Is Yea Forums still mad?

Is Yea Forums still mad?

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No. This was explained in the opening. Returning to the past to kill Aku would obviously negate that timeline. People are just mad they never considered this, or expected Jack to never actually make it back in time.

Going back to the past and rebooting the future isn't the best ending. I can accept it if they showed everyone in the now Aku-free future being happy. perhaps a statue to Jack up somewhere.

Then Jack should have go into the time portal instead of going back to save the monks. That proves he cares about the future people and that the 'theme song' argument is full of shit.

No because you can argue that Jack didn't knew it was going to erase the future timeline by his reaction at Aishi death

Star Butterfly in the other hand had no excuses,

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Him caring is obvious, and is totally irrelevant to how time travel works in this story.


because he fucking saved those monks in that other episode, the comics have a way better ending, also I wanted my battle against the guardian

To be fair, it was established early on that she was the stupidest possible Star across all timelines.

wait what?

rematch against guardian is something I was expecting, and i'm really mad we didnt get it. I'm glad they at least mentioned him though.

Either Aku succeeded slaughtering countless people or time change erasing everyone. Things would be dark and bleak either ending.

Well, not perpetually but a bad story from 2017 is still a bad story in 2019.
Still, the first 3 episodes were quite awesome and I still rewatch them from time to time.

Mathmagic, S2, episode 17a.

To be fair, the premise of Samurai Jack has always been a little... retarded. With how Aku couldn't defeat Jack because he had the sword and how Jack couldn't defeat Aku because he kept running away. The series was stuck in the status quo limbo and felt no desire to evolve throughout its four seasons when they definitely could've given us something more serialized after a while.

>Cartoon gets cancelled
>Cartoon gets a revival many years later
>Cartoon acknowledges a large passage of time in-universe

Samurai Jack did it. Rocko's Modern Life did it. Invader Zim did it. Honestly, I'm kind of sick of it. Can't a cartoon just continue where it left off? You know, like the Hey Arnold Jungle Movie.

I felt like it made sense for Jack and Rocko, dunno about Zim because I never got into it really.

The jack one made no sense. Why didn't he age?

Stupid time shit, I think it's just left at that. I kinda wanted him to age but instead he kinda just grew out all his hair?

I’m a person who doesn’t care if time travel makes no sense, so I wish they did some sort of split timeline bullshit, so both future and the past could be happy.

How could he have aged if the future never existed for him to experience in a linear manner?

Zim actually did pick up just a few months after the original series, whereas Hey Arnold! picked up a year after its original series.

Scaramouche is my favorite robo husbando, so no.

People who are still mad that the show whose themesong repeats "BACK TO THE PAST BACK TO THE PAST SAMURAI JACK" had Jack going back to the fucking past need to get the fuck over themselves- your "headcanon" was always wrong.

Or maybe Genndy just assumed that all the autists would be able to figure out that "Aku's future" is the worst possible timeline and is supposed to be replaced with Jack's timeline, which is the good one and not eternally screech like the manchildren they are.

>either Aku's existence altered the timeline to be evil or Aku didn't exist and the timeline proceeded as normal


>hey arnold movie is about 40-something arnold coming back to his old house and seeing where all the old boarders and his grandparents used to live before they got too old and had to sell the place to pay for assisted living before passing away

Probably because that's depressing

>implying you can be happy in a world where aku is dead but his goons are roaming the universe without a master raping and robbing everything in sight

>Is Yea Forums still mad?
i dont know for the rest of /co /
but i'm still mad and disapoinded, 4-5 first episode being good was the worst trap.

The Jungle movie had a time skip though...

I just thought it was rushed. The fact that all of his friends would never have existed should have been addressed and it wasn't because they wanted a surprise kick in the gut with Ashi fading from existence. The concept itself doesn't bother me, just the execution.

>supposed to be some badass edgy combat focused return with blood and a cool final battle with aku
>instead all we get is the origin story of the deus ex machina that fades out of existance at the end and aku dies like a bitch
>all the people he met are either dead or became old ass losers
>went without an episode for two weeks because of some reddit and memey april fools joke
if it was just jack, some action, ikra and the sam-moo-rhai actually becoming a samurai and without jack returning to the past it would have been kino, but instead we got a ripoff of the end of some faggy anime

Yes, no character ever undergoes development and realizes that what they were after has changed after they've matured. Dads in 90s movies should put their careers ahead of their families, Han Solo should have taken the money and left, Aang should have kept running from his responsibilities.

My biggest complaint is the stupid way that Ashi died. She suddenly realizes she shouldn’t exist at the most dramatic possible moment? That was pretty silly.

That was a younger and stupider Jack.

Instead of ripping off Gurren Lagan for its ending I would have preferred it rip off Steins;Gate instead.

Im just disappointed. All that hype just for Genndy's version of Gurren Lagann

You motherfucker...

Never was

episode 1-3 dont change
4-6 ashi dies because aku disappoint
6-10 the world starts coming together to help jack any way they can. similar to the current final fight but less sad attempts and making that little vision after the guardian battle of an extreme battle harded Jack riding into battle come true

Aku with a final fuck you destroys the last portal to the past.

Jack accepts this world as his own and time skips of him rebuilding, training new generations, becoming a father, actually aging now that aku is gone then suddenly rick and morty show up with a little bit of aku tracked onto their shoes and then his portal gun explodes and now suddenly dinosaurs everywhere now a hard cut to black with a slow fade in of "Primal" as the title shatters from an elderly Jack riding a t-rex with a sword on a stick

I can't be angry for too long, man. I'm still disappointed but I've also moved on, hopefully Primal is good.

inb4 Primal is just gen's take on a multiverse and all the dinos are aku

>Theme song
He says this is his goal in the fucking pilot episodes. His whole reason for going alone was because his goal was to end the entire timeline. Saying he didn't care because he negated the timeline is absolutely retarded because their entire fucking lives are paved with Aku's torment, nobody had peace for long without a cost and it's implied Centuries of unchallenged rule. His Delay in attack ultimately caused all of this which is why he has made that decision as the damage is too extensive to undo with just his death, by Season 5 Aku isn't even active and still has a legion of faithful minions following his rule, with him gone there would undoubtedly be a power struggle which would undoubtedly cause even worse issues and never truly stop Aku's evil.


He should of gone back the first time. It was pointless to help all the people if he would erase them

His goal was "to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku". What the fuck did you THINK would happen to everyone living in said future?

Jack's just too nice for his own good.

Samurai Jack S5 wasn't bad because Jack killed Aku in the past. That part was fine and what he should have done. He can't leave his parents and home village behind to get tortured, enslaved, and destroyed just because Aku being dead in the past means people in the future might be altered or not born. Jack deciding to go left instead of right while walking down some road in the past could mean people in the future might be altered or not born too. He's not some future orchestrating god, he's just a guy who needs to get back from where he was unnaturally removed so he can finish his fight with Aku.
What made S5 bad is mainly Ashi becoming a major focus when she was only introduced that season. It's generally bad practice to spend your last few episodes focusing on a last minute new character instead of on the protagonist. Also the Guardian stuff was screwed up. S5 ended up making it so that the magic portal, which was so important the gods had one of the greatest warriors in the entire show spend thousands of years doing nothing but murdering anyone trying to use it, somehow got the future completely wrong and displayed a prophetic vision of an old looking Jack using it to get back to the past when that was never even a possibility to begin with (Jack being sent to the future already made him incapable of aging long before that episode).
So not only did it fail to tell the future, but it also couldn't even get something right that would have been knowable purely through already past events. Also it made it so the Guardian fought off the chosen one (for not being ready yet) but allowed Aku to destroy the portal. Aku as in the evil entity for which the entire Guardian / portal system was created to deal with in the first place. That's like a security system that keeps you out of your own home but allows through your neighborhood burglar.

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just by the rushed pace really.

also, well, did they have to kill of jack's waifu?

>also, well, did they have to kill of jack's waifu?

The moral of the story is "don't fall in love with the daughter of the guy whose existence you're trying to erase from history".

Didn’t /ck/ come to watch with us on April Fools that year? That was a kino board, I miss /cock/.

It didn't have an episode on April Fools. Everyone was mad about it because they skipped a week and aired the same Rick and Morty episode over and over the entire day as some sort of sick Cartoon Network joke.


the whole fucking romance arc was shit and you're stupid if you enjoyed it

the first two episodes and setting up the guardian for a rematch would've been fucking kino if they hadn't just retconned him entirely into making the last season follow ashi asspulling some fucking aku powers out to send jack back

if they wanted to give old jack a traveling companion, why not an actual good fucking character like the scotsman?

the finale was just as underwhelming as the rest of the series after the first two episodes. "OH BRO, REMEMBER THESE GUYS? REMEMBER THESE GUYS? OH ASHI HAS AKU POWERS NOW LOL" fucking bullshit

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>into making the last season follow ashi asspulling some fucking aku powers out to send jack back

They were called the DAUGHTERS OF AKU, you probably should have seen it coming. No father in the picture, but their mother is obsessed with Aku, who the fuck you thought their dad was? Da Samurai?

>if they wanted to give old jack a traveling companion, why not an actual good fucking character
it should have been that white wolf


Post Akus!

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I would like a sequel series of Jack throughout the ages making sure the people of the lost future will exist by helping their ansestors or something.

People keep bitching about the killing of Aku erasing all the people he helped but what's the alternative? He doesn't go back and kill Aku?

What you just said and what you think is good are why cartoons have gone to shit.