
What do you think of human Sprig?

Attached: human sprig.jpg (1536x1920, 388K)



Why does he have a shirt and shoes?

Those legs touching is pretty nice, but I think it would be cuter if Anne turned into a frog

The only reason people do this is to satisfy their disgusting ships. Get out.

Unnecessary, Amphibia is good enough without it.

People are scared of frog dick

is this loss?

Frogs don't have dicks.

They also don’t walk and talk

needs moar hair.


>The only reason people do this is to satisfy their classy and satisfying ships. Get in.

I fixed your terrible post for you. Please take notes on the adjustments I made so that you can make better posts in the future.

I feel like he should be younger.

>and then they fucked

Attached: 1565202837388.png (929x662, 651K)

Don't mind me, just posting a slighty better version.

Attached: EAdhY43U8AA1Jj-.jpg (2048x2048, 353K)

Still better than SashAnne

Gross. I'd rather see frog Anne.

If it happens then we'll REALLY see this show turn into Star Vs

if he was a cute girl sure

I bet you think Anne is a lesbo and ship her with Sasha.

is this real. nice

>Anne turns into frog
>hop pop says only the maguffin can change her back
>sprig finds it but is hesitant to tell Anne
>shenanigans ensue
>Anne finds out
>conflict ensues
>Sprig apologizes and moral ensues
Also throw in some lore, maybe with the calamity box, to make it a must watch

it's real.

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he kinda cute

Only if they fuck

They don’t, but Sprig definitely wants to

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Looks like Anne found the other shoe.