Are fat girls finally getting proper atention now?
Are fat girls finally getting proper atention now?
Amazonian =/= fat.
Also there are fat female characters, the problem is when you depict them as gross people throw a hissy fit. the fack any pro-active person get to that weight? Any times she is off focus she stuffs 6 hot dogs in her pit of a mouth.
By overeating I think.
But if you she is a villain/hero that intent she burns a lot of energy. I can't get why SJW thinks they can keep such Kilos if they are running/ jumping and being active. Bulky ,yes. Freaking fat, no, unless you are the blob
Strongfat women in cartoons and manga is just a way to keep the girl looking fat and fulfil that fetish while completely negating the irl negative aspects of obesity.
It's not that complicated.
Ok, but why pour these fetishes in the Comics. Even in the 60s the perves kept their rope boners at bay for most of the time, why can't the fat-thirsters?
It's just ecoming a more popular fetish recently.
There is certainly a lot other fetishes on display but people don't pay too much attention to them since they are way more subtle than a huge fat woman on a show.
Well considering Burger-land is making most comics that makes sense. Either they pick the fetish and prepare the flour.
or they stay dry.....
That Suki thread was pretty good.
>clearly defined waist
OP, you dumbdumb, "big" does not automatically equal "fat".
>Sonic Meat in a Stripped Bikini
Where are you seeing the muscles my dude? Even her arms look flabby and she has an hourglass figure instead of a fit triangle shape.
Her boobs are pretty fat.
Joke fat characters are just the worst.
I agree but fat people tend to be gross people. I don't mean your garden variety fatty that doesn't hit the gym, either. I mean morbidly obese people.
>All these enlightened kangdoms
>The one Not!Elysium that throws their trash away is populated by mostly white people
I'll be honest with you. I have no intentions of watching the show, I just like the fattie.
Ehh, it's alright.
It wishes to be Trigun but it can't reach it.
This is the only good scene in all of Quack Pack
How to find a fat hairy 30+ foreveralone Yea Forums fembot gf, Yea Forums?
Titty tattoos are gross.
sternum tattoos are distressingly sexy.
In thinnest day
In thiccest night
No fatshit shall escape my sight
Let those who worship blubber's blight
Beware an Yea Forumsnon's endless fight
Would she even feel my 5.5 incher?
Fat "people" should be executed
Just get rid of fat acceptance and bully them till they are /fit/
Not a single fat woman in the world looks like this, they are all disgusting mentally ill pigs that smell like a cum filled rotting carcass
You sound 12