So does it hold up? Intro is catchy at least

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If the few clips I watched are accurate this show would be nothing without Oscar and his mother.

I hate how these videos are always higher pitched than the original.
I suppose it's to avoid getting taken down though.

>that episode about music piracy that parodies the Matrix

Here's a better one. But yeah, any music related videos from 2011 or earlier has a good chance of being pitch-shifted since that used to work back then.

That's because the rip of the intro was broadcasted in the UK, which uses PAL speed.

Gonna be curious how they work this out in the new series, will they be allowed to beat the shit out of Oscar nowadays?



I hated the show because of how Oscar was constantly the butt of every joke. Every show on Disney was basically recycling the old "bumbling oaf husband+nagging smart housewife" formula, except Oscar genuinely wanted to provide a good life for his family. Sure he wanted to make money and might've been a little prideful, but not once did he do anything that would harm his family.

Everyone in the show either hurt Oscar or didn't lift a finger to help him when he was hurt. It grows repetitive and boring after a while.

I thought Yea Forums would love a show where a black man gets beat up on the regular.

>Proud Family is coming back

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This ain't /pol/, no matter how much some clowns want it to be

The show was very 'mean-spirited' humor wise for mostly everyone.

This show is fucked up. Not in the trippy good way, but like everyone is an asshole but played out to be the good guy way. Every actual good guy character is portrayed as an asshole.

No... it was a show that couldn't decide what the fuck it wanted to be. One week you'd have a mostly serious episode about Penny and LaCienega struggling to get along, the next week Penny discovers she can talk to tigers. One week you'd have a super serious episode about a Muslim family facing persecution, the next week you've got an Al Roker genie making grown ups disappear. It was all over the fucking place.

They're making a reboot?

Honestly, Oscar is one of the best examples of the bumbling oaf husband trope done right compared to all the fat man baby husbands like Richard and yet Oscar is still treated shittiest.

Attached: Season_3_Richard.png (2000x2499, 459K)

That was actually the best thing about the show.

It's fine, just prepare for ambitious moments that aren't delivered well because of the low animation budget

They're doing new episodes for Disney+, whether it is a continuation or a reboot remains to be seen

A show should, in general, strive to be consistent in its themes, characters, and setting. This does not imply that comedies cannot have serious episodes, or dramatic series cannot have comedic episodes, or that characters should not grow and develop, or that characters or unusual scenarios which run counter to a shows established norms cannot be explored... only that such things should not be the norm.

Proud Family wanted to be like golden age Simpsons, instead it ended up like zombie Simpsons.

I had to go look it up after this post to remember what it actually sounds like. Holy shit the volume on that laugh.

Are there shows that pulled the inconsistency off?

>Oscar was constantly the butt of every joke
All the dark characters were the butt of jokes (Oscar, Dijonay, Gross sisters, etc).
The girls were cute and the moms were smoking hot, that's what I think.

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Proud Family can be whatever the fuck it wants, now post Penny

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I swear the mom look so alien.

I dont think she is black.

>what is lightskin
aight whiteboi

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It's the yellow eyes and red hair.

And you are more or less 100% correct

I always liked that faceless rich black guy. Total asshole.

God I forgot about that, Christ this really dates itself

Christ. You could kick back and let her do all the work, and it would still feel like you're pounding the fuck out of her.

The Proud Family reminds me of a better time, in a pre-Obama America, where a show like this could exist and not have it be smothered by social politics.

Attached: proud family.png (478x346, 286K)

Attached: The-Proud-Family-4-1455734363.jpg (474x357, 40K)

are you saying that there wasn't social politics in these shows? I can't even think of an example but there definitely is

Sure but it's nowhere near as bad as it was now.

Whatever, I was in middle school when this shit was on; maybe I just didn't notice. but I do feel its way worse nowadays.

So long as they're not Lacienaga's mom.

I honestly don't understand why? No character was likable. The humor wasn't really that good or innovative. It was far from a popular show. It nwvwr really sold merch.

Mostly I don't understand why it was revived as opposed to, say, Recess or Kim Possible.

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you know fully well why

>ywn be beat into submission and handcuffed by a spicy latina cop

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Well atleast that means you also won't be Carlos Mencia with a gay Joker dad.

kim possible WAS revived

I remember being pissed that the animation wasn't consistent with the intro

So many shows did that and it was either a really great intro followed by a mediocre animation or an intro that was just a bunch of clips set to music

Minorities being assholes to each other is what we need right now really.

>No character
zoey is one of the reasons I like skinny white girls with freckles, glasses, and braces

It was there man, maybe not as hamfisted as Steven universe's "ahhhh gay people ahhhh", but it was there

>No character was likable
>Was is every popular Cartoon Network original

>The humor wasn't really that good or innovative
>What is every popular Kidcom

Recess would fare well in the current year era

Oscar doesn't deserve it 98% of the time. It wouldn't matter what race he would be.

The Muslim episode

Well that’s obvious

You must be joking, Pride Family was a million times more hamfisted than Steven Universe. It was more or less a soapbox in cartoon form.

Not him.
Most episodes no, but there were a ton of episodes that were very political.
>Penny travels back to MLKdays/or an alternate future in which he never exists to tell all the kids a black man invented the Super soaker so she can be grateful she's not living in a segregated shit hole
>She has a family exchange program with a Muslim family on Ramadan and the assholes never wake her up after sun down so she can eat so bitch is starving the whole time but she learns an important lesson on other cultures. They come home to a "Ragheads out" sprayed on the side of their house and it's never resolved. The family just leaves the episode.
>Penny collapses the economy because Morpheus teaches her how to pirate music.

She was white?

I just remembered being annoyed by every episode being about Penny and no one else.

Another libtard in denial.
Yea Forums is 999,999,999% /pol/. Get with then program or find yourself a libtard safe space

user please there's only so much artwork of her and you're describing things too well

Isn't every other joke about Oscar?

>am I cool yet guys???

Yeah, it's more like nu/co/ wouldn't REEEE about it. Just imagine if the show debuted now, they would hate it on principal.

>there's only so much artwork of her

If there ever was a time to "Fuck the police", this is it.

Thats just how it goes man. KND is one of the best cartoons ever made but if it came out now it would get some people mad for "forced diversity" instead of just watching a great show

I really don't understand the purpose of a buttmonkey character when said character isn't really that much of a douchebag. You never see annoying uptight characters like Dolores Umbridge getting their shit kicked in 99% of the time like the straightman buttmonkey.

I honestly never got what was up Yea Forums's ass about Oscar getting shit. Most of the adults were used to pad the episode for time as B plots, so why would you care back then, and why would you still care after the show was done? That was the show, and that was the purpose of that character.

Suppose I don't see the funny in a character getting shit on just because. There's no karmic retribution to it, no wit, just "here this is Punching Bag Man, see him get hurt over and over"

It was never good, so it can’t hold up.

The theme song was on point, last thing DC did IIRC

>just because
>Most of the adults were used to pad the episode for time as B plots

>There's no karmic retribution to it
>Most of the adults were used to pad the episode for time as B plots

I wish it was that easy, user but I think we're gonna have to commission somebody if we want it

Shitty argument user. What you're doing eventually boils into "they are used to sell toys and give ad space" for every cartoon ever. Just because they serve a purpose for the show doesn't mean we can't (sorry autismos) emphasize with characters and examine them outside of that one, very brutalist, viewpoint. People don't like when bad things bappen to people they see as good, is that too hard to see?

Shows like Full Metal Alchemist had the exact same problem. I don't know why people think excessive mood whiplash is good.