Will we ever get a new season considering of Netflix is picking old IPs up?

Will we ever get a new season considering of Netflix is picking old IPs up?

Attached: Pirates-of-Dark-Waters.jpg (491x700, 123K)

Fuck, I hope not. We don't need more classic properties getting pozzed up by these weird parasites.


The reboot extravaganza has been a total monkey's paw

Rocko was great. What was wrong with it

show had the hypest intro

I'd watch a sequel.

Oh, I remember playing this game on Mega Drive. And the series was awesome. new season would be good, but there is a chance that they will push some minority propaganda in it. By any chance does anyanon have mega for series?

Attached: pirates.of.DW.jpg (297x225, 27K)


Seeing how heavy handed the show was with the environmentalist message, it's frankly really weird that the progs haven't been pushing to revive it. This and Captain Planet, why the fuck isn't there a new season of Captain Planet with a new Global Warming supervillain?


Laugh if you want, but Dr. Blight and MAL were S-Tier villains in a C-tier show.

(Also I'd love a Pirates of Dark Water reboot because 1: the original series ended on a cliffhanger, and 2: they can't brownwash the cast; everybody is already Ethnic.)

Yes they can, everyone is even darker, women covered in towels, monkeybird speaks in ebonics

Thank god this is extremely obscure and I haven't found a single fan of this or anyone who remembers it at all. So the possibilities of this getting a reboot are zero.

I'm thinking either that or a comic sequel. This show has no conclusion so anything is better than nothing. Hopefully it's good if it happens.

I literally have a Wraith-ship playset in my basement right now.

>Nah Ji Tot
The only thing I remember about this show

As long as you specify you are preaching about POLLUTION, I'm in. Cause that is actually human caused.

Dude, that sounds rad as shit. You should post a pic.

They'd just introduce a tranny character.


I miss when games were different on consoles.

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That was because the show runners wanted seven seasons and was going to drag on the quest for the remaining treasures for five more seasons. I mean they pretty much deserved to be cancelled since they were dumb enough to think they could additional seasons despite barely getting picked up by Turner after ABC dumped them.

exactly. it'd be Butt Pirates of the Water of Color and Tula would be a manic pixie girl voiced by Muhcoochie

>Ren comes out as trans
>Ioz is "le toxic masculinity" straw man
>Tula is a hideous empowered radical feminist
>the monkey bird is cal-arts
>They defeat Bloth with a song and dance
No thank you.

Netflix is also cancelling a lot of stuff.

Feels like a roll of the dice on any potential project



>Rocko was great
Go back to /lgbt/

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Doesn't disney own this

It's not impossible... but it isn't probable.

One of the reasons it was cancelled was because it was too expensive to make
I doubt anyone would try to pick it up without cutting a lot of corners in how detailed everything was, which would destroy a big part of what actually made the show good