Let's discuss the latest episodes
for the love of corn keep the lesbo posting at minimum
Also K.O. is a Joestar now
OK K.O. Let's be Heroes!
Other urls found in this thread:
I’m really surprised TKO/Shadowy Venomous weren’t stopped by the end of Dendy’s Video Channel. I feel like this was a WAY better apocalyptic situation than Dark Plaza.
Also I was neutral on ships but KO and Dendy are too cute together.
I just love how supportive Boxman was over this whole K.O. thing
>"K.O., mind if I ask how you were able to procure a pair of my undergarments?"
"love you..!"
Does Rad still have feelings for Enid or is he really upset about the video thing? If he's really upset over that then he's a big baby.
Obviously he's mad because a dyke cucked him
It was the video, if it wasn't the situation wouldn't changed just like first few times enid and ko went back in time. The whole thing was bait
>I am a villain not a monster
What the fuck was this gay shit by boxman?
It's Boxman realizing shit is getting out of hand even for him.
Why can't these people draw hands
The writers trying to pull a last-minute redemption without any foundation for it.
Yeah Boxman only really fucked with the plaza out of a desire to be a jerk. He was simple and straightforward guy when it came to villainy which is why Venemous found him fun to be around and why Boxman left when it started to get apocalyptic.
Boxman had every intention of destroying (read: killing) the heroes. throughout the show.
i like the current status with the bots being heroes, i need them to have their own show with at least 3 seasons
maybe, but he was only focused on the Plaza. TKO and Venomous seem to want to destroy EVERYTHING, which was never part of Boxman’s agenda. boxman was never really a villain that wanted to take over the world or anything like that - all of this is too much for him
It's a callback to a line from "We're Captured".
I'm pretty sure he was genuinely mad that Red got off the hook for bullying K.O., and while he probably should've gotten over it by then, it was nice to see how much he cares about K.O. and for Red to acknowledge how shitty she used to be.
It was both a callback to We're Captured (which happens to be the first episode in which Venomous appeared in person) and a reminder that as evil as Boxman is, he's not nearly as bad as Shadowy Venomous.
Ernesto being the butt instead of the shoulder spheres is a little much.
I think these are K.O's.
Not really. They got defeated in Boxman's dinner party and they weren't killed, they were defeated.
Raymond bested them in his debut and they weren't killed.
When they lose, they wallow in their defeat and embarrassment.
Rad in that episode fucking sucked, but most likely it was because shit is being rushed out. Building their characters up like that was obviously leading to some romance shit with Enid. They threw it away and made his feelings look pathetic because they were pressed for time.
This fucking sucks dude. I wish Ian got the 5-6 seasons he wanted. There was supposed to be a proper time skip god damn it.
Does Enid kill Rad when she finds out his side chick?
>keep the lesbo posting at minimum
you want to alienate the few people who still give this show any thought?
that's hawt
I think it's because seeing what Red told past Red got Rad to realize that Red's matured: It seems that Rad's beef was both jelousy AND that Red's a bit of a dick ("not only is someone else dating enid, but said person is also an asshole" basically)
>Unless they pull something nonstandard with the board teams on final episodes, we've seen the final Dave/Haewon ep
I'm gonna miss them
Woah unlike gay ass faggy adventure time this lesbo kiss is hot and doesnt look like stupid gay faggy(fuck you if you disagree you fucking faggot) adventure time style.
Fuck adventure time
The entire thing was "Wow Rad why you aggro Red every time bro" Like... what? They interacted with each other twice. The new ep and the Rad Van upgrade ep. RED was the one who was aggressive to Rad at that time. Again, I blame the rushing out shit and I'm just real bummed that amazing character development for all parties involved was turned into what we got. All because CN fucking sucks.
Shame, it would be the closest we'd get to a pantyshot in this show.
Nope, it was just the video. It sucks because they could've done some interesting development if they did hook up Rad and Enid, even if it was a temporary non-endgame thing. But I guess either they just didn't have enough time to go with that angle, or they were so against the idea that they baited everyone who did like it before crushing it like a grape.
Question: Since standard intercourse runs the risk of losing your shirikodama, is it possible to impregnate a kappa by filling their head pond with cum?
I can't believe they were dykes!!
I didn't thought they could come up with a shitier virtue signaling than the gun episode but Iwas wrong.
Everything is possible bub
She kinda looks like she is wearing a yarmulke
nigga if you are doing evil stuff, you are doing it because of a reason, like revenge againts someone or just because you are a greedy fucker who wants money
you dont want to kill and destroy the planet, just chill or enforce your ideas or life style
I'm not gonna whine, I'm just not gonna watch it either. I kinda liked this show.
Is Kirbopher still voicing Ernesto? I expected him to get replaced, kind of awkward him still being there.
So Dendy's "here's what happened" episode is the finale? It doesn't even have a conclusion!
Shut it down! The goyim know!
There's two more episodes.
I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised at the reveal that Venomous genuinely didn't realize he was Shadowy Figure, considering as soon as we saw him everyone was all like "He's SF, no duh".
>Venomous had a KO-TKO situation the whole time, but worse because he wasn't aware of it or had support to help him contain it
I really fucking wish we had at least 1 more season. Imagine an entire arc where Venomous lost his body to Shadowy and everyone teams up to figure out how to get him back.
Did anyone think it was weird how Rad, out of nowhere, chimed in with “I support this”? He sounded like the type of people that pat themselves on the back be he audibly announced his support lgbt stuff.
The final episodes would've been written/boarded back in december, with voice acting happening not too long afterwards, so months before the Kirbopher stuff came to a head. Hell, it's entirely possible nearly every episode was 100% completed before the Kirbopher stuff came to a head
Totally. It could have even been something like KO brings TKO back on the condition they work together again, in order to teach Venemous how to work with SF instead of letting him take over. Which, of course, just makes him stronger as well.
>kirbopher stuff
Mind giving me the sparknotes rundown ?
He admitted to abusing multiple romantic partners and coworkers.
Christ almighty? What is it with modern day animators being complete scumbags incapable of controlling their emotions?
I think the whole shirikodama thing was cooked up by someone who got a mind-blowing rimjob from a kappa but felt guilty and weird so they spread the rumor to throw off the idea that they would enjoy such a thing.
Kirbopher's a unique situation where he's this totally untalented autist who nobody liked and had rumors circulating and people were warning other people about him for years but he still somehow kept being given huge opportunities, like doing voices on OK KO.
The fucker literally makes machines that try to murder people for fun, hes way past redemption.
Yet his machines for murdering people are now heroes, and the credits showed Boxman finding enlightenment in a field of surviving Jethros.
I call this shitty "Forced". Ian is an Imbecile.
OK KO Stinks!!! Good luck being canceled because i'll channel myself to TTG Season 6.
I'm less mad at this because at least there were hints in the show without it being blatant, as compared to Adventure Time or Korra. It's still a big why.jpg though.
>and the credits showed Boxman finding enlightenment in a field of surviving Jethros.
What no they didn't, where
Just went through the previous threads, is no one gonna mention fucking boxbot prime?
During the credits in episode 17. Boxman happens upon a field of Jethros who got away, including the Jethro with arms and legs.
I want to see Perfect Boxbot Prime: all boxbots + hackpack.
>eps aren’t on ctoon
Anyone got a link?
It looked pretty lame.
Wonder how I missed that, thanks.
So Laserblast was always a dick right? He took to being a villain really well.
Yes, he was always up his own ass with an inferiority complex. When he saw villainy was his ticket to the all-encompassing power he's always wanted, he took to it like water.
I mean, sure, it's a clusterfuck, but it's a clusterfuck that I've been waiting for for a long time.
I was kind of expecting Boxman to be the pilot, some getterman shit.
Also the lesbian stuff was established eons ago, do people not remember the first red action episode? How do people think this is a last minute thing? Just cause they got together at the end? Most tv couple get together at the end of the series to wrap up the romantic subplot, this isn't new.
Don't forget how she ogled KO's mom.
It was a shity virtue signaling, worst than the gun episode.
>she ogled KO's mom.
To be fair, she is a babe.
Anyone got mega links
>K.O's face
Man that day K.O probably started to keep a closer eye on Enid.
So his only really sympathetic quality is that he didn’t actually know about Shadowy Figure and doesn’t have control over him.
And then even that goes up in smoke when he willingly gives SF control so that he can have the power he's always dreamed of
He's pretty much irredeemable at this point. This being OK K.O., it's almost guaranteed that he will end up turning good regardless, shit's gonna feel so forced.
He’s not going to be good by the end of it
but he will be OK
Dendy and K.O. is the Steven and Peridot of this show, now that I think about it....hmmmm
Ian knew what the best ship was.
I think he still does. He didn't wanna spill, so when he was pressured into giving an answer, he needed an excuse. Upon watching Enid and KO actively work to change the past enough so that he would be friends with Red, he knew that he wouldn't be able to make believable excuses anymore.
I felt bad for Rad, his crush stolen by a future dyke and he is destined to die alone now.
there's enough lesbian kisses in cartoons these days, give me a boxman and venomous kiss in the finale please
Sorry user, they split up.
yeah like apparently Ian JQ personally asked Kirb over twitter DMs to be on the show, and that's how Kirb joined the voice actor union (in fact him having to go through the process of joining the union meant that he missed out on being there for the 2nd batch of shorts, resulting in Ian having to do temp dialouge for Neil in the Enid's Bad Day short that Kirb dubbed over during ADR, and someone else (sounds like Dave Herman?) doing the voice for the Skateboard Dog in the Rad Cries short)
It was the video and Ian was just shipteasing the fuck out of us. Their relationship is platonic
He also seems to care about his son in some weird villainous way
Why didn't they think of this sooner
Is Shadowy Figure being truthful that Venomous allowed him to take control? Could just be rushed but that's a 180 to the episode where he finds out he had that other side to himself.
there's two more episodes
Sorry user, the LGBT quota is already fullfilled with Enid and Red, and the military guy and the monk couple.
I think Shadowy Figure was being honest since Venomous has always been a person who loves power over most things. Him joining force with Shadowy for more power makes sense to me. with that being said it's not out of the question for Shadowy to be lying about the whole thing.
im more surprised that they have enough power level to match shadowy venomous and TKO
Like im sure K.O's mom and Gar are way strongrt but they won't fight for obvious reasons i just love how when they are together they go from being the weakest bad guy to the strongest heroes
even though it's played up for laughs, both have pretty much destroyed the world. Even if they were both taken control of against their will they still have to deal with that fact. Wonder how KO will react once he's realized what he's done.
hopefully whatever he does, he will not pull a Boxman and walk into the Sun. He will maybe try and fixes things by doing a ton of community service or something like that. Venomous will probably be fine with the whole thing tho. He'll just be said it made him lose Boxman (and his robots), he will feel powerless again and maybe he will lose Fink as well.
How do you guys feel about Kat Ruzics' style? We've only seen 2 eps of it (Radical Rescue and Carl with Mira) and unless they do something weird with the board team combos on either of the final eps we'll get to see it only one more time
I understand that enid was always a lesbo, the signs were there but why red action i would have taken it better if it had been her friend from school
Also fuck whoever wrote that episode for making rad just say some nonsense that sounds like he is gonna say i love you
i had hope, why did you have to do this? you already have the greates gay couple in venomous and boxman, i would have even accepted a polygamous relationship for fuck sake as degenerate as that is
Jeez, I imagine maybe he was charmed by Kirb's commitment to making his TOME cartoons. I could definitely see Ian liking how Kirbopher made a whole semi-successful series about his Kirbopher self-insert, itself based on a Megaman sprite edit that was previously a Kirby sprite edit. If you ask me commitment to a self-insert on that scale is a sign of a serious personality problem, and what do you know I guess it was.
Dave was also friends with Kirb; a while back Kirb did a pair of videos talking about behind the scenes stuff on the show, and he mentioned that his first recording session was for Plaza Shorts (he voiced the newscaster at the end of the action news short and the ukinojoe-sounding nobodies from the Enid vs Rad short) and he said something along the lines of his reaction to seeing Dave was "holy shit Dave's here"
>Hey there, Jethro here!
>the greates gay couple in venomous and boxman
You retard, the best gay couple is Nick Army and Joff the Monk
>i would have taken it better if it had been her friend from school
I too would have preferred it to be Elodie. Since I like her more then Red Action and thought her and Enid looked cute together but I'm fine with them just being friends.
Voxman's ruined tho.
PV is a douche supreme, basically Doctor Blight on steroids, Boxman deserves better, i m o. After Dendy's Video Channel nothing keeps them together anymore.
It's the power of love
elodie was a heart breaking HO
>Also fuck whoever wrote that episode for making rad just say some nonsense that sounds like he is gonna say i love you
but that was funny
personally I liked that better than a cliche love triangle. Rad and KO's relationship was really good, wish it had more episodes dedicated to it
ok ko
That or they’re all dead and Boxman offed himself and this’s the afterlife.
He didn't die when he got shot into the sun, don't see how walking into the sunset (literally) would kill him.
Why is in a dyke enabling cuckold now. Fuck enid for being a carpet munching scumbag.
Have sex
He was lying about getting rid of Shadowy Figure
All he ever wanted was his powers back, he even said in that episode that Shadowy existing meant his plans had worked
The entire thing was like TKO and the baby
>you are useless let me take the control
He is not perfect venomous
Simple cartoon logic.
>He is not perfect venomous
Fucking gross, Enid is for /ss/ with K.O
>Let's discuss the latest episodes
Wait what?
This show was too good for this world
Five new episodes got released on Friday.
Episode 13:
Episode 14:
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
Episode 17:
How many episodes do we have left lads?
Two, but they're probably going to be combined into a thirty minute finale.
That's horrible, fuck this bomb format.
he's so fucking hot
I wonder if they'll ever bring up how Mr. Gar feels about having been literally cucked by Laserblast/Dr. Venomous
I'm pretty sure he already knew KO's father was Laserblast. Plus, you can't feel too cucked when your gf's ex ended up becoming gay.
>we will never get an episode where carol takes care of fink and she gets to know what it feels like to be loved
i'm sad ko and fink didnt get to interact more
>Carol loves him now
>K.O. will probably think of him as his dad after seeing what a piece of shit his real dad turned out to be
Eugene's got it pretty good.
>Not liking faggots makes you a faggot.
Go fuck a rake friend.
It being two already takes into account there being a half hour special: it's 3 left if you found half hour specials as two eps
bubbline was pretty obvious too m8.
>K.O. will probably think of him as his dad after seeing what a piece of shit his real dad turned out to be
Gar's a honorary dad. It's been hinted at since their steaksout mission in Shadowy's debut episode.
Is there something to be said about Boxman and Venemous getting less uproar over Enid and Red?
This. “The Power... is Yours” makes that very clear.
Yes. Boxman and Venomous work because they are both great characters who have great chemistry. Enid is a bit insufferable and Red is basically a cardboard cutout for Enid to be in lesbians with.
... K.O.
Boxman and Venomous was a lot more entertaining then and as this user said had far better chemistry while Enid was kinda okay but had her moments. Red Action was just kinda Boring. Plus Red and Enid where the ones that got to kiss on screen while Boxman and Venomous partnership has ended.
10,000% this. That’s literally the point of OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes. Ian and his team were just messing with us, and the goofy reveal that Rad’s grudge stemmed from that SocialMedia video was both hilarious and satisfying for me personally since “You’re Everybody’s Sidekick” was the reason I didn’t like Red Action (and Drupe) in the first place. That episode introduced her in a bad light. I’m glad both Alley Teens were able to get some character development as the series went on. Gregg can go fuck themself, tho
People need to stop taking this show so seriously. Pretty much everything that happens is all in good fun to take advantage of the fact that OK K.O.! is a fucking cartoon, first and foremost.
I feel that so many of the complaints about the show is just people not getting that it's just trying to be a goofy throwback to the shows of the 90's and 2000's.
I can't help but laugh at the fact Red Action's head looks like a Bean in that screenshot.
If SU has taught me anything it's that people will lie, manipulate and gaslight in order to make things seem worse than they actually are. Obviously there are flaws, the people working on these shows aren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but the ratio of objective researched criticism to bad faith takes is shocking, especially on Yea Forums in recent years.
>Let’s Have a Stakeout
Actually, Shadowy Figure debuted in the two-part midseason finale that also introduced TKO.
But even then it sometimes ends with more serious moments that seem to set up something bigger and more serious than it ends up being treated in the end.
I find that creates a certain dissonance.
So does KO have both his mom and dad's powers? Is that a normal thing for heroes? How does the world not end up with a bunch of superpowered demigods?
It occurred to me while watching Red Action 3 that Gregg was the only alley teen who never had any major appearances after his introduction, even though Second First Date showed that he and Drupe have been friends since they were kids.
On the contrary, I’m glad that CN is flying through the rest of these episodes. We already knew OK K.O.! was ending with one final, incredibly short season, so they might as well just rip it off like an Adhesive Medical Strip®.
What they did with Adventure Time’s final season was a fucking nightmare that I wouldn’t wish on any other series. Despite only containing 16 episodes, CN insisted on releasing just four of them every THREE MONTHS. It took almost a whole year for us to get “Come Along with Me,” at which point said finale had already been completely boarded, designed, animated, and scored. The AT Crew was sitting on an unannounced airdate for far too long; everybody was already plenty comfortable in their new positions on Summer Camp Island by then.
As sad as it is knowing we're already just two episodes away from the end, I do appreciate that the final season isn't being dragged out over a year.
>*after THEIR introduction
>*THEY and Drupe have been friends since they were kids
Gregg is agender. Respect their pronouns.
This. Although they really made a mistake with the anti-gun episode. I'm against guns too (good thing I'm a Europoor in that case) but this wasn't the way to propose a change. And still as the silly show it is most of the time, such episode feels out of place anyway
This too, but I wouldn't say especially on Yea Forums. It's a trend on many boards
>It's a trend on many boards
I think it's just a general human quality. People are just petty.
>How does the world not end up with a bunch of superpowered demigods?
because this isn't written by old school Marvel writers who think "Dude with flex powers + Woman with Force Fields and Invisibility powers = Kid with Reality Warping powers." Plus this she doesn't take things like that super seriously.
Well, I'll be damned. I asumed Gregg was a man because of the name and being played by Ian, but it turns out they never did specify Gregg's gender.
Sucks, but it is what it is. Anyway, didn't mean to derail. Hope the finale goes well for you guys.
Oh, god damn it! I was just thinking yesterday how fun it would've been for K.O. and Fink to end up becoming classmates.
Why the everloving fuck does a show like this get cancelled yet TTG has been going on for so long?
That sucks, she's always one of my faves.
I have no mouth and yet i must scream
Predictions on the finale?
red action licks enid's smelly feets for 20 minutes
>keep the lesbo posting at minimum
I just came to laught at you
Hopefully he at least gets to do a continuation comic.
I think the death of this show is sad, but also kind of inevitable in this day and age. If Ian could travel back in time and release this in 2003 it would have been a huge hit.
Fuck damn it, I was thinking of an episode where Fink has to stay at K.O.'s house for a day and she ends up bonding with Carol
>Shadowy Venomous does something dramatic, like attacking P.O.I.N.T., or stealing T.K.O.'s power
>Boxman returns with an army of Jethros
>Heroes and villains join forces against Shadowy Venomous
>Boxmore mech from Let's Play Heroes may make an appearance, possibly merging with Boxbot Prime
>SV and T.K.O. get redeemed through the power of love, merge with their alter egos or someshit, happy end
>K.O. escapes T.K.O.'s subconscious, creating the scenario of K.O. having to destroy T.K.O in the real world.
>Figures he can defeat him with Perfect K.O., but obviously can't do so without T.K.O.
>Proceeds to fusion dance with Dendy to revive Perfect K.O. (see pic) and defeat T.K.O.
>As for Shadowy Venomous, I suppose he's defeated by every hero/villain forging into a human mech suit controlled by P.K.O. (a callback to Season 1's "You're Level 100" with the giant fist).
Haven't watched an episode since Planet X, only just caught the beginning of season 3 right when it dropped.
This shit is annoying. We only just got the rest of season 2 shit out in the past 2 months and now the show is just gonna end? I'm tired of this nonsense bomb format and hiatuses. Because before that we hadn't had an episode since super black friday and now in a few months that will be a year ago already.
I think TKO is gonna split from KO and go live with Shadowy Venomous (who will be depowered or somehow weakened enough to stop) as a permanent rival to KO
Carol's ability is duplicating other's (martial arts-related?) power moves, so no, K.O. doesn't have his mom's power.
You know I'm not really clear on what either of his parent's powers are. Carol duplicates moves and laserblast absorbs powers to...get buff? Also hasn't Carol done the energy punch thing KO does, or did she just copy that from him?
It’s best not to hold onto the inevitable. Just be happy that OK K.O.! even happened in the first place.
On a related not, I’m actually more satisfied with OK K.O.!’s fate than I am with Wander Over Yonder’s. While the latter was only given ~80 episodes and left on a cliffhanger, the former got over 100 and its crew was able to hit all the major story points and reveals to give the series a feeling of finality. I don’t expect either show to get a revival, so I’m more content with getting premature closure rather than a cliffhanger.
>Gar, Carol, Foxtail, and Rippy Roo reunite for one last P.O.I.N.T. mission to fight Shadowy Venomous
>>SV and T.K.O. get redeemed through the power of love, merge with their alter egos or someshit, happy end
I think this is the most possible ending, by this not only K.O split power resolve, but Venomous desire to regain his powers too
No, it shouldn't be ending regardless, it is a year and a half old cartoon. UG, Clarence etc all got way longer air time than OK KO did, heck it hardly ever aired on TV. Most people watching it caught it online only.
Toby followed this up with
>There were a lot of fun, weird self-contained mission episodes that got outlined. Such as a riff on “A Cure For Wellness” set at Billiam Milliam’s golden spa pyramid that turns people gold. Would have been a hoot!
>Gregg can go fuck themself, tho
they were the most sympathetic member of the trio in the introduction ep tho
Don’t get me wrong; I’m pissed as all hell that OK K.O.! is ending so soon. The show is just barely two years old and was never given a fair chance despite being the best of both worlds for a successful CN series (it had the wacky superhero antics of Teen Titans Go! and the heartfelt character dynamics & mild serialization of Steven Universe). Maybe they were too blind to see the show’s potential, or maybe there really weren’t enough viewers on TV premieres or on the app. Who knows?
While it does suck that CN is dropping it while also greenlighting more Apple & Onion, Victor and Valentino, and Tig n' Seek, I’m still happy that OK K.O.! will end with closure. Sure, Ian & Toby clearly had so many more plans in store, but at least they were able to wrap up loose ends before giving one last bow. That’s a better deal than what many other unfairly cancelled were given.
>Dendy and Fink never interacted
Why fucking live
I feel like I'm the only one on this board that likes Red Action. In my eyes she was kind of like KO's big sister.
She's fine. I don't dislike her, but I can't really say I like her either.
I feel your pain bro.
Carol and Laserblast weren't married when KO got conceived right? So then KO is a bastard?
That's right
She was fine, but I can’t lie that her series debut in “You’re Everybody’s Sidekick” left a bad taste in my mouth. While I’ve enjoyed her appearances since, it was still a nice surprise to have “Red Action 3: Grudgement Day” address that.
Carol's a fucking slut
I don’t think any other children’s series has directly showed the conception of its protagonist, so OK K.O.! is pretty based for that alone
*I can’t lie that her series debut in “You’re Everybody’s Sidekick” didn’t a bad taste in my mouth
I fucked up on my double negatives there. Also, this was also meant to be a response to .
>the way Laserblast works that lolipop
Carol should have seen the hints there and then.
>based Stevie got an explicit sex scene past the censors for a TV-Y7 cartoon
This will be her lasting legacy
>In my eyes she was kind of like KO's big sister.
Enid was like K.O.'s big sister. Red Action was a jerk to him at first, and afterwards they didn't interact that much.
K.O. is everyone's little brother anyway, in both literal and figurative senses.
FUUUUUCK can you imagine if they got to do the time skip season? Teenage Fink and Dendy would either have filler girl time shenanigans or they would cat fight everytime they see each other.
I fucking hate CN for killing OK KO
Don't fall for the angry anons screeching about this. Majority likes Red Action. The problems were just the rushed writing which everyone should blame Cartoon Network for.
I'd let adult Fink be my Mommy
>Teenage Fink and Dendy would either have filler girl time shenanigans or they would cat fight everytime they see each other.
>No post time skip episode with Dendy trying to Learn about Turbo and Glorbs powers by teaming up with Fink
>Though unlike what happened with K.O, the tests are little mean and rude this time. this pisses off Fink a bit
>Dendy learns that Glorbs give a huge boost to Turbo powers
>half way though the ep Fink gets too many Glorbs and goes kinda Berserk on Dendy.
>Dendy makes a new Hardlight K.O but this time it's much stronger
>the ep ends with Fink and Dendy learning
Man that could have been cool.
>the battle ends in a tie or Fink winning but barely
>They both gain a new respect for one another or something like that by the end.
oh fuck that hurt me more then I thought it would.
Ian are you reading my fanfics.
Next you are going to tweet that Fink was going to trick K.O. into taking her to school dances, hold hostages until he takes her out to dinner, and plant bombs in cities so he has to marry her.
>the ep ends with Fink and Dendy learning
>Man that could have been cool.
oops forgot to delete those parts. please ignore that.
>"What d'you mean you weren't TECHNICALLY married?!"
12 oz. Mouse?
Probably not the best mother material.
honestly the one bit of silver lining of the show ending is not having to go through the awkwardness of recasting all of Kirb's parts
Dendy is a kappa? WTF?
>Teenage KO would be dense protag as childhood friend and childhood nemesis fight for his affection
>i'm sad ko and fink didnt get to interact more
Not enough Boxman/Fink interactions either. Those two had a great comedic potential.
What is with this obsession for a timeskip? Steven Universe was a special case; very few western cartoons ever get to go all in like that.
OK K.O.! is the LAST show that I’d expect to do one, especially since they made fun of that very idea back in the Season 2 premiere. A goofy cartoon whose protagonist is literally 6-11 years old would probably only do a timeskip as a one-episode joke like the AU episode.
>We will never get an My Hero Academia crossover
Lil Wayne voice:
Tell her i skate
I ain't got no worries, No Red Action
I'm straight
God I really like the timeskip Steven Design. I don't know what it is about it
12 oz. Mouse.
Did you completely miss the episode where KO and Dendy called out the company that manufactures Pow Cards on their dismissal of Kappa as villains based on years of toxic stereotypes? It’s one of the show’s most infamous episodes because Yea Forums is sooo “redpilled” and got assblasted over basic human decency.
Fuggg, I saw these on Twitter not too long ago, but I forgot the name of the artist. Who drew these masterpieces again?
There’s nothing to wonder about, user. It’s a legit great design. A nice color palette and a more mature wardrobe that still keeps the MC appealing and recognizable. I can’t wait to see all the new promo images we’ll get.
The neck
What do you guys think the final epilogue is gonna be like? A last farewell to the audience? How meta do y’all think it’ll get?
Is it confirmed to be an epilogue tho? It could be a final crossover.
I know shipping is cancerous, but K.O and Dendy seems to be made for each other
Now that i think about it, this episode could be the promised (?) time skip. Maybe there's still hope for some teenage!Fink and Dendy antics.
I liked those episodes.
>racism is irrelevant, only money matters
That's a great measage.
honestly I'd have found the ep less jarring had they gone with the original plan to have Dendy be a goblin-thing
I think she's supposed to be an elf-thing in this. Ian or Toby mentioned it somewhere.
Brains and brawn, user. Simple yet effective.
Reminder to avoid Yea Forums starting next Monday if you don’t want to be spoiled for the TV movie.
How many episodes are left? I hope we get a special at least.
Also, kappas are depicted in Japanese folklore as malevolent youkai who range from simple tricksters and pervs to monsters who rape, drown and devour humans, so the prejudice angle totally fits.
2, with one of them being a special
Enid was more KO´s big sister.
I mean, good for you if you like her, but you can´t deny she hasn´t gotten enough screen time to become a fully fleshed character. She´s just...fine.
I'll spoil it right now:
Evil gem has tragic backtory
Ruby and amethyst fuse to make simone belmont
Steven doubts himself before getting confident and talking the bad guy down
Bad guy sacrifices xirself to save earth
Dosen't Steven transform in his Super Saiyan diamond form
Show ends with a fight
not shitpost kun there but yes there was a story boarder leak showing that exact thing.
That’s just a random doodle from a storyboard revisionist, and I doubt they’d spoil something truly significant. The Crewniverse are masters at keeping quiet on spoilers.
You’re reading into nothing.
that was deleted shortly afterwards, you ever wonder why callison now has pink hair?
Same reason this happened
Better question: What will the end credits be like?
What’s wrong with Victor and Valentino?
>OK K.O. Let's be Heroes!
I think I’m gonna throw up
Victor is a shit protagonist that ruins the entire show, Valentino is ok but kinda meh
This is a good question. I know it got a movie but is TTG's ratings so good it needs to take up almost the entire schedule at CN?
I honestly was hoping for this too. I wanted Fink and Carol to have a sort of daughter mother relationship.
>Victor is a shit protagonist that ruins the entire show
You’re still being too generous. This is literally the worst animated protagonist of this decade. And why did everybody allow Diego Molano to voice the lead character if he’s objectively shit at it? The only plus Diego brings to the table is that he can voice Victor in both the English and Spanish dub.
Damn, I wouldn’t have noticed. I gotta rewatch Season 1.
Nah she's for dominating and making her call you boss
Did anyone else notice KOs hair has turned purple
the first episode that introduced Prof Venomous, "We're Captured"
Boxman: Please. I'm a villain, not a monster.
What ISN’T wrong with Victor and Valentino?
W-what was the resulting fusion??
I don’t think that’s scientifically possible.
TTG has merch, is based on an existing IP, and is easy for bean counters in suits to understand in less than 22 seconds.
Percentages above one hundred occur when there is more than a total of one.
1450lbs is 1000% of my weight.
Did we ever talk about how Dendy just revealed her moist lady hole to Ko and he didnt even bat an eye?
That's some quality writing right there
It just goes to show how much the two trust each other now.
>The only plus Diego brings to the table is that he can voice Victor in both the English and Spanish dub
He's even worse in spanish, fuck chicanos
Boy or girl?
Does it matter?
Just curious. The character is cute but kinda androgynous. I wonder if this is avatar of some storyboarder.
Sounds more like a dude who's getting a boner would say.
I dont think so, shes in lesbians with red
Why aren’t there more Xochi lewds? Hasn’t this show been airing since March?
Because Charlene garners more attention. Plus, the show simply isn't good; not many people want to make fan art of it.
Why would he be so reluctant to reveal that?
because he's a dork with a cool kid complex and it's for a joke.
its funny
This. Sure, the shipteasing throughout “Red Action 3” kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering if the OK K.O.! Krew would actually go through with giving Rad lingering romantic feelings for Enid, but the final payoff was fucking great.
Why can’t Yea Forums just accept that based Ian wanted to make a silly cartoon that has no shame in having fun? This exchange in particular still kills me: twitter.com
user, no one blushes in anger
Search the truth in your own heart
>venomous and boxman
Why do you people keep calling them a couple? I still have yet to see any proof of this. They're just roommates.
Are you kidding? They did an entire episode about their minions feuding like step-siblings getting used to each other. Raymond even referred to Venomous as "stepfather."
Yes. Yes, it is.
How is he a joestar?
Fuck That, beat the man up!!!!
Must you post that eyesore here?
By quality it really means quantity by uncover your plans to people in order to rise your monetary gain.
That phone is going to be used as a bomb, and Anne won't have any proof of her time in Amphibia.
>Apple & Onion
>Victor and Valentino
>Tig n' Seek
Gross. At least we'll still have Mao Mao. That show's mere existence is what makes the unruly OK K.O.! cancellation just a little more bearable and easier to accept.
I'm sure you could just ask one of the ones who worked on the episode and get an answer.
What? I've heard this before but I still don't get it. His voice is a perfect cartoon voice. Sounds like a classic voice from a 90's cartoon. How is it bad? I thought you guys were talking about the fat kid at first.
It's a joke. Their treating their relationship like an actual couple is the fucking joke. They aren't an actual couple. You fucking zoomers can't even understand the basics of comedy. Unless I see some actual kissing or buttfucking, I'm never going to believe it.
that sounds like a personal problem involving emotional disconnect and being a forced meme retard desu