Just now noticing the weight difference between then and now

Just now noticing the weight difference between then and now.

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Other urls found in this thread:


We're moving on.

Theres barely any , her lips aren't that fat now tho

She's less depressed so she lost some weight, makes sense.


>Objecting to preferred pronouns that are already established in the english language

Her face is thinner. For me it’s really noticeable around the lower half of her head.

>allowing people to define for themselves what others call them when it flies in the face of reality
yeah it's better than xir and shit, if that was your point, but..

It’s basically like wanting to be called a different name. Yeah it’s different on your birth certificate, but it really doesn’t matter overall

>the face of reality
She's clearly biologically female now. Unless you're one of those people who don't understand how genes or chromosomes work... they create the sexual characteristics, they aren't themselves the sexual characteristics.


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Honestly it always bothered me how he's so much more human looking than his parents. This nigga doesn't look like a frog at all.

No it's not.
It's more like an apple demanding to be called an orange.
You are compromising your intellectual integrity and debasing yourself by agreeing to their insane delusions.

I know EVERYTHING about biology and YOU are WRONG

>You are compromising your intellectual integrity and debasing yourself by agreeing to their insane delusions.
Not really. If anything, you're the one whose claims are unfounded by current research. How can you speak of "intellectual integrity" when you deliberately ignore decades of research that explicitly disagree with you in favor of trying to appeal to us emotionally? Saying "You better agree with me or else you'll look stupid" flies in the face of any genuine appeal of "intellectual integrity".

>I know EVERYTHING about biology
Great, I have a completely unrelated question for you, then.
How come my ulcerative colitis causes me to have toothaches that get treated by rubbing steroid cream on my asshole? I was never clear on that. What does my asshole have to do with toothaches?

Nerves are weird, dude.

So my ulcerative colitis affects my nervous system is what you're saying? Does that explain why I often get migraines when the weather changes?

Men aren't women.
There is no research which says otherwise.

>Men aren't women.
Of course not, but men can become women, as sexual characteristics are merely physical body parts that can be adjusted like any other body part. There is nothing special or sacred about them whatsoever, and they do not continue to hold a magical influence on the person after they leave or are adjusted.

Humans are humans. Unless you’re going to stick your dick in it or it’s going to stick your dick in you, why care?

>but men can become women
No, they can't.

Denial isn't an argument. Where is your intellectual integrity? You only have a belief, not a fact.

Because trannies have this weird obsession with targeting the mentally ill, especially children. They prevent them from receiving the actual psychiatric help they need, in favor of convincing them to chop their dicks off before killing themselves.
Muh boi Thunt (I'm sorry, he (I'm sorry, she)) now goes by "Ellipsis", will never receive the psychiatric care he desperately needed, and will probably kill himself before the end of the year, which means that I don't get to read Goblins anymore.

>Because trannies have this weird obsession with targeting the mentally ill, especially children. They prevent them from receiving the actual psychiatric help
This is a nonsense conspiracy, as plentiful psychiatric help is available for transgender people who wish to transition, and is in fact necessary for transition to happen, as it requires approval from such a professional.
If they are not receiving care, then that raises other questions. For example, are they American? In which case, it's not surprising that they can't receive care. American medicine is very behind in terms of availability and access.

>This is a nonsense conspiracy
I feel like I have a responsibility to let you know that you're not fooling anyone here.

You do know you have to go to a psychiatrist to get that procedure approved after spending enough time as the opposite gender and taking hormones, right?

Of course I'm not, since nothing I said is intended to fool. I am delivering reality to disperse your silly fantasies which are, at best, a misrepresentation based on an edge case and at worst an outright fabrication spread as propaganda.

>You do know you have to go to a psychiatrist to get that procedure approved after spending enough time as the opposite gender and taking hormones, right?
No, you don't. It's frequently forced on children by "woke" parents.

But Rachel is a frog and frogs can actually change gender. Joe Murray is an environmentalist and knows a lot about animal biology. He did work with Stephen Hillenburg too.

If you add eyelashes to any male character they instantly become waifuable

Mental help that reinforces delusions isn't help at all user

Yup definitely that’s why there are no more cis kids and it’s all just trans kids.

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Your chromosomes deturmine your gender. Making men stronger bigger and faster on average. Men produce semen, and have bigger bones that can't be changed by cutting off your dick.

It's like wearing a dog costume and vlaiming you're a real dog.

Not the same guy but nerves are just hooked up really weird, so yeah probably. I fell on my bike and hurt my knee real bad when i was like 13 and since i haven't had any feeling in my dick, somehow. I think you're supposed to have pain in your ass but the nerves place the pain in your teeth instead. I don't fuckin know, I'm not a doctor.

>I fell on my bike and hurt my knee real bad when i was like 13 and since i haven't had any feeling in my dick, somehow.

It's so harmless. How come people didn't get a collective brain aneurysm when reading Ranma 1/2?

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I don't fucking get it either, dude. Without a working dick most threads on this board sure are boring though

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How has that affected you? Do you have relationships? Do you get aroused on a conceptual level?
I'm more wondering why you're not a world-changing multiple PhD. graduate since you don't have to deal with your dick.

it didn't have any sort of societal message. nobody cared for such things back then since the gender mania needs to build up over time from modernism.

>do you have relationships?
I'm on Yea Forums
>do you get aroused on a conceptual level
I still get horny, and i can still jerk off, I just don't feel any sense of pleasure. It's not much of a buff.
>why aren't you a world-changing multiple PhD graduate
I actually do a shitton of work in my freetime. Maybe not multiple world changing multiple PhD tier but i study art, music and programming every fuckin' day all to make solo vidya games. It might not be admirable but it is still a lot of work.

Huh. Thanks for sharing, unironically appreciated.

Have you just never thought to check it out with a doctor? Or did the doctors just throw their hands in the air and say your dick's broke.

>She's clearly biologically female now

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Yeah no problem chief, good luck with your tooth aches

the lips aren't as thick in the first ralph episode. in wacky delly they're thicker and he has that cheek.

Yeah, last year I finally went to a doctor who referred me to other doctors and I kinda went back and forth doing weird tests and waiting for results for like 4 months. It was obvious no one knew what the fuck was up with me, everytime i met someone knew i had to explain to them it wasn't erectile disfunction which for some reason is always what they had been told from the last doctor. I never got a clear "your dicks broke" but it ended with me not getting any more referrals or tests and instead having some middle aged nurse or doctor or whatever i'd never seen before explain to me how I can still have a fulfilling life without a workin benis, and she compared it to her not being a fan of jogging herself, which was fucking bizarre. It sucked, thank god I live in a country with free healthcare cuz if I had spent money on the whole ordeal I would've been pretty annoyed.

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This. I can't wait for China to fix Western civilization.

Do you have any evidence proving otherwise? She is a cartoon frog with a full set of eyelashes, in case you have not noticed.

>roleplaying with the mentally ill instead of helping them

I don't give a fuck about trannies one way or another, all I know is that I want them to keep obliterating women in sports because that is the funniest shit

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>I can't wait for China to fix Western civilization.
I don't really think literal bug people who drive worse than senior citizens and eat rats are in a position to save themselves, let alone anyone else.

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Was it autism?

It's a work in progress.

Most reddit post of the day

What the fuck that happens to me too. I have impacted wisdom teeth though but its worse when my asshole problems are bad. Do you have wisdom teeeth issues too?

Whenever I hear or think of something painful happening to someone I get a shiver/twinge in my buttocks near the asshole, instead of down the spine like everyone else seems to get. What the fuck is it with asshole nerves?

I'm sure the change in look here has less to do with the faggot frog becoming a girl and more to do with degradation of art style and animation. It is really easy to stay on model if a characters head is constructed by just two parallel curved lines, even if it looks way shittier.

It's just another case of soul/soulless. Guess which is which? How did streamlining animation end up making it look so much shittier?

Thats funny, sounds like when I was going between hospitals and specialists for frequent nausea and stomach problems and the specialist tells me I had...fuck what did he even call it? It was basically "ongoing undefined issues that never go away and have no exact cause, and have to be treated forever. Here take these fizzy pills "

It was dumb and felt like a copout.

Sorry, but roleplaying is what Yea Forums does. None of us really care about cartoons.

When I was still in school I went to tons of doctors trying to figure out why I had frequent nausea, migraines and stomach problems. Did all sorts of tests and tried different remedies before they basically gave up and gave us that explanation.

Then once I'd flunked out of school due to the problems the realisation came that all of that shit was due to either anxiety(stomach etc) or tensing up("migraines"). They never considered it because I wasn't actually unhappy in school, it was just the pressure of falling behind because of being sick, in a vicious circle. I haven't had a migraine since school. Feelsgoodman.

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Gender is a social construct, sport.

no, they determine your sex.


lel all you want it's true.

That's good to hear user. Maybe there's hope for all of us "indeterminate medical condition"" anons

Hardly. It either doesn't exist, or is a synonym for sex. Gender as some psychosocial construct is completely nonsensical. It serves no purpose whatsoever, and has been latched onto by people desperately seeking some kind of identity to call their own, something to make them stand out in their own eyes.

Gender roles and the types of behaviors that are considered to be masculine and feminine, if that is what you mean, are social in nature, but innately biological - the behavior of men and women is not something that is separate from their physical evolution. These might vary across cultures, but this isn't as a consequence of pointless navel-gazing, but adaptation to their environments. It's only in the modern context, where humanity is entirely devoid of threat, when gender theory has taken off. That doesn't make it any more valid.

hell yeah my dude

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There's no hardly about it, it's entirely social.

so I guess there's never ever going to be a thread talking about what this special was trying to say about nostalgia as commodity, the value fans put on original creators, was Rocko being pissy about a Big Head baby meant to preemptively address threads like this
it's just all gonna be non-stop just this same thread, isn't it?

the polflakes are triggered

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White supremacy dubs confirm that it'll definitely just be this same thread.

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Goddammit Whoopi, that's not how eyelashes work.

Do you intentionally pretend like you don't know what "social construct" means? You might as well be saying religion doesn't exist, or non-physical currency.

Nope, every thread will now be derailed into transgender frogs. Are you happy now Murray?

He has better cock sucking lips as a guy
Wait hold on is Rachel into men or women?

Rachel is into ME she is MY wife
Everyone get the FUCK out

By all means take him, he's yours

The entire special was a fuck you to people who hated thundercats roar and shera and shit like that and on top of that it implied if you hate shit reboots you hate transgendered people too.

Too be fair Murray is a boomer who grew up when all the autistic neckbeards protested star Trek tng because it wasnt muh original series...but now we have discovery and people just hate it because its shit not because it's different.

All change good all traditionalism bad.

If you want to make a cool transgender character how about you make a real fucking show not a baby cartoon

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You should try taking lions mane mushroom supplements. They can help repair nerve damage apparently.

don't be ridiculous
rachel is a girl's name

I'm the same guy you were replying too here are some other great weird asshole things. I have issues with constipation and sometimes if it gets really bad it feels like I'm constantly being fucked and I get really horny.

I can poke my belly button and it triggers a nerve in my dick. I think everyone has this but it goes away as you get older. The asshole thing is probably just my prostate. The tooth thing I'd bar far the weirdest.

But isn't Betty

Maybe it helps contain all the other shitposts on this board? Like the pony sub but on a smaller scale.

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OK Jimmy Neutron, it isn't that deep

lol cope. If there is a physical difference between male and female brains then that would explain gender dysphoria in someone whose brain developed a little different lmao. But yeah gender is by definition a social construct lmao.

Guys do you think if men fight for skirts to be gender neutela there would be less Male to females transgender people? Because I think a lot of it has to do with ththe fact that men dont really have an outlet to be pretty and adored by other men. Women are like our Peacocks, and men are just sperm buckets. Now obviously muscle and masculinity is the male version of beauty but more peoplethan not work out now.

Our cocks and vaginas are what society was constructed around. Just like toilets were built for our assholes. Better stop using toilets because they are social constructs too.

Scotsmen been wearing skirts a long fucking time


No, you're just a cvmbrain

So he's a tranny now? Or is it because he's a frog?

Yes and I thought the montage where he's teaching Rocko his pronouns for 15 minutes was a bit much

Ranma isnt trans you idiot

Hes a tranny because after all his mistakes in life like failing at art and a career he tried to cope by saying ot was because he was really unhappy because he was a woman trapped in a man's body. And despite the insanely difficult surgery and other treatment that genocides his dating options he is happy because he gets to wear a dress

If Americans were as manly as the Scots there'd be no sex changes

>pulls a special out of his ass to successfully save the town

ree harder

I should add if that makes you happy fine also his dad had a hard time coping so there was that. It wasnt all bad.

Also I've never seen the show I only read the daily Rachel threads

Wasnt he a failure in the 90s?

I dont know fuck cartoons I'm going to go watch something without trannies like boku no pico goodnight.

You should probably take a long break from the internet in general.

Oh God, Alex Jones was right, they're turning the frogs gay! I'm buying some water filters right the fuck now!

I wish these threads would talk about Ralph/Rachel instead of devolving into polys and trannys.

Frogs can literally change their sex.

The problem is the pronouns already had a purpose and are being co-opted for another. The notion of gender as a spectrum and a controllable thing is much newer than the terms he/she/male/female/man/woman. Those terms all all tied to SEX, not gender, and until new terms are created that the public accepts there will always be confusion and anger about there use in a non-traditional context.

Gender has always been a social construct and language is not static.

Life, uh, finds a way.

Gender itself is a modern day concept. If it's not acknowledged as a concept it will have no language to represent it. Currently, it has no language to represent it and attempts like xim and xer are met correctly with chagrin despite being the generally correct thing to do to try and get proper acceptance of the concept.

I like how the most reasonable post in this thread gets completely ignored.

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All of the discussion of this show is bound to be predicated upon irrational pol butthurt now, get used to it.

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You should research the etymology of the term. Gender wasn't used in relation to sex until the 20th century, and the modern interpretation we're talking about arose in the 1960s.


For that specific word sure, but the construct has been around before that. Humanity didn't spring into existence speaking English you know uwu

And yet it's always a learned disorder and not actually a biological one somehow. Pretty incredible.

okay whatever you say...

Ralph’s still a cute frog either way.

So how long til Ralph kills himself. I give him another year when he is at Rocko's and Sheila's wedding and realizes that he could have been happy only if he got the mental help he needed.

What are you basing this asspull of a claim from lmao. You're just making shit up. Keep seething kid.

>implying you want to help or care about anyone but yourself.

reminder frogs change gender

>Male/Female Brain Argument
>When the only reason the study concluded a difference in Male/Female Brains also proved several female stereotypes right
>In the study, Female brains are easily triggered and controlled by emotion compared to males
>Their entire hormonal system will go out of wack more than men if they feel any emotion, good or bad.
>They can't even be happy without either putting on weight or having temporary bipolar episodes as their brain gets addicted to the dopamine high and they come down from it hard.
>Women also showed they would become much more self-destructive/suicidal if they were not validated and coddled compared to Men. Literally women had to be babied to keep their neurons from flaring up.
>Even at the end of the test where they had Men and Women ask how they felt when disparaged/abused Men said they needed to change themselves the better, Women said the World/everyone else but themselves needed to change to suit them.

The argument for gendered brains works in theory but it also means that everything that defines a fembrain in this study proves the stereotype that Women are self-indulgent babies even worse than the Yea Forums "incel" on /r9k/ asking for milkies and tendies.

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holy cope

>Everyone forgetting that this fucker is a frog and has the technical biological nature to actually change sex.

You're all fucking blind degenerates if you're too stupid to look any further than beyond this natural fact.

You people are making big fucking deal about nothing and trying place human DNA characteristics in an animal.

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>trying place human DNA characteristics in an animal.
well, so does the show...

holy arrest

Stereotypes are always true. They were conceived of for a reason. The only thing about them that is offensive is when you try to generalize literally everybody with that stereotype.

Sometimes the more louder part of something develops the stereotype but that still means the stereotype is true.

I feel like a lot of gendered stuff had to he that it happens in most women though.

>Stereotypes are always true.
what a stupid thing to say, stereotypes are generalizations and it's when you treat them as gospel that bad shit happens.

Isn’t the sex change due to literal pollution from women pissing estrogen in the water supply due to birth control. It’ not really a sex change either. They change into retarded sterile hermaphrodities.