ITT: The best versions of Yea Forums characters.
ITT: The best versions of Yea Forums characters
So the best version of Maxie Zeus is the one who gets off on electroshock therapy and eating shit? I'm not sure what that says about Maxie. Funny thing is, he's one of the few characters in Arkham that's actually insane, at least by the legal definition to date.
This was great.
Face it. It was edgy garbage. Turn a character evil/insane and give them reality warping abilities is trash.
No, it was great.
This put me off reading the rest of Sandman to be honest. Wasn't this like the second story in? I hated it.
Tobey Maguire Spider-Man
This needs to be storytimed again
Best Goblin/Norman. Comic Norman went to shit after a while so he wins it out.
Morpheus collects his stolen artifacts after being imprisoned. The ruby was the final item. Why did you hate it?
To be fair, Sandman was initially conceived as a horror story book. And this story was written as such. Gaiman changes the book’s direction pretty much right after this.
Miggy is definitely the best Spider-Man, Jake is the 1-A.
He was a lot of fun, but here's a contender.
Is everything that lacks quips or irony edgy now?
Ennis's Punisher
>So the best version of Maxie Zeus is the one who gets off on electroshock therapy and eating shit? I'm not sure what that says about Maxie.
I do and it is absolutely correct.
>urn a character evil/insane and give them reality warping abilities is trash.
But -
Wait. You don't know who Doctor Destiny is?
...Well, if you didn't like it you chose well not to read it. It does mean you're kind of a baby though.
...I got nothing.
The best take on the Hulk, at least as far as the Savage Hulk goes.
Oh come on. No need to shame them. That take isn't for everyone.
Arkham being the cursed shithole it is there’s like a 10% chance Maxie is actually completely legit and will one day magnanimously repopulate the earth with his poop, you know
It's true. I would just give him superpower so that he becomes a dangerous madman.
He needs to show up a big threat for the JL, the guy is a master telepath/low level reality warper. Especially with this characterization of a madman lost in nightmares and dreams unable to live in reality.
What do you mean you got nothing
Telltale Batman Harley Quinn is the best version of her by far
Now that I think about it, it has the only version of the Joker I give a shit about, so there you go
>Note to self: Give naked dictations more often. The ideas seem to flow more freely.
Some minor silver age character.
I mean I have no idea who that character was.
Who had a gem with which he could alter reality.
Dream reality, but they couldn't tell the difference.
>Wait. You don't know who Doctor Destiny is?
You’ve forgotten where you are, mate. This is Yea Forums, where 2/3 do the posters are just donkey brained shitposters who’ve never read a comic.
Paul Jenkins provides my favorite take on Normie. I love Ellis, but he seemed more vengeful angel of death and insane flying goblin.
>and give them reality warping abilities is trash.
B-but he had those since the 50s.
Bless you
Killing native americans? Stepping over the rotten corpses of your competitors in the capitalist jungle? Being pro-gun? Explain Captain!
That's not the dream, though. The American Dream is 'pursuing your ideal in freedom', as far as I can ascertain. That's probably why it's called a 'dream'.
>Thought this was where MCU was taking Hulk and Banner
>we'll never get a live action DC film where Aqua Man is portrayed as an idealistic, bombastically old fashioned, and perhaps somewhat naive Don Quixote-esque superhero
It’s Despot
Oh, the former Weatherman. No wonder.
No, you just have shit taste.
Don't forget his hot, redhead milf wife
>Spencer turns Boomerang from a one note villain nobody gives a shit about to a lovable goofball
makes up for his shitty run on captain america and secret empire
I’m honestly not sure that word had any real meaning on memes. It seems like it’s just used when you disagree with something.