Toonami General #8

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Attack on Titan Season 3 Eyecatches (Part 2)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shikadai is kinda retarded

Reminder that the image limit for Yea Forums is 300.

Also, TTGG if you are back lemme know now so we do not step on one anothers dicks from now on because whenever I make these I am drunk off my fucking ass.

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Remember when the class president could fight several adult ninja at once

Best girl

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Thread 8 already... though we'll almost certainly hit 9 as well, as usual.

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Why didn't she use her fan to survey the area? She can fly with her fan, can't she?

>Does he use justu we don't know about.
Niggah its was fucking Ice: Wind + Water. Fucking sandnigger villagers are useless.


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Rate this episode of boruto.

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Finally, since we lost Richard Williams, let's have this one from the Who Framed Roger Rabbit soundtrack, it's Valiant & Valiant.
Oh, baby, baby, that lonely trumpet. Don't it just get you into that down-on-your-luck detective noir mood? Feel like I oughta be walking through the heartless streets of a city at daybreak, trying to get over a lady who left me for another fella, but I got no money, but the world just keeps on a-turnin'. But that trumpet is a friend, baby. So kick back a whiskey on the rocks - and by rocks I mean ice - and suck it up, fellas, we still got a ways to go to the end.

So as usual, we'll be out - but not gone - and we'll see you folks again next week, same place, maybe different time depending on how the schedules hash out. Until then, this is Deep Space Radio signing off!

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Nue was also way stronger back then, tho

they said in a previous episode that Ice is actually super special and can only be used by genetic freaks
much like Wood style

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Orange Offspring

Burrito's Dad Yellow.

Almost done for the night folks, just a few more until we're golden

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Why is boruto inspiring people to revolt against the rich

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Whatever happened to Boruto's eye thing? They seem to have just dropped it.

Time for nardo

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Yeah, got popped for the avatar rule a few times back during the Knight Eros phase.
Ironically, I'd put up the trip so folks that didn't like it could filter the cheesecake. But eh.

Hm, can't say I can place it in the film. But its been a LONG while since I've seen it.

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It's not relevant to the current arc.

Because they are living like kings off of your work and money while you live a shithole life in a 1st world country.

was that a porno trailer?

Is this narp a good narp or should I just nap

At Eddy's office, when he's looking at his brother's picture and getting all sentimental.

>image limit is now 300
>makes thread early
Get better timing

When did they change it?

Don't bother caring about it. You're not going to see it in future episodes.

If poor people don't wanna be poor, then they should just make more money.


I wasn't even paying attention.

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He made it at exactly the right time. We don't care about getting to image limit until the last thread which this very well may be. We can possibly get to #9 though.

>makes thread early
The previous thread is already over bump limit.

How the fuck did Sasori turn himself into a doll anyway?

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I'm back but I can't always promise consistency due to work. Spring and summer have been turbulent for me.

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Being Sai truly is suffering

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Rather recently.

Like I said, it's been forever. Though, frankly the only music I could for sure say was in it was the Merry-go-round Broke Down.

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3 or so weeks ago. unsure why.

because the bump limit (not image limit) drives people fucking nuts and instead of coming up with a few people fighting for a new thread because of a handful of people complaining about the bump limit I might as fucking well jump in front of everyone.

Is your family rich so you can inherit their cash, which will then be inherited by your kids?

If not, you'll forever be poor.

Don't bother user.

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Very carefully

why are they made of Konan's paper clones?

>I might as fucking well jump in front of everyone
Guess that means I need to get a new thread up faster then

Sai finally gonna do something?

Shouldn't Shin look a lot younger? Like when did Sai kill him?

Also holy shit, Sai's emoting.

Imagine Sonic the Hedgehog talking like this to someone.

"The easy part was getting the brain out, the hard part was getting the brain out."

Did he just draw 2 Neteros to punch their shit?

Wow, Sasori and Deidara sure did job quick for Kage-level shinobi.

I don't remember Daidera always saying "HUH" after every sentence.

>luck is a skill
no it'snot.

What's toonami general's average age?

I'm 26. Old school from back in the day toonami. You anons?

Huh, I'm surprised Danzo let his brats outside
Also what is with strong ninja and getting tuberculosis.

This world has super medicine. How are all these niggas getting severely sick?

"The rich" actually experiences a tremendous amount of churn.
60% of US households will be in the top 20% of income producers for at least 2 consecutive years during some point in their lives. Sure, there are plenty of people who are rich from inherited money. But there are also plenty of people who squander their inherited money, preventing their kids from entering the rich, and others who become rich off of their own work and are the first generation of their family to start that whole "passing down immense wealth" thing.
Every rich family was a poor family at some point.


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Sonic is a better character as a silent protagonist

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>coughing up blood
He has ninja aids

The perfect track to end tonight on. Good work, Mr. DJ.

That was short lived, it was. In the end it doesn't really matter. Any sensible person would just filter certain images and this is just one thread that happens one night a week anyway.

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He always did

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They've gotten complacent since they're functionally immortal

about the same

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22. I used to watch salior moon with a sippy cup and moltar scared the shit out of me

>Also what is with strong ninja and getting tuberculosis.
ninja aids is the most convienent way that kishi can have the strong characters lose to 12-15 year olds.

30 as of yesterday

Staying locked up is bad for anyone's mental capacity.

They've got super combat medicine, doesn't mean they've developed germ theory.

By less than half a minute...

24. Been watching Toonami for as long as I can remember.

Now I see why they call him Sai because his episodes really makes the viewers sigh.

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Well, at least I'm not the oldest far in the jar...

You know, when Sai told his story the first time, I was under the impression that he and his "brother" were exactly the same in terms of maturity, but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

Go back to your romhack, Classicfag. Or better yet, play Sonic Adventure. Holy shit.

>brother has convenient ninja cancer so he's ok with his brother killing him
wow it's Itachi again

so going by the promos

Dr Stone is like teenage Richard Sanchez

And the sidekick is basically jojo4 without powers

and something with rocks.?

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Just turned 24.
Started watching Toonami post-revival, late 2013 I think.
I think I had probably seen Toonami on TV before that during its original run, but I didn't "watch" it, per se.

>Dr Stone

S-so does this mean Toonami is not dead?

Like most of Yea Forums, 25+


Why didn't Danzo have kids?



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Are you a wizard?

Do you seriously think a guy like him would have time for women or want a companion?

23. Will be 24 in October.

>those toes

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Boruto's dad yellow.

Nice tribute there, DSR. Thanks for making the Bort Nort hour a little more bearable.

decided to replace his dick with more sharingan


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i wanna use my dick to set that spine strait

24. My birthday was weeks ago on the 7th.
Been here ever since Space Dandy premiered. I was also there for the toonami April fools too.

I want to lick juri abs

>tfw no new juri doujin

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A family is just something his enemies can wield against him

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the man is literally too angry to be turned into stone

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Mirror match!
And a salamander.
It's on vacation.
He turned his heart into sushi, or something.
They aren't, it just looks kinda similar.
I guess.
>Iron Maiden
>Luck is a skill too
It's called a stat, but yeah.
I think it's like Naruto saying y'know. Either that or it just didn't stand to you out as much then.
See above the above
Did it really take you this long to figure that out?

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22. Pic Related was my Sailor Moon girl.

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You fucker, I was just about to write this same post.

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>a fucking 3 day window
That seems really generous

I'm damn proud of being a "classicfag" think you


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Why does everyone have ninja ebola

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tuberculous is like aids in the ninja world.

23. Been watching Toonami as long as I can remember being in front of a television

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SFas a whole is massively lacking in the doujin department., which sucks since the only thing Capcom can do right still is make 10/10 girls.

>Mineta, the overrated sex God gnome meme
>Someone this talent has this much shit taste in characters like this.

Here fixed

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so people gave the Hidden Mist all that shit about their brutal training methods, when it turns out all the other villages were doing the same shit.

How the fuck could you look into your illness without Danzo realizing it?

This flashback doesn't make any goddamn sense.


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Hidden mist is well known for it. Other nations are not.

They really wanted to make him Sasuke

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Sai was the good thing of Shippuden and deserved to have a happy life with his wife. His son is kind of a fag though and he should've had a daughter.

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Stupid drunk posting time because i cannot get into naruto and why not make a post about it:

>realize I am mixing my alcohol and juice in the same fashion as the witch in all zelda games but with a toonami mug and a straw

now its your turn

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So wait, Sai just willed himself into killing his emotions without having to kill someone?

29. Rep that classic Midnight Run. If you don't remember wrestling with your emotions watching Sailor Moon to get to Ronin Warriors, you don't know shit.

The Foundation doesn't represent the entire village. This is just a crazy old motherfucker's private army, he can do whatever he wants.

Did he just kill his brother with the power of love


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...Kabuto really half-assed the resurrection ritual, didn't he?

The Mist celebrated their brutality.

He turned into confetti!


I guess I've been watching since the ocean dub of DBZ.

just turned 32, same.

>not being a footfab

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>erased Ochaco and best girl in the process

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Sakura's only cool moment

29. Haven't been around as long as some but more than most.

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Why is/was Sai so pale though? The brother had ninja cancer, yet Sai is the one who looks like he is terminally ill.

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>Full power Sakura punch


>Star Wars sound effects

Those blinded by envy and jealousy won't be swayed by logic and facts.

Why take personal responsibility when you can just throw a tantrum and demand free shit.

32 or 33

remember running home to watch sailor moon/dragonball in late middle or early high school

actually no wait it was running home to catch TRL on MTV with that one dude host guy and trying to masturbate to early Shakira music videos and/or makeshift Sailor Moon/Lara Croft porn before my parents got home AND THEN Toonami

Fuck I remember 2 episodes a day for Dragonball Z and still taking months on Namek.

It's likely Danzo knew and it was mainly a test for Sai rather than for them both.

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29, and I remember Toonami afternoons

its a literal deep state black ops assassin school

>tie fighter sounds

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If they had to do flashbacks, why couldn't the whole episode just be this fight re-animated like they were doing a few weeks ago? It's way better than Sai and his gay brother.

His whole rise was half-assed.

Was... that the TIE Fighter sound effect from Star Wars?

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>Sakura gave me exposition
So she did something useful!
He's just really pasty.

>a puppet master controlling a puppet master fighting a puppet master

pale is superior

every society in humanity is in agreement. Except for jersey shore fags, but we're talking about civilization here.

Same here. It was fun as hell. Until my sister who was having a slumber party caught me peeking on them during Tree of Might.

everyone is going to have to maser the Talk no Jutsu to kill these zombies for good?

>Your rhetoric has convinced me to go back to hell

28. I remember when they aired G Gundam


or it's a hail mary, either way I'll give it a shot in spite of all the shitposting it's brought on. More hype for Demon Slayer tho as a manga reader I know it won't really get hype until what'll make up the second season

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kabuto only revived sai's brother for psochologicla warfare and not because he was actually a strong ninja

The paler you are, the harder Japs will love you.

Not everyone wants a rich life , some people just want to make ends needs

>They defeat the zombies by talking about their feelings with them.

How did Naruto come to this?

>raise the dead
>but make them able to die if their soul gets closure.

He really did cut corners on this.

Same, 26.

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>defeating your opponent with mental manipulation

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>fucking talk-no-jutsu is their weakness
Oh my God.

the walking dead

Or just seal them

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Ooh, sounds painfully awkward. Memorable, but painfully awkward.

Imagine all the people Kabuto sacrificed in order to resurrect all these shinobi...

meant for

You'd think Sarutobi could have convinced the first and second hokage to die, but apparently he just didn't have a high enough diplomacy score?

39. Probably one of the oldest ones here.
Started watching Toonami back in 99. Came accross the episode of DBZ when Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta were getting the shit stomped out of them by Recoome on Namek.

>Anko is unconscious

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remember when Anko was hot


So does that mean the reanimation jutsu just straight-up doesn't work on dead ninja who died completely fulfilled with no regrets?

26, I've been watching since the old days.

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Kabuto is just trying to put together a harem for himself

Talk no Jutsu is just that strong.

Rate this episode of naruto.

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Pepperidge Farm remembers

If she were awake she'd probably be eating some junk food and turning into a WHALE so it's for the best.:)

Remember,Anko has PTSD from this and stress eats.

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Who says she ever stopped?

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24. Been watching Toonami for as long as I can remember, though I was late to join in the revival.

I mean, it does make sense for the final big bad of the series, when you think about it.

>tfw Mr.Rogers could end this war all by himself

I think they would have to had some lingering regrets

it depends on the zombie, really. The only way they'd be convinced to die was reassurance that their successor wasn't a weak bitch

Reminder that Kabuto doesn't directly hinder NOTHING in "Madara's" plans because he gets BTFO by the biggest Gary Stu in the series. All this teasing for a grand betrayal bullshit doesn't matter.


People with taste

yeah,Honestly the porn got me in to the games.
I can't decided who i like more juri or makoto.

Forgot my name.



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Sasuke? You mean that character that's not popular anymore?

Ronin warriors was my shit. Finding out they had toys of em wheni was a kid was the best moment ever.

24 will be 25 in October

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Why didn't Sasori just use his trap magic?

What was Kabuto's plan, anyway?

Yeah, Kabuto left the emotions untouched in the zombies to inflict psychological damage but the downside is that they can be Talk bo Jutsu'd into killing themselves

>tfw you hear the instrumental for Thursday in the Danger Room in the Gundam bumper and you instantly get sad
>Both because it signals the penultimate show of the block, and you've heard it before

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with 3 waifus


He had no plan, just wanted to start a war.

Lovely, a warning. Ah well, if it does end up going through, as usual, I hope your best girls give you what you need to see the beauty in this world.

Venus did end up being my favorite scout. Though Jupiter always maintained a close second due to being top-shelf wife material.

Don't quite recall what knocked Merc out of first, but I do know that one episode where Venus tries to take care of a sick Moon did push her up to first. I suppose that's a big soft-spot for me...

A frog is fine too.

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That was a productive and sexy hour, wasn't it? Was for me, anyway. Time for politics and maybe robots!

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You are my official nigga.

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Lean Green.

Kankuro's not gay, so trap magic won't work on him.


Orochimaru actually did the smart thing and wiped their minds before he sent them out to fight

Then why all the "betrayal" talk? The war had already started. Kabuto didn't even need to do anything else.

I had to open my fucking mouth. Good luck.

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WTF, who the living he'll supports Mineta x Momo or anything with creepy Mineta autisim? At least post best patrician couple?

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Does Kabuto plan to do lewd things to Anko?

Time for Chad Tales!

>Nard is over
Thank god, now for politics that may or may not have giant robots

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>You're out on patrol with your Federation buddies when one of them shouts "IT'S THE RED COMET!"
Post your face when.

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Both are patrician choices, user.

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Fuck Zeon and fuck all those space colonist monkeys with jello bones. The only thing they are good for is resource collection and having their women bred by the alpha Earthling cock.

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oh look its lala, they really try to cram EVERTHIG in.

Eh, it's for off-topic, not lewd-on-blue.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets this niche feeling. Sometimes they pick the perfect bump music to fit the show and it fits so well.

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Yeah, I got the full on makeover and had to stay with them for the rest of the night which was a horrific way to end it, especially as a 10 year old kid. Also, I realized that user I was talking to was talking about the Midnight Run and I was talking about Full Cycle. Whoops.

You too? Amazing. I wish the armor didn't pop off so easily, but that was the gimmick. Those were great...

Char looking fine in those shades

I spot a lalala

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Good to have you back pitou poster

Damn, what can Char not do?

The fucking gun-tanks everywhere just ruin the idea of the mobile suits being a new technology...

>watching anime
I came here to laugh at you

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he did the same amount that Kabuto did, only using a seal to force compliance, but their consciousness was still intact. Kabuto did say he can take it a step further to actually wipe their consciousness and memories, too, but he's still moving them around so it's easier to skip that for now.

>Anko is unconscious

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This big nose Dealer is a cutie.

fuckin Newtypes cheating at roulette

I forget how boner-inducing Gundam girls can be.

Thats a cute pic of a mother and son

>bring in the jews
>he starts to lose

And you are mine

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Blocks your path

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I do like a woman in a suit.

Who's this cutie

Allow anyone who trusts him at all to live?

Why are we suddenly in India?

They are new though. The guntanks run on old fashioned power sources, what makes the mobilesuits revolutionary is their power sources which enable their extreme agility.

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I want to be taken by Char while he wears glasses.

wow they are even fucking up Lalah's character now

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I want Char to cum in me

Actually we aren't.

pajeet my daughter

char may be a liar, a murder, a betrayer, an asshole and a liar

but he does look damn good in shades

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We have some really cute brown girls tonight

I was at a toy story out of town and caught em. I begged my mom for like the whole set and surprisingly she bought em. Like the best day ever. Red was my favorite. Always wanted the demon one but they didn't have em


Is he always going use and throw away people?

do not strike young girls in Char's presence

>More cute brown girls
Oh me oh my, we are certainly blessed this night

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The OG brown girl.

>Char stopping domestic abuse
He's not so bad

Fuck just happened

>Char kidnaps a teenager.

Do it. You know she wants it.

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>he just abducts her
ok sure

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That was some good crazy eyes

A fucking battleship out of nowhere? What the fuck?

>char grabs the girl and runs


Be a decent, upstanding human being with correct morals.

>hating based Mineta

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Char sure is being magnanimous today

Oh fuck, he's got a throwing anus!

Yes. But not Lalah.

He stops a slap only to get her killed like everyone else who's ever trusted him.

fucking brutal

Chakrams are such a cool and underrated weapon

That shit defies logic.

Wow, everyone is getting decapitated tonight.

Agha's beard is ridiculous. Cool chakram though.

Nice ass on that girl


>That Dodge
Ultra Instinct?!

aye I want kycylia to step on me

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what the fuck is this magic flying boomerang ring shit doing in my mecha politics anime?

Goddamn throwing anuses

Chakrams are cool.

Was dat sum space telepathy?

Newtype sorcery


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>Can show someone getting split in half, gutted, and etc.
>Can't show some titties or groping.

Surprised no one's parodied this skit with Mineta.

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My dilemma is I only have 1 slot on my waifu chart. idk what do should both occupy it? can they

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Fucker got straight up Odd Job'd

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Why does Char even care about the Indian girl? Isn't he a sociopath?

Why do they need gundams again when they got fucking super humans?

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She's a Newtype, like him, he felt an instant connection.

Dude fell for the destructo disc trick.

So I missed it, why is Char with a construction crew now?

Replacement mommy.

This is UC, get used to it.
He's horny?

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And that's only a sample.

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Char is noble

Why were the best newtypes born on Earth?

He went to Earth on leave from the military.

well the answer is which one caters to more of your fetish's on average.

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newtypes instinctively care about other newtypes

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His punishment for kicking Feddie ass.

what do you think would happen if you put a super human inside a Gundam?
That's the whole plot of the series

Puffy, I want to eat vagina bros.

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Because they built the strongest mobilesuits so that only superhumans can pilot them.

What is a newtype

He got demoted for starting a war.

To bad they usually die

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What the fuck even are new types? They need to be stopped.

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Jeez, I change up the format once and no one responds. Fine, I'll give you guys what you want.

>You're out on patrol with your Zeon squad-mates when one of them shouts "IT'S THE GUNDAM!"
Post your face when.

Attached: Char Shock.jpg (259x194, 8K)

this was meant for

>waifu chart

Fucking faggot. Either have a waifu or don't.

the gundam san gag manga is funny

the next step in human evolution

I wish that was me

Bullshit, that's what.

Hell is no place for angels.

They get turned to bone alright.


I can't roleplay as Feddie scum, sorry.

me to user, me to.....

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Well, what do you like about each?

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/our queen/

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Tell that to Tomino

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Well, I didn't vote for him.

Psychic humans, basically. At this point in the story knowledge of them and their abilities is mostly unknown. They become increasingly essential to the main storyline of Gundam.

I want her to tail vore me like Cell can

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I thought Gen:Lock was the next step in human evolution.

You're probably right but my point is that he was smart enough to get rid of the buddy-buddy shit before something like a TnJ could happen

>only one picture of Kycilia pegging young Casval

Wait, what was the RX-78 before they knew about mobile suits?

>The RX-78 project
Did I just hear that right? Didn't they only start working on the RX-78 in response to the zaku?

They both hit the spot. I could remove motoko kusanagi, i made the mistake following the VA on twitter...

They keep on posting really bad stuff. Dont have any anime then.

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The superior race

Why does UC universe technology looks so primitive to ours along with their fashion sense?

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I know.
>practically every Gundam girl I like ends up dead or loses the MCbowl

It's okay my friend, its part of my culture. I can have more than 1.

Because this is sci-fi from the 70s/80s.

Because Gundam is a scifi series from the 70s
Tomino hates women

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its based on 70's star trek sci-fi

>Go to the moon
It's funny how in such a world that'd be a casual request to make

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THE Dr Minovsky? of Minovsky Particles fame?

Wow, blue Zaku.

Because it was made in 1979.

And once the aesthetic was established, they were tied to it.

>i made the mistake following the VA on twitter
It's true what they say, don't meet your heroes.
Still, she's only the voice, not the character. It's not like she wrote Motoko's experiences and dialogue.

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>Kycilia in that wig doing the Baroness voice

Attached: the greatest boner.gif (299x168, 353K)

>something has been tickling my ear for a few days
>brush it off
>finally tonight because alcohol i investigate wtf it was
>turns out to be a hard white hair
>thicker than most hairs and stuff and white as fuck
>use tweezers to pull it out
>examine it
>realize this was my moment of where I realize I am now old
>think of that one user from a few weeks ago where he found a white hair in the middle of his forehead

I understand now.

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Is winning the MCBowl even a prize?

The Federation was in the right.

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Well its either that or death

Just because the Zekes were wrong doesn't make the Feddies right.

Oof, fucking burn on the GM. Don't hate, bro.


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What makes it "not a mobile suit"?
How can he tell that just from looking at it?

First time watching toonami in almost 7 months, I've missed you guys quite a bit. Sad to see that the ratings have only gotten lower though. Like other parts of my life it seems to only be going downhill and becoming sadder and sadder. Oh well. I'm going to clock out a bit early tonight but I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your night and great day tommorrow/today. Won't be able to show up next week either since my work life makes it hard to always watch. Either way I'm glad to have come by and I love you all, you'll wonderful, wonderful people.

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No, you can't. A waifu isn't the same thing as a wife or a fictional girl that you like.

You can only obsessively direct your affection to one fictional girl at a time. That's how it works. If you're not doing it obsessively then it's not a waifu.

I don't get it, why isn't it a mobile suit?

>This is not a mobilesuit
Is now bitch.

>deady legs/barefeet
>lust driven to fight

>legs/same thing

Also I'm more comfy playing theme than other characters.

>mfw earlobe hair
>extra long nose hair
>hip pains

Attached: 3.jpg (1200x1650, 420K)

Needs more meat

In some ways, it was a more practical way to look at future tech that was only about a century away in-universe (sometimes less depending on the fiction). Having things look like stuff that existed at the time made it seem a bit more realistic for some. Look at how older Aliens stuff had CTR monitors and whatnot instead of flashy shit like the later films, the older stuff may not feel as natural now given the changes we've had in tech, but back in the day it was almost like that future was right around the corner.

Based HG. You really are improving.

He was booted from military school for inciting a rebellion. He decided to get a job working in construction so he could gain experience with mobile workers, because he learned from Garma that Zeon was inventing a new weapon based on them.

He somehow predicted-- despite having no experience or deep knowledge on the subject-- that the experimental mobile suits would revolutionize the face of modern warfare and he had to get in on the ground floor for that shit. Because of course he fucking did. Char's not allowed to do anything by accident; it has to be all foresight and 4d chess.

>entirely different
No, it's got the same foundation, just with alterations to make it suitible for warfare.
Because the people there are retarded.
Also it started in the 70's or something.
The what particles?
>this is not a mobile suit
And how would you know?

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While I'm not liking the new characterization for Lalah, I am liking how crazy they are making Amuro's dad

time for Zakus to go to work

no slice of life featuring sayla and these two

The sweetest meat.

Thats true, just really sucks rewatching all of GotS for the 10th time.


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Oh hey some Mobile suit action soon

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I want to meat her meat

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It's not cool enough.

Glad you could stop by either way. Stay strong, buddy. Troubles don't last forever, right? CQC, is that you?

Are those the black tri-stars?

What's with all the different combat uniforms?

It only took 7 episode, but we're finally getting robots in this franchise built around giant robots

Nice as always

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If you don't have any other white hairs, it's probably just a mutant hair (that's my phrase for it, don't know if there's a legit medical term). I get a bunch of them in all shapes and colors.

I feel like I'm missing some things between Char being with the indian girl and now being in a mobile suit

Ah, the Zaku 1...
Doesn't have the style of the later Zeke mechs, but even still puts the Feddie shit to shame.

These guys are a hodgepodge of soldiers from different units pulled into a special R&D and task force.

Was that a TIE Bomber?

Is this the really last episode of MHA?

Two things that made me faggot up:
THE FUCKING RIDE TO GET HERE met with deathslot "wimper"

so where do we go from here?
Start from episode 1 rerun?
filler SLOT until season 4 simuldub? (can and will get moved up when it happens)
or a fluke with something fuck you i need a third option because 2 options is homogay

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Ramba teamed with the Black Tri-Stars and Char
talk about overkill

What was she, a bitch?

I would like to see a smile protected and happy end if you're going to insert some sappy romance in my show.

Nice work, HG bro.

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Why does Zeon always have the best tech?

95 of my commish goes to her.

Is writing a letter to your waifu and creator/va write you back count as obsessive?

Unrelated: I'm enjoying this gundam over unicorn and IBO.

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That is what I was about to post

The Feddie scum never stood a chance.


ah, the classic Gundam bridge explosion shot

Ain't that the comic where Buu makes Videl lay like a bazillion eggs?

So Garma pulled strings not just to let Char pilot one of the first Zakus but also have it be painted red?

oh no no no never

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It seems the primary choice is between a crazy assertive femdom-type girl and a more boyish straight-shooter best-friend-type girl.

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Jesus Christ! Mobile Suits really changed the course of everything. These things really are powerful as shit. I've been sleeping on mobile suits.

put me into your.. view of waifus.

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Trust me.
I have learned this lesson.
I have fucking learned.

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And there goes the genius who invented mobile suits.

No, although hopefully he will return to us one day. Wherever he is I hope he's doing well.

This show is GODDAMN gorgeous.

Mission failed

Did Char want Minovsky dead?

>Want to fap
>Also want to no fap for a couple of days
feels bad man.

>Prometheus school of running away from things.

Attached: Usagi shares her chilli with a friend.webm (640x360, 829K)

Time for the LAST episode of My Zero Lackademia before it takes a permanent leave from Toonami. Meanwhile, Chad Clover is still going strong. Looks like Cloverchads win yet again

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AAAAANNNNDDD just like that the zekes shot themselves in the foot...again.

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>Chris Niosi in credits


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He wants EVERYONE dead.

I think it's because a bunch of jackasses who live near Jupiter's moon are willing to give them a lot of stuff because Zeon blows all their budget on super weapons and not on like food and infrastructure, and then blames Earth.

Because he's Char

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Eh, his successor turned out better at the job anyways.

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Zeta Gundam OP always great

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How can one man be so based?

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I take it this is before they started using nuclear power sources? I remember it being a big deal in the original about being careful how they destroy the enemy suits so as not to detonate a nuke every fight

Literally what's happening? I feel like I missed an episode. One minute we were in space Vegas, now everyone getting killed in a mecha battle.

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Surprised no one made a fusion of those two things.

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robot hand guy from Lupin wasn't important enough?

Im pretty sure they cut some connecting scenes to shorten the episode count.

F for that dude. Alright fellas, 30 minutes left before we head on out. You guys holding out alright? Ready for the last episode of My Hero before it restarts, as far as anyone knows?

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war never changes

Why is he cut out in a weird little bubble instead of being a square crop like all the others?

Does anybody ever have a happy ending in Gundam?

Only because they put a psychic teenager in it.

was that really zenigata in the mobile suit?

Here is my random Hypothesis on how they will bring All Might back:

One for All breaks out, and is horrifically defeated to the point where he needs to pass on his power or will die

Toshinori intercepts this passing of power and takes it for himself to protect his mentors kid and future generations from this power

Uses current stocked up quirks to be CLOSE ENOUGH to his old self

debate me.

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Mineva seems pretty happy

MHA is going into rerun status next week.

We /Tintin/ now. Post best girl Captain Haddock!

Attached: 2062-captain-haddock-500-500.jpg (500x500, 37K)

95% of my commisions go to one*

>30 minutes left before we head on out
Already heading out

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Pic related is kind of a fusion of those two things.
Or did you mean Juri and Makoto specifically?

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Not really no, Kamille kind of does though after he gets over the whole mind rape thing.
Because she is useless

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Is this the last episode?

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Thus far.
I'm neutral on the final episode. It's been a fun enough ride, but the guy complaining about every weekly chapter has me wondering if it doesn't start waffling around much past this point.

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It feels kind if weird that this will be the last episode of MHA airing here.
It's certainly not the best show that we've lost but it's the only one that I feel like searching out somewhere else.

so is this the end of the season? no more seasons have been made after this?

nah son later on the gundam cant keep up with him but in the begging the only reason amoros alive is because of how good the undam is. he shrugs off machinegun fire like its nothing even char is impressed with the suit

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Nope. All Might had to lose his powers for Deku to pick up the torch.

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>Your favorite superhero is about to have their last episode that will show up on Toonami air
How do they feel about it?

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They also have the imagination, environment and drive to build cool shit all the time while the Feddie shitters are still trying to feed Africa or just horde their wealth


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1, 6,7, and 8.

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Holding up decent enough. Kinda starting to weigh on me though

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I remember when Bleach was a big deal

Damn Lucas got buff, Mother 4 looking good


>before it restarts, as far as anyone knows
Isn't Dr. Stone replacing it?

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yes, next one comes out october

Based Mineta

That's just plot shielding.

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Cough Cough
Toonami General, I think this is the last time we may see each other.
As you know, This may be the last "new" episode of MHA on Toonami.
It's been fun and I'm glad I've gotten to see you all grow as heroes.
Now what I always say, never forget.
Always go PLUS ULTRA

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While in Space Vegas (The Moon) Dr. Minovsky is trying to defect from Zeon to the Federation. Zeon is onto it and trying to stop him. Their suits wreck the feddies and one of the Tri-stars gets a little blood crazy kills the one one that falls on Minovsky.


Would All Might really be desperate enough to accept powers from the man who killed his mentor?

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Yea Forums ***IMAGE LIMIT*** UP TO 300 (300)



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>can't recognize that fucking face

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dont do loli that much, grew out of it. abs are great too.


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Not for that purpose, but to prevent future generations from All for Ones power.


>my balls

So why DOES he wear the mask?

So is Shoji's face messed up or is he just a chuuni?

I like this girl already.

Last MHA before S4 and possibly for Toonami in
wish it could've been a better episode

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They should replace it with Demon Slayer.

she's asking pretty good questions though

Yea, does he ever take off that mask?

to hide his creepy mouth from the kids

>actually ask about Todoroki's scars
>he tells her off

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>The Future's gonna be
He's not wrong

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What the fuck is this?

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Kai, Bright, Sayla, Kamille, Judau and his crew of orphans

So what makes these freaks the top three? Like by what metric?

Gero gero.

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So what did they do to get their title?

Here it comes

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>Emo Sasookay

>Touching her horns

Why is blue hair girl molesting Ashido

Why not?

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A shitty mobile suit is STILL A MOBILE SUIT! A Leo is a mobile suit, and those things are super flimsy, but that doesn't mean it stops being a mobile suit.
That's not what Solid Snake said.
Well the other timelines have some.
Also, who is voicing that blond guy? I'm pretty sure I recognized his voice, but I can't place it.

Attached: seriously?!.gif (500x288, 86K)

This is sexual harassment

Cases resolved, tests aced


Yeah, I could be a hero. Not, like, an A-lister, but I could be on a team.

I will miss you friend frog

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But, of the MHA girls, I favor Ochako.

Attached: felicia_is__1__by_servbot1025-d7t7r3a.png (636x918, 324K)

I guess I'm Inuyasha now...

I wonder if her horns are her erogenous zone.

Molest the first years

Name one good fucking reason why All Might shouldn't have passed his power to Tintin and made a literally unbeatable #1 hero?
Like yeah, heart is nice and all, but good intentions won't save as many actual lives as unlimited power would.

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How is touching one antenna making both of them move?

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Fucking Spiders

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Apparently it's not based on how they performed in the Sports Exam, or public speaking,

succ succ

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EVERYONE GETS PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!!! And an itty bitty living space

They are the sexiest students in the school. Conventionally sexy, muscles, curves, pretty emo dude, they're all sexy as fuck. Now some freaks like Pink girl and Froppy are sexy if you're into that kinda stuff but these 3 are sexy to normal people.

>literally obito

Because you are probably a butthurt nigger

I mean, nobody wants to fight a naked guy.

What are the odds the girls are going to be thinking about Tintin's dick later?

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honestly it's a good thing this nigga got his quirk took, he's pretty overpowered

dude thats a lot of kidney punches

He met Deku first.

That's literally the reason.

How? It's no different from ruffling hair. It's not harassment to ruffle hair.

>Chad takes out best girl first.
Mirio's got taste.

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I mean, I feel like Togata's quirk is really good not just because he's training, but the fact that he can apply selective intangibility, plus that whole Bethseda glitch thing most people don't have.

Can you really take someone down with a solid gut punch?

glad I was here this time

Attached: joy.png (459x522, 192K)

He met Deku first.
He was literally on his way to meet Mirio the day Deku met All Might and saw his heroic, no power, action

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Jirou must have a nice tight ass if he's gunning for hers first

The weak should fear the dong.

I'd feel harassed if somebody got all up in my hair.

Attached: Willy.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

They shouldn't have gone for the head.

>It's not harassment to ruffle hair.

Its been fun super power user

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>tfw you get your ass beat by a streaker

Attached: Spookytoro.png (766x1000, 240K)

Why was Jiro in the very back? and attacking at range? are her earlobes really that strong and have that much reach?

For the first month or so (first attempts) I have gotten something along these lines

And here it has happened again.


Even in a fictional universe with a fictional nonsensical game I will be doomed to be nothing more than a groundskeeper.

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Mirio wouldn't want it because he has pride in the quirk he trained for protection. If he could already be in the top ten of heroes without One For All, then the rational choice is to boost someone who couldn't, because even at his peak All-Might could still only be in one place at once.

>Bethseda glitch
He freezes every 10 minutes?

Agreed, Tintin would be a way better protagonist. I'm not biased in any way.

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Even when Tintin gets his quirk erased later, with this much raw physical strength, wouldn't he be able to work as at least a low-to-medium-level pro hero? He wouldn't be able to take the #1 spot, but his dodging ability would be at least as good as that of any of the other heroes who don't have physical enhancement quirks, and he's strong enough without a quirk to drop someone with a single punch.
Is it a legal requirement to have a quirk in order to be a hero? Would he lose his license?

The symbol of peace can't be a nudist.

So... I'm Kid Gunn?

People (mainly girls) used to love messing with my hair. I never understood what was wrong with people taking an interest in it.

Well then you must have thought every adult who ruffled your hair as a kid was a molester, eh?

Hey, when all you have is your birthday suit, every day is your birthday.

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He falls through the terrain

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Ever been punched in the jejunum?

>literal unbeatable
you.. answered your own question.

its the reason the DC universe is shit, superman. When nothing can challenge you, why watch?

I could be top hero no problem, although a cult will likely be formed around me and those can be so unpredictable.

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>Tying Jiro up with her own ears

>implying he would have said yes

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Pink slut

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>tied electric boys up with Jirou’s ears

Wow rude.

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What the hell, one for the road
Alright then. Kinda fitting actually

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nice, Im Barsalino

Putting all your eggs in one basket is a stupid idea, anyway. Literally as soon as All Might retired the whole world starts going to shit because everything was pinned to his status as the number 1. It'd make for a more stable society to have a bunch of strong heroes that are all equally respected/feared by criminals.

>he was on his way to meet Mirio
Then he knew he existed. Did he know literally nothing else about him? Did he not know what Mirio's quirk was or how skilled he was otherwise?
Deku's display was probably moving and it's understandable that All Might would forget all about Mirio at that point, but that doesn't make it a GOOD reason. I'd still call it a mistake on All Might's part.

By /pol/ logic, I'll just steal all 6 because I'm black

What can Sasuke do?

So is this the last episode of the season?

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I reject your rules and choose them all.
I'm still amazed there's not a single bad waifu in the bunch.
I can take shitposting to the next level

Not even a choice.

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I really don't understand this visual. Are they saying that normalfags don't understand why boxers are as strong as they are?

Wait, should Mirio really be able to just effortlessly take out Hard Lad?

Is this gay?

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obviously the invisible girl should have also taken off all her clothes for a nudist fight


His actual costume phases with him, he's just wearing normal clothes right now.



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That normalfags don't know the details and technique of experts

>I tried to make sure you didn't see my willy. Sorry if you saw it.

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You are what you eat

Literally a male Shadowcat

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it's saying that normalfags can understand that mirio is OP but they can't understand the reasons why


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noclip power is OP as expected

I bet he's a shower too, not a grower like me.
Sad nigga hours.

Well that answers my question about him deactivating his quirk underground.


>Boy I'm really lucky I don't vaporize myself or cause nuclear fusion when I solidify huh?


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I wish Bakugo had been here to get his ass kicked.

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>Did he know literally nothing else about him?

Yes. Literally the first time All Might was going to meet him and find out anything about him, he ran into Deku by coincidence.

>looks like fallout boy
>power is glitching through things


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The existence of a superman is a dumb move on the author's part, not the character's part.
If the characters within a work have the opportunity to create a superman, they'd be idiots not to. The author shouldn't make a circumstance where the characters have that opportunity in the first place.

Tooru isn't great. She gets by purely on fetish points. Her personality is just generic upbeat girl, and Mina does that better.

Since ofa boosts a quirks power what would it even boost for Mirio?

As with Megu, Ochako's one I would hope a potential daughter would resemble in personality.

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So the author made some fucker ultra strong and took it cause people complained right?

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Pitou is kind

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kind of dead

>it's a Deku gets overshadowed by a way better character episode
that's all of them desu

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Why would anyone want to be a Hero? Fuck the quirkless. This is survival of the strongest.

Don't forget Mina literally just mentioning "buggy video game"

He was a quirkless nobody as well. He saw himself in Deku.

As connected as All Might is, I would've expected him to know everything about the famous top student that he was going to meet before actually meeting him.


Are you a dumbass?
All Might himself had no quirk and yet was able to become the greatest hero just through hard work. Mirio already has a quirk that he honed to take him really far.

Two is better than one, no matter how good the one is.

No he made someone strong so when he took it way we would feel bad for him.

>Thanking the nudist who beat your ass
I hate Japan sometimes.

Well I value my personal space
I didn't have that happen, so I wouldn't have had that problem.
And yeah, that would molest me.

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He has shittier powers than Kitty and yet somehow is 1000 times more effective than her.

This guy is pretty based, why couldn't he have been the MC instead of Deku?

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A classic.

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It doesn't even have to boost Mirio's quirk. Deku had no quirk and he just got super strength, I'd assume Mirio'd have Deku's power plus his own.

>that chad stride

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No shit. They didn't have a chance.

funny enough it's fitting here because this kid was gonna be the new One for All


>Momo with her hair down
>Momo brushing her hair


I don't remember if the anime explains this or not, but he hits inside people. So it doesn't matter how hard their skins is or whatever.

Hair down Momo > Regular Momo.

Deku humped All Might's leg

Basically. It's like normies thinking you need combos to get good at fighting games but you really need a solid grasp on fundamentals and that's what makes you get good.

>hoarding for weeks
I probably empty the trash can in my room once every six months. I just keep smashing the stuff down.
It's like 99% used tissues, anyway.

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Well you're just dumb. It's fucking hair being ruffled as a gesture of kindness and affection.

>Bakugo was conveniently excluded from this fight because of his punishment so he wouldn't lose.

I kinda understand what you mean, but it still boils down to the character being watchable, author or not.

But the stigma of him being unbeatable will last a lifetime in the readers eyes. and if said character gets defeated it will become how all might is now.

Superman for literal decades was written, drawn and whatever as unbeatable.

Which is why we have Midoria.


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We know thats what in Mineta's trash

Fun Fact: Bubble girl is actually a fan creation from a contest back on Pixiv along with another winner as well.
Here's the original

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I want to creampie Toru.

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God give me a quirk so I can whip the shit out of Deku until he stops being a bitch. It can even be a quirk considered thrash by most and I'll slap his bitch ass.

Just cum in plastic container and drink it or pour it out when it's full. Stop making so much fucking waste!

God, Izuku really has no ability ot think outside the box when it comes to hero stuff does he?

...I had no idea that woman had blue skin.

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Welp thats all for this week! Its been fun watching Toonami and MHA with you all! See you all next week and keep your waifu close till then! So long Froppy!

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My kind of girl.

Protect her

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shleep shuuug shmuuuuug


Well, seems it was overturned, or I simply lucked out until we reached the end of the night.

Regardless, until next week, good night and good hunting.
And may your best girls give you what you need to see the beauty in this world.

Smug snuggly.


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>dat underboob

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Are you people a few minutes ahead of me or something?

So that's it?

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I hope you all are well. I have a question. Is it a serious matter if you want to die but not want to kill yourself? Just wondering. Anyway, I hope you all are out there enjoying your last days of summer. Stay safe, stay hydrated, stay awesome. LATER!

Attached: Goodnight tg.gif (750x550, 897K)

Til October, yeah.

Night anons of /tg/ see you all next week!

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So is 4th season just gonna be Overhaul plus Culture Festival?

See you guys for season 4. Whether it's on Toonami or not.

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It's not fair that we aren't getting S4 bros

Well, that was a long, fun night of asskicking (and laughs), but now the last show is over. Time to go to bed. Remember that every true warrior craves not more war, but peace and a chance to rest. There are no treasures greater than those close to you, like you, my good toonami general friends.

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Tomorrow, you!

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My point is primarily that it was dumb to say "this kid was famous and All Might knew about him and was literally on his way to meet him when he met Deku instead" instead of just saying Deku got the power because All Might didn't know Mirio existed before that point.
It was a dumb decision on the character's part, and it was a dumb decision on the author's part to write the circumstances such that the character was forced to make such a dumb decision in order to ensure the show would be watchable.

Night y'all

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G'night fellas

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this ED is still creepy as fuck

You as well.

Goodnight guys. I have to get up early so I can beat the Mexicans to the laundromat. See ya!

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Thanks user

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On Hulu. We're probably not getting jack until April of next year at the earliest.


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uuuuuuuuuuu 2uuuuuuuuuu

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What do you mean "you people"?

Have a good one fellas.

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Next season NOT coming to Toonami, lol!

Night all. Was a fun and It's a shame we won't get MHA Season 4.
Oh well.

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>Is it a serious matter if you want to die but not want to kill yourself?

A girl keeps telling me I should see a doctor for that but I'm not going to. Basically I don't think it's a serious matter but someone who cares about me does.

>more shonen slop next week
Just take me monsters

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Goodbye forever trash anime

See you later lads.

Remedial Arc as well

Aaaaaaaaaand that's game

Pretty solid night all in all. Lupin and Food Wars were probably the biggest highlights for me personally, but I can't really think of a weak link in general, and I hope we see MHA again, despite the complications.

In any case, I had fun with you lot and I look forward to doing it all again next week


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>last episode of MHA JUST happened
>aug 24ths lineup shows MHA still there
>literal zero polls and othershit like we had for HxH happened
>cliffhanger without a cliffhanger

I wonder whats going to happen.

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He'd be unbeatable sure, but he can't be everywhere at once. The goal is to be able to stop villains and save people, so the world needs as many good-hearted capable heroes as possible.

how do you go from this...

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Wait, why not? Demarco can't afford it?

>Didn't translate the name.
Each shit.

The only show I really watch is Food Wars but I like to stay up with you guys, even when I shouldn't


RIP in peace kohai

Sleep snug, smug.

Good luck, little duck!

Sleep tight, Popper.

Be safe, Kaguya!

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Later everyone! Feels good to be able to post in the threads with you all again. Toonami has always been a delightful staple in my life regardless of the contents of the block. Have a good week everyone!

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So are we getting Stoned next week? I didn't pay attention to the date.

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good morning anons how was your week, and what are your plans for the next week?

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Here’s next week if you didn’t catch it

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Second Winner
Can't find the original on Pixiv

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Gin is part water

>someone who cares about me
You are blessed, friend. I wish you many more blessings.

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That's all she wrote, I suppose. We're not getting no season 4, to my regret. I don't care what people say, the Overhaul arc was fun. It just sucks I'll have to switch over to subs now instead of watching it with you guys. That sounds like way more fun. Oh well, maybe Dr. Stone or that demon slaying thing will be enjoyable. See you guys next time around. Until then, sweet dreams and happy waifus.

Damn straight.

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Sleep Snug, Smug!
Good Luck, Little Duck!
Sleep Tight, Popper!
Thank you so much!! You Too!

Good night /tg/, see you all next week!

lol wut a fkn scrub
getting protected by a devilboy instead of a being with the power above God

probably can't even eat a hole turkey

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>but I can't really think of a weak link in general
Drank too much?

The work studies thing should be great for the upcoming heroes. If they keep doing what they're currently doing, they won't get better. learning from experience by doing more instead of just studying is how people grow. That goes for IRL as well. that's what schools tend to fail at, and majority of the time, it's nothing but a waste of time. So the blue eyed guy had the right idea to show instead of tell.

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So did nobody get the Godzilla vs Megaguirus reference last week, or did you just stay quiet about it?
got it!

Attached: Tayuya.png (2048x1536, 999K)

>MHA done
>not invested in Lupin enough to follow it to 3:30 till December
Finally I can get some proper sleep, turning this shitshow off after Black Clover for the foreseeable future

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Bleh I might try again next week. I'm too tired to fiz this. Sex is fucking hard.

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the absolute shanty town that is Lupin the Third


>Japanese Rick and Morty

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>but he can't be everywhere at once
Would Twice have been able to become the ultimate hero if he wasn't an insane villain?
Come to think of it, Twice was in Shiggy's gang while All for One was still boss. Why the FUCK didn't All for One take Twice's power for himself?

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sleep snug, smug

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Why they doing Dr. Stone before Demon Slayer? Demon Slayer's been out way longer.

>tonight on Toonami

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Already answered your own question, He was working with Shiggy already.

What was it? Odds are I missed it, I'm usually good about seeing Big G references.

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And which brings us back to "the author". instead of making a super invicible character 2.0 wading through Condiment Man's and other faceless enemies trying to make a name for themselves.

THIS take on the super hero universe instead of coming out with ultra super invicible man, we have a kid growing into that position with infinite possibilities from point A to point B.

IIRC Hulu has the rights for it.

because it made Twice become insane

Lates my dudes. I look forward to watching Dr. Stone with you guys

>Is it a serious matter if you want to die but not want to kill yourself?
Probably, I just assume its a young adult thing and it'll go away once I get older and find a place to belong in this world.

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>It just sucks I'll have to switch over to subs now instead of watching it with you guys
Surely we'll get it eventually, right? You could always wait for us.
I held off on Season 3 just to watch it with Toonami General.

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Fat ass nun!

He didn’t want her to get killed.

>find a place to belong in this world

That's probably not going to happen.


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Last from me.

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Black hole cannon and the capital being Osaka.

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Yeah, but AfO was Shiggy's boss. Surely he'd know the makeup and powers of Shiggy's gang.


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There’s no proof of this, especially now that Fire Force and Dr Stone are airing. Hulu could have had those too and they didn’t.

The fact that MHA is staying on the schedule is also pretty telling

I understood it, but just didn't comment. Sorry user.

Fair enough.

It's All for ONE not all for countless clones.

I've been there... for many years.
I can only say what has finally started working for me.
Having a goal to work toward and finally succeeding in properly framing things. It was a long process, but I feel like the crystalization point that finally got me to see things in a better light was the statement, "If the world truly is so terrible, what a miracle you've met as many good people as you have."

The biggest thing that had kept me in that state was not seeing a viable way forward. At least none that I wanted to take, and each passing year made that innertia stick more until I simply wanted out.

Its a long, hard thing to change your own mind. I can only hope that there is something that keeps you going even in that malaise.
A big part of why I added the bit to my sign off. My kitten does keep me going at times, and I hope you can find something that keeps you going even when that bitter voice demands you give up.
It's almost been a month since my friend succumbed to that darkness. Please don't let it consume you as well.

His goal with Shiggy is to provide Shiggy the tools he needs to be a top villain, not just horde all the best powers for himself. Shiggy needs followers with powers

Sleep snug, smug

Good luck little duck

Sleep tight, popper


No you must suffer with us

>make clone with identical powers
>absorb all of clone's powers
>now have infinite amounts of all your powers to distribute and stack as necessary
Even if he didn't stay split up it'd be a win for him.

Well you didnt post much tonight

It could still mean we get a delay in seeing the season on Toonami.

Maybe so, but the friends I made at college makes me feel like im close to finding it, and that all that matters right now.

>MHA is staying on the schedule
How? Are we trading Lupin for Stone? I thought Stone was replacing MHA.

Wait a second...


Sleep snug, Smug
Good luck, Lil duck
Sleep tight, Popper
Good Luck.
Drink up.
This is true.
Find a goal, and don't give up the fight.
Goodnight Toonami General
Set Sail
Stay Gold.

Hoo boy, that line-up is stacked! I didn't know they could stack shit that high


Sleep smug, snug!
You too, buddy.
Sleep tight, Popper!
... Yeah, that's the kind of thing you should seek help for. Or at least drown it in porn and anime to distract yourself. I mean, that's what I do. Or even something healthier, like exercise.
Based Warrior user.
Based Yuukanon.
Don't give in, user! Keep those feet locked down!
I disagree with your choice n waifus, but that doesn't stop you from being a stand-up guy. Take care.
It was a quieter week, but I still didn't get much done. Going to try to get some writing and drawing done and make some headway on my magnum opus.
It's kind of rough, but it's better that way.
Based StoneCold.

Goodnight to you all! I know we're all bummed about the schedule change and the addition of yet another popular Jump title, but let's give it a try, shall we?

May we all overcome our personal struggles, to return to our oasis in a sea of boredom and strife. Glory to anons! glory to Toonami!

So when is Demarco going to close the deal on One Paunch S2?

Hm... back up to 5.5 hours.
Though, I don't know if I like the new show knocking everything back a half hour.

I suppose I can wait, I'm not especially in a hurry. I could probably use that time to take in other manga.

What show specifically?

Occupational hazards. I'm happy to have been here most of the night, at least.

I love you, Stone Cold!

I salute you, my comrade. Keep that head up, maybe we'll get something weird and fun next.

Never just more shit like this Tennis thing is coming. They pay out too for any fool who can make them laugh.

Unexpected rise in posting and images. Maybe this time I made the thread too early and now I just do not know what to do anymore.

Maybe sit back and realize that its always going to be random and not every week is going to be perfect.


Huh, we only made it to 8 this week...
Well, extra half hour next week.

What do you think of your new TV show, Mr. Austin?

Just wait until the about 40-60 posts after the bump is hit, thats usually when TGG makes a new thread.

I mean, we hit image limit pretty much right as the block ended, that's not too bad.
You could've made it later (waited until last thread fell back in the pages before making a new one,) but I certainly wouldn't say you made it too early.

You did your best, we can't really predict anything that will happen. I still say you and TGG make them too early. It should at least be on page 2 before making a new one.

>What show specifically?

No, you silly, where was this referenced last week?

Man I just wanna sniff meat girls meaty pussy

>ran out of juice this week
>mixed vodka with energy drink
>wide awake
>fapped during naruto so no lull
what the fuck do you people do until sunrise?

speaking of meat girl:

Does she come back? I do not want her to be a one and done villain.

I'm very happy for AS putting Ballmasterz and Tigtone on after Toonami to get me more incentive to watch them, they're great.

Yeah she is a recurring character and even has another duel


I'm just glad we finally got confirmation of Ballmasterz S2, its only one of the shows I've really liked in the past few years.

Tune into that stream who does the post stream for kingslounge

Shit, I guess that really did slip by me. Would've said something otherwise.

>be faggot who watched cartoons as a kid
>get enamored with animation
>anything from a flipbook of a sticky notepad 10 second short
>parents disapproved
>push through anyways
>go to college to become an animator
>see lots of fats and undesireables do the same for 4 fucking years
>finally get a break to internship in [adult swim]
>think i can just assist animate for a few years and get into the big dick pay jobs like disney or cal*rts
>find out disney is moving to extreme hyper realistic 3d shit meanwhile their youtube shorts are done by some other fucking interns in their spare time and go no where
>stuck with mr pickles season 3 and ballmasterz season 2
because im drunk and going to break NDA i hope you all enjoy the feminine penis episode and "golden years" mr pickles woe only to fool Henry (the old guy) into a flase sense of ease only for the big semen harvesting reveal where pickles forces henry to be a late in life dad to the second coming of the anti christ

I dont watch mr pickles, its trash.

>slept through the whole Toonami night

At least you've got Ballmasterz season 2, right?
Ballmasterz has some neat animation moments.

I didn't know kamikazes watched Toonami.

the fucking higher up execs (beyond lazo andkeith ) are up our fucking ass all the fucking time every time we do fucking anything. the future loss of family giuy is hitting hard and they are making shit worse. at first it was inteded for deedee to make an off color joke about a feminine penis and how its develping into a whole fucking 2 episode arc of leto learning nothing and going back to how he was before the episodes

oh and you are going to fucking lose your shit when a ballmaster transformation happens interteams players/balls

in the current spitbhalled idea is that Flip (abs guy) merges with enemy team during a game and baby ball merges with the same enemy team because of a missed pass causing even more chaos and confusion on the game and that is the idea so fucking far

Fell asleep during the Naruto hour again, wanted to see MHA off but oh well. Goodnight all, see you next week.

Oh shit, I thought the feminine penis thing was referring to Mr. Pickles.
My condolences, user. I didn't realize the meddling had gotten so bad.

>Flip (abs guy) merges with enemy team during a game and baby ball merges with the same enemy team
I thought the merging thing was because Ace was descended from a special Ballmasters bloodline.
Has that just gone out the window now?

and you think thats ganna stop there? the season cliffhanger that has the most sticking power will be gaz merging with her old teams ball (glittershit) with a hard cut to credits with crayzar smiling in the faded backround "FORESHADOWING" that merges players are FFA

Judge! Can I get a ruling?

Congrats, Robin user. The end of that thread snuck up quite quickly.

Not much of a feat, really.

only because you are smelly

Who are you to judge?

How dare you, sir. I shower on the regular.

I haven't had a chance to watch it yet.
I was going to tape it Monday but forgot to set the dvr.

the other fucking cliffhanger was this:

ballmaster mechs can merge with other mechs which maybe lead to the destruction of the world BUT that was quickly put on the backburger to maybe leader up to the season 3 cliffhanger

I'm not sure I like the sound of it turning into some kind of giant overarching epic plot instead of just being individual episodes focused on small issues and driven by character interactions.

May as well say that I named a location in a game (it was procedurally generated by the way) Duwang, on account of it being a rather bizarre town.
But that's all I'll say.

what the hell are you talking about?

the family guy loss in 2021 is real. note that TBS only has rights to the seasons they were contracted to make from Fox.

[as] is buckling down hardcore on their own IPs to keep the network afloat

pickles, ballmasterz, squids and the idea of ATHF thrown around (but carey is seriously digging his heels in for loadsamonnay) and a few other shows like venture bros/final space/american dad are in extreme "DO IT NOW" phases.

RnM s4 is already complete and down to editing/finalizing/rerecording with s5 already in writing



betcha we will see a Aqua teen hunger force reboot in a year or two

>Why do you need to be fit when you're gonna make Godzilla disappear up his own butthole, eh?
An actual line from the actual dub. Unless you watched the edited tv version where they say black hole, which results in the line making less sense without context. Because somebody thought they couldn't say butthole on the sy-fy channel.

It wasn’t meant to be more than one season

But I don't care about that shit. The only [as] shows I ever gave a damn about were Metalocalypse and Venture Bros.

Anybody else remember Frankenhole?

I need doujins of nuns to fap to

I'm starting to fall in love with Sister Iris

Decent show. Same director as Moral Orel. Too good for the network tbqh.

Small has not been heard or seen here since i came around. While not mentioned I want to vent on half an episode we were almost done with ballmasterz
>lulu (green monster) was set to have her own trans-racial episode where her skin was repigmented pink
>but about 60% done with animating and production we were ordered to revamp the whole fucking match because apparently 2-3 seconds of Michael Jackson dancing requires shit tons of cash we didnt have nor did they win the lawsuit to keep it and had to do a fucking knockoff of thriller to be close enough but not copyright breaching

Why couldn't the second season just be more of what the first season was?

Do you feel like Toonami is also getting extra budget to attempt to solidify its future? I’d say most of us are shocked that they are still continuing to acquire premieres that push them beyond the 3am hour when they explicitly have said they are against that. But, they also need to strike these generic shonen right away in case they really take off.

Last year they were really dicking around with pickups. This year, well mostly this summer, has been a giant wave of pickups with no sign of stopping

I believe you mean MARY SHELLEY'S Frankenhole.

I have one that comes to mind, but it's a loli nun.

But you DO remember it.

I miss when that channel was fun. I'd watch Tales from the Darkside during the dead of the night.

I didn't see it but it looked pretty inteeresting.

Because it was all about Gaz getting to the finals. They got there, show over. If you want more seasons, that forces them to do some abstract thinking which will likely lead to shit ideas

The what?

I mean, it goes along with what the other user said. They're in full panic mode, so they have to get as much mileage out of every avenue they still have available, even the anime block they once derided.

actual non-east premiers are expensive. demarco landed a solid as fuck deal YEARS ago for Titan
licensing post-west premier anime is cheap as fuck. MHA and Stone are examples of new but not premier shows.

[as] had a petition online to get a finale for Metalocalypse but then they just livestreamed all the petitions printing directly into a shredder.

It was a fax machine and a garbage can. They told people to fax them petitions for more Metal, then they showed a stream of them all falling in a trash can.

It doesn’t matter. Small will never come back to AS. He would probably enjoy the notion that his inaction could be a factor in killing the network

Wonder when CC's contract for Futurama expires, and if Adult Swim could nab it from them.

I'll take whatever I can get

My condolences, user. There's always next week, right?

Does it have to be something you can read?

My memory is hazy, but wasn't it about Gaz getting to the finals with the Leptons specifically so that she could get back with her old team, but in the finale decides to stay with the Leptons anyway?
I don't see why the second season couldn't have been more of the first season except with "let's try to win because we need money/made a wager/because the team already exists and we have nothing better to do" instead of "let's try to win so Gaz can get to the finals and get back to her old team."
The majority of most episodes didn't even take place in the matches, and it's not like Gaz needing to get to the finals/get back to her old team was even front and center during those times. In the moment, it was just "we're a sports team so let's try and win if we can."

I know that. They could have trimmed Toonami back down 4 weeks after AoT started when HxH left but they didn’t. Now here we are yet again, where it would have been easy to drop us a premiere, and we are loading up Dr Stone, which is right about as close to the newest thing Toonami can ever hope to air, right along with Fire Force

Licencing a show to air for months one weekend a night is a drop in the bucket vs paying an execs quarter bonus. I do not know if Toonami's budget is getting bigger but Toonami is not going anywhere anytine soon.

They are also probably on panic because of Super ending. One of these shonens needs to carry the block in a few months. And even Manning has publicly admitted they know anime reruns are ratings pits, so they clearly know that rerunning Super isn’t a magic solution, and rather would be more of a problem than anything

Very well then, user. Here you go:

Shit, they went full retard.
Talk about figuratively shooting themselves in the foot.

Give me a break, they'll just re-air Super or Kai and it'll still get great (relatively) ratings. When has Toonami ever not had Dragonball at or near the front of the block?

The execs bonus is more important though, especially if the anime choices don’t really pull their weight. Toonami actually feels like it’s being invested in for once, and it’s not like the expansions we have had in past years that were just fluff to shove more reruns on everyone hated. We are getting consistently new content

>literal waterballoon tits
why am i giggling


2012-late 2014 you dumb fuck. And how many times does it have to be said that they ALREADY TRIED to rerun Kai and it failed? And Kai was in a much better position to succeed, since it hadn’t rerun multiple times outside of Toonami.

>Toonami actually feels like it’s being invested in for once,
It feels like it happened overnight though. Like they went from Food Wars to Fire Force and Dr. Stone. Did they just grab the cheap ones to save for the big ones or was a decision made in there to fund the whole block better? And how expensive was MHA to not continue it despite being the hottest anime today?

I think the problem is that it's too old and familiar at this point
rerunning MHA I think is actually a good idea because it's both modern and popular

Everyone who cares about MHA has seen it already. A rerun of that would do worse than DBZ because it doesn't have the benefit of nostalgia or stoned 20-somethings catching it randomly and recognizing it from the old days. They need to get off the HD-or-bust train and just air Dragonball or Yu Yu Hakusho. Long-running, probably not too expensive, has a decent amount of nostalgia, and actually good shows.

They're still re-running Kai, though, and at the front end of AS no less. I just don't see Toonami or Adult Swim airing without DB even if it's re-runs. It's their bread and butter, always has been.

Or even better, they could get the rights for and air original Dragonball. Wishful thinking.

What do you guys think the consistently highest-rated non-rerun show has been in Toonami's post-revival history?

now that you mention it i dont remember the last time a demarco poll about which show was.. aired

MHA was getting good numbers when it was at the start of the block though for a good while

So was Kai, the first time. The novelty of watching live on TV is only good once I think.

>page 10
>made it past home movies and postblock fap

fucking later holy shit its been a few weeks since making it

gz lad


Journey's end. Remember to love your waifu and cherish her with all your heart.