The Cartoon Network Renaissance

What killed the Cartoon Network renaissance of 2010/11-2016

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nothing lasts forever, user

What is the resistance?

Steven universe and teen titans titans go

PC culture

That was a renaissance?
I mean RS and a few other shows were good but it was nothing compared to the late 90's/Early 00's.
You're 16 aren't you?

90s were shit. the humor was too muddled and there were no serious shows to break up the lolrandumb comedy. early 00s were the peak of CN

It happens every decade, it's a network cycle all media goes through. Network decides to take a chance on something new, new thing is successful, brings on more new things, some new things not as successful and lose money, go back to safe tried and tested things to maintain viewership, eventually viewership stagnates, network decides to try something new, it's successful, ad infinitum, every decade.

we're experiencing the rennaissance right now. the AT/RS/AWOG era was shite outside of those three shows.


flapjack and chowder were good, but i think those were in the dark ages.

teen titans go is the only answer.

All of those cartoons went on for too long and began bringing retarded fans onto their writing teams

AT/RS/TAWOG were like the BIG three top dog cartoons of the early 2010s. Disney and Nick had like really crappy shows at the time. Disney only had Phineas and Ferb untill Gravity Falls came into the picture in 2012.

I want to say it was office fluff and extreme money demands by animators. but im probably wrong.

There was no renaissance retard

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The 90s weren't a "renaissance" either.
Just because there were good cartoons doesn't make a renaissance. And just because you're a tasteless loser doesn't mean [decade you don't like] doesn't also have good cartoons

That’s not a thing. The dark ages past 2006 never ended.

Yikes. You know nothing of the history of animation. 1988-2006 WAS a Renaissance.

Every decade has zeniths and nadirs

You grew out of the 7-15 target demo, user.

decades don't exist in any historical logic, they are only there for women magazines titles. it's an arbitrary duration people like because "10" resonate to us.

Cope. I love plenty of things for decades before I was born. Nostalgia is a non factor.

are you responding to the wrong post?

>You just grew out of it!


what does growing out of something have to do with things made before you were born

a show for 5 year olds from 1980 will appeal to 5 year olds in 2004 but it wont appeal to adults at any year. That has nothing to do with nostalgia

Adventure Time tried experimenting in deeper shit, a lot of them tried and failed hard like Adventure Time, the rest stayed away from that with a 40ft pole and as a result read as too childish

Read the OP.

so you were replying to op?

Holy fuck stop replying to me you illiterate fuck.

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Arrest yourself.

It literally saved the network from dying. It came surprisingly close to just falling out of the big 3 and becoming nothing.

tv is slowly getting shafted by the internet then tv is going to kill the internet by ruining it the same way tv got ruined itself.

>regular show
>crew had retarded fans in it

Teen Titans Go
the mishanlding of Adventure Time, to many ideas, no one really sure if they wanted to keep it episodic or really be an ongoing plot

CN killed CN's renaissance.
Simple as things can go.

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It wasn't a renaissance, more like a false attempt at a restoration of former glory that ultimately led to even greater disaster and ruin. Like Justinian's conquest of Italy.

>one exception

I'd tell you to fuck off but we just know you're going to continue being a nitpicking autist anyway

Did it happened to Gumball? Unlike you I wasn't sure so I didn't say anything.

You mean the silver age right

indies happened