Which male writers are actually good at writing female characters?
Which male writers are actually good at writing female characters?
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Stan Lee
I liked what tom defalco was doing with spider-girl and I liked byrnes She hulk
Busiek I guess
Chuck Dixon, surprisingly. He wrote the first 40-something issues of Birds of Prey and I thought they were good reads.
-Moore (before the rape jokes- Mina was an excellently executed protagonist in a 25 yr or whatever series, so was Jani Nemo and others)
-Hickman in East of West
-Russell in various books
-Morrison in stuff like Doom Patrol, Wondy
Nice bait
John Byrne
Peter David
I like when Rucka writes Wondy since it forces him to write a woman that's not the standard Rucka Female Protagonist. Brubaker honest writes better female characters since he has more of a variety of what he writes.
Better question; How do we stop Aaron from writing female characters ever again?
Garth Ennis (just the best character writer in the business period)
Peter David
Warren Ellis
You do know he's going to write the upcoming She-Hulk ongoing, right?
Jim Balent
No there's no way Marvel would be that stupid, he's literally ruining one of their best female characters
George Perez
He already fucking ruined her and his intentionally doing it because Marvel gave Ewing Hulk. Aaron is a fucking asshole, and a dipshit who thinks pointing out his stupid decisions in-book somehow validates it.
>Warren Ellis
Ellis can only write one specific female character though.
Fuck Linkara with that meme. That fucker obviously has never read his Daredevil run or Martha Washington.
What happened to aaron? He used to be a good writer but now it seems he's intent on doing nothing but pandering the SJWs and I can't think of many that actually like anything he's done. Most people fucking hate his she hulk and the only people I've ever seen defend whor are people looking for an argument
I was only baiting, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get his fill of "strong female characters" Aaron style with Valkyrie and decides to also write Jen Walters, instead of giving her to Tini Howard or something
>he's intent on doing nothing but pandering the SJWs
Not even the so-called SJWs liked what he did with Jen, though. Specially not when he doubled down in Avengers #20.
This. Say what you will about those dumbasses, but at least they woke up and smelled the coffee regarding Jen. She was funny, smart, a career woman, and her whole deal was embracing her transformation. Christ even Deadpool called this out! But Aaron instead wants Bruce in drag. What's especially annoying is how She-Hulk thinks perfectly fine, but when speaking she's HULK SMASH!
I don't even believe he's writing Valkyrie. He seems more like the idea man while Ewing does all the work
Really? What are these SJW saying about it?
First name that came to my mind as well. Good group of five. I'd like to add in Mike Carey as well
This. Rucka may not be the best writer for some to work with but if you want a female badass then just give that to him.
I don't have screenshots at hand but when it happened, both Twitter and Reddit threw hissy fits about it, and the only people who defended it were very apologetic about it. None of the whole "she's a strong woman who can make her own choices", but rather "this does away with years of characterization simply because Aaron wants his Hulk".
Also some creators in Marvel were low key (but quite obviously) displeased with it, and have opted for loopholes to keep portraying her the way she used to look before the change.
>I don't even believe he's writing Valkyrie. He seems more like the idea man while Ewing does all the work
Me neither, Ewing might not admit it publicly because he's too humble about it, but it doesn't read like an Aaron book.
Can't believe he hasn't been posted yet.
The Japanese
The only people I've seen defend Aaron's take on Jen are the usual shills on CBR who eat up anything that Marvel shits out.
The Japanese at least let their female characters be weird and silly, something that western creators don't let their female characters be.
Then there was that shot Ewing took at Aaron in Immortal Hulk. Well not this exactly, but I you know what I mean
Don't be gross
The strong female character writer triumvirate
>Terry Moore
>Greg Rucka
>Brian K Vaughn
>ITT we pretend Rucka isn't writing the same stale annoying character over and over
I give it a read sometime
So does Mark Russel but no one seems to mind
I do think that the main character in Lazarus does differ a bit from his other characters.
I get people are attached to the character but it's not like She-Hulk wasn't a shit design as is regardless. Literally zero thought put into it because they needed to capitalize on Hulk popularity
>No there's no way Marvel would be that stupid
Have... have you not been paying any attention to Marvel the past decade?
OF COURSE they’re that stupid.
They’re bad because they can’t jerk off to her anymore
Is this the power of good female writing?
>No there's no way Marvel would be that stupid
>not being stupid
They rely on their movies now so they leave comics in the dust, just creating mounds of shit and hoping one of them ends up being a gold nugget.
My child, Japan is about to ream your shitty company.
Which female writers are actually good at writing?
Jesus fucking Christ, this is worse than Riri.
Rokka Rika.
CBR is fucking garbage
John Byrne, he's the GOAT, Sensational She-Hulk is 10/10
What's he planning? Everything the new EiC has backed thus far has been return to forms, getting the x-men back on track bringing spencer on amazing why would he want to push such an unpopular turn for a character who is pretty much everything they want carol to be?
Not Greg Rucka
John Allison
Dini and Morrison. Best versions of Jean Grey and Zatanna
Frederik Peeters
ends that flashback
Not John Byrne
Fabien Vehlmann
I'm now invested in this story and you just end it? Awful. You're a bad person user.
I like the way her face changes into green while Audrey's is shadowed. The play of lighting during the conversation drives it to a focal point.
that was the end of a flashback, you can read from the beginning at readcomiconline DOT to SLASH Comic SLASH Pachyderme or at libgen.
Title is Pachyderme by Frederick Peeters translated by Edward Gauvin published by Self Made Hero from original French punlished by Gallimard . It's a bit surreal.
Peeters both writes and illustrates his works, rare to be good at both.
Alan Grant when he took over Anderson exclusively in the 90s/00s.
Oh look it's the Batman Who Laughs, DC should sue
Thanks user
I thought that too when I first saw judge death. Wonder why DC lets them away with it.
ITT casuals who never heard of the Hernandez Bros.
Simply shameless. If DC's smart, they'll run 2000AD out of business for the ripoff.
>implying this won't end in another based DC/2000AD crossover
Go back to Marlel
Hubert Boulard author of Beauty illustrated by the French couple known as Kerascoet, Marie Pommepuy and Sébastien Cosset, who also made Miss Don't Touch Me, Beautiful Darkness and Satania.
Hmmm sweetie, Marvel already did the Judges expys thing better than DC.
Probably don't even know the rag exists. I mean it only gets sold in corner shops and super markets, it's not a real comic.
I don't think I've read a bad JD crossover.
Even the aliens and predictor ones were good.
>Marvel ripoffs again
>this time from a foreign publisher
>shills will defend this
I'd love to see a BWL/Judge Death crossover.
My ass.
Don't worry, it's not happening.
Why would you join in on a topic you have no knowlege on?
>posting that and not Boss Cage
Fuck her red head waifu, tho.
Agreed. I’d wager Birds of Prey was good in spite of Conservitard Dixon, not because of him.
If being left-sing was a prerequisite for being a good writer, we’d be swamped with fantastic books from every comic publisher. But we’re not. You fucking gaylord.
Right wingers aren't known for good ideas or creativity for a reason.
>Stop attacking muh waifu
It's the fucking truth though, whether you accept that or not. Creativity rarely sparks from a conservative mindset.
Tim Seeley for the entirety of Hack/Slash. Paul Dini for Zatanna and Gotham City Sirens. Hmmmm and I'm reaching, but Chris Burnham's Ghostbusters has a pretty female heavy roster and they're all written competently.
This is true, which is why our current situation of "the left can't meme" is so telling. Current lefties are conservative puritans in everything but name.
>edgelord racist shit and anti-LGBT innuendo = memes
In other words: Leftists aren't as creative as they think they are
This post is the hard truth. Lee wrote women as the shallow, vain and emotionally weak creatures they really are.
>Lol Egg = meme
>doesn't even know what memes are
What are you doing on Yea Forums?
>Leftists invented weird Twitter and daring synthesis
>Rightists invented... 40%, tranny dilate seethe, despite x they commit y, "huh?", kek
>daring synthesis
what's that?
Ah, so Yea Forums has better memes. Got it!
When you mix two or more different sources to create something completely new that works in the two or more levels the original sources intended. Like Spongebob memes combined with The Simpsons memes.
t. Jason Aaron
>men suck at writing female characters
no, most female characters are just written bad in general, women fuck it up too
How is that leftist exactly?
Have you not read any mutualist theory?
yep. easily
Could you be any more of a idoelogue
Greg "Identifies as a lesbian" Cucka?
The ones that know pussy ain't no more of a thang than a chicken wang.
Japanese manga writers are surprisingly good at it because they don't have any bullshit feminism or politics to worry about or cater to. Also, a lot more woman draw and write manga than comics.
So in this upcoming run, will Shulk finally come out as being transgender and beat the hulk until he changes his name?
In the hypothetical that Aaron does write a Shulk ongoing, it's definitely gonna be called "Hulk" and run parallel to "Immortal Hulk". But that's precisely why I don't think they're going to let him, no way Cebulski signs off on a book sharing a too similar name of their current golden goose.
Minna Sundberg
How is that daring?
Jeph Loeb (before his son died)
I was going to say Carey too. Mazikeen is one of my favourite characters because of him.
literal schizophrenia.
What fucking madness did I get myself into?!
Wonderful art though. A nice change from normal big two crap we normally see around here.
Ryoko Kui!
The writers from Avatar the Last Airbender created many memorable female characters.
it should make more sense on second reading
Anyway, glad some anons like this, it's been storytimed here before probably under a Begian-Franco thread.
To bump here's a short scene from Spirou. The Diary of a Naive Young Man (2018) by Émile Bravo (both writer and illustrator) published by Europe Comics, also worth reading and likely available on libgen or readcomiconline.
the girl is more than she seems, revealed later, and hence the "naive young man"
skipping a few pages
Unironically Chris Claremont
there's quite a bit more, but best to read from the beginning
Ctrl+F Claremont : 1 result - All you Zoomers can DIAF.
Morrison, Busiek, and Engelhart for his time
Why does her younger student look sixty years older than her?
But Aaron is absolutely the kind of guy that will start trying to burn down Marvel if he doesn't get his way, so how does something like that end?
Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez
Kate Leth
Before the purge it was basically the Yea Forums of the comic industry
>Which male writers are actually good at writing female characters?
It can be done, but I do think it's a bit harder for men to do and it takes some considerable discipline and dedication to not write female characters as one dimensional waifus. A lot of writers can't do it.
Hahahahaha this is amazing
I love this comic!
page 10 bumping with Sam Kieth and William Messner-Loebs
Any who write female characters as male characters without reason and accountability.
>there's no way Marvel would be that stupid,
You must be new here.
another page 10 bump, this time with Rene Engström, creator of Anders loves Maria
>No there's no way Marvel would be that stupid,
It would be nice if Marvel remembered Tigra exists and did something with her blank canvas
>There's no way Marvel would be that stupid
Does it matter? Feminist will complain either way
There've been some Garth Ennis stories that I just can't find as anything but tasteless, but I feel like he gets pain better than most writers out there in general. It's great.
It's hard to figure out what to do with Tigra because as time goes on, the goofier she starts to feel. She never really established herself, so she's in this permanent limbo as the slutty jobber lady who's painted like a tiger.
Cheetah they made a little more serious by making her more of a proper monstrous anthro but I don't think that'd work for Tigra.
user she's actually a tiger person. That's not body paint. Fuck if they want to do this Totem shit so bad with Spider-Man and a few others, they should explore the tiger totem
I said "tiger paint" because that's what she looks like, like Cheetah before the recent revamp. She looks like a lady in a bikini wearing ear/tail prosthetics and full bodypaint.
It's a silly look and unlike someone like She-Hulk, she never really had any runs where she came into her own as a character.
user there are a lot more things wrong with Tigra than her look, which honestly isn't that big of a deal to begin with. Don't be afraid of sexy things. But that's easily altered and her main concern is characterization and gimmick. On another note, current Cheetah's design is fucking shit, mostly due to the face
None of them. They are all shit.
Meanwhile Tini Howard gets to ruin Death's Head.
I really like the way Warren writes the girls in Empowered, I came for the cheesecake and stayed for the characters.
The fact Marvel's female characters don't have any great major stories centered on them, and they are far less popular than DC heroines (even with their fuck ups, DC are still ahead), tells you Marvel's male writers are shite.
Simon Hansellman
Based and dcpilled
Yup every time Sue acted up due to not getting any attention i got vietnam flash backs
Fo' shizzle my nizzle
please tell me he didnt drift into SJW territory in the lastest chapters ive seen peaks of
Boss Cage was better and Ewing did it better when he had Maria Hill as a Hershey expy in that one story. Captain Peace was pretty meh, and behaved nothing like Carol and Justice Peace.
Didn't have a picture of it at hand or else I'd have used it... Though I'd use the latest use of Judge Peace in Duggan's Infinity Watch first.
I honestly don't know if it's pro sjw or not
Rucka, Vaughan, Fraction, PAD, Ellis and Azarello. Can't believe no one mentioned Azarello with his great 2cool4shool Wondie and all the lowlifes and everywomen in 100 Bullets.
I love Morrison, but besides Invisibles and Doom Patrol (granted, it's a lot) his females tend to be dogshitty, How To Kill Your Boyfriend is easily his worst book, his Wondie sucks in JLA and is only good as a fresh change of cheesecake pace in Earth One.
Ennis is way better than he should by how macho most of his stuff is.
Which issue is that?