So who's the top and who's the bottom?

So who's the top and who's the bottom?

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They go straight user

Wish I had a dumbass boyfriend I could just do dumbass shit with.

Are you cute?
Florida here.

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>Florida Man wants to date me

My body is not ready

Purple's definitely the bitch

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>Floria Man rams pipe up anonymous lover's ass

They're dead

Oh user...

Also they switch, but Red is more of a Top than Purple.

Yes, and I'm nowhere near Florida.


Considering Purple habitually lets Red beat the shit out of him for a laugh, I'd say he's probably the bottom.

Pack it up folks. Thread's over.

Purple has Pleakly's voice and considering the trap Pleakly threads we had a week or two ago I'm gonna say Purple's the bottom.


Are they dead?

If they make more they'll be back.

Purple is the bottom cause he's the only Kid in the Hall that didn't sign my t-shirt shirt.

Fuck you Kevin.

Depends on who’s taller.

They're both exactly the same height, that's why they share leadership.

I don’t think you got the implication.

