Is Bojack and Diane endgame?

Is Bojack and Diane endgame?

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I just introduced my friend to this show the other day and he likes all the parts of it that I dislike (shitty humor and drawn out jokes).

The only Bojack end game is Bojack and a single bullet.

Sure it's lazy, but for an actual "end game" we would need definitive proof of Bojack being able to break his cycle.

knowing this show, Diane will be one of the last people to drop the f-bomb and have her relationship permanently ruined with BoJack
I mean, we've been watching the intro where Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter watch BoJack drowning since 2014.

It's impossible for Diane's expectations of Bojack to sink any lower, though. He'd have to commit genocide or something for her to finally be fed up with him.

It may have been planned, I don't think the writers will have the balls to actually do it. The closest they'll get is to do an ambiguous ending like pic related, except shittier.

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It's actually NguyenDiane

Diane got the deathflag at the end of last season. Bojack will leave Hollywoo a broken (horse)man.

IDGAF as long as Woodchuck Berkowitz and Mr. Peanutbutter hook up.

I only recently started watching through this show and was incredibly disappointed to see Kelsey doesn't have any porn. I'll have to change that.

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The next season looks like its gonna focus on her and if it does then I pray that the show is cancelled

>Not Bojack and the sweet release of Death

I prefer the idea of him finally becoming with his life then bam! gets run over by a secondary character

She grew up tolerating her 3 brothers. So maybe she needs a decent guy with shit aspects as the best she’ll be able to live with.

Zoe and Zelda.


Pretty sure Netflix gave them a blank cheque. 10 seasons and a movie.

>Check Bojack into rehab even though nine months sobriety just sent Sarah Lynn off the deep end harder
Diane you can't. You stupid ugly can't

>10 seasons and a movie
Please dont remind me that they teased Community in the Joel McHale show pilot.

She's not very attractive, physically or personality-wise.

there's no endgame

it's just life

life is not a story with a beginning middle and end other than birth, being alive, and not being alive any more

there is no greater meaning, no central, universal truth to be found, and BoJack's constant seeking of higher truths and meaning in his life - his desire to create a tv-like narrative for his own existence with himself as the hero, or at least as not the villain, is delusional to the point of self-destruction

When has that ever stopped porn from being made?

That was before the studio unionized against Netflix's wishes

Its like they predicted it with that Stefanie/cockroaches gag

Raphael Bob-Waksberg wants to kill off Diane because he regrets he hired a white girl to voice an Asian character.

Why else do you think the titular characters in Tuca & Bertie were voiced by POC?

I wish I had people in meatspace to talk to about this show

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Diane deserves better

Yes. At least I hope so.

They're both complete horrid disasters that understand each other in ways nobody else does. I want to see them spiral out together.

Diane is a terrible human being.

I thought this series should have ended after the season with his daughter. It seemed like a fine place to leave it.

I would have loved to see Yea Forums around the time this episode/season happened, I bet it was a lot of heartbreak everywhere. I only got into this show last year when the latest season came out.

You don’t understand the show do you?
The show has everyone be terrible
They all have little redeeming qualities
They live in a world where everyone is a piece of shit
Every fucking character
Because the point is that the shows a comedy
A world where everyone is an asshole is good for humor

>I bet it was a lot of heartbreak everywhere
Just a lot of "Press F to pay respects" threads for a few days. Kinda disappointing.

By the way, since we're all here, press F to pay respects.

I think he means that the other characters receive the criticism they deserve for being shit people, but Diane's smug sabotaging of others lives is never called out. She's quickly becoming a Mary Sue, everyone likes get despite there being no discernible reason to, and there are many reasons for the other characters to despise her, yet she never received any feedback for her shittyness

The only thing I remember is that I spoiled the death to someone in an unrelated thread, it was pretty epic

>A world where everyone is an asshole is good for humor

It’s also a pretty accurate depiction of real life, which is what (talking animals and sex-robot CEOs aside) the show is aiming at.

What does Diane smell like?

Broken dreams and existential crisis

And camomile.

The endgame is Bojack walking into the bar.
It's just a long set-up to the a horse walks into a bar joke

That would be the worst setup and payoff ever. Having the bartender say "Hey, aren't you the Horse from Horsin' Around" would be a better ending, indicating how you'll be remembered for the easy-to-digest shit you did and how in the end, you'll never really change.

That ending is GOAT you silly brainlet The nuke landed on the diner

the two least likeable characters in the whole show

I honestly don't think they're ever gonna make Bojack kill himself. Seems to go against the message of the show.


More importantly, what's her brand? I see her smoking American Spirits, at first because they're 'organic' but then because they just taste better.

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I think I'd really hate that. I don't think that's where the show is going, but I can see how and it'd really bum me out.

That being said, if they don't wrap up the whole "bojak self pity" thing this season, then it will have officially gone on too long. (Probably why this season was so forgettable for me). There are enough characters where bojack can get better while other characters deal with their own shit.

100% accurate, no question
She used to smoke Marlboro blacks when she worked at starbucks, and made a big show about how they weren't any different.

Horsin' Around ends with the Horse dieing out of the blue, wouldn't surprise me Bojack ended the same way.

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Peanut Butter

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Remember when Mr. PB made out with Bojack on live TV?

Diane absolutely hates her own life though, I feel like that's gotta count for something

It went on too long ages ago. Season 3 is mostly filler. Maybe four episodes worth a damn.

Yeah, I feel that. I thought we'd be trending more towards Bojak becoming better after "It gets easier, but you gotta do it everyday." Was a really great ending, and I thought season 3 was kind of the culmination of all the past shit. Ending was fucking brutal.

Season 4 was I THOUGHT where we were getting the redemption arc, but instead it just led to season 5 which was a fucking travesty as far as Bojack's story went. Basically retracing all of the common themes we already went through. So if they just keep having him do this same shit in season 6 w/ no end in sight, then I'm gonna be done with it.

The stories of a late-middle-age Hollywood has-been asshole, a middle-age workaholic cat, and a early-middle-age pompous blowhard are not something that should go on for 70 episodes.

While that is a point the show repeatedly tries to make, I applaud you for doing it better

I liked the humor a lot more early on, when it was mainly about how Bojack played off of characters like Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter, but think the comic relief gets increasingly disconnected from the better parts of the show in later seasons because the characters each go off to do more of their own thing. With one character's plot being heavy drama, and another's being purely nonsensical.

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>Bojack and PB move in together because PB is worried about him after rehab and misses having someone to go on adventures with
>PB's constant positivity gives Bojack the boost he needs
>PC brings around her new baby more often because he needs male influence in his life
>Bojacks life is getting better and better while Diane's is getting shittier until she fucking dies
>Bojack has to be the one to pull a depressed OB out of his funk
Also, where the fucks the new season

I think next season will probably touch upon it, but it's hard for me to picture them staying together for the long term considering how relationships always seem to end for both of them.

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>sex-robot CEOs

That was the only good episode that focused on a political topic

Season 1 was the Bojack show, season 2 was the Bojack show and the Diane Show sharing a timeslot, and season 3 was the Bojack Show, the Diane Show, and the Todd Show doing the same.