT $2,561,484.56
GAIMAN NEIL $2,348,200.81
YANG GENE LUEN $2,173,307.74
ODA EIICHIRO $2,007,041.74
TORIYAMA AKIRA $2,005,619.82
GILLEN KIERON $1,903,718.41
OTOMO KATSUHIRO $1,830,704.87
SPIEGELMAN ART $1,824,282.84
SATRAPI MARJANE $1,806,897.10
KING TOM $1,770,004.29
MILLER FRANK $1,766,494.54
HORIKOSHI KOHEI $1,760,337.90
MASHIMA HIRO $1,642,954.64
AARON JASON $1,633,896.36
DANTDM $1,626,946.12
OHBA TSUGUMI $1,593,829.64
MILLAR MARK $1,537,664.19
MIURA KENTARO $1,534,563.02
ENNIS GARTH $1,489,819.90
ARAKI HIROHIKO $1,401,794.89
MORRISON GRANT $1,368,636.11
MARTIN ANN M. $1,354,103.87
HOLM JENNIFER L. $1,336,025.62
TOBIN PAUL $1,335,197.89
HALE SHANNON $1,330,538.53
ITO JUNJI $1,320,569.94
LEMIRE JEFF $1,237,076.23
TOBOSO YANA $1,228,134.20
FERRIS EMIL $1,222,489.30
HALE NATHAN $1,211,376.48
O’MALLEY BRYAN LEE $1,177,564.44
COATES TA-NEHISI $1,164,788.45
TAKAYA NATSUKI $1,156,821.32
ONE $1,137,241.62
TAYLOR TOM $1,115,534.23
SIMPSON DANA $1,115,416.27
SMITH JEFF $1,108,367.15
RUCKA GREG $1,057,684.14
WAID MARK $1,038,522.79
HICKMAN JONATHAN $1,010,572.97

It was meant to be the pillar of the new continuity moving forward, but then Bendis happened and - as is the case with everything Bendis touches - established continuity is being burned down as we speak. Which has probably led Johns to desperately think of ways to incorporate all the shit that's been going on around him in a way that makes some amount of sense.

Putting a 1-3 month hiatus between each and every issue in a series seems like the fastest way to throw a career away. Johns either checked out and does not give a flying fuck anymore, or he is trying to get himself fired.

Yeah I'm still mad about Jon

wasn't there like a six month hiatus between #9 and #10? Shazam keeps getting delayed too.

Jack Fucking Kirby wrote a Jimmy Olsen series in the 70s.

Isn't Doomsday Clock non-canon at this point?

Seriously, you even think Element lad looks great? Oof.

I also saw him as Asian coded anyway. Just not this Asian.

Even Frank would have been finished by now. Rumour has it that the current issues are because of rewrites (which have been implied to be because of how much the status quo has changed since DdC started, but that's more speculation than anything else).

I agree, but there's also a second factor: Batman was a top seller throughout the 2010's and doing 100,000+ for a long while. Once a company gets used to that then even a drop means a panic. It's like Disney's reaction to Age of Ultron: that was a film that was a success at the box office, but underperformed relative to the first Avengers film so they considered it a problem.

I do think it was funny that in this decade the shills were trying to push a narrative that Batman was always a 100,000 seller for decades and that it wouldn't drop.

I'd say there was probably truth to the rumor that Didio and Johns are having conflicts and that Didio brought in Bendis to take control from Johns. From a company standpoint that's not a bad idea given that Bendis pumps out multiple books on a consistent basis and still has a devoted fanbase. But going by what's happened the last two years I think it's eroded the goodwill given to DC fast.

Is legion of superheroes v3 a good place to start? I don't have the patience for 60s comics, and the runs I want to read v4 and 5yl require v3 as setup

Snyder, Johns, Yang sell more like him and only the first had reign free. Also we need an update from this, because Bendis was a poison sale in the last years. Spider-men II and CW II sold pretty bad.

Yeah, Bendis still has some casual fans, but most fans are getting tired of his shit and that doesn't bode well now that he's been given a couple of smaller titles.

>and doing 100,000+ for a long while.
Monthly sales. With ONE book for month. Now with King they get around 160K every month.

Snyder doesn't actually have free reign because he's a complete pushover who will do anything editorial says to do

Don't be a brainlet. Read the #0 from volumen 4 of Legion. The same case with #0 from Legionaries. Then continue with LoSH #62 and Legionaries #19. There is were the Reboot truly kicks in.

Johns Doomday Clock, Legion delay stuff was happening way before Bendis. Probably part of the reason he got the team was because of Johns dragging his feet for so long.

as good as anything, I think you miss Great Darkness Saga though. It's a great volume though

>he doesn't know that snyder had to fight tooth and nail for METAL and when it was a huge hit DC rolled over for him

Sometimes I think about DC comics and I remember what timeline this is, the timeline where Bendis, a fallen star of Marvel, is given the keys to the DC kingdom, and does all the same things that led to his decline at Marvel. It's unreal. Like a bad joke from an Anonymous shitposter.

Metal was supposed to be a Hawkman story and look what happened

Ignore that other guy if you want to read the OG Legion.
Honestly, starting from when the book was renamed "Legion of Super-Heroes" (vol 2) is perfectly fine. That year was 1980.
That first issue is "Legion of Super-Heroes 259." It was previously called "Superboy and the LoSH"
Or if you find that too old still, start with LoSH vol 2 #289. You'll be a bit lost without the previous couple issues, but that's around when the Great Darkness Saga starts. There's also something important that happens in that issue for future character development (between Timber Wolf, Light Lass, and Shrinking Violet).
That volume ends with 313, and then continues into vol 3

He's still on Superman and will be doing Legion, though. Real question is how long will they keep him on those titles?

Bendis would be a lot less annoying if he'd just promote and use characters who already exist and portrayed them as real people, but he has to make a damn circus out of everything. But he'd also have to be a decent writer to do that.

I think Legion might fall victim to DC's "it's the fans who must be wrong" attitude, because they haven't really been large enough to prove that they stand on their own in a long while and that's often what a underperforming title needs in order to receive a new writer.

No clue about Superman though. It's already fallen a bit, but it doesn't seem like they want to do anything about it or have someone else lined up for it and the unending Rogol Zaar shit is still dragging on.

Doomsday Clock is good.

no it isn't

It's aggressively mediocre, but not nearly as bad as shit like Countdown.

not as bad as Countdown is an exceedingly low bar

It might but if this was 00's Bendis would've had huge sales guaranteed. His biggest 2010's launches before going to DC were GOTG, X-Men, and Iron Man which slid while he was writing them.

Bendis literally doesn't plan a goddamn thing out. He writes on a whim and changes his mind and thougt process midstream. This launch is really just an extension of how story arcs for him usually go. Remember the Original Sin tie-in for the X-Men that turned into an almost year long story not actually about what it started as and I think at some point Dark Beast was brought in to resolve another plot point and be killed and then Tempus killed the guy the whole story was about resetting the timeline and making the last year of comics pointless?

Fuck Bendis. He sucks.

DiDio is cancer, Bendis is cancer. Combine the two and you get mega cancer.

That’s not true at all you fucking retard. He almost got into a fucking fistfight with Didio over Didio fucking with his Batman. He tells that story all the time, it’s how he ended up meeting Grant Morrison.

Do I really have to explain to the retards of Yea Forums the thought process here? Fine
1. Johns took fucking forever to get Doomsday Clock wrapped up because of rewrites
2. Bendis comes to DC and wants to play with the toys
3. Hickman is also considering jumping to DC, but Marvel offers him total control over the X-Men which is the one Marvel IP Hickman is a huge fanboy of, so he goes to Marvel
4. With Hickman going back to Marvel and Johns taking way too fucking long to wrap things up, DC lets Bendis pitch Legion
5. Legion continuity is fucking convoluted and the Legion is also mostly white people and aliens. DC decides to let Bendis race swap a some members

The idea is sound. The Legion needs an update and the two first choices to write the book couldn’t do it. The problem is that Bendis is awful on cosmic books and on huge team books. DC is no doubt wanting him to recapture his success with the Avengers, but they fail to see that a lot of Bendis’ success was just shoving Spider-Man and Wolverine on the team. The only character like that DC has is Batman and he’s already on every fucking team so they’re putting Jon on the team to hopefully give the team a boost.

You're almost correct. Bendis got Legion cause he was like "You're giving me the keys to Superman does that include the Legion" and DC was like "Sure" probably because of Johns delays with Doomsday Clock.

Lemire was interested in writing a LoSH book but then the "Bendis is coming" happen.

Problem is that Lemire can't write large teams either and it seems like even DC have realised that.

So it's all Johns and Bendis' fault then.

Well, to be fair, the heat death of the universe will happen before Doomsday Clock ends, so using it as a jumping off point for a new book might not be such a good idea.

It's interesting that the minute Johns went off to try to get the movies in line, Didio immediately just destroyed everything rebirth had been repairing.

Also Didio.

If they had just kept the original concept that they marketed on twitter, they wouldn't be in this mess. But nooooo, Bendis had to start making changes in the last minute.

Pls elaborate

Can someone explain to me why Bendis is able to pump out 10 books a week, but Geoff Johns can't even finish 12 issues of one book over a 2 year period?

Johns is busy with tv shows and movies, Doomsday Clock and his Shazam book are paying the price.

Bendis just writes whatever comes to mind and doesn't give a shit if it even makes sense in context.

>the legion needs to be less white
Cause we all know that selective diversity race-bents just results in good quality comics.

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When you don't adhere to any sort of continuity, whether for past stories or what other writers are currently doing, and give every character the exact same voice, it suddenly becomes very easy to shit out content.

That is the most generic-looking black person I have ever seen, this is horrendous. Not that the previous design was any better, these costumes are just fucking bad.

Imra should've been blacked, not Garth. How many black psychics are in comics?

Attached: Imra badass.png (277x543, 331K)

Fans are defending this by saying Bendis is probably making a family connection with Black Lightning. But there still isn't a good reason for the generic ass costume.

That's kinda eh too though. They're roughly 30 generations apart (which means that he's one of about 1 billion people in the 21st century who they could theoretically be related to) so it's not like that would have an impact on Garth and Ayla in any way.

frankly that's so much worse than the Ranzz's just being black

DC was shooting itself in the foot while shitting the bed long before the comic book writer Brian Michael Bendis came onboard DC

When you have power at one company, you have power in the whole industry.
It's the exact same situation as when Byrne left Marvel for DC.

What would DC need to do to fix thing at this point

be sold to disney

>we need a 4th member for this Four horsemen apocalypse

Female Furies?

That didnt work for marvel

Get King and Bendis out, then just hope for the best I guess.

Get a new EiC

I'm just amazed how hard DC shit the bed with Rebirth, I even had casual non-comic friends talking about it.

Marvel seems organized and committed to their agenda of selling comics to people who do not read comics at the detriment of customer who do...or did. Say what you like, they all seem to be on the same page.

DC seems to have no unified leadership or editorial policy, Didio, Lee, Johns & Harras seem to be subverting each other instead of wrangling in editors who should be controlling talent. Somebody needs to be defined as being in charge and steering the brand creatively. Doomsday Clock might be Johns 'grudgefic' against Moore but it reads like a LOT of the immediate future of DC was predicated on it's conclusion and continuing the tone of Rebirth but now? Why even fucking bother?

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>but it reads like a LOT of the immediate future of DC was predicated on it's conclusion and continuing the tone of Rebirth but now?
I doubt it. Titans quickly spun off into its own thing. Basically the only tie-in to Doomsday Clock specifically was The Button and the Jor-El story and the later had already concluded while The Button was fairly standalone, rather than the focus of King's main run for example.

The only part of the line that relies on Doomsday Clock's ending would be Geoff's own projects (Legion, JSA) that now seem to be given to other people or become standalone mini-series (Three Jokers).

It's clear that in general Didio just didn't want to push DC in the direction promised by Rebirth.

You are old news, Marvel is redpilled again:

>Spiegelman turned in his essay at the end of June but was later contacted by a Folio Society editor who informed him that Marvel Comics wanted to stay "apolitical" and asked him to remove or otherwise edit the Red Skull/Orange Skull reference or it wouldn't be published. Instead of making changes, Spiegelman opted to withdraw the piece entirely.


Rebirth didn't repair shit

Looking forward to the next reboot after this one tanks.


I kind of hope they just bring back the post- and pre-ZH teams and give them one book each. The post-ZH team can go around the multiverse looking for their own or a new world while the pre-ZH team is retooled a little and get to do normal Legion stuff.

Or they could take after Lemire and just sort of combine them.

I'm still mad about what Bendis did to Jon.
What's the fucking point of making him older if he just brought back the other Superboy anyways

To send him to the Legion, which wouldn't work if he was as young as before. Like most people speculated, it was just a way to write him off without killing him.

I think the changes that happened to the Pre-ZH cast might be too drastic for a continuing-on point. That had a lot of weird shit, like the age gap lesbian romance between Lightning Lass and Shrinking Violet due to Glorith deaging the former

Yeah, you'd probably have to ignore a lot of continuity, but it's not like JOhns didn't already to that for his lukewarm re-reboot.

Johns ignored quite a bit (like, Timber Wolf and Ayla still seemed like a couple even though they were broken up since like 1982), but he didn't actually write a whole lot of LoSH.
Levitz pretty much just went from when he stopped writing the book, so the last thing on a map from his first retroboot volume was The Magic Wars

i.e. it was a mess.

Levitz kept Vi/Ayla though which was great.

and now is a delicious brown pairing

>implying Bendis himself even knows they where a couple at all.

Bendis is going to ignore those two, Jan and Lyle and just turn Karate Kid gay or something.

yeah Bendis seems to have left with Levitz. I've seen him talk up the DnA stuff but that's really the only post-Levitz I can remember him talking about.

They could have done something fun with them babysitting him for half a year or so. We had to put up with the annoying Dial H kid for longer than that.

I'm just tired of fans using the zero hour Legion to promote this shitty reboot. I know you have to keep them relevant, but if you're not promoting the reboot itself, then does that mean it's pretty awful?

It's not enough information too promote, and the info that is there is unappealing.

a Meta Crisis

So Multiversity Too

I only say its an event if it has a main miniseries called year of the villain

>forced lesbians are great

Final crisis II

Accurate. You shoulda had those quads.

You're right, it just had a massively better fan and critic reaction and revitalized sales over a lengthy period by total coincidence.

Yeah man, I've always been of the opinion that most of the team should look more dynamically futuristic and alien. I love (presumably) Thom and Dirk's looks. I even like gap-toothed Vi.

The patrician choice.

Neither Frank nor Eaglesham are fast.

Checked and truthpilled.

Enjoy while it lasts then.

kek, it's so aptly terrible

I mean the Legion is already a super popular, established, grounded team. They don’t really need to be reintroduced. Even if they reintroduce them and “fail”, people already know who they are.

Yeah, I'd like to think he would introduce XS along the way but I bet he just has no idea she exists because she wasn't around when he actually read comics.

He's talked up Impulse a ton so he should know her.

Regardless Williamson got her a cameo in Flash so I'm not that worried about her

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Everyone should read this post

No, Johns had gone back to DC to personally oversee a relaunch, but then after the failures of the movies he was basically removed from any control over the comics. Didio and Lee hate Johns' continuity and legacy wank, so they're just ignoring everything he was trying to do.

It's the exact same thing that's been happening with them for as long as Johns has worked there. You have a constant back and forth between the neo-Silver Age guys who happen to be the biggest and most popular writers, and the executives and editors who have their own visions for the creative and publishing direction to attract new fans. Johns gets to oversee all of this lead in to Infinite Crisis, then editors try and trash all the status quo it set immediately. They oversee the lead up to Final Crisis, Morrison immediately trashes everything they do.

And as usual all the actual writers in the trenches have no say in anything at all because all these clowns are having their wars and controlling the direction of the line.

>the Legion is already a super popular, established, grounded team.

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Ultimate Spider-Man was Bendis's best work because he didn't have to respect any previous continuity and no one cared about any of the other Ultimate books so he could basically do whatever he wanted.

She's black, and he doesn't seem to want to use the actual black characters the LoSH has had over the decades

Are you still living in the 80's? It's 2019. The legion is less popular then the fantastic 4 now.

It's gone to the boomers.

Why use actual characters who were created as something when you can shoehorn in random traits on other characters?

you know instead of race bending all these characters why didnt bendis make fuckin ferroblad the character who shooter (or whoever created ferro lad i forgot) actually wanted to be black, black

Maybe among dipshits and casuals, or whoever the hell you hang out with.

I haven’t seen a day go by where they’re not mentioned on this board alone. They’re the preeminent DC future item.

Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass, even Chemical King all have more daily mentions than Bwana Beast and he’s been filmed in live action.

It was his best work because it's one of the only times he has actually paid attention to older stories. As in, by copying older Spider-Man stories by better writers than him.

Almost none of USM's stories actually resemble the material they're "based" on, so him actually reading them is still questionable.

No one cares about Chemical King
Yea Forums has recently gotten interest in the Legion as a way to hate on Bendis more. Before there were maybe 20 Legion posters on the board.

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It started with Didio

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The hate for Bendis is shallow and pedantic.

How do you figure no one cares about Chemical King though? I’m not even kidding I’ve see him discussed more than Bwana Beast.

This whole thing is ridiculous and fascinating at the same time
>Convergence happens because they're moving offices
>people get hype seeing old heroes they love back
>a year later we get Rebirth
>seems like all of DC's mistakes are being fixed
>back to post Crisis canon
>Didio & Lee's child, the New52, is being swept under the rug
>legacy heroes are back and new ones are introduced
>this pisses Didio off even more
>Doomsday Clock delayed meanwhile HiC and other events come out undoing Rebirth's work
>all out of spite

That would have been neat.
>saturn girl knows what you really think of her people and will mind whammy you into thinking she's your wife
Garth is such a boring choice.

No, Bendis was hired not to get Fraction but because DiDio is retarded in thinking that he can get his Snyder type evergreen Superman TPB line out of Bendis (literally everyone following the tanking of the Superman titles under Bendis outright state that the reason they didn't fire Bendis outright is that Bendis has it in his contract that he gets to write Superman until he gets enough issues for at least one giant size omnibus of his run).

Khouri and DeConnick on the other hand? ONLY fucking hired because they are BFFs with Fraction and in Khouri's case, the only reason he still has a job at DC after murdering Vertigo and hiring a sexual predator, is that DeConnick let Fraction out of his cuck cage at the exact moment where Khouri was days away from being publicly fired.

it sucks to be a legion fan currently

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Which run?

His run on Valor is well liked, but the first 12 issues of Valor were so god-awful horrible that anything would have been an improvement.

His work on the 94 reboot basically lasted a couple of months, as he was forced to give up the book in order to write X-Men for Marvel. His work was bland and Tom Peyer, more than anything, was the real brains behind the reboot in terms of running the show.

The Threeboot is super fucking polarizing. It's the place where Waid's hackery became apparent and him trying to be super SJW, even as Waid's own racist bullshit negates it (makes Star Boy a black, but pairs Dream Girl with Brainiac 5 because Waid isn't down with the race mixing, then kills Dream Girl off because he realizes she's still dating a colored guy).

It's also so fucking try-hard edgy with the way that Waid forces the idea of the Legion being filled with delinquents and assholes and teenage psychopaths and how adults were literal Hitlers (the issue with Dream Girl's homeworld).

But it still SORT of feels like the Legion, even if the worst traits of Waid's ideas (IE anyone who's not part of the Adventure Comic era Legion don't exist, shilling white Invisible Kid and shitting on characters he doesn't like, like Timber Wolf and Projectra). It's readable in that it's not the worse Legion but it feels like a super try-hard edgy version by someone ashamed of writing the Legion.

What? Did you not like the season finale? Did you want FX to renew it for another one?

To be fair, that's their trap door for when this flops. They bring back the OG Legion, pretend Jon never met the Legion (or have him immediately say the OG Legion, especially the real Lightning Lad, is cooler than the lamoids he hung out with), or just retcon them the Earth 3 Legion sent by Ultra Man to corrupt Jon and have them get massacred in a big battle by Owl Man or Superwoman.

>absolute garbage
No, that's Donny Cates' event in Marvel.

It's been rumored that they wanted him to write Detective Comics but Bendis demanded Superman for "reasons" (IE he wanted to continue shilling SJW anti-life and use Superman as a shield for his anti-life beliefs) and DiDio agreed because he desperately thinks Bendis will be a goldmine in TPB sales and give him his long coveted evergreen Superman run to shill ala Snyder's run, in TPB format for the next decade.

And him getting Legion, is a lot of shit but also DC not wanting to admit they fucked up hiring him and DiDio STILL being pissy that Geoff refused to make Doomsday Clock a big crossover with tie-ins, which is the only reason BTW we got Metal (as DiDio decided to due it to reboot the DCU to keep Geoff from doing it himself).

>she's still dating a colored guy
my fucking sides user

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Not like it it is the first time Didio has derailed things out of spite. Remember how Countdown to Final Crisis was going to be "52 but done right"?

He was never good. His DD run ripped off fall from grace, his Avengers run was wholesale rape, and the only fucking reason ANYONE cared about Ultimate Spider-Man was due to the fact that Quesada had embargoed JMS and Jenkins from using Mary Jane but Bendis was allowed to use her/write her and Ultimate Peter as a couple.

Doomsday Clock was rewritten so Geoff could shit on liberals going batshit crazy over Trump. And Geoff realizing he'll forever be a cuck and never be a true big name creator, if he has to deal with having to employ fill-in artists on his works, so he threw a tantrum saying Doomsday Clock HAD to be drawn by Franks, no fucking acception and no matter how late it becomes as a result.

Best starting place is V2 #283 (Wildfire origin story that is a filler story right before the start of the Levitz run but has a crucial background event that becomes super relevant later on).

Sauce? This is very interesting shit.

That won't last long. Ten gets you twenty sand nigger Sanamat will override and fire the guy who vetoed the introduction and restore it, Trump insult and all. And then listen to her sand nigger sister bitch about how she caught her pedophile husband sexting with another teenager online.

There's never a source. Hell, if you search for the word "khouri" on desuarchive, you'll see this user again.
Usually complaining about how khouri someone controls the company, and how he's dying of aids because he's a faggot.

V4 and the TMK run fucked up too much to continue from there. It's why Geoff explicitly decided to use the end of the Magic Wars as the starting point and handwave Black Dawn as Legion of Three Worlds

It's such an insane contrast with the hype of that initial Rebirth one-shot.

Even for DC editorial this is some legendary bed-shitting.

Fuck you faggot

I mean have you ever seen how his books are paced? You can probably cut out 90% of his dialogue and lose nothing in the process.

Waid bashing aside, Waid really hates Dream Girl (he's one of the crowd who thinks she's a slut and only role in the Legion, being the fuck toy for the rest of the members without a girlfriend). More likely he killed her off because of that longstanding hate boner of his, with him only giving her a big build up like he did, because Waid did the same making everyone love Phantom Girl then brutally fridging her at the end of the first year of the first reboot.

I think Lemire just has a weird mental block on Big 2 team comics. Black Hammer is essentially a team book and it's doing pretty well. I enjoyed the first run.

>because Waid did the same making everyone love Phantom Girl then brutally fridging her at the end of the first year of the first reboot.
I've read the two released trades of that early reboot, and was surprised by how dark it was given that the reboot was sometimes called "Archie Legion," for being lighter.
Every other mission they went on had someone getting injured or killed. Hell, their first big mission had the token black guy killed off during it.

To be fair, Kid Quantom was killed because Waid wanting to recycle the Breirbaum's autism in creating him as a means to explain why the Legion didn't allow anyone with tech as their sole power/required actual super powers.

He wrote these posts:

This seems to appeal to self hating white people more then actual black fans.

Maybe he should have kicked out Brainiac 5.

Counterpoint, Threeboot is great

Talking about things?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-16-17-59-32-1.png (681x839, 564K)

Wish these fucks would leave comics altogether. Go write absolute shit for Netflix or something.

>It's clear that in general Didio just didn't want to push DC in the direction promised by Rebirth.
Too bad he didn't have a direction he DID want it pushed, so instead we're stuck with Bendis cumming all over everything and ruining entire swathes of the setting at once.

>Bendis is only gonna go back if DC gives him the boot
Hypothetically speaking, how low would sales have to get for that to happen?

It's hard to say. I guess maybe even lower than the books are at now.

The Threebot feels more like an atempt to imitate the vibes from Ultimate Marvel using the headcanon and muh from Waid. It was my first Legion and without any preconceived it was a engaging read. Yet, inferior to the Archie Legion in terms of creativity or the 5YL stories in terms of shake things up.
His Teen Titans are good, Kid Flash aside. So he has improved writing team books. His X-Men are mediocre, but mostly for editorial meddling:

>"Yeah, for sure. And then, you know, the X-Men stuff was… Kind of a nightmare, to the honest. Really difficult, I came into and they already had storylines in place I had to use that I probably wouldn’t came up with myself and I felt editorial was very restricting in what they wanted. And too many notes. And then you start second-guessing yourself. It’s just not a good situation. "
Terrifics is still published with 15K. So puting the name of Bendis in the equation, anything below that number is a failure.

DC has always been overconfident about their brand power.

>literally "Orange Man Bad"
This is why the mouse comic is the only one of his anyone cares about.
Władek would have probably voted Trump.

There can be more than one pile of garbage user.
Eg. every single member of your family and your waifu are all separate piles of garbage.

"Absolute Carnage" pun, user

Ah yes very redpilled of Marvel to hire the guy who wrote Maus of all things and then demand him to stay apolitical. Surely no way that would play out differently than it did.

>There are enough Batfags around to keep if floating.
Selling to the lowest amount of people possible is the opposite of what they want to do.

>people would buy this if it were blank paper
Isn't a ringing endorsement.

Querl's brain is his real power, and he eventually absorbed the force field generator too so they covered that.

If you are Jim Lee, then heed your own advice and do this

also querl will never get fired/die because hes the writer easy deus ex machina

And also pretty much the most popular character in the series and the fandom's go to bicycle.

One word:

these are also true but less of a reason why he will never get iced

you know id actually give bendis a molecule of respect if he had the stones to kill brainy and have it stick for more than 1 arc

>What the hell is DC doing?
Thank you for asking the question, but please take my advice and stop trying to make sense of it. You'll just upset yourself as you fail to make sense of it, and frankly they don't deserve your frustration. All they deserve is to starve.

The bitch fit from Tumblr and Twitter will be the stuff of legends.

>Marvel is redpilled again:

Sure it is...

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>doomsday clock
Forgot all about this.

What the hell is going on with this mess?

Pushed off to Black Label. We're still waiting for issues 11 and 12. It has all but officially been confirmed as non-canon at this point, as will be Three Jokers which will come after it, that has also been make a Black Label title.

Honestly, at this point with Shazam being one of Batkek's Secret Six infected, everything Geoff Johns is writing, delay or not, seems to be getting sent to the cuck shed. If he is going to remain involved in live action production he should stop trying to write comics, because it really seems he can't keep to a monthly schedule, which is unfortunate because as much as the guy LOVES DC, and used to be able to stick to multiple monthlies on time, he really seemed to be struggling right now, and as much as I wish DC didn't look like it was doing him so dirty, right now they seem to be treating everything he writes in such an unfriendly manner that it's difficult to not see it as DC intentionally treating him like a redheaded stepchild.

Take me back. I dropped most if not all of my pull list after reading a few issues of Bendis Superman. I want rebirth back bros

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>Fantastic 4

Nigger pls. There new movie was even worse than Justice League

I thought Man of Steel was shit too but he LITERALLY had no choice but to kill Zod.

Because it was trying to be The Dark Knight. Just like Man of Steel.

it would be glorious to see the reactions

triple dubs confirm bendis will kill querl and usher in a new age of anal annihilation

The apology would be tossing DiDio out in his ass and dumping Bendis.

Maybe the Legion have Lois Lane's old race changing machine xd

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Superman #14 preview is out.

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Jon joining the legion is the same variety of shit as Kara becoming a journalist or Conner living in Smallville with Ma and Pa. Giving them Clark’s sloppy seconds doesn’t help any of these characters. It’s what makes them different from the main guy that makes them appealing. Sigh, we lost super sons for this garbage.

Also, Vril is a manlet now.

Yeah, I could see him spending some time with them, but this is garbage and the delivery is painfully awkward.

Attached: superman-14-preview_b-embed_2019.jpg (928x1427, 311K)

>Vril is a manlet now.
the better question is, if this is the 31st century how the fuck is vril still alive coluan lifespan bs aside

They're not there yet. These pages show how the Legion travels to the 21st century to interrupt the Supers' as they collectively lecture the leaders of the galaxy about being nice to each other.

Not that he isn't enough a bastard to just continue to clone himself or inject himself with Durlan DNA to hang around forever if he wants to. But that's not what's happening here.

I am fairly new to the Legion and i was wondering if anyone can point me how find the torrent with the compilation of the previous iterations. Only the name is enough.

The writers writing a situation where Superman would be forced to kill is retarded in the first place.

what a loser

This run will be a short lived treat.

>first time I've seen anything L.E.G.I.O.N since flashpoint aside from the notes in Threshold
>Vril looks like his son from R.E.B.E.L.S vol.2
>Lyrissa Mallor that was killed is alive and well
Godamn it

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Vril was in No Justice too, but Snyder has apparently not even read his wiki page so he was entirely out of character and acting like a brat. It was so bad that people though he would be revealed to be Lyrl in disguise.

I don't mind Lyrissa being alive too much because she's pretty cool, but both her and Strata (who has been shown in other art) are wearing outdated uniforms.

are his books selling?I dropped superman because of him, but I heard YJ was actually pretty good

I thought that multiversity event was shit that killed off Earth 2. But I might be alone in that.

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Jeez, Will he be raped again? Like how the fuck does Querl exists? I don't see Stealth in the previews. No Lyrl, no Brainiac 4, and therefore no Querl for the legion.

Please respond ;__;

>but I heard YJ was actually pretty good

>I heard YJ was actually pretty good
ehhhh, it's good if you don't think about it too much, but he did add new characters and change old ones because then he wouldn't be Bendis

Honestly, who knows. DC's editors are as incompetent as always when it comes to this because there are conflicting shit all over the place and costumes from at least two eras.

I don't even think L.E.G.I.O.N. is going to receive enough attention for it to matter. They're going to be a random set piece in Bendisman and Vril is going to say something widely out of character before the shuffle off into space and aren't mentioned until Giffen goes on a bender or Snyder wants to flex his comic "knowledge" again.

nigga you're retarded, Multiversity was great. James Robinson walked off Earth 2 because they wanted him to do a Batman spin off along with a bunch of dumb editorial shit, then it went to shit because editorial got their way by having Tom Taylor do the book the way they wanted

My bad, was thinking of convergence

Attached: Convergence_Poster.jpg (1200x648, 385K)

>Yea Forums loved Didio pre-Rebirth and kept claiming New 52 was a success
>now hates him and N52
What happened?

convergence isn't anywhere near as detrimentally bad as those others, it was just a total waste of time and resources to fill the gap while DC moved to the west coast. Literally, complete filler

>Yea Forums loved Didio pre-Rebirth
He's been hated since his first big thing at the company, Identity Crisis.
Then Infinite Crisis and his push to burn away all love for the JLI with Countdown/Infinite Crisis

Yea Forums was constantly calling him based though.

>Yea Forums loved Didio pre-Rebirth
desu they loved him up until the start of 2018 desu. It's only really when Bendis was announced on Superman and HiC that everyone swung back to hating him since they're now high of the theory that Johns was gonna fix everything and what we've gotten is a result of Didio sabotaging him.

Really? I always suspected Yea Forums was always full of halfags and barryfags.
After all, didio wrote a big "I joined DC to bring them back and now my job is done" back in 2009

I've been here a long fucking time and Yea Forums has always hated Didio a lot, I don't know what you retarded kids are smoking.

I dunno what you're smoking either. I still recall when Yea Forums was drinking the Rebirth coolaid hard and praising Didio for finally 'recognizing his mistake' was common enough that there was a weekly Didio Hope poster. Yea Forums only swung back to full-on hating him when they realized that Rebirth was just a scam that they bought hook, line and sinker.

Has Bendis actually written a single good comic in the last ten years?

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Wow, Bendis did the EXACT FUCKING THING literally everyone called him as doing to try and sweep Jon off-screen to break up Clark and Lois's family. I hate him so fucking much.

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Way to rewrite history faggots. People have hated that fat fuck and his shit relaunch for years

>People have hated that fat fuck and his shit relaunch for years
I mean you can repeat this all you want but it doesn't change the fact that it's simply not true.

You can repeat the fact that people liked him but it doesn't change the fact that it's simply not true.

There was a brief 2 year period where Didio had a lot of good will, with DCYou and Rebirth, mostly because Marvel by that point had gone insane, but Didio is the kind of man who digs for gold until he hits a sewer pipe.
The question is, how did he get the job at DC in the first place? Prior to this, his biggest claim to fame was not being able to sell Transformers.

But it is.

The only time I can remember anyone being positive about Didio was way back during Johns' spectrum corp wars in GL. That was ten years ago.

Keep lying to yourself

But I'm not.

>having Tom Taylor do the book the way they wanted
And they got THE worst ongoing of the entire New 52, to the point that an entire Multiversal event was dedicated to just desperately trying to find a way to retool it into something marketable. Was that part of their plan?

There you go again lying to yourself

You really are. He was never the primary focus for it, but all the big heads behind the New 52 got shat on endlessly.

But I'm not.

>but all the big heads behind the New 52 got shat on endlessly
And everyone went straight swung around to praising Hope Didio when Rebirth was in full swing. Why are you lying, user?

Taylor bailed pretty early because he got bored with the idea, then that terrible weekly book started

Oh, DCYou. Plenty of people actually liked that stuff and that was all Didio. After New 52 I wasnt back on board until Rebirth, which I saw as Johns reclaiming power.

>wanting to believe a man has changed is the same as liking him

rebirth gave us hope which didio shattered into the ground pic fucking related

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>actually Jon is the real hero because he invented the up
>implying that not a single alien has thought about cooperating with others before
>and that people and planets will just stop hating each other because some random half-kryptonian said that it'd be a good idea

Whats sucks more about this is, I can't find anyone to talk to that's even open enough to admit this doesn't look all that great. Their either "give a chance I guess" or shilling the ever loving shit out of it, "if you don't like this then you hate what the legion 'represents'." Like come on guys, when has that logic ever worked?

The Legion is comprised of overwhelming white liberal fans. Diversity is all they live for to atone for existing. But I really miss Jenni, and Jazz.


Yes, it makes perfect sense a TEENAGER with the brain of a pre-teen will unite a bunch of adult aliens together. And create the UP.

Maybe he'll sing the "Peace is nice" song.

>Whats sucks more about this is, I can't find anyone to talk to that's even open enough to admit this doesn't look all that great.

Anyone to talk to Online or IRL?

>Jon is going to disappear, aged up in a shit costume surrounded by people with 2015 hair
I want to cry

Makes me so upset to think about. For a fraction of time I thought DC was at least starting to get things back on track. Books were looking good, new52 was toned down and all the crap gone. Superman was Superman again and they even changed him and Lois in a fundamental way with a kid. More than a few other characters were doing cool stuff and the potential for the older, much loved stories and characters to make a return was hyped.

Now everything sucks, DClock has been dragged out to a literally unbelievable extent, killing itself and any potential for good it could have brought to the universe as a whole and barely anything has happened in a meaningful way. Superman is either depressed, weak or an asshole from book to book and God only knows what happened to his son, there are like a half dozen different world shattering or multiverse events all happening at once and no one knows where or how they all fit into canon. Batman has gone to shit, Tom King sits like a dark cloud over whatever he does and ruins it, his Mister Miracle fizzled out and didn't work character wise. This legion stuff is going to be shit, guaranteed. DClock will wrap up in 25 years and will have been entirely pointless. Reading Heroes in Crisis was like hearing that your grandmother died last night, Metal was dumb and this Perputa tripe is dumb AND unnecessary clog for the cosmic hierarchy.

All I've got left in my pull list is Morrisons GL out of respect to him as a writer/hal is my fav character and DClock just for the sake of it. Rebirth was the last bit of hope for the company and they fucked it. Bendis is there to dance on the fucking grave, nothing more.

What a fucking joke. Bendis on fucking Superman after it was doing so god damn well. FUCK. I'm quite angry.

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Adult aliens who hate each other for quite legit reasons. Iirc there's a dominator in the wider shot, and at least two people on that page were imprisoned by them for the crime of existing on planets they wanted to invade. Both Rann and Thanagar are there with their history of unending war.

And at least three organisations on that page aren't actual planets so they don't even belong in an organisation like that. It's like inviting the peace corps who doesn't follow orders, a terrorist group with unclear goals and Amazon but with a private army to have seats in the UN.

I know this is comics, but they could at least try to treat the world they've built with some respect and not boil so much conflict down into "just be nice" like they're writing for actual toddlers.

All online

johns has been teasing to write a legion ongoing since 2008 while doing nothing but giving the book to writers that has already done their part.

they had a v big lgbt fanbase since the 60s so idk why you be suprised

>killing itself and any potential for good it could have brought to the universe as a whole
Typically DC fan, praying for a Reboot to "make it all good again".
It was never that good.
It felt good when you were a tyke, and you can't get that feeling back. Sucks to see a manbabby slooooooowly growing out of his baby stuff.

Bendis ruined Marvel, he's the worst piece of shit IN THE HISTORY OF THE COMIC BOOK INDUSTRY, without a doubt, he's the worst piece of shit in the world

I'm in the same boat. Its absolutely insane how hard the quality dropped across the board for literally everything.

Thus causing two writers to be blacklisted for queerbaiting Jan and Erin.

His Supes book shat the bed HARD with sales numbers below what Jurgen and Tomasi’s books. YJ is near cancelled numbers since he fucked up so bad. And literally no one gives a shit about his Event Leviathan.


It took me one second to look up "black ginger". The results looked more like Garth then what we got.

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If Bendis doesn't think a Bisexual Iceman can exist, then biracial characters must look like one race instead of both their parents.

>I thought that multiversity event was shit that killed off Earth 2
Negative, friend. As I recall it was an alternating weekly that ran alongside Future's End, and it was called Earth 2 World's End. It was an absolute shitshow of a series, but it was where we first saw Jorge Jimenez, who did art on Superman Rebirth and Super Sons before being adopted by Snyder to do Justice League with him, so his emergence was a bit of a silver lining. World's End dropped the survivors into Convergence, which concluded with the primary world of Convergence becoming a new World set within the Earth 2 Universe that was much more like a series of Hero-run city states, as the world was effectively starting from scratch, which was all detailed in Earth 2 Society, which was the last time we saw Earth 2, but it was still a fully intact world last we saw. It was just more of a basic world than one set with a post-WWII aesthetic.

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>Yea Forums loved Didio pre-Rebirth
DCYou adopted a much more creator driven movement, that was all over the place, was less editorial driven, and allowed for outright canon contradiction, and it didn't matter because if it was a good story, they'd publish it. And there was a lot of good stories getting published.
>now hates him and N52
Personally even approaching New 52 with an open mind, once we got far enough into it to have hindsight, it was a clusterfuck. You had Barry effectively restarting the DC Universe, except now, we had 73 years of content compressed into a 5 year timeline? They should have just started from scratch. All of it. It is possible to have liked DCYou and dislike New 52, because DCYou was the first attempt by DC to move away from the mistakes of New 52. Rebirth was the attempt to embrace the creativity of DCYou, with the oversight to make sure that it had the heart and soul that a lot of people had felt had been lacking since New 52.

The problem now, is that the entire line is run by editorial spinning all the plates to line up with the vision of Snyder, Bendis, and King, and a lot of us don't like what they are doing, and don't like books like Nightwing where "Ric" Grayson is living through the consequence of a choice made by Tom King and the entire book is absolute dogshit because of it. Heavy weighs the crown on the head that wears it, and although Harris is the EiC, DiDio could intervene, and he isn't. In fact it seems like he is facilitating it. So, like you said, when he does good things, we love him. When things we don't. It's as simple as that.

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i mean have you seen what hes done to miles?

ive always complained that they made him mixed but in 90% of his stories and his appearance the spanish half may as well just not exist

Based on July's numbers:
>Superman 13 (All) 07/10/19 DC 51,944
>Action Comics 1013 (All) 07/24/19 DC 43,763
>Young Justice 7 07/10/19 DC 26,777
>Event Leviathan 2* 07/10/19 DC 53,334

Compared to the last issue of Tomasi's run:
>Superman 45 04/18/18 DC 41,927

And the last issue of Jurgens' Action Comics:
>Action Comics 999 03/14/18 DC 51,534

I came back to /co to see how this thread was doing, but now I know Batfags are suffering too.

Isn't that what being a DCfag has been all about lately? Your pick of King, Snyder or Bendis gets to do something they have no business doing and we suffer.

So are there's no way Bendis is staying on beyond the contractually obligated amount of issues (enough to fill an omnibus), right?

>we suffer

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YJ is getting too close to terrifics sales, but it's not terrible.


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I feel like charting their numbers

His Superman actually had a little boost in July, but it also had an Adam Hughes variant.

Accelerating their own demise

Well, I suck at actually making charts, but I did gather all their numbers.
Since Tomasi's Superman was double shipping, he had put out about 26 issues compares to Bendis' current 13.
>Superman (Rebirth) #25 - 50 762
>Superman (Rebirth) #26 - 50 173
As for Action Comics, same thing.
>Action Comics #981 - 42 520
>Action Comics #982 - 41 799
So in the same amount of time, Bendis is doing a little better than either of the previous volumes. That said, DC was getting those kinds of numbers twice a month when the book was bi-weekly, so they were likely making more money off it, even with the price point being $1 less.

Yeah, that doesn't look good.

This wasn't an advertisement, they were warning us.

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That works

You know what I'm surprised about, they stopped doing charts on The Beat. I wondered if that was just because of all the negative publicity Marvel was getting in 2017.

The guy who did the DC charts still does them on a wordpress blog called
The Marvel guy seems to be MIA. I remember him slacking off almost all year before 2017.
I took the numbers from comichron, but did not include the reprinting numbers (if there were any)

no c:

DC editorial has gone to shit ever since Flashpoint. Bringing back dead Barry Allan was just the beginning, then came the merging of studios, the next New52 which was completely shit writing wise.
Final nail in coffin was hiring Bendis.

Their writers aren’t bad, their editors have no actual vision.

Good for us or good for Bendis?

>Is this the worst launch for a superhero comic book team?
Not even close.

Rebirth was pretty shit. You were just willing to tolerate the overwhelming mediocrity because you believed them when they said it was all in service of things getting better eventually.

I don't disagree with you, but I do genially want to know what launches sucked worst then this.

New Avengers
See the trend?

Isn’t his sister still white though?

Unclear, depends on the artist.

She is also black. See the girl in white and blue suit? The one besides Ultra Boy. She had a feather symbol in her chest.

Attached: Bendis-Full-Legion.jpg (731x501, 101K)

I compiled the data. Tomasi's Superman doesn't dip below Bendis' current numbers until #21, ditto for #978 of Action Comics.

Attached: supersales.png (947x599, 23K)

Christ that drop in Benis sales on Supes after issues 1 and 2. I'm disappointed in all you people who purchased those starting books, I dropped that shit before issue 1.

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>Superman doesn't know the Legion
Garbage Timeline confirmed

Bendis also had six issues of Man of Steel as a prelude, but it sold pretty poorly. Stores didn't know how to order it as a weekly, so it averaged around 60K an issue.
Which bleedingcool claimed was a failure according to rumors they heard around that time. Bleedincool, remember, so not well sourced.

I really wish DC would get rid of Bendis

They're not great numbers, but they wouldn't make it an immediate failure

Comic fans might actually have head injuries. They consistently buy awful product "to see what all the fuss is about" to the extent that it became Marvel's explicit business model.

DC gets more and more unstable as the years pass. It used to be 20 years between reboots (golden age to silver age to coie) then 10 years (coie to zero hour to infinite crisis) then 5 years (infinite crisis to nu52 to rebirth) now we will be down to 2 years (rebirth to Bendis legion) with the story of the previous reboot (doomsday clock/rebirth) still being published while the latest reboot (Bendis legion) starts.. At some point each new monthly book from DC will be a new reboot lol.

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Is this Imra canon or not anymore? What is the point anymore?

Maybe not? Snyder accidentally said that DdC isn't canon anymore but then came out and said that he misspoke.

Blackning Lad is just silly. Shame on DC for allowing another character to get BLACKED