Do you think Batman should be a metahuman?

Do you think Batman should be a metahuman?

Attached: 7vGoggT.jpg (1988x3056, 842K)

No. Batman’s whole schtick is that he’s just a human with a grudge.

Yes. He's just in denial about it despite evidence to the contrary.

What would his vaguely defined power be? How will the revelation of being a meta avoid upending his entire character?

Maybe vague peak human abilities and low key healing?

I think the writer just doesn't know what metahumans means. I never saw this as a confirmation that Batman is a metahuman.

It's more like Waller thinks Batman must be a meta

No, it's stupid for various reasons.
Also this.

He doesn't need to, he has plot armor.

plot armor

Low-key, unconscious reality warping. Stuff like surviving injuries that should've killed him, sometimes performing feats above peak-human, etc

No that's Bruce's schtick, Batman can be anyone he needs to be. Batman is an idea so powerful it takes over the man.

Luck powers.

We all know his superpower is money.

It still weirds me out to see Harley pushed to practically main character status when she was always a supporting character.

The revelation will be that he is a living subject of the Lazarus Effect. He is unaware, but his many brushes with death HAVE been fatal over the years, and he has been reviving. It all began as an eight year old boy, when Joe Chill shot him to death alongside his parents, and in the trauma of the night Bruce forgot he'd been shot at all, and by the time the police arrived his wounds had healed, and they assumed the blood he had been soaked in was his parents'.

This is why Ra's has always been fascinated by him, he's a normal man who has attained a power he's had to rely upon the Pits for, and with his talents he has the potential to become a truly immortal Demon's head

god this art is awful
>that detailed harley face while the others are pixelated
>Deadshots mask closed one panel then open the next
>Croc looks like Abomination
>Every character looking in a different direction on the second panel
>Those garbage ass outfits and designs for each and every character there

Good idea. Along with beyond human strength etc. Maybe stealth too, and enhanced intellect

It still weirds out how she doesnt dress as a harlequin

>Can you fly?
>In a plane.
>Wait, you're not just some guy in a bat costume?

>when she was always a supporting character.

Attached: This comic came out in 2000.jpg (1920x2951, 1.71M)

OK, this one is interesting. What are the limitations? I'm sure being torn to pieces would prevent a return to life, but where is the borderline? How fast do fatal wounds heal? Is there a limited number of bonus lives?

I actually think about an ability to weaken super powers could work. It'd barely touch his own stories and would make his crossover appearances more believable.

From which comic is this picture?

He has the ability to subtly effect technology. Which is why his gadgets always work so well. Wayne Enterprises doesn't use the tech he fields because it becomes completely unreliable when deployed by anyone else.

I didn't really think that far ahead on it. How about
>Can revive from things like a gunshot, assuming nothing is lodged somewhere vital, a bad fall, snapped bones and bleeding out, in a similar manner to a Lazarus Pit, but no side effects because he's a natural example and not artificially inducing the effects
>Would not regenerate missing limbs, or do Wolverine stuff like stitch detached chunks back onto himself
>Would take place over the course of a few minutes or several hours depending on the severity of the wound, like he was coming to after a bad hit to the head.
>Always active, but the healing is stronger when Batman is consumed by fear.
>No limit to bonus lives, but there is a reason he has it, he won't have it forever, and it's there for him to overcome a particular crisis that starts to come over the horizon just as he learns he's had it since boyhood.

Batman and all the other "Peakhuman" heroes are all Chi/Ki Users, they are just low level and possibly use there abilities only on a subconscious level.

Lazarus pit fumes made him more than human but not meta. He would be stronger, faster, heal faster and come back from the dead without knowledge of it. It would be like a hazy dream to him

i would probably make the Lazarus fumes toxic around people and hard to remove which would explain why Gotham is fucked with crime and why the joker is insane. to much fumes and your just another joker

This. Just go full Tekken or K.O.F with Batman. How can Karate kid go full Akuma/Kenshiro but Shiva and Batman can't.