Why didn’t people like this twist again?
Why didn’t people like this twist again?
because it was a meme twist for the sake of being retarded
Because everyone called it years ago.
>Rose and Pearl relationship is now a slave and master relationship.
>Steven finds the easiest way possible to redeem the Diamonds
>Turns the Diamonds characters into pussies
It was a twist theory that people called out right at the beginning of the show and no one liked it because it was stupid
And not only it is stupid but with the way the show is written and how everyone acts and behaves it's even more stupid
I'm not even in the fandom and have barely seen any of the show either, but what I've picked up just through osmosis is that some in the fandom interpreted statements from the crew regarding that twist as HAHA THAT'S NOT CANON YOU FUCKING IDIOTS, and so for a while "Rose is Pink Diamond" was treated as some idiot theory only held by idiot fans despite the evidence adding up in the show.
So then when it was finally revealed as true, everyone was so used to shitting on it for years that there was a lot of fan backlash because the theory being wrong was taken as a given.
It was the easiest, most spread and most normie/stupidest twist imaginable since the first mentioning of "Pink Diamond".
It was so stupid, everyone discarded it almost immediately.
It would've been a fine twist if it was like, a 20-episode finite series that got marathoned instead of a 5-fucking-season show with a bunch of hiatuses, boring filler townie episodes where they don't even interact with the gems anymore, and people were calling the twist for so long that people started to think it WOULDN'T happen because it was too predictable.
Cheap shit
Because it means Pearl was never "her own Pearl," and it made Rose Quatz/PD an irredeemably horrible person.
>only ended up being used to make steven even more of an invincible mary sue and give him a copout out of all conflict with the diamonds and homeworld
>made the entire war a joke
It made Rose a literal nothing character and she has a much better design
Because of the horrific implications that this twist raised. Rose willingly sent thousands of gems to their deaths in a war against herself.
Dying for a cause she never really believed in
Anyone with a brain already figured it out by the end of season one so it wasn't much of a twist. Back when the show was good and I introduced my sister to it the very first theory she came to me with after finishing Jailbreak was that Rose is Pink Diamond, and she was just watching casually.
it led to some stupid shit, but it was also the least dumb explanation for all of steven's broken-ass powers. the integrity of the plot was doomed as soon as The New Lars happened, there was never going to be a non-retarded way to explain that shit
I loved it just because I was howling with laughter while my friends looked like they were about to have an aneurism
Because it ruined the themes of forgiveness, cost of war and revenge all at once, and ruined the themes of everyone around rose.
>girl gets bullied for drawing skinny rose
>she's now canon skinny forever
>destroy's pearl's chzracterization
>destroy's rose's character
>destroy's jasper's greatest moment, and her entire motivation
>gives an easy out to the other diamond's hatred of rose and the CGs
>makes steven even more important
>is literally 'tobi = obito' with less subtlety
It was predictable. It turned Steven into a chosen one, it utterly ruined Pearl's arc, none of the main characters actually cared about it other than Sapphire, it made PD seem like an evil manipulator who didn't really want to properly confront her family so she she manipulated her ""friends'''' and caused millions to die/get corrupted despite being framed as a martyr and it made every problem after it was revealed way too easy even when it made no sense for it to do so.
>Everyone with a brain knew Rose was PD since before the concept of the diamonds was even introduced into the show
The concept of the diamonds was introduced in The Return, and there was already foreshadowing littered throughout the first season. It only became more obvious as time went on.
Because it's the ultimate Shark Jump. The very concept of it causes so many retcons and invalidates so much shit that it's baffling to think anyone writing the show thought it was a good idea.
Because it makes everything more stupid, even for Steven Universe level.
because it made pink seem like an idiot. all fan theory versions of the twist had it that the other diamonds knew about pink's betrayal and disowned her for it, which is much much better from a narrative perspective.
>i-it was predictable!
maybe if you read endless tumblr posts about it in the endless hiatus, but that isn't a normal way to watch a tv show.
obvious since the begining
The twist was pretty obvious from the get-go but it was well recieved overall outside of Yea Forums (who as you can see from the thread are so far up their own ass I'm surprised they were able to type).
Let's dispel a few myths shall we?
>Turns Steven into a "chosen one"
His human empathy and compassion is what turns White in the end, not his Diamond half. All that did was allow him into Homeworld again without instantly dying. Steven wins by being Steven, not Pink Diamond.
>It ruined Pearl's characterization!!!11!!!
No it didn't, Pink's stated final order was to never speak about their secret again (which she eventually found a loophole for on her own). She was acting independent of Pink or Rose's orders for over 5000 years and even suggested Pink disguise herself as a Rose Quartz BEFORE that
>Pearl loved Pink, thus it's a master/slave relationship
Nope. As stated in Now We're Only Only Falling Apart, Pearl began to think freely about meeting a Rose Quartz in Earth and wanting to make her happy. Regardless of that, Pearl and Rose were never really in love beacause Rose had no idea how to properly do so until
>Muh retcons! Muh "BAD WRITING"
Not even worth two sentences of my time.
You don't have to like the twist, but given all the made up shit here it's more likely you didn't get any of the subtext at all. The Yea Forumsntrian drean lives on.
Feel free to quibble and nitpick, you always do.
It changes Pearl from being a freed slave to the most loyal house nigger on the plantation. It reminds of a gothic short story called A Rose for Emily, where an old post Civil War aristocratic southerner kills her crush and hides the body while her Negro servant keeps it a secret for years.
*until Greg
user i appreciate your zealousness, but
>>Pearl loved Pink, thus it's a master/slave relationship
is literally true. that's what makes it interesting. pearl was literally made to be rose's possession, you simply can't remove that from their dynamic.
Pink Diamond did nothing wrong.
And don't even think of pulling the "SHE WAS FORCED TO KEEP A SECRET! THAT INVALIDATES ALL AGENCY AND OVER 5000 YEARS OF DOING THINGS INDEPENDENTLY" card unless you want to look retarded and not understand how humans work let alone gems.
What's it like being the biggest hack in Yea Forums history Rebecca?
she's not even on the top 10 list of cartoon hacks
>His human empathy and compassion is what turns White in the end, not his Diamond half.
Bull-fucking-shit. His empathy is entirely irrelevant to the confrontation with White. She changed because she was proven wrong, but it didn't matter how Steven acted beforehand, the result would've been the same. His fate was set in stone the moment the reveal happened.
Steven only won because of WHAT he is, not WHO he is. If that was the case then he wouldn't even need the reveal on order for him to convert White.
It's another punch in the gunt for Jasper.
>Garnet gets over the reveal and pretends like it never happened in less than an episode despite how the entire foundation of her relationship is built on calculated manipulation and complete lies
>Bismuth gets over it immediately despite how she committed countless war crimes for a cause that didn't even exist
>Jasper is forced to deal with the fact that she basically corrupted herself for nothing
Gee I wonder why.
I just liked the story more before the reveal. The backstory was already meaty with a simple Quartz going rogue, and I was excited to see what Pink Diamond was like and give more justification for the shattering. But then the reveal reinforced the "we can't ever shatter/kill!" mantra robbing the S3 finale of its final message
>Garnet: The Earth belonged to Pink Diamond. Destroying her was the only way to save the planet. For Amethyst to be herself, for Pearl to be free, for me to be together. For you to exist.
>Steven: But I thought... A-at least she'd never...
>Garnet: She didn't always do what was best for her. But she always did what was best for Earth.
>Steven: Even if it meant shattering someone...
>Garnet: Yes.
And as a result of not giving enough of Rose's POV she is flat out not sympathetic for a lot of viewers now; Now We're Only Falling Apart seemed more like a last minute bandaid. Similarly her plan just did not make sense to many, how could she not foresee there would be consequences?
It also felt like it took the wind out of the sails for the Diamond plot. I'd like to see the story where Steven wasn't their sister daughter they've been missing for thousands of years giving him a pass. But overall I'm fine with it whatever I can't even imagine the story where this reveal didn't happen now.
how can it be called a twist if everyone expected it?
It was so predictable people figured they -wouldn't- go with such an obvious twist.
Plus the way it was written revealed that Pearl was never acting out of her own volition and only did shit because of Rose, the ENTIRE WAR was a farce, and it made Rose look like a big ol' dumbfuck.
I loved it.
I like to excuse most gems' stupidity with the fact that they aren't human and are more akin to robots when it comes to emotional maturity.
It was really obvious and people had convinced themselves they were watching something deeper than a show for elementary schoolchildren.
>It was SO called that people believed it wouldn't happen for how obvious it was.
>The way it was executed and happened was extremely dumb, it also ruined the character who helped discover it with Steven since now she had been ironically keeping a secret for someone she has been trying to move on from for the past 5 seasons.
Considering how many times in the series Pearl's mindscape was explored, the way it got used canonically was just dumb.
I liked the twist, but I'm unable to like Rose anymore
How could people call it right from the beginning when the existence of Pink Diamond isn't even established until third season?
because sugar is a hack
i remember tricking myself into thinking the twist would have major consequences
>No one can ever find out we did this... Please, let's never speak of this again. No one can know.
as Pink said "No one can know" the frame drifted to Steven and cued ominous music, I thought the show was being clever and subtly visually saying the secret getting out will not bode well for the future. but then the Crystal Gems got over it after 2 episodes because gay marriage and it's used as an easy means to get in good with the other Diamonds. OK.
everyone figured out rose was pink diamond and faked her death during season 1.
not Yea Forums
upper 12% sounds about normal IQ distribution
A lot of fan theories like Lion being PD or PD willfully committing suicide at the hands of RQ because of gem rights politics were a lot more interesting.
>Lion being PD
stuff like this lent credibility to that theory but it turns out, nah, its because Rose was PD
>people actually watch this filth
because they read all the reddit threads about all the foreshadowing, duh
Honestly that one mural in one of the gem temples made me think that Rose either poofed PD or PD willfully gave herself up to be used against the diamonds. The locked chest I thought for the longest time would have PD inside of it, and once Steven freed her he'd find out what kind of person she is.
I still say Greg is Pink Diamond.
>it's a pink diamond thread
just stop
It's surprisingly simple to make something everyone expected a twist. For example, in RDR2 it turns out Micah was the rat all along. The real twist is he only turned into the rat after chapter 5, which means every single instance of there blatantly being a rat in the gang was actually just a coincidence.
Well to be fair, he certainly found out what she's like and the series isn't done fleshing her out yet.
Because a lot of questions people asked the creators/characters asking characters in show regarding the situation were deflected through omission or very vague technicalities and other inconsistencies. Enough people (I really don't think as much as the people in this thread said it was) might've predicted it early that it became an almost universally disapproved option.
Personally I only really hate it because it gives the writers a get out of jail free card with a lot of things in the story. If things were different then they'd actually have to put effort into getting Steven out of the mess on his own merits and not because of some convenient sympathy that creates an advantage.
>is now
It always was. From the beginning to the end she was the programmed servant. With Rose being Pink it only removed the possible twist of her finding someone new to serve, which only made her even more of a docile Pearl.
Brainlet, by episode 25(i think it was) it was clear.
All the ancient ruins had a symbol of four diamonds and in the handshit there were only three.
it invalidates the entire reason the rebellion even happened and makes everyone look like either a massive selfish asshole or a complete moron.
rosefags and the writers are still on damage control to this very day
It was the Obito is Tobi twist. So obvious but also terribly bad twist that no one wanted it to be true.
Invalidates what exactly? Pink was playing both sides of the war.
Yeah White really cared about Steven being Pink. Don't forget the upcoming Spinel too, just super thrilled about Pink Diamond being Steven's mother (and thus gone because of him).
invalidates the efforts of literally everyone fighting for it. they fought and died for nothing. they tried to rebel against their masters at the command of one of them. not to mention one of the main cast could see the fucking future.
They fought to free the Earth, not dismantle the empirr (that was Steven's thing). How did you get that wrong when they beat it into numerous times during season 1?
Rose's primary goal was to free the earth. Nobody had to fight, but they chose to.
All misfits fo the empire were basically honeypotted into dying for Pink to be left alone. Additionally she created gems with the sole purpose in life to exterminate this insurgency and to die aswell.
This is why Rose (a nobody) had to fight instead of Pink. Not only would've drawn too much attention from the other Diamonds (they're used to petty rebellions but one of their own threatening the image of the empire would be a huge deal) but no gem in their right mind would fight for a Diamond AGAINST the wishes of another Diamond. That's basically asking to be shattered.
Nobody said war was a good thing my sweet user
>"No such thing as a good war, kiddo" - Gregory "Murdercock" Universe
>rosefag damage control
even if they wanted to save the earth, they still fucked up because that meant it was PD's autism that got the cluster made
then why does the show constantly tread the CGs as some kind of moral saviors when in reality they were just dumb goyim fighting for their diamond masters?
There is a difference between two sides fighting for what them and one single person creating both sides and sending tem to their deaths for their own personal gain.
You want to talk ethics during war that's for a completely different thread, the cluster itself was not only dealt with but actually became an ALLY that saved them during Reunited.
Was it stated that Pink commissioned the Beta Kindergarten? Otherwise no one's stating that she took glee in gems getting shattered, but soldiers in a war will sometimes die and HAVE died for much, MUCH pettier reasons than saving the entire planet.
now THIS is damage control
the cluster being an ally was STEVEN's doing. if rose was still alive the cluster would have destroyed the earth. keep in mind, steven was only born so she could dump her responsibility on him.
and its not a question about ethics. rose's actions were beyond retarded at best and selfish at worst. and youre a retard for trying to say that the cluster being subdued was something rose was counting on, much less could even accomplish.
>Yeah White really cared about Steven being Pink.
I mean she literally did. She wanted Steven to turn back into Pink and only gave him the bare minimum of her time because she thought he was Pink.
You have no right to say that shit when we haven't seen the movie yet.
I never said Pink was counting on it yu fucking retard, I said Steven took care of it which renders your moronic point about Pink's actions resulting in bad things happening moot.
honestly, damage control for peoples weird hate boner for rose is ridiculously more noticeable.
the fuck kind of damage control is this?
just because it got resolved (by someone fucking else) doesnt mean that it was okay you moron. PDs actions almost lead to the destruction of earth and that is fact. it also lead to countless gems that fought for her being stitched together and tortured for 5000 years
Well Steven used Pink's empathy ability to subdue the Cluster, there isn't much reason that Rose couldn't have done the same. The only possible thing that could potentially prevent it is if she never got the information off of Peridot who came to Earth regardless of Steven. But the depth of how irrelevant this is can't be overstated.
The Cluster isn't her fault anyways, she obviously never wanted such to be created it was all the other Diamonds specifically Yellow seemingly. This sort of behaviour is common from them.
Yeah White cared so much she ignored "Pink" until Steven and the CG's got in her face. Steven's gem did the heavy lifting but it was his human side that struck the most important blow. Steven being Pink Diamond's son did nothing to "ruin" the plot and the only thing it effected was Blue and Yellow calling a ceasefire. To say otherwise is naive.
No shit him being Pink Diamond had a huge effect on White Diamond. Steven never would have even been tolerated on Homeworld if he wasn't. The reason why she started freaking out was at the realization that she was wrong about Pink still being alive.
>No!! You do not look like that! You do not sound like that! You're just... acting like a child!
People knew it was coming but there was a vocal minority that insisted it wasn't and now they are asshurt. Not that it matters, since the show was at a peak around the time they finally went back to homeworld then it ended like a wet fart in just a week's worth of episodes. Total letdown, like everything else in SU since Jailbreak.
I'm going to put this in caps so you actually understand and listen well because I sure as shit ain't wastint any more time on you
Read it or don't, I don't care. Peace.
>backtracking his hard
>trying to excuse bad writing
>trying to bail once BTFO
rosefags are pathetic. imagine actually defending her actions even when the show itself does a complete 180 just to demonize her
But EVERYONE in this show is an idiot, the Townies are even more braindead. What's their excuse?
Its too retarded to make coherent sense.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions you goddamn chode. Her intentions are meaningless when the end result was nothing but death and suffering.
I liked
>Read it or don't, I don't care. Peace.
Why do SUfags do this? Every fucking argument has one of these faggots acting like they dropped the goddamn mic no matter how bad their argument is.
I mean, its kinda obvious that in a gem society that Diamonds would be pretty up there if not at the top. From there once we learned that there were various colors of diamonds it didn't take much for the basic Rose was a diamond theory to take shape.
Because it ruins Pearl’s character in a way Rebecca didn’t foresee
Except she wasn't the one who inflicted that death and suffering, everything always leads back to the OTHER Diamonds. There was going to be death and suffering regardless, the Earth would have been Kindergarten'd extinguishing all life on the planet if she didn't disrupt the colonization as Rose and from there everything snowballed.
>all these retards saying it ruined pearl's character by retconning her freedom
no. NO. she was still clinging to rose/pd long after her death and now that she knows the truth she can finally move on from her and truly be free.
>pearl was literally made to be [pink diamonds] possession
yet she fantasizes about RUNNING AWAY and then meeting "you" ie "A" rose quartz that behaves like Rose, and even though Pearl "is not yours" ie "i belong to pink diamond" she makes her (the rose quartz) happy anyways.
It's a straight-up situation like where the nerdy person gets a "make over" and then suddenly they're hot and people who didn't look at them before are hanging off their leg.
> does the person like them for who they used to be or who they pretend to be now?
this also happens in spy stories where eventually the "cover identity" becomes the actual personality and identity of the spy, and their old self effectively dies. which is the main point of the drama.
if it was badly written we wouldn't be talking about it.
>Her intentions are meaningless when the end result was nothing but death and suffering.
And also Earth being left alone
They haven't seen the Diavolo anime reveal yet so they didn't get the reference.
Yet no one came to that conclusion when garnet was telling how much of a martyr pearl was for rose (being her meatshield in battle), instead they all went for the thristy lesbian conclusion.
> Is now
It literally always was, doesn't matter if she was a Diamond or a Rose Quartz, we'd already had multiple episodes beforehand showing that Pearl was obsessed with her and was basically her willing slave.
> yet she fantasizes about RUNNING AWAY and then meeting "you" ie "A" rose quartz that behaves like Rose
Not that user, but she's basically wishing for the same relationship, just under different circumstances, we know Pearl got all caught up in the rebellion and even in the modern day romanticised it, so it makes sense that she would want instead of her old life to be some daring rogue who met Rose normally, rather than the reality of her just being a meek servant who went along with the rebellion because Rose wanted to.
As it is, whatever she wanted at that time was basically still irrelevant, since even by Stevens time Pearl was idolising/obsessed with Rose and saw her word as law.
>Except she wasn't the one who inflicted that death and suffering,
She literally was, she was the one that orchestrated the proxy war and caused the Diamonds to nuke Earth because she was a coward.
>Diamonds using Earth for a testing ground for the Cluster/countless Gem experiments
>left alone
>being a freed slave to the most loyal house nigger on the plantation.
spat my drink, thanks user
Why people didn't like it, it could have to do with the fact that:
>it was predictable but stupid to do
>tricked an entire alien species to go to war with each other
>faked her death which kick started said war
>caused her sisters to grieve over her fake death, ultimately leading to the corruption of the crystal gem army and a death weapon planted inside earth
>created a radical who became hellbent on murdering the entirety of homeworld
>was the base of a romantic relationship between two runaways who idolized her, making said entire relationship a lie
>turned a slave turned rebel character back into a slave who was following her masters orders from the beginning
>ruined jasper by turning her from a loyal vengeful soldier to just a soldier who doesn't know her leader is alive
>it turns Steven into a Gary Stu since he now has to redeem the diamonds, who committed horrific acts against the crystal gems in the war, because they're family
>reduces rose from an idolized, but flawed leader with questionable decisions into a literal party girl who though of no one but herself
Tl;dr version: an immature child decides to LARP as a revolutionary and brings total war, ruining everyone's lives.
> Because she was a coward
Not that user, but there wasn't really much else she could do, standing up to the other Diamonds directly was pointless and just got her scolded like a child, and in a straight up fight, they would almost certainly lose since all she could do were guerrilla style attacks, so she had to create an enemy that could actually scare them, someone who could actually 'kill' a diamond.
I mean it's better than earth being a literal hollowed out husk with no life left at all, at least PD gave them a chance.
too obvious
Nah man, standing up would have been way easier and better.
If she said she was gonna break free they couldn't ahve done shit, because not only is this unpresidented, btu they also couldn't have waged civil war against another diomand openly. They would had been forced to let her go and just be silent about it.
Her original intent was to be left the fuck alone so she could do her own shit and to achive this she staged both sides of a war in which countless died.
It was a fan theory since the second Jasper uttered the terms "yellow diamond", so Sugar added a shit ton of things that wouldn't make the slightest bit of sense if it were true just to throw the fans off. The result being that instead of a complicated conqueror-savior who was torn between her love of life and her love of her family, we got a diaper baby throwing a tantrum and making literally the stupidest decisions at every point.
I probably speedwatched because I can barely stand this shit and forgot most of it but from my hazy recollection:
- Too obvious but also too stupid ("I shifted my gem turnways lmao")
- As lawyer gem exemplifies, none of this story makes any fucking sense. It would be really obvious that a Rose Quartz killing a Diamond is impossible but they just ignored the planet for centuries or tried to blow it up.
- Rose took this secret to her grave for some reason I can't remember.
- Pearl was always just a loyal slave.
- Steven convinces the Diamonds to stop fighting because he's Pink, but he's clearly not Pink. This fact and the Cluster Experiments/Corruption weapon are kinda just swept under the rug.
I dont know what's worst, Pink Dimond being a War Criminal or Pink Diamond GasLighting everyone and causing a war from a position of power because she was bored and didnt want to do her job? They had two choices and they went with the dog shit one.
Also everyone is just cool with the Space Nazis now? W/E.
> If she said she was gonna break free they couldn't ahve done shit
They could and would have. Probably would have just locked her in that tower that they threw Steven in for a few hundred/thousand years till she learnt her lesson/at least until earth was destroyed, or, worst case scenario, White may have just outright colour drained her for dissenting ((like we saw her do to Yellow/Blue)), again, for a certain long period of time.
At least with Rose Quartz she had a way to freak out the Diamonds by making them think that they could potentially be killed by rank and file gems somehow, even if it didn't work out because of Diamond experimentation shit.
> because she was bored and didnt want to do her job?
That's a pretty harsh simplification, she realised they were fucking up the earth, and wanted to protect it, she didn't start a war just because she was bored.
> but they just ignored the planet for centuries or tried to blow it up.
Wasn't that because of the cluster? They just thought that the diamond nuke had killed all earth gems including Rose, and just decided to use the planet to experiment on by creating the cluster, it still would have destroyed the planet at some point anyway, so its not like the immortal diamonds would care.
I mean at any time they could have sent someone to do a fly-over instead of sending a giant eyeball and Peridot at the proportional last millisecond.
Im just so tired, how is it posible for a story to make all the wrong turns and still, somehow, have a glimmer of greatness that makes you think "This could've been good"
Its like hell, the torture never stops but you never get used to it
it was so bad OP you are retarded if you can't see it
it haveing potental makes it so much worse then haveing nothing at all
>It made Rose a literal nothing character
No it didn't?
Is it? Her view on things before she met Greg was more akin to a person admiring an artists masterpiece than actually feeling compassion for another person's plight and for someone renown as sympathetic and kind she sure wasn't kind to her own people, she sent them to war against themselves, is this considerated a flaw? I guess being retarded is a pretty big flaw but it goes beyond that, she doesn't really view life as valuable but pretty or interesting, its akin to a man entering a burning building and ignoring the women and children to rescue a Picasso painting, is that a flaw in his character? Well maybe it is but it sure as fuck isn't noble
Why would they? The diamonds are obviously arrogant enough that they really wouldn’t have any reason to think Rose or any of the other crystal gems survived their attack.
Besides, it’s been thousands of years and the remaining CG’s spend 99% of their time in a cave, so it’s fair to think there COULD have been a fly over and homeworld still may not have seen jack shit.
>It could have been great
Everyone saw it 3 seasons ago as soon as Pink Diamond was first brought up
>Why would they? The diamonds are obviously arrogant enough that they really wouldn’t have any reason to think Rose or any of the other crystal gems survived their attack.
Don't you love when your show's plot relies on everyone being braindead stupid? I sure do
I think it’s fitting with what we saw of the diamonds, they’re the most powerful members of their race and it’s clear that they’re on a whole nother tier of strength compared to other gems + they were extremely arrogant in terms of their existence and status.
An attack by multiple diamonds is logically something that no normal gem could survive, so why think that there’s any need for a fly over? They thought, pretty rightly given the info they had, that everyone would be dead/mutated.
With the cluster there as well, the planet was going to be destroyed at some point, so the diamonds basically just ignoring earth is pretty fair.
>But then the reveal reinforced the "we can't ever shatter/kill!" mantra robbing the S3 finale of its final message
Garnet flip flopping on this message felt petty and forced for the sake of drama. She listed all of those reasons why war and death were necessary for survival, then flips out over being lied to. It seemed more like she was angry that not all Diamonds were evil tyrants, and more importantly, was a blow to her know-it-all ego that she likes to pull while lecturing people.
> I was excited to see what Pink Diamond was like and give more justification for the shattering
Same. I was hoping PD and Rose were two different people, and Pearl earned the title of "Terrifying Renegade Pearl." Death - was - necessary, and Pearl would be the one to do it as a slave uprising against her master. She'd assassinate PD disguised as Rose, while Rose agreed to take the blame for her murder. She would have been the only gem to completely deprogram her inherent behavior as a born and bred slave.
I would have made PD a sympathetic ruler who fell in love with Earth's organics, but was still determined to complete her first colony. The Zoo would have been a compromise, and Earth would have been material for the first and only healing gem, Rose Quartz. That way colonizing Earth would have been a necessary evil, but healing gems instead of discarding them would mean less colonization overall.
Or Pink could just be a spoiled child and a tranny allegory, giving Steven an easy excuse to control an intergalactic empire. Which - still - doesnt make sense, and erases Pink's original reason why she went to war in the first place. "The Diamonds wont listen to me, but now that Im calling myself Steven, they're going to let me have full control of the Empire."
a slightly predictable twist is better than a nonsensical twist
making the earth instead a symbol of proof that a diamond can die is far far dumber
pink diamond actually being killed for greater gud would have thrown all the themes in the toilet. like that bit in man of steel where superman 'has' to snap zod's neck.
You could easily make an argument to the contrary, that they don't want to let this go in case it happens again, you could easily see them say something alond the lines of "I want to see her with my own eyes, search everywhere, leave no stone unturned and get her remains here, have them exposed for everyone to see what happens whe you step over the line", i don't think they will feel threaten by some ruby with a dull knife trying to kill them but they would be really pissed and angry at the time and some "examples" are not out of place for their characters either, after all the shit that JUST happened, would these emotionally (and mentally) retarded characters just leave in silence like that? I don't thinks so
The entirety of earth would be an example, the world is full of gem abominations and mutants, and it would, eventually be utterly destroyed by the cluster, killing whatever mutants were left. And even so, I can figure it’s pretty fair that the diamonds WOULDNT want to draw attention to the fact that one of their own was killed by a random quartz anyway, just say the rebellion was quashed and everyone was dead.
As it is, I just think it’s a logical argument that the diamonds just didn’t think it was possible for any gem to survive what they did, and even if they DID do a survey, they could have very well missed the 4 CG’s living in their cave basically never leaving anyway.
>I thought we agreed we need to put that planet and this whole debacle behind us.
I think it makes enough sense to me, they just wanted the business to be done with. Their dialogue says they thought their was 0 possibility of anyone surviving.
>How did you even survive?! We blasted the planet and obliterated every Gem on its surface!
Even without reading fan posts, it was the easiest way to explain why Steven had powers out the ass and Rose seemed to be able to do all these amazing things compared to your average gem.
You had to willfuly ignore basic story telling if you didn't guess it at least once.
>Character literally doesn't exist
It did.
Not really. That's a dumb mindset to have. Everything you've ever consumed can be better than it is.
It was an obvious twist, but people didn't believe it because the facts didn't match up.
Then the twist happened, by messing with the facts.
It wasn't a twist. It was a lie.
> literally doesn't exist
Are you retarded? Just because it was a disguise doesn't mean it didn't exist.
>fans came to a conclusion that PD is Rose
>Rebecca: n-no its not that would be silly haha
>PD turns out to be Rose
>Rebecca: haha bet you didnt see that one coming
Honestly future vision ruined the show more than steven = pink ever did.
This is true.
are there any other lies you believe in?
Ah, the old hurt feelings response to being proved wrong. Classic.
The crew said they loved that people figured it out so fast. Mostly because they're not petty faggots about Steve Universe like most of Yea Forums.
They would have shattered everyone under her and locked her away in the tower thinking she is having another one of her fits. We've seen how petty the Diamonds are from the trial, steven fusing in front of yellow, and how they treat flawed gems.
The reveal was the stupidest option but it was still better than having PD/Rose be a marry sue who can do no wrong.
Because its basically "what if transformers decided to do every single thing wrong" at its core. Or Michael Bay TF was the first version while you see (insert fav TF) in your mind.
You can see a lot of the potential beyond just action/woke scenes that could appeal to boys & girls, yet its wasted by the writers and network.
rose was custom made by pink diamond which is why she is the only pink one
you have to remember that the early episodes gave gems all sorts of bullshit powers. like pearl sand manipulation, or garnet's storage powers
You're retarded
Name one
No they weren't
No it doesn't
If you didn't realize Rose and Pearl's relationship was fucked up long before A Single Pale Rose then you're retarded
>w-w-why didn't the creators spoil all the plot points??
This is the level of intelligent the average Steven Universe critic has
No one likes you because you're stupid
Pink tried to stop colonization and the Diamonds wouldn't listen to her so she had to rebel to save the earth. How hard is that to understand?
>I'm not even in the fandom
Then your opinion doesn't matter
>People knew it was coming but there was a vocal minority that insisted it wasn't and now they are asshurt
Again if it took A Single Pale Rose for you to realize Pearl and rose had an unhealthy relationship then you're retarded.
Cope. How can you still be this buttmad that a well written reveal blew your shitty headcanons out of the water?
>Because it means Pearl was never "her own Pearl,"
Watch Rose's Scabbard you fucking retards. You idiots are so stupid it hurts, Pearl has always been unhealthy obsessed with Rose
I'm sorry you like lolrandumb cartoons where plot points come out of nowhere. Maybe you should go back to watching Star.
>greentext = truth
It gave Rose's character depth, instead of her being some kind of random Quartz soldier turned messiah.
This is a thread about SU not what people say about you.
Everything has "horrific implications" when you're a pearl-clutching retard. I guess you'd rather the earth have been colonized and all the humans die?
Here we have an idiot actually calling for his own genocide, I wish someone would answer the call.
>The crew said they loved that people figured it out so fast.
Because they made it too obvious
Garnet had storage as well? The general theme seemed to be fusions could spout random new powers their individual which could act as one more reason to ban them and gave her a reasonable plot excuse.
Pearl's sand thing being a part of her high quality customization made sense later on when other gems commented on her.
Was she the only pink one? I thought the rest of the pink looking ones got bubbled on the station and never show up again except during flashbacks.
Everyone else with crazy ass powers seemed to at least fit one specific reason like Lappy being a terraformer.
Steven Universe and its spawn, everybody
Yeah, there were many Rose Quartz’s, we see them all bubbled in the zoo.
I think the thing was that they were only soldiers meant for pinks command, I guess to fit her colour scheme.
>>w-w-why didn't the creators spoil all the plot points??
>This is the level of intelligent the average Steven Universe critic has
They could've just not said anything, you spaz.
Because the show had so many hiatuses and this was just shit out at the last second that nobody really cared. Remember right after this we had another 6 months and then the show basically ended.
Ultimate admission of not having an argument.
It all went to shit because the fans guessed it before we even knew Pink Diamond was a thing so the crew had to create a ton of red herrings and threads that went no where to compensate.