Yea Forums tiddy thread
Yea Forums tiddy thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>armpit hair
Damn, that's amazing.
I keep forgetting this thing exists until someone makes a new thread for it
ok im just gonna say it, tall dark busty retarded muscle girls are my fetisch
Let me help you OP.
germaine has both in the back AND front!
where is this from?
Imagine the taste of her milk.
imagine wrestling with her in bed
just something balak/turbo balak did with his oc.
Thick, rich, creamy.
god i wish i were little paul
Thought that picture might start something
Oh hey it's that comic made for the sole purpose of the author self-inserting to romance is muscle waifu
>based off of and voiced by that alien faced patreon whore
>self-inserting to romance is muscle waifu
nothing wrong about that. You would do it too if you could.
I love tiddies.
..../aco/ exists kids. Kinda have good stuff. Gues your mom is keeping an eye on your browsing.
/aco/ is garbage though.
>Not wanting Didi
I mean, I'd take both really
But I could always also tease Didi with the details of her "birth" and possibly turn it into a fetish for her.
The point is, there's a board for this sort of thread. Go there.
Just ignore the puritanfag. He thinks all cheesecake is porn.
Ahhhh....I see. Liltle wanka never wank and is hurting from his tiny boner. How cute.
There's no puritanism about it. Go to /aco/ if you wanna fap.
Shut the fuck up, Boco
Why teasie your self a bite of cheese cake if you can have a entire thing?
>speaking about /aco/ in any context other than the question "why does this stupid board exist when we should be posting porn directly on Yea Forums like in the good old days"
Go back to fucking tumblr holy fuck
>On a board for cartoons and comic books
>Calls others kids
I wonder if you get the irony of posting an edit of an image that was originally all about someone not understanding the basics of what people post on Yea Forums
Because sometimes the best presents are the ones that stay wrapped.
tumblr is fucking dead they don't have porn anymore.
/aco/? There is no /aco/ on 4channel!
Ah, but you're dodging the heart of the matter. /aco/ is right there, friend.
>Go back to fucking tumblr holy fuck
Cute. Is that your go-to response?
Doesn't change the fact that we have porn boards for a reason.
What a kiddie. Scared to see the full thing so they just find sad DA artist who draw their safe-from-mommy art.
It's the only response, since you're apparently so new that you think the blue board distinction actually matters
>Ah, but you're dodging the heart of the matter. /aco/ is right there, friend.
No one gives a fuck about /aco/. The heart of the matter is that you are a worthless migrant from tumblr. Please kill yourself as soon as possible.
Her shoulders are REALLY wide.
Poor kid with parent-lock. Go to Tumbler IRL.
jajaja armpit hair so you know shes is cuuurrraazy jajajajaja!
Plebs please.
>The distinctions don't matter because I wanna post titties on a non-porn board for some reason.
Still making assumptions, are we? Fine. I'm not the one getting angry over being told to go to the correct board.
The distinctions don't matter because they have never mattered, because who gives a shit whether someone wants to post tiddies or musclegirls or whatever. You would know this if you spent any length of time here
If the distinctions really don't matter, then there's nothing stopping you from fucking off to the appropriate board.
Didn't we chased the furr fags and bronies into their own little place because we did not want to look at that shat?
fuck off puritan Yea Forumsermin rats
also no
the only reason ponies got their own board was because they were posting on other boards, not just Yea Forums
Why does that matter? Why do you care?
No amount of meaningless buzzwords can change the fact that this thread belongs on /aco/.
BOOM! You hit the nail. This is Comics not your softcore porn kiddie wank circle. We don't mind wifu threads, but fuck of to /d/,Yea Forums and /aco/ with fetishes.
>that's disgusting
>y u caaaare
Go be underage somewhere else.
It's not porn. It's lewd, but it's not porn. It's fine here.
Bud in no way did you communicate disgust before
Also, I disagree.
How is it, exactly?
and no amount of nu /pol/ memes will change the fact that you fags did a 180 on worrying about moderation ramping to being more restrictive and are now all for changing shit that's been done for years you fucking rat.
Is that nerd Panda.
Oh lawd.
>Spesificly make a softcore porn thread with intent to wank of to tits instead of talking about good comics and cartoons.
Do we really need to make a softcore channel for you parent-lock kidies.
Oh for fucks sake, if you can't surf the porn boards wherever you are you shouldnt be on Yea Forums anyway.
Dunno what you're whining about, but I can tell you're mad. Why are you so against being told to go to the appropriate board? I'm not saying no to T&A, just that there's a board for it.
This. Armpit hair is fucking disgusting.
t. armpit fetishist
Its not about that. Its about one of the few things we all agree on Yea Forums. If you want to talk about weapons go to /k/. If you want to talk about creepypasta go to /x/. if you wanna wank of to low quality edits go to /aco/ or /d/
Imagine if this place hired competent mods to ban this weird mormon cunt.
But user Utah loves the porn.
panda does things to my loins that no other big tiddie Yea Forums waifu does.
Nerdy or Goth panda is like icing on an already perfect cake.
Again with the meaningless insults and the lack of an argument. /aco/ is waiting.
go be a whiny soccer mom somewhere else rat, this is degen terf and it always will be.
nah it is about that Yea Forums got there latest bull shit meme canned in 3 days and now demands we all bow to there garbage.
agreed. i think part of the reason i like golden girl is that shes kind of an inverted panda, except still has the huge tits
There is an anwer. His mommy is checking his stash and he can't have anything more rirsky or mommy won't give him tendies.
>waaah go to /aco/
>go be a whiny soccer mom somewhere else rat, this is degen terf and it always will be.
Then where's the furries and the bronies? Where's the inflation fetishists and guro lovers? Oh, that's right, they have their own boards to post in. Funny, that.
WUT? Fucker, why are you talking about fucking Yea Forums on Yea Forums. Leave their shit out of here. Also keep your low quality smut to aco. Its not even worth a wank.
>muh degeneracy
>nooo my poor christian eyes
You brought up "degeneracy". I'm just countering your points. Are you so flustered with being told to go to /aco/ that you can't even remember the arguments you made seconds ago?
>Arguing with it
>Instead of just posting tits
Here's a two for one
There's a board for that, you know.
There isn't enough shit with them both.
They'd make good friends.
For Yea Forums tits? right we're on it.
More human Pavita.
No (You)'s from me, spergy titlet
>Getting this fucking mad at a cheesecake tiddy thread.
You tumblr fuckwits are downright hilarious. Imagine legit being a tiddie nazi.
Blue board, neophyte.
>puritan rats resort to fire bombing when there told there bullshit isn't welcome on Yea Forums
Who cares? Who gives a damn. Lets pull all of the stops.
Nah, that's not right. But it's not like the average Yea Forumsck-sucker is good for much else than jerking off to drawn tits on the wrong board.
not anymore.................
He's just some sperg that spouts off like this in any thread of this sort. Seems like he's moved up from spamming yaoi comics
Too bad the mods will probably delete the whole thread instead of just the shitposting. Naturally they'll leave the other blatant shitpost threads and spam untouched
imagine being this mad at a woman's body
I've notice tons of shitposting exactly like this on the rise over the year.
It's worse than normal shitposting.
>Too bad the mods will probably delete the whole thread instead of just the shitposting. Naturally they'll leave the other blatant shitpost threads and spam untouched
They'll actually be doing their jobs if they remove this thread. God forbid you have to go to the appropriate boards.
>Become so enraged by cartoon titties you post porn and get yourself banned
never forget if these fags had there way there wouldn't be lewd oc allowed on Yea Forums
Dude, weak sauce.
Can you name how this thread is against any rules?
Who needs to jerkoff, can't you just appreciate tits for aesthetics, or are you walking down the street jerking at everything with tits and assume everyone does?
>comics and cartoon stuff should not be on Yea Forums
I think you are legit retarded. Are you inbred? Did you mother just drink a lot of alcohol while she was pregnant with you?
Oh boy this thread is going great
bunny bapz
Don't see anything wrong? This are tits right? So we are givving tities.
What happened to make you like this? Who hurt you?
Ass, tiddy, all that's in between, the sight of any sends you into agonized fits. This isn't normal
he wears a skimask so he's IP cant be tracked down
>monkey version
Oh god your typing shows you're either legit mad or some non-english understanding third world retard.
too far dude
>female bodies are bad and icky
That's all you sound like. Do you feel uncomfortable when you see a woman in real life?
God damn what is wrong with this board these days?
Sorry, but the time of the Boomers is over.
I need to get back to beating that game.
forced meme cock sucker
You're here every time whinging about how asspained it makes you
Jared Leto wishes he could be this DAMAGED
Because they're comic and or cartoon characters
trannies migrated to here, Yea Forums and /vp/...probably other boards too
They are physically repulsed by beauty and the female form because their mangled bodies fail to resemble it.
Now this is a thread i can get behind
t. newfag
Additionally, /aco/ is for porn. Cheesecake straddles that line.
Still what is bad with full porn? If we are having a tit thread, lets make it a tit thread.
makes a human pavita
normal pavita with ACCURATE NORMAL BOOB SIZE
Raven sure gets groped a lot.
Because posting porn on a blue board is against the rules.
That's Panda cosplaying Pavita.
What rules? This is a thread and board talking about tits and bitches.
So what exactly are you angry about?
How often do you even post on Yea Forums? How long have you been on Yea Forums?
pandy needs to up her boob game
I doubt that, but I'd love to see the interaction anyway.
I am angry that we again over and over going on half ass wank-a-fond instead moving the entire thread to /aco/. This is not comics. The is softcore porn.
Where the FUCK is Frida?
It's SFW material, it's on a SFW board, stop crying and browse threads you like.
You can hide threads you know right?
Panda in the body bags comic is basically a daddy issuies emotional wreck with her horrible person of a father encouraging her bad impulses.
Have a comic then.
Still not getting you chief. All of the people here are for wanking, so lets give them proper material.
Go cry about Yea Forums bait thread #579479372
Except you won't, because you're a broken sperg that only wants to get made at tiddies
You're so desperate to be angry at something ain't you?
Dat projection, like only guys are here, when chicks love boobs too.
Ah. So Audrey would provide a stabilizing factor, help her be less of a shit.
Compromise then! Let us talk about the big titty insanity that is Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose.
I am not mad, just annoyed that instead of anything proper we have dive in the shit-tier wifu- thicc threads and all the good threads are lost cause thirsty 13 year olds. If you want soft core GO TO /ACO/. Its like me posting a potato and starting to talk about starch and this being ok with the rest.
Then why don't you post it? Come on. I'm waiting.
Yeah, When Panda first showed up she thought her dad was a heroic batman like bodybagger.
Audrey would totally make her go back to wanting to be that. do know the best April Fools in memory was when Yea Forums and /ck/ combined, right? That off-topic discussions happen all the time, and they can be really fun?
>All the good threads are lost
What good threads? Yea Forums shit?
Being so butthurt
You pretend to be retarded
Just to keep being butthurt
Cause i am not going full retart like the moron with the dick sucking shit.
they really need to add a >this post is being retarded on purpose function to reports
>all the good threads are lost
Mass Shitposting should be reportable.
80s April > all.
butts > boobs
If you want to discuss good comics then make a thread discussing good comics you literal faggot. Stop playing the part of a backseat jannie.
So should wifu threads.
Care to give some examples of these "good threads" you're mentioning?
The big think option is to have them ALL
I'd still hit it if given the opportunity.
Galaxy brain would be they all have huge tits.
We are in agreement
But this thread has been designated for the booby-brethren and we must respect their culture
Jesus you can't even type straight.
You're right. I'm sorry for pushing my beliefs like that.
>tfw my gf has small boobs
I don't think I can ever love her
Chest butts
You don't even know the difference between cheesecake and softcore.
Explain to difference with visual aid please
>freckle tiddies
>big hair
>sharp teeth
This one.
Another one.
All this discussion of actual comics and their authors are getting berried under softcore shit and the 10k thread about wifus.
One you can show your mom, the other would give a good belting.
One of those is a fucking sticky you newfag retard.
And if it was not a sticky it would have into the gutter, cause jimmy needed to post his foot-fetish stash. THAT is IT. The only way to honor the man is BY FORCING A STICKY.
>a sticky
haha look at this nigga
look at him and laugh
yeah? and 99 percent of the time I post a webcomic I love it dies immediately. Why? because nobody fucking gives a shit about the comics I like
The existence of boobs isn't magically robbing attention. Niche threads won't magically get more views either without thicc threads around
So you're saying Yea Forums shitposting and other utterly pointless threads are somehow better than this one?
Then bump and post in those threads if you're so angry about them supposedly being buried by tiddie posting instead of bumping the tiddie thread and creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. God damn.
fuck you all
imma make wholesome huge tiddy!
and it'll be on CN to fuck with the LGBT crowd!
>Countless live action Yea Forums shit threads
>Bitches exclusively in threads about Yea Forums-related images
Wherever you came from, go back there. And stay there. Then pour battery acid in your eyes.
who the fuck said lgbt can't enjoy boobage
wholesome boobage? drown me in that good shit, nigga
Then why are we allowing THESE THREADS? Instead of allowing comics to stick around so people can check them out, we are forced to swim in between kiddies posting cheesecake cause they can't go on /aco/.
Also why we are talking about Yea Forums again? THIS IS Yea Forums!
the fuck is this, looks like three asses
Small breasted girls lusting over huge titted women is kino my dude
Who cares?
Leave the thread if you don't like it.
Go flood Yea Forums with your good threads and see if they make any traction. If they do, then cool.
If they don't, there you go.
>Instead of bumping threads I like I will bump threads I don't
>That will show them
>It's only me second week here and I hate this place
>I wish I could go back to where I came from but I can't for some reason
stop responding to the mong, folks, it's like arguing with a very unintelligent brick wall, I know from experience
Just had to jab at foot fetishists, huh? There hasn't been a thread for that specifically in fucking years.
Indeed. His sperging here instead of posting there is hastening the demise of the "good threads."
Can i join?
>doesnt know what three large sets of tiddies pressed together looks like.
youre a sad sad little man arent you
>Also why we are talking about Yea Forums again?
You are apparently fine with them clogging up the board every minute of every day while you bitch in threads that are actually Yea Forums-related.
I wonder why
Whatever happened to Spinnerette?
Webcomic curse. Decided it was about lesbians and started using different artists other than the one that drew everyone to the comic.
Chochi is a treasure. I know you're here buddy!
Chochi stopped being the lead artist, then everyone was lesbians
Yeah once mecha maid and spinny started dating the quality dropped. Is Chochi still around?
Every good thread dies because MCU thread #30458394503789845640980
But you don't mind those
I wonder why
why hasn't this little retard been range banned yet, i get a warning/temp ban for posting cartoon titties and this little bitch gets to have an stroke for an hour straight?
.Where is this mythical good discussion? Is it in the threads bitching about liberals and blacks and trannies and feminists? Is it in the silent image dump story times? Is it in the threads bitching about what some random jackass said on twitter? Or maybe its the east versus west threads? Or the death battle threads?
Where do you get off acting like this isn't an improvement?
I implore you
Stop responding to it, you only eat up posts
I don't think I'll be stepping on many toes if I enrich the discussion with a little booty
And perhaps I'll even post a lot of booty
Don't care much about Marvel. I care about other things for instance the revival of the best Avatar fan comic or a Story time of 60s Euro comics.I am sick of this board being pre-teen horndog circlejerk.
> Its about one of the few things we all agree on Yea Forums.
Or /pol/ shit on /pol/
Or racism on Yea Forums
Or movies on Yea Forums
How about instead we all just agree that you can eat a dick.
It's alright, when our boob brethren understand that its just an ass on the chest we all prosper.
Ok I can eat a dick, but why can't Yea Forums be COMIC BOARD instead of a softporn one.
What ratio of upset to exited do you think you'd get if you went around magically doubling random women's boob sizes?
Why the fuck are you people still talking to it?
>150+ threads
>only four are straight or vaguely cheesecake
Sorry, but I'm starting to believe what is insinuating; that you're a shill that's observed the board culture enough to fake having a shit-fit.
Probably about half and half to be honest.
Holy shit this nigga DUMB
It's mostly cartoons, guy.
Stop responding to him. Stop.
Case in point. All that other shit ain't comics and cartoons and you have shit to say. I'm posting actual comics, while you're just bitching, and that's still not good enough, so yeah, you can choke on a dick.
You're not my mom! You can't tell me what to do!
Well Yea Forums?
I like a lot of things. Big tits, ass, loli, traps, feet, armpits, and all kinds of themes/actions.
My fucking dick
Why are teeth and tits such a diamond boner tier combo
Femseid has it all, and a bag of chips.
It's because while she gets upset that people are ignoring her boundaries, she's also starved for physical attention so she doesn't actually makes them stop.
>love huge titties in 2D and 3D
>watch super slo-mo HD video of gigantic watermlon sized boobs jiggling and shaking
>I can see each pore on her skin rippling as the flubber flies about
>feel kind of grossed out
HD was a mistake.
New Darkstalkers when?
Already beat ya to it.
Probably never, and if they did I doubt the characters would be the same.
Now let's see Silver Queen arm-wrestle Briana
Why do you love big tits?
because they're big.
Why DON'T you?
>Dr. Eggman
Who doesn't like big, warm, soft things?
It's the intimacy of a person, the comfort of a soft object, and the taboo of them not being generally accessible to everyone.
cause I'm a straight man with healthy testosterone levels who finds feminine features such as big tits attractive.
Modest breasts deserve love too.
For the same reason I'm obsessed with small boobs and medium boobs.. because boobs.
ryan goose.png
Rather than discussing maximum, what is the bare minimum for you guys?
This: Anything less is completely non-erotic.
Minimum is probably at least "Bigger than her stomach". Maximum is probably "any amount that will sag"
Personally, I think it's all about how it all comes together, so there is no real minimum. Presentation, how proportionate they are to the rest of the body, etc.
Tarot is fucking lunacy.
I like all tits, but big tits are innately more sexual because they are easier to see.
I actually don't mind sticc
Really I'll fap to anything if it gives me the boner
I have no minimum, but I have a maximum. Something like this would be it.
like you wouldn't
every Time I see this i just think about how the Artist got buttmad that someone made edits removing the armpit hair.
>that pearl
i can't explain why
they just fill me with joy
>he doesn't know about Yea Forums
but /aco/ sucks
I’m not that user, but she’s an instagram whore, even if not a notorious slut she’d have learned those manipulative and aggressive ways she’s learned. I don’t want to feel like a toy to her, I want her to feel as mine, I want to feel like a man in my relationships. All the demeanor screams that behind the mask. That’s not who I want in a woman. I want a gentler soul.
ay caramba, what happened to shelby
FUCK I was so upset when this chick degenerated so much. She was a top tier artist and now she's just gross and crazy and only draws unappealing filth.
Reminds me of mom
I've known many ass men.
I've liked many ass men.
I've befriended many ass men.
I respect them, I even understand them.
But when the war begins, I will relish in your destruction.
Post more furry boobs
Legitimate reason. It's evolution.
>oh it's with attractive wooman so I must redirect to porn site
fuck off incel
I am unable to process just how sad this comment is
madame squiggles right? or am I getting crossed wires
That was her old name, yeah. She went through like four different names before vanishing and falling off the map. I think she's relegated to members-only furry sites and Patreon now
God she was so fucking hot.
>imagine not being able to post this artist's IP because REEE FURRZ
ya forgot to reply to OP who's also the same artist~
That's how she got away with pretending to be a boy. Nobody paid any mind to her giant tits cause they thought her shoulders were too wide for it to be a girl.
Why is it sad though? He just doesn't want to be used around or a sub
they seem to get the mods that love sucking W.T. Snacks 2 inch dick, or it just a brotherhood of anime faggots bullied by jocks
>implying it wouldn't need a sticky without cheesecake threads
be honest, are you gay?
OK I laffed...
Ma'am your left tit is too sassy, please tell it to tone down the sass.
I’d give her the crazy eye, if you know what I mean.
Balak/Hecchidechu/Yves Bigerel is that artist who makes cheap jiggle-physics flash animations, the fetishistically digusting minges he loves, and a near Natty-tier strawman comic about the one asshole who decides to complain about his niche fetish-porn.
Art from the Artist, user. Always.
holy shit she was the demoness in that episode
Underboob is always underappreciated.
if only american media wouldn't cuck and make their women look as big as they tend to make their men
>we have porn boards for a reason.
yes, for porn, which this, fortunately, is not.
Panda is like the most forbidden of fruit.
Do you go for it? She wants it. She wants it bad!
But if she doesn't enjoy it... she'll tell her father.
Who will murder you.
Hell, she might just tell him for a laugh.
So do you?
God damn, I love Bastien.
I wish Petit Paul and his other less lewd works would get translated already, I've already reread Melons of Wrath and Mental Discharge like 10 times each.
I need more from him damn it!
yeah and booty butthurt bobby made millions off fluffy tats
M'ress sure is greedy
>when the subfag has no good counter to dombro
as a subfag myself, i gotta tell you
fuck off
Shouldn't a cat have several rows?
He draws farts on the down low so he's fine with me
she's hideous
Ehm, user she's as much an actual earth cat as you are a rat
>he doesn't know about kemono
I like carrot baps
>literally "elbows too pointy 2/10 wouldn't bang"
Who's the redhead on the right?
>calls other people kids
>is concerned about his mom seeing cartoon tits on his computer and taking away internet privileges
>blargh, attractive women only belong on porn boards
Have. Sex.
>the virgin west literal depictions
>the chad jap metaphorical depictions
The choice is obvious
>implying you know exactly how a fictional thing would take its form
loling at the retard that added that part on the right
>t. Femcel chestlet
Wait why do I only see the good posts in the archives?
Like a C cup. Any smaller and she's gotta be absolutely 10/10 in other regards and/ or have a truly lovely personality
>unappealing filth.
Such as?
sweet mother of all that is good
Like how Alorok has gone full cannibalism and guro?
lol gotem
Ready Player One breh
No but really I bet she’d be an amazing fuck. I just hope she’d be an amazing girl too.
the chick he animated is a ham beast
>i wish I were little paul
your penis is little paul
have you ever have your faced full of them. Safe and warm?
God bless french people.
the fuck is this? looks like someone tries to make a graph and got lazy
Sick comeback bro
dumbass can fly and shes driving a car
bad cope, this is literally the shittiest graph I've ever seen. Go kys newfag
kek what is this atrocity
0/10, gg no re
1. pillow
2. milk
3. grabby squeezy
4. psychological manipulation by vast capitalistic industries have utilized woman as marketing tools and have deliberately been casting specific body types primarily with huge breasts because men have a predisposition and survival instinct to look for large healthy chests that can feed infants breast milk for their soon-to-be offspring that he will pump into her.
5. we remember being those babies
i see you like our monster girls more girl than monster user, that's fine.
That was excellent.
>implying you being smug about the graph itself isnt coping with how you cant say grorious nippon is great and all
Bro catra and the lobater chick are normie monstergirls, i just like them without the consideration of my own consent
Scorpia can be hot.
What the FUCK is natty? Ive heard this so much lately and i don't fucking get it
>fucking white hair
>potential aphrodisiac in the stinger
bro i said she was normie in her design mainly since shes a girl with monster bits on her, shes actually high as fuck tier
>Women should remove all of their body hair
I don't get this meme.
Fucking lmao
>being so mad at a titty thread that you post fucking scat on a blueboard and get banned
and these are the fags that are "so concerned about the quality of the board" lmao
Bruh pussy is pussy at the end of the day.
I like everything from full loli flatness to giant saggers.
My ideal sizes are flat and about Panda size though.
Ana from Life with Kurami. Probably has the biggest Yea Forums bust that's actually canon.
where's her entire mid-section
Made me think of Akira
for me, it's queen wabbit
user, whether or not you're a toy to her is entirely dependent on you though. If you're scared of the idea that she probably learned and employs those manipulative ways, then you probably were never going to make it.
what does breast milk taste like?
Bags of salty coins
from a human? salty and sour
from lyran? like the best purest eggnog ever
Replace Dori with:
Kind of a weird name for a kid.
It is odd how this seems like a mostly cute SOL comic but with chubby big titty MILF that is obviously made for lewds.
>no hoops
>no smiley button
What a shit tier Panda design. If it wasn't for the clue provided by the panda button, you'd have no idea who that's supposed to be.
The curly hair suggests it's Merida, but since it's a titcow and Golden Girl is there, it's probably some autists donutsteel.
Right here
loosen ur asshole, for once.
Is this poor lowlife deleting all the posts that aren't hairless mus?
I-is this edited?
hypnotic boob jiggles
That's all the Frida I have
Don't really have a minimum, but im a lolicon sooo. Best girls are pretty flat chested but nice hips/butt.
Not to say i dont also love big titties (hence why im here)
does source of your pic do porn? or at least lewds?
Thank you user
>It is odd how this seems like a mostly cute SOL comic but with chubby big titty MILF that is obviously made for lewds.
That's what makes it great though. Yeah she's massive in every way, but it's hardly main focus. It's endearing how her tits don't really define her.
No problem, found another one just for you user
The guy who makes this also has another series whose MC is impressively stacked as well.
>What the FUCK is natty?
>he doesn't know mossa
Oh boy.
You should try look him up on paheal. Especially his Claire stuff.
>mossa on paheal
Haha wow.
Thank you mate, thats good shit.
In this context, Natty refers to generic strawman webcomic #54323 featuring hyper-PMS stronk independent womyn who don't need to man. Wroom wroom.
On /fit/. it refers to people that aren't junkies.
>mfw i inadvertedly aided another abusefag
Fuckin mods. Only leaving up the most vanilla of lewd threads.
I appreciate it my dude.
Though actually i just saw the cutie russian dressed girl (reminded me of katyusha from GuP) and was just like 'yep this is good art'
Then saw that half his pics were rape and went full sweating man.
Though i am now disappointed to see there is only basically one page of pics. hopefully thats just uploads to paheal being incomplete
You need help
Oh, I took that comment as you being a ryonigger.
Agreed, his art is really nice. Very Simon/Conoghi-esque, except colored and with a touch of RBT. Shame he wastes his talent on guro/ryona shit. I have no idea if paheal is complete or where he posts normally.
No. Fuck off.
t. closet furry
I love the idea of someone's body part being biologically useful pretty much for other individuals (either attracting men or feeding children) while having little functionality for the woman herself (other than, again, servicing others).
Big breasts is the way nature has to tell you women are the default submissive gender, and I find that notion hot on an anthropological level.
Someone needs a hug, lol
You're mentally ill
You forgot to tell him that he should check his privilege.
Is that why people on this board think girls have pit hair. Fucking wild
They do
I never liked chub girls
I dunno man I don't see any porn
There's a difference between cheesecake/fanservice and porn, you know that, right
>MM&O reaction image
>insinuating that girls don't have body hair
Stop replying to puritanical retards. Report them for spam and keep posting tiddies.
Idk. If we can't even have a thicc or fat thread, why should we have this one? It's normie teir.
There's fucking hundreds of comic and cartoon threads not involving cheesecake right at this very moment. Why are you coming to the one cheesecake thread to bitch?
Lol, shut up roastie. This is a boobs thread.
Ya got some legit gross shit to work out.
My minimum is basically "SOMETHING has to be there", can't be COMPLETELY flat-chested
Small tiddies can be hot because they tend to be more sensitive, I've had a gf with small tiddies who claimed I made her cum just by playing with her nipples. Not sure I believe her but she definitely got way worked up
There's nothing wrong with liking boobs though.
No, but there's something wrong with your world view.
hello redit
Explain what's wrong.
Monsters also live in your closet. Weirdo.
>women are the default submissive gender
Wrong. They are provider and depots.
Like a Carriership, they are not front material.
Are you a fucking warhammer incel? Lol
>provider and depots
Those qualities aren't mutually exclusive to being submissive though.
>they are not front material
>the submissive gender is not front material
Well duh, that's fucking obvious. Women are biologically more important than men for the species.
That's some pedo shit there.
Disliking breasts is not normal.
It's vanilla as fuck for tits to be your fetish though.
I wish I had confidence that relations with women wouldn’t be so one-sided like it always seems to be. I’m already so starved for physical affection as is, and I’m paranoid of being hurt inside that I just feel like I can’t trust myself actually being in love with someone. I want to be in a relationship so badly, I want to be able to get into that and not feel so exposed financially and emotionally, safety and security in them seem so tenuous. I wonder if it’s maybe I don’t feel like I have worth, so someone telling me I do in any way feels like I’m being buttered up or something. I wish I could trust falling in love once again.
Being with girls is just so completing, but also so exposing. You want to be the best you can be for her, but you also hope she actually notices or appreciates it.
Being a prude or an anti-2Dfag is normalfaggotry and also newfaggotry
Might get some flak for it but “any pair so long as it’s in my mouth”
How old are you? Sounds like you are afraid to work on yourself emotionally.
That's gross. Get help. Most here aren't pedos.
>Telling anyone what "most" people here are like
You need to go back.
>calling others normies while using reddït jargon for emphasis
Pot, kettle, etc.
All you people ever do is project. Go back to /pol/, newfag shill.
29. I’m not sure where I would start though, I feel mature.
>not wearing a bra
Pick one. Also, checked.
I’m down for a girl who has some tiddy. Being flat is also nice, especially with bandaids over their nips. Shits my weakness.
>"All you people ever do is project."
>He says while projecting harder than an okcoo
You need to go back.
Go back to /pol/, normie. We say it to you, dipshit.
Take it to Yea Forums pedo
So much edge. I'm sure your mom would be proud you're a pedo.
Thats cute
I want more cute elvira
Very :*
>Buzzword buzzword buzzword insult.
You need to go back.
I am a girl with body hair. I was responding to a person saying pit hair was “wacky”, curious if that’s why they thought girls had it.
As in, why people on this board think girls have pit hair, not that they don’t have pit hair, but the reason for it.
>I am a girl
Can't remember how many deliveries that one got, but I know there was at least 3. Posting the last one for posterity.
For me, it's Monique Pussycat~
What a boring vanilla ass thread. Hardly any good art.
most of it is in the archives:
someone sadly keeps deleting the goodies
What makes it even more baffling is that it's a newspaper comic strip
Rosa is so cute
What do breasts feel like?
The story of Kurami's creation baffles and amazes me every time I think about it.
natural or fake?
Nah those pics on paheal provided all the help i needed to get off.
I had literally never heard the term ryona before. I mean i guess i do like it somewhat. So you might still feel a bit bad for showing me. But just really what i liked is his style and how he draws his lolis