
Is it weird that I find her/him? kinda hot?
I can't be the only one.

Attached: QTTrap.png (699x1012, 150K)

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No, you're the only one, you dumbass tranny.


Stevonnie is a futanari with a big cock and a tight pussy.


I think /soc would be more your speed, if it's trannies you're into.

you disgust me pronoun fag

There are 7 billion people on this planet and you're the only one who is attracted to this characters design.

I bet you had to commission this art. I bet they laughed the entire time they drew it

stevonnie is literally a hermaphrodite.

Rebecca Sugar finds them sexy also.

Stevonnie is gross, and it ruined the cute young love theme between Steven and Connie that made the beginning of the series so nice. Ruby and Sapphire also basically stopped Garnet from ever being a fun character, and she was the reason I ever started watching the show. Fuck fusions, fuck jannies, and fuck this show past season 1.

If Steven kinda accidentally fuses with Connie every time they grow close, what happens if they try having sex in the future but before she gets to orgasm, they fuse?

Maybe they can't have kids, but maybe, if they fuse just before orgasm, adult Stevonnie experiences a dual orgasm of both sexes simultaneously. Hot damn.

They just have to do it really rough and lovelessly to not end up fusing

That's Rebecca's fetish.

This. Anyone calling her a tranny is a retard.

Cute art

Art style aside, Stevonnie walking into the Big Donut was a collective sploosh from Lars and Sadie. A tawny sex deity in flesh.

Attached: Stevonnie is Exceptionally Sweaty.jpg (1050x1200, 189K)

It's hard finding good futa western art that isn't shit.

Attached: 1561311118665.png (540x540, 134K)

The west doesn't do futa, they keep the balls

Your first and last mistake.

Dick + Vag is weirder

anyone else pick this up? pretty short but I liked it

Attached: file.png (1741x1010, 2M)

>maintaining pearl's beak nose
I respect that

i like amy's fat tits desu senpai

What is it?

name of the game is upper left dude. porn vn

I googled it, but... nuffin'.

Original stevonnie is just a 6ft girl with hips and a phat ass. They tried to make her more masculine later

Simple: they fuse and go prowling for a third partner.


Same thing happened when she strutted into the rave. Stevonnie has some kind of weird lust aura that penetrates your orientation.

Attached: steven universe is for kids.jpg (1060x379, 90K)

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Thank you.

Pink Diamond's mind control mojo. As used unconsciously by the suddenly-uninhibited mind of a very thirsty adolescent girl smooshed together with the offspring of a man who canonically responded to a hostile invasion of giant alien women by setting off to seduce them.

They started drawing a girl and calling it something that's extraterrestrial because it's a fusion and it's unique and fiction and etc. Then they started drawing it uglier and uglier and labeling it with real life terms for the obvious reasons.
If you like the first, that's understandable, if the latter then an hero

Stevonnie is obviously a futa, but how big is she?

Considering her powers she's as big as you can handle.
As big as she'd want you to handle

t. trannyfuckers

Attached: 8EDB6C4E-3F6D-438A-93AE-EA43670EA7CC.jpg (1920x2880, 1.38M)

Ever slightly too big.

She ruined the show and she is disgusting, people who like her are mentally ill

The worst-scenario outcome of the tendency you suggest is still not as bad as the world you want.



Attached: F7A3ADFD-46FC-43F9-B5A5-A57694F1A03D.jpg (559x855, 71K)


Insults and hate. Honestly, this is the future? Depressing.

I know you're only trolling and in reality believe in nothing, but still.

>half Steven
>big cock
I mean, it's possible but I'm doubtful?


He's the son of Greg Universe and a shapeshifter.

Is it weird I ship them with Connie's mom

>Steven Universe
>Son of Greg "MurderCock" Universe
>Half shapeshifting hologram alien person
>Having a small dick
You are insane.
The only REAL question is if he has stamina, but given all the reasons above I'd hazard to guess he does.

Attached: hawt.png (281x227, 99K)

Not at all. After discovering the sway Stevonnie can hold over people, Connie would convince Steven to work out some catharsis on her mom. Somewhere in the middle of that, she would get carried away.

Attached: tumblr_nuveq3iZfJ1rji958o2_r1_540.gif (536x301, 639K)

Attached: stevonnie kevin behind.png (661x363, 132K)

Attached: stevonnie giant beard.png (960x1280, 370K)

Apparently, since they're multiple people, Stevonnie uses They/Them.

No I do the exact same thing

Sadie as well

Attached: 1496385690038.jpg (1280x1917, 326K)

No, because I know it's the composition of a fat, autistic little crybaby bitch and a street shitter.
How the fuck can anything about that be attractive to you?

Also, it's two children.
You want to fuck two children.

>is better in every way

Irrational hatred over SU will never not be funny. Grow a pair, faggot.

Then why doesn't garnet

Garnet is two girls, Stevonnie is a boy and a girl.

Garnet doesn't have human bullshit to care about

>thinks SU hate is irrational
>calls other faggots in the same breath

At least try to stick to one narrative. Otherwise, neither side will give you (you)'s

Go suck a pair, mongoloid.

Fusion is a neat concept wasted on SU. Does anyone else do it well?

Even intersex people use "he" or "she" depending on which they prefer/develop more towards.

Yes, Dragonball Z.
Where they stole the concept from, just like all CN cartoons made by womanchildren steal everything from popular anime.

Yeah, for one arc, and then they ruin it more whenever it's brought up again.

I have a better waifu

Attached: Obsidian_by_RylerGamerDBS.png (2000x2799, 877K)

Nothing in Steven Universe is attractive.

That's a matter of opinion.

Stevonnie, Priyanka, Garnet, Ruby and Sapphire.

My mistake.
Nothing in Steven Universe is attractive unless you have shit taste.

No, because it's a clearly female character that only through be show would you know she is some weird Herm/Dickgirl

Basically, they drew a female and then gave her a dick

Or if you DON'T have shit taste. See how that works?

>not wanting to fuck Priyanka
What are you, gay?

>Basically, they drew a female and then gave her a dick
of which we don't even know that is true.

It wouldn't be a stretch if Steven got turned on by her mom making Connie get turned on. I have seen a few comics and fanfics were that happened. There is even a weird one were it has two versions to the story. Both are the same in which Connie and Steven stay permanently fused like garnet. In both versions they are in dating Connie's mom. But in one version she doesn't know about fusion and the other she dose know about fusion. The other one was weird becuase it ended with her marrying Stavonie and having a daughter they named Connie.

You can just say They OP, also they're kids, so calling the police

It didn't stay that way, it got ugly. Fuckin beard and everything, looks more like a fag

To bad there aren't more fan art for this ship that isn't just porn.

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Looking at the popularity of futa on /d/ you're certainly not alone


If I can find them. I have some of the comics but they are to dirty for co. I found this and it says Stovoines children. It tagged Connie's mom in the description as the other parent

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u2.jpg (356x550, 46K)

hey that was my thread

>Not wanting plunge the world into a hellfire lit bdsm orgy with six tittied demon ladies
Check out this faggot

Does no one want to fuck masculine stevonnie?

Attached: 5B9987DD-BD2E-4422-BAD2-E837D320E8F5.png (696x395, 287K)

My version of SU and shit, where fusion is less an allegory for gay or tranny shit, and moreso one for internalizing and carrying the ideas of the past and the lessons learned from it

Attached: IMG_5048.jpg (600x800, 81K)

I was thinking less of a wholesome ending and more Stevonnie using her diamind control on Priyanka

Does e have boobs?

Women are expected to shave their bodies. Why not also their faces? I don't see a problem.

Is posting links to fapfics against the rules?

I like hairy women.


sounds like SU desu

>Stevonnie tries to make her cock bigger while fucking someone
>accidentally turns it into a cat
>the cat cock bites the inside of Stevonnie's partner

futas can have balls too. in fact most futa porn artists draw futas with dick+balls+pussy (because without pussy they would be trannies)

>punished Stevonnie

Futa will always have balls+vag. That's what seperates them from just flatout shemales.


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Hope it actually gets expanded on, which naturally means it won't.

but I'm working on it right now

No, it can't be true!

Good man

>whackerin' stick
What? Hot though.

It's an SU reference.

Working on imagemaps, basically trying to make the game into more of a point + click adventure, something like Summertime. This is a new feature to me so its going slow. I'm learning this because it will make adding future content a little easier.

If I can find it. But it was more like they just start dating. Connie's mom kicks her husband out after Connie goes missing. Stavonie tries to help b7t the to grow close and soon in love. Stavonie decides to not tell what really happened to Connie. They ended that one the same of them getting married

>Like Summertime
Long as that doesn't turn into earning 100k and putting out a single update per decade

Trust me, we want to foster the value of our production by earning people's trust.

with that face? yes you are

like i would be into..."it" if it wasnt steven and connie fused into one

Attached: 13113833_968689109911761_1596710912_a.jpg (150x150, 4K)

Is that a legit hermaphrodite? The fuck?

Is that a fucking DickBitchMolly reference?


Stevonnie is futa and that's hot. And not gay

Anyone got the original pic?

Stevonnie was hot in xer first appearance, then got gradually less hot as the style deteriorated and xe eventually became a bearded twink.

it's such a shame how little Stevonnie/Lars content there is out there, it's such a fun pairing too

Attached: stevonnie_seducing_capt__lars___ppw_july_18_by_schinkn-dciwrej.jpg (1600x1462, 404K)

I don't see a problem with that.

Attached: 1557663142560.jpg (668x557, 57K)

I am actually on board with the steven was inspired by the antichrist theory and I find it cool

spread it on twitter then

It's a poison reference

Attached: stevonnie_meme_by_sadyna-daejzi5.jpg (1280x1194, 317K)

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