Is dale a cuck ?

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No. You fucking idiot. Look up what being a cuck actually means.

He’s not knowingly one but he did try to arrange a “massage” for Nancy which really meant sex but he didn’t know that.

Yes in the sense that he was raising a child that came from his wife getting fucked by another man
no in the sense that he gets off to his wife getting fucked(probably)

Dale is such a chad he unknowingly UN-cucked himself getting his woman to go back to him 100% and took Redcorn’s boy as his own.

That’s really fucking Alpha when you think on it, actually.

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This is posted a lot but seriously. This is actually really sobering to the point I am creeped out. Imagine seeing your own flesh and blood utterly uncaring of you and rejecting you angrily if you tell the truth, the love of your life realizing you aren’t hers, while you are too old to start fresh with a loving family of your own. You will likely die alone. And deep down you know you deserved it for being such a piece of shit. That shit is haunting.

language evolvs and adapts and dictionaries get new editions with changes retard

>raising a child that isn't your genetic offspring is totally alpha!!
Nice try Jew.

For him to be a cuck he'd have to be raising another man's kid.

So, no. He is not a cuck.

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Yes, he literally is.

Or maybe more like "was" since Nancy did end the affair and there are actually more episodes where she's not cheating on him, but he was still a cuck for like 13 years and is still raising a kid he isn't aware isn't biologically is. He is 100% a cuck in the literal, non-meme/fetish definition.

He may have been at some point, but now he has full control of Redcorn's entire fucking life. He OWNS his child, his gf, and the former refuses to recognize him. John will never know the love of his own son that lives literally down the block, and not even out of spite on Joseph's part, he's just a stranger to him, forever and always, because of protecting the lie.

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Don't forget the Native American part. John Redcorn's only child is 100% white man now. He will not carry on his father's culture and know the names of his forefathers. With his one act of lust and then lies John has completely severed the line to history. Just think of all the ancestors who had hoped that one day their descendants might once more live free on their ancestral lands. Not having a descendant at all would be better than what they've gotten.

I'm sure he'd call everyone else a cuck these days.

Unironically, yeah

No, because alien gene-traders spermjacked Dale and used that to impregnate Nancy.

can't be a cuck if your cognitive dissonance and delusions prevent you from realizing it

I've always had a more optimistic approach to the situation. Joseph will inherit Redcorns land and will harbour a healthy distrust of the government due to Dale. This will provide a good staging area for the natives to peacefully reclaim some of their lands.

What tribe did John belong to anyways?

But Dale is the classic definition. The new definition was the fetish.


Yes he is. But he is also based as fuck. Arguably one of the better characters. His wife and John redcorn are shit characters and people

>his gf
Not anymore. She stopped the redcorn stuff

>long term impotent rage, the post
This post makes Dale into a terrible man instead of the unaware victim he was.

But that's not what John Redcorn wants. He wants very badly to raise his offspring but he's too weak-willed to say or do anything about it. That's the opposite of alpha, especially considering Joseph loves Dale and regards John Redcorn as a weird middle-aged man who keeps dropping by to pester him.

nice try white boys.
go feed your wive's children.

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The Redcorn name will die with him.

Still to this day, I fucking love this post. Imagine being so much of a pussy that you don't even have the courage to tell your own flesh and blood that you are his biological father. It hits you so hard that you weep and cry about it almost everyday watching your child be raised by another man who's doing a better job at being your kid's father.

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No (you)

Kate > Joseph

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>raising Jospeh to be a successful, confident athlete in a white community instead of letting his self hating, fuck up father who can't grow up raise him in a trailer.

Even in earlier episodes Redcorn has a lot of pride, but no ambition

Nice southern accent. Not exactly like Dale's but it's still good.

How redpilled was Dale really?

the land is garbage and Jospeh has no concept of his Native American heritage, to all practical intents and purposes Joseph is white.

technically but he got the ultimate revenge, his wife cheated on him and instead of casting out the bastard child he made the kid believe entirely that he is the father

>raise another man's kid
>kid believe the cuck is his father
without any context, why wouldn't the kid believe that?

This begs to question how many "bulls" are in Redcorns position?

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If Joseph were a little brighter he might recognize that nobody in his family is his size or complexion and make some connections to the fact that there's a big guy with his coloration that was a constant in his mother's life.

And the Gribble Y chromosome will die with Dale.

Who cares about genetics when you have a son who loves and respects you?

Joseph's genetics *became* the Gribble genetics. Any children Joseph has will be Gribbles. He considers himself a Gribble. Family is more than "muh chromosomes"

Redcorn, more like Redcuck amirite?

because joseph was retarded and would believe anything

It's funny how at the start of the series he's shown to be pretty level-headed. The writer's clearly realised at some point that he needed to be retarded by necessity of the plot.

Hes the literal explanation of the cuckoo bird

He is quite literally a cuckold you retard.

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