Be female character in a 2019 cartoon

>be female character in a 2019 cartoon
>be turned gay for either political or fetish purposes

Being a girl is suffering

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OP, you fuck, you're literally complaining about representation.
It has gone full circle. I swear, this is never gonna stop.

So you're okay with representation of incest in cartoons as well ?

Isn't she Bi?

No, she's ruined. And a lamp

Gay and bi is the same thing
A faggot is a faggot whatever you call it

Why do you care what a bunch of drawn line fucks?

Name 1 (one) well written male character in the last five years. They're either cucks, children, retards, gays, or dead.

And a hunter is a hunter, even in a dream.

>representation of LGBT shit leads to representation of incest
The only people I see make this argument are backwoods retards.

so you're okay with millions of little girls watching lesbians and thinking it's normal and becoming lesbians themselves ?

you sicken me, and the day Frozen 2 will have a lesbian story is the day the Occident will meet its downfall and I will gloat as I would have already left the western world for a better place untainted by Soddom and Gomorra's influence

you'll be sorry and I won't care

you imbecilic cancer

it makes no sense for straight people to hate gays but love lesbians
more gay = more girls available since they won't go after them

encouraging lesbianism is the epitome of stupidity
the more lesbians the less girls will be interested in you and woud rather make out with the same sex than with you

all you idiotic mongrels always support lesbians, and lesbians are way more prominent in cartoons/television than gays
it is your fault, all of you, you will see the consequences

Elsa will be a lesbian, and little girls will all be lesbians because girls are very influencable
Men aren't as much influencable than females, so it wouldn't affect them to see gayness

it's your right to be gay
just don't put your homosexual fetishes in cartoons for normal people

normal people watch normal shows
gay people watch gay things

don't mix the two

you stupid fuggs ruined everything, but I'm not mad
as I said, the west doomed because of nincompoops such as you fag and I will be rejoincing to its doomsday from afar

>normal people watch normal shows
>gay people watch gay things
The problem is that the gay things are in everything that should be normal

OP, go feel bad right now.

Not sure how Homosexuality is somehow the thing that destroys the western world, but okay.
Stay mad, user.

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Good pasta but the sauce has too many onions
And before you judge me, that's a Goodfellas reference

>so you're okay with millions of little girls watching lesbians and thinking it's normal and becoming lesbians themselves ?
So the media influenced behavior to that degree?
You know what you sound like?

With that argument you validate what those who complain about masculine overrepresentation say. It's not a similar argument, it's the same argument.
They say heteronormative, you say little girls will grow to love the kitty. Fuck, you're stupid.

And by the way, we know that doesn't work because you grew with GI Joe and He Man and still didn't become a man.

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But being masculine is a good thing.
Far better than beong a soicunt.

I can only imagine how much being female must suck these days What with guys chopping their balls and cocks off and pretending they even have any kind of basic understanding what it is to be female or grow up female

Super unpopular opinion coming in, but both Mr Peanutbutter and Bojack were very well written characters without being any of the things you listed off.

Not OP but lesbians are man hating assholes and deserve jackshit in representation if all theyre going to do with it is use it to mistreat male characters like finn or rad.

I cant wait till PB and marcy end up the victim of a hate crime

A thread died for this.

Yeah, but my point is if you're gonna learn masculinity from TV then you're not gonna learn masculinity at all.
TV doesn't "normalize toxic masculinity and heteronormativity", to claim that is retarded, and so by extension it also doesn't turn little girls lesbionic.

Luna deserves to suffer

What makes it worse is that this is just another copypasta bait thread. Not even original.

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I blame Korra

she's actually bi

The thing about giving gays a boost in media is not inherently about the gays themselves. It's that they're just the first step.

>muh slippery slope
No. We've already seen the progression. Normalization of gays comes first. Then normalization of transgenderism and nonbinary belief systems. Those are not only becoming normalized in media, but now they're solidified by administration and law. We're at the next step that Leftards said would never come, and now that it's here, they say it should have come sooner. And it's STILL not over yet. We're seeing the next phase in the works as we speak: the sexual revolution of children acceptance of fringe groups like pedophiles. Gay pride parades are now considered a place for drag kids to dance and strip. Parents bring their kids there and proudly post videos of it on social media. There's a documentary on Amazon Prime RIGHT NOW that harbors a message of pedo acceptance.

We're in a downward social spiral and there's no stopping it. And it's partially thanks to faggots like you.

You know what they say: Bi now, Gay later!

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To think OP's parents wanted a functional child...

>My waifu fap fodder who aren't real wouldn't find me attractive if they were real.
>Hope they become victims
How many women have you tried to talk to have ended up gay user?

Why do dykes think this will help their cause and not just grow more hatred towards them?

Statistically, at least ONE of the Loud sisters would be lesbian/bisexual. Why are you complaining when it was the most obvious of the entire household? If it were Lori, Leni or any of the actual feminine ones, then that would be forced. But they chose Luna, the one that hinted all the way back in Season 1 by referring to a female teacher as "smoking", in a sexual manner.

Getting attention in the short term is more important than any long term agenda

I don't give too shits one way or another. And from what I've seen literally no one is trying to fight for the rights of pedos except pedos. And the shit your spouting? No one turns gay over what they see in TV. You're either into the same sex or you aren't. Simple as that.

Why is statistics a viable argument when it favors faggotry, but when statistics is used in argument of black crime, suddenly the statistics user is a fascist poltard incel racist?

OK OP, no trolling, but next time before you post something like this, just commit suicide instead.
People less retarded than you do it by accident every single day.

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And its precisely comments like this that will make me vote trump next year, have fun loosing again social justice warriors