What if Dib had Mabel as his sister?
What if Dipper had Gaz as his sister?
What if Dib had Mabel as his sister?
Ugh dude that’s too far even for you.
this made me realize how little interaction there is between zim and gaz for some reason.
Needs more licking.
I'm a guy, but....Me too, Mabel! We can BOTH share Zim! *attempts high five*
Oh I was thinking more sending dogs to slaughterhouses.
Well now I just want Pacifica fucking maid Korra
I like the girly girl personality. Mabel's awesome!
I wonder if I should be surprised or not that this is apparently a thing.
Heck yeah!! *returns high five*
Zimbel is a thing
Hey Mabel, do you have any matching sweaters or outfits we can both wear then?
There was an episode where he calls her by her name. I found it odd because I didn't thought he was even aware of her existance.
Also, how do you think he'll react to us?
Pick your favorite
Which do you think would make a skinny guy look the least manly/masculine?
>What if Dib had Mabel as his sister?
He would be even crazier than he already is
C-can we go back to the bread and deforestation?
Your pic reminds me a bit of this comic, OP.
Dipper and Gaz would probably be a lot closer since he's not as much of a blabbermouth a Dib.
what is this
Some Chilean comic, happens to be super popular.
I haven't read it but it's well known here. Looks kinda cute.
Little Chilean girls really like it, and some strange big boys like it too because they like to touch their pipis to the characters, I guess.
...I actually really like this shift in dynamics. Dib basically gets his own GIR, and suddenly Dipper is the overly excitable one. It would, however, change the ending of Gravity Falls immensely, because... well, Gaz isn't a selfish idiot like Mabel.
I don't think that Gaz has enough of a personality to get a feel for it
I think there could be episodes that get reworked to fit, but I see your point.
It could mean we get goth versions of Candy and Grenda so Gaz isn't completely alone.
Mabel going through a goth phase when she gets older is actually canon according to the show creator Alex Hirsch, they drew her during a charity stream. A separate already goth Mabel from another universe is also canon from the comics.
Gaz would probably just join Dipper in his tutorship.
>Actually canon according to the show creator Alex Hirsch
He literally had the words non canon in the image, so no.
Mabel and Dib are both pretty selfish
>He literally had the words non canon in the image, so no.
I was there for the stream. He specified very clearly that the "older Dipper" they drew (who basically just looked like Alex) was definitely non-canon while the "goth older Mabel" was definitely canon. I think they drew an arrow pointing to the older Dipper to show that he was the non-canon part, too. You can rewatch the stream on YouTube.
Here it is. They said the Mabel is canon and the Dipper isn't canon. I think because while it's funny it's just a picture of Alex.
What the fuck is this shit?
So Mabel's Gir in this timeline
Mabel and Dib would clash a lot more
Gaz would largely leave Dipper to his own devices
well Gaz probably ends up murdering the Gnomes(and some of the other creatures in the show), and I could see how her and Pacifica interact going one of two ways; 1) Gaz ends up maiming Pacifica after she gets pissed off enough, or 2) if Pacifica is lucky enough to figure out Gaz's violent tendencies beforehand, ends up bribing Gaz with video games and pizza to win her "friendship"
also have a random Gaz/Pacifica fusion pic cause why not
It’s OTP
Well yeah, that's why the dynamic works; neither would be willing to give in to the other's bullshit.
They're vertebrates.
Why is Gaz a giraffe?
Mabel would be even worse than Gaz because in that world it's highly implied something fucked up happened to humanity and that's why everyone acts the way they do.
Gaz would probably do really well in Gravity Falls. Dipper would QUICKLY prove the supernatural was real and she'd agree with him more than Stan unlike how in IZ she usually takes her dad's side over Dib's.
They're trying to share Zim in
>A guy
>being this excited about meeting a boy
Fuck off tourist, you are not welcome here.
Neither would be good
Well Mabel would probably wanna get in Zims metaphorical pants 24/7.
The "Meow Wow" sweater
Whoa, am I back in early 2000s middle school?
Dib would Suffer with Mabel, since she'd constantly drag him along with her bullshit and despite seeing aliens are real would probably still join everyone else in mocking him.
Gaz would star out of Dipper's way and while the two wouldn't exactly be close they'd probably have some bonding moments, and since Dipper can easily prove the supernatural exists Gaz would probably be easier on him about it than she is on Dib
How long has it been since someone needed to post that penguin of doom copypasta, I wonder? 10,15 years?