Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Past threads:
Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Past threads:
>How does this work?
>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.
>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.
If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something during the weekdays:
Last time:
-Seasons Girl stuff
-New pics
-BQ discussion
-GG discussion
-More new pics
-Deelette and the monsterkid school setting got brought up
-Other stuff I didn't mention
One additional page to add to that set.
more storyboard, this size is too small to write dialogue into, I had planned on giving it a few more revision, but I'll use it as a filler for now. I don't know if I can bump it after that last post.
Hopefully others later on.
Wow, I didn't even see that post until after I had made the above post.
That's cool. You don't see a witch getting shot by a blunderbuss that often.
Well, I'm still going to try to make it last the weekend.
Father Summer looks like a G.
Is there a character sheet for her yet? Or something I can use as reference
A āGā?
The opposite of a busta.
None that I'm aware of.
This seems like the best reference for proportions anyway.
John Doe made this one, although she's generally portrayed a little thiccer.
And here's Chochi's take.
Hopefully John Doe overcame whatever mental hangups he had.
Living as her must be suffering.
>superhuman strength, speed, durability, agility
>have a cool giant gun only you can use
>eat a ton
Sounds like a great life, besides the post-apocalyptic wasteland thing.
Barren as a wasteland this weekend.
That's sadly the norm right now.
Looks like a farmer.
nice car there smol girl
I've never been to one of these threads before, so I apologize if I'm misunderstanding the guidelines, but I have an idea for a fanfic/story taking place in a the Mythos of Steven Universe, yet greatly altering the lore and characters to where it is practically original, almost like a bizzare remake.
Is that applicable to post here? I'd like to get some feedback on it, see if anyone has any ideas or ways to improve it, etc.
Thank you
Not really, no. This is more for original creations.
Well, the story is 95% OC, the only characters from the show that make any sort of appearance are the Diamonds, but even they and their roles in the story are greatly altered, to where they might as well be different characters
But I understand if this still does not as being wholly original. I just wanted to make sure before I dumped a bunch of shit that really isn't really "on topic" for these types of threads
Why don't you just make the diamonds their own original alien species then?
I've posted this in another thread before, and a few Anons said the same thing. I'd LIKE to be able to rework it into something wholly original, but a lot of it is still tied in concepts like the Gems, Fusion, the Cluster, Diamonds, Gem Society, etc. A few ideas were thrown around, but none of them really stuck
I think I saw some of that discussion. If the reworked aliens were based off of elements, then fusions could still be a thing to make compounds. You'd also get unstable fusions if the two elements don't mix well.
Yeah, that idea was floated there
The thing is though, fusion isn't really as HUGE an aspect in my idea, it's just something that's kinda there. There are plot elements and arcs that incorporate it, but it doesn't receive as much attention as in SU
And for the Elements thing, the main debacle I saw from that was the naming of characters. Calling a character "Helium" or "Hydrogen" or "Calcium", etc doesn't sound as elegant as "Pyrite" or "Diamond" or "Jade", etc. The idea was bought up to just name them after their symbols, but that idea only goes so far until you get characters like "H" or "C" or "O", etc.
You know what I mean?
Why not just come up with semi-original names for each element based off of the existing names and the elemental numbers that correlate with them?
What do you mean? Can you give an example?
Take whatever syllable you think are the coolest sounding from any given element name and mix it with the element number.
I can't give you an example because I have no idea what you're going for and it's only really a suggestion to see if it gives you any sort of necessary push.
>Carbon, 6
>Oxygen, 8
Huh... these aren't too bad for name. But the idea doesn't really carry that well for atomic numbers beyond 10.
The problem primarily is that the names are meant to tie in with character class. How they are viewed, their status, and how they are not really viewed as "individuals" by the elite upper class
One of the ideas I even had was toward the end of the story, the main characters adopting original names for themselves to show how they are no longer defined simply by their class of gem
/coc/ Wacky Races when
Wait wait, Wha/co/ Races
Bees Knees and Appladay share a car I hope.
What's the race venue?
Floating Island Circuit
Aqua Coalition (of Super Friends) Beach
Faggot Tree's Big Hard Woods
Machine Karthedral (cult of the four wheels)
Lighthouse City Loop
Fairyland Freeway
Demon Pony Express Delivery Route
Toad Highway except instead of cars all the hazards are Rage Racer running so fast he Speed Forces into being multiple places at once
Shit, there was a doodle on this theme ages ago, where is it...
And the grand finale is what? A race across the country? The World? Just the Australian Outback?
In both kart racers and comic books the finale of any any event tends to be cosmic themed... do we have many cosmic locales? Is the Pineapple Cake big enough to host a track? Maybe like a course in the Archives, but everyone's mouse sized so you're zipping around bookshelves and ink spills while the Archivist is trying to get some work done.
I feel like a big cross country race makes for a better plot than going cosmic. Like they do all the circuits, then they take it off road.
The scope doesn't always need to be huge.
Yeah, maybe. I guess I'm thinking too much in terms of Mario Kart. Ain't a proper racing game without a Rainbow Road.
>I have an idea for a fanfic/story taking place in a the Mythos of Steven Universe, yet greatly altering the lore and characters to where it is practically original, almost like a bizzare remake.
>Is that applicable to post here?
See: the-conservatory.fandom.com
>Not really, no. This is more for original creations.
user, why are you telling lies on the internet?
So it's cool for me to post it then? My main goal is simply to hear others thoughts on it, perhaps find ways to rework into being something "original"
The floating city circuit would be the rainbow road.
Often times I've felt that many anons don't remember that crackship and weird crossover fanfiction are also Yea Forums products, even if they don't get brought up as much anymore.
>user, why are you telling lies on the internet?
If you need to rework it i'd suggest intergrating it with Stephanie and the Metalloids
The idea unfortunately has been so far under utilized
>If you need to rework it i'd suggest intergrating it with Stephanie and the Metalloids
>The idea unfortunately has been so far under utilized
What are you talking about? It got like three seasons.
I have no idea where this came from. Someone put it on the wiki with all the image links broken despite having uploaded them (I fixed it when I saw it).
I checked the archives for any discussion of this and found next to nothing.
It baffles me, but I still didn't remove it (I largely just forgot about it like the other bizarre pages that sometimes pop up that I can actually find SOMETHING on in the archives). Putting something like channel-tans on the wiki would've made more sense to me.
Well, I'll just go ahead and dump the stuff I've gotten down so far
It is getting pretty late
I don't have a name for all this, but I've thought a lot about it
Feel free to let me know if you'd change anything!
>Setting is the Solar Sytem
>In this universe, this is the home and domain of the Diamond Authority, their empire stretching from Venus to Nepute, with a terraformed Earth (called New Homeworld) being the capital
>Each Planet has a diamond ruling over it, all answering in a hierarchy to White on New Homeworld
>The story begins on Mars, and focuses on a Gem called Pyrite, the commander of Red Diamond (Mar's Diamond)'s guard and military forces
>He is a strict, orderly, yet deeply insecure figure who is staunchly loyal to Red Diamond
>The story gets kickstarted when he is assigned to watch over and train his successor, a newly formed Pyrite who will replace him when he inevitably reaches his "Heat Death" (Gems have natural lifespans in this universe)
>Of course, the older Pyrite hates this, as not only do their personalities greatly conflict (The younger Pyrite is more loose, naive, and adventurous), but it also stokes his growing insecurities of being "obsolete" and replaced
>Misadventures ala Season 1 of SU ensue, with the two of them being forced to maintain order and solve problems on Mars, with undertones of something sinister
>Though Red Diamond is for the most part Wise and Benevolent in her rule, other Diamonds aren't
>One character that gets introduced is an escapee from the Moons of Jupiter, Cuprite, who crashlanded on Mars using a Jetpack he assembled
>Things are further heated by the discovery that a former rebel leader thought to be dead, Jade, has been assembling an army on Mars using prisoners from the hollow underground
>Though Red Diamond is sympathetic to them, she orders the Two Pyrites to put a stop them no matter what
>This climaxes in the "finale" of the first "season", where the two armies of Gems face off
>Though the Pyrites manage to get the upper hand, in the middle of the battle a garangantuan force emerges and rocks the entire planet
>This is "The Cluster", a super weapon comprised of force-fused prisoners that is meant to grow and destroy the planet to prevent the rebels from spreading, as well as punish Red Diamond for daring to go against White's orders
>The two Pyrites managed to escape the battle, yet the older one is greatly traumatized
>The Gems and Settings that had been shown and explored through the whole thing are ruined or destroyed
>As the planet collapses and buckles against the force of the monster at its core, The two Pyrites (along with a slew of other characters) confront Red Diamond, and she reveals that she was forced to by White
>She gives them a ship and tells them to go far away, and to build a new society that "Never has to know the cruelty of White Diamond"
>As they escape, the crust of the planet is completely broken and Mars is considered "ruined", with the main characters escaping far past the other planets
>And this ends the first "season" of the story
>From then on, the story focuses on the characters trying to go back and save the other gems under the rule of Diamonds, forming a new rebellion under the leadership of the Younger Pyrite
>This will take them all over the solar system, from the Kupier Belt to the water world of Neptune ruled by Blue, to the great ring cities of Saturn, finally back to the core worlds of Venus and Homeworld
>Meeting and recruiting new characters along the way who help them fight against the Diamonds, kind of like ATLA
>Until the final confrontation with White on Homeworld, which'll end the whole thing
That's most of what I've gotten down story wise
Core Worlds and Diamonds
>Mercury (Old Homeworld)
No Diamond, is extremely damaged and fractured. Completely abandoned and forbidden to all Gems. The origin of White Diamond and Gemkind as a species
>Yellow Diamond
Harsh and Brutal leader of Venus, 1st Diamond below White. Leader of the Gem military and Core fleet
Harsh, smoky world where Gen armies are raised and trained
>White Diamond
Cold, cruel, authoritarian leader of all Gemkind. Head of the ahem Empire, subservient to none
>New Homeworld
A pristine, crystal white urban world of beauty and effenciency. Vastly terraforrmed after the flee from Old Homeworld (Mercury)
>Red Diamond
Wise, logical, and collected ruler of Mars. 2nd Diamond below white
Originally a "Gembasket" mining world, now a hollowed out world home to the underground prisons that house the DA's enemies, as well as a base for mining operations in the asteroid belt
Oh, it's not from Yea Forums?
I've been perusing the image galleries for inspiration and just saw this stuff one day. I remember One link that led to an archived thread about this stuff but I guess it was just someone from DA workshoping an Idea.
Outer Worlds and Diamonds
>Brown Diamond
Strict "Big Brother" like ruler of Jupiter and it's moons. 3rd Diamond below white. Lives in the upper atmosphere city of Jupiter. Envious of Pale Diamond, believes he is losing power to her
Most Gems primary live on the various moons, which are also used for mining and bases for expeditions to the asteroid belt, as well as gas collection for fuel for ships.
>Pale Diamond
Maternal, elegant and fanciful ruler of Saturn and it's ring cities, 4th below White Diamond.
Home to many of the upper classes and industrial base of the Gem Empire. Various "ring cities" constructed around using materials from its deconstructed moons. The outer ones home to the lower Gems and factories, and the inner home to the Upper class Gems
>Green Diamond
Malevolent, almost insane ruler of Uranus, 5th below a White Diamond
A world where the cities are located in the gaseous cloudy upper atmosphere of Uranus, home to the vast Outer Worlds Fleet
>Blue Diamond
Indulgent, decadent, and uncaring ruler of Neptune, 6th Below White
A blue world with a watery upper atmosphere where most of the Gems live. Home to beautiful water statues and architecture as well as gross mistreatment and abuse of lower Gems, particularly the Lapises who create and maintain the water infrastructure
And that is it
Pluto and the various other Dwarf planets remain uncolonized and without Diamonds, though they along with the Kupier belt are used as settings at some parts
This is the overall setting of the story
>snubbing Pluto
This is not okay. Planetlets need love too.
I have no idea. I was never able to find any big discussions about it in the archives. I found some mentions of it, but no dedicated threads or anything. Maybe I just didn't search for the right words.
Whenever a new page shows up on the wiki I always look into making sure it wasn't made by a spam bot and is actually something that came about as a result of Yea Forums, be it something made on the board or for the board.
Right now it falls in a grey area.
As for Characters
>Alpha Pyrite
Red Diamond's original Pyrite, who served as her sort of "Captain of the Guard", very skilled warrior who commands her forces
As mentioned before, very strict and orderly, yet deep down insecure of his status and position. Staunchly loyal to Red Diamond, and views her as sort of mother beyond his duties as her Pyrite. As "Season 1" progresses, he softens a bit in his interactions with Beta and the lessons he learns along the way.
Is ultimately traumatized and broken by the "ruining" of Mars, as well Red Diamond's fate. He ultimately takes a backseat to Beta Pyrite as leader in "Season 2", yet still plays a prominent role
>Beta Pyrite
The young, freshly formed successor to Alpha, who he must be trained by
As mentioned before, he is much more looser and generally upbeat than Alpha is, though as "Season 1" progresses, he becomes gradually more responsible and mature, as well as better fighter.
He has take charge of the group after the escape from Mars, from which point he commits fully to the role of leader, becoming a far cry from how he was in "Season 1". Thus, he truly becomes Alpha's successor, carrying the wisdom he learned from him and maturing as a person, while still maintaining that youthful spark to perservre and be a hero
>Red Diamond
Mars's Diamond
A monotone, firm, yet benevolent and caring leader of Mars and her Gems
Serves as a sort of mother to both the Pyrites
Is sympathetic to the rebellion, yet still orders it to be put down because it's her duty as a Diamond, and so White will not have to resort to using the cluster, which fails because White cruelly decided that Red and Mars weren't worth it in the end
Is shattered at the end of "Season 1", though not before allowing the Pyrites to escape
>Cuprite "Cupe"
An optimistic and ingenuitive low class mining gem on one of Jupiter's moons. Dreams of exploring the stars despite his meager existence, and even constructs and experiments with a jetpack. Unfortunately, is discovered by Agents of Brown Diamond, and is sent to the lower ring to slave away as a gas collector. Manages to get the Jetpack back and escape Jupiter, eventually landing on Mars where he is discovered by the Pyrites. He is secretly harbored by Red, and is a recurring important character in "Season 1", even partaking in the final battle against Jade. Becomes Beta's "second in command" after the ruining of Mars
>Lapis Lazuli
Not introduced til "Season 2"
A Lapis gem on Neptune, one of many who uphold the magnificent yet costly water architecture. She is a young, graceful, andhopeful gem, yet she like all other Lapises on Neptune cannot physically speak because of Blue Diamond's restrictions. She is ultimately discovered and helped by the Pyrites and, and joins them after freeing her fellow Lapises
A Gem from Neptune who is fanatically Loyal to green. Is Commander of the Outer World fleet, as well a personal body guard of his.
She ultimately betrays him when he tries to use her as a pawn, and eventually sides with the Pyrites in their rebellion
I haven't really fleshed her out that much to be honest
And that's all I really have for main characters right now. I think I need a few more, so I'd be open to suggestions
I'm trying to keep with a "Gustav Holst's The Planets" then with the characters
>Mars The Bringer of War: Alpha Pyrite
>Venus The Bringer of Peace: Red Diamond
>Mercury The Winged Messenger: Beta Pyrite
>Jupiter The Bringer of Jollity: Cuprite
>Saturn The Bringer of Old Age: (Not filled)
>Uranus The Magician: Emerald
>Neptune The Mystic: Lapis Lazuli
A lot of these songs are kind of what inspired the setting and the characters, and if you'd heard them you'd know why.
To clarify, Gustav Holst's "The Planets" Orchestral suite had a great impact on my ideas for themes and characters. I'm trying to keep with that theme (At least for main characters), though it's not hard rule. Again, I'm open to any suggestions or change ideas!
I've got a few more ideas in terms of side or minor characters, but it's getting kinda late, so if any of you have any ideas or wanna toy around with this a bit, be my guest! I'll try and add a bit more in the morning if this thread is still up, provided anyone is actually interested in all this and it's not me just dumping
Oh! Almost forgot
This is a little mockup I made in MS Paint laying everything out
I saw that posted in the plus4 thread a few days ago.
Rebel (pebble) base on Pluto?
>Rebel (pebble) base on Pluto?
Interesting idea, I was kind of intending the main party, to mostly be on the move, but a base on Pluto (or perhaps SEVERAL bases on all the dwarf Planets) ain't a bad idea
Though I don't know if I'd call them the "Pebbles", kinda hard to take seriously
But thanks a lot though! I may actually end up using that!
c u t e
>Venus sabotages' their FT to help Bees catch up
But Venus likes having Bees behind him
I still wonder how peole can come up with this wholesome idea and still most IPs in the last 10 years seem to have a mayority of uncreative artists.
Is it the suits and management that drag good ideas down, afraid of doing something new?
As said that is generally the goto image for her design.
Some people actually draw her boobs too small, because usually as an artist you are striving to make womens chest less cartoonishly large it becomes second nature.
She's a genetically modified pod grown super soldier, a little weight on the chest is nothing.
at least she has time powers
Oh I remember seeing this request in the drawthread.
>Mythos of Steven Universe
This is ascribing more weight to the setting/series than it ever deserves.
Well, I didn't really know how to ascribe it. I was just trying to get across the idea that it borrows a lot of concepts and ideas from it, while still trying to make it it's own thing. Part of the reason I came up with all this is because I thought to myself
>"This show sucks, but a few concepts from it are kinda neat. I bet if I reworked a few things, I could make something great!"
And then it just evolved from there
Remember thinking Hope Corgi was an actual DC thing when I first saw it.
I mean they did go the route of making an animal lantern with the angry red kitten who was popular, but i don't think modern comics can manage anything as pure as the goodest boy.
I wonder if they've ruined the mad cat by now.
Is there any other new piece from BreastQuest? Might as well get them added to the booru since I seem to be the only person that can still log in.
Hah it even has the catgirl android & mad scientist duo, they amuse me so.
It might be faster just to compare what's new on here with what isn't on the BQboru.
I'm too stuck being obsessed on my own ideias to work at other things
So I wanna give a pause on those and make some new shit.
Alright Yea Forums here is your challenge
>Give me a Genre if the Genre tou give me isn't one of the projects I'm working on I'll brainstorm something at the spot,I will even draw you a cute girl to accompany the idea.
Just give me anything,I'm tired of Superhero OCs
Sci-Fi Noir
Merchant Prince of a fantasy city.
Political intrigue, high-stakes gambling, intimidation matches between traders, monopolies rise and fall.
You know I did a Noir thing a few years ago,I could just use the plot of that one and put it in a Sci-Fi
That's a good one,tho I think I would just re-use most of the political stuff from my Tecno-Fantasy King Arthur idea
After posting it I got to thinking and then I remembered The Wandering City and how it's almost a totally untapped setting.
There could be a dwarven trade house/union living on it who claim the city is a feat of dwarven engineering and thus their cultural heritage, but also a tribe of elves living on it (who stopped being nomads) who claim the particle that sustains the country's pocket dimension was the result of elfin magic, and since the city is always following it, they also have claims to the city.
They are kept from going to war with each other because they both recognize that it would destroy the city itself, so they've dedicated to out-culturing each other.
Each has expeditions into the constantly refreshing landscape to bring back new flora, fauna, and other resources.
The dwarves also send expeditions outside of the country's boarder trying to figure out ways to create reliable trade routes with the outside world in a bid to out culture their rivals.
There are also the humans who live on The Wandering River (big fucking serpent sky dragon) who have some representation in the city since they get a bird's eye view of the current topography of the country, and maps are always in demand.
I remembered my old noir pitch and made the first art of it in forever.
>New York City,1932
>the great depression has been hitting for half a decade now,the people are miserable,there is no food,it's like the end of the world
>Parker Williams is a Veteran in the Great War,now Detective,who does odd jobs for the rich in other to make enough money to buy a house in his home town on West Virginia.
>this all changes when a woman contracts him to find her lover.
>a Black Man who she kept a affair with.
>all the trails lead to the city port,where he finds himself on the middle of...
>The Cult of the Old Gods
>they were in the middle of the sacrifice where they would transition the soul of the Old One to the body of this 16 year old girl,Parker kills the members and he is now forced to live with this weird girl with no memories,he names her Levy
>TL;DR Noir Detective with Loli Cthulhu
Is that still supposed to be Psu's hilariously ironic Donut Steel?
That's Yea Forumslette
>Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for
honestly who isn't looking for coc threads
Pepsi drinkers. The heathens.
I'm kind of a fan of humanoid characters that have weird objects for a head.
Like a humanoid battle robot but instead of a face has a gatling-gun for a head, I feel as if I'm taking that idea from a comic I read once and its nagging me.
It's an idea older than Looney Toons.
Are you talking about the gods of Egypt
What an emotional roller coaster
No, I'm talking about Hammer Head and how Looney Toons wasn't the first thing to make such a gag.
I always thought it was neat how cheerfully Moira reacted to Spring here, and how embarrassed she gets to be grabbed like that. Moira's personality is described as darker and a little more sarcastic/gothic, and her pictures have sometimes had her sleeping on her desk or flat-out avoiding customers, so I feel like she must have a reason for being so happy to see her. Makes me wonder if Moira likes something about her, or if she just warms up to people who've come to her shop a few times in the past.
Probably saved her from a fiery fate once.
I don't think it's Colette, Colette has gauntlets, not actual robot arms.
just please take some of the existing characters and make a plot for some of them. We have a decade worth of characters with no stories whatsoever.
Every time I write a story using /coc/ characters you ignore it.
Psu has a cyborg fetish so he tends to fudge that particular detail.
turn it into a comic page layout (with simple shapes or even stick figures), so someone can just jump in and draw it.
It almost looks like Briana is naked from the waist down except for her boots
Oh, and here are a few little mockups I made of what'd Mars would look like after the Cluster emerges.
Why is Colette not wearing any pants here?
Pants are for the weak and fearful.
That can't be, because Marley doesn't seem to have any either.
Don't forget the Grey Lanterns
Not relevant, but interesting: The reason why the page for them on the wiki ends with a period is so the hyperlink will never work on forums.
It wasn't my original intention, but it became my motivation to take inaction on fixing it since it amused me so.
Oh wow, Someone saved my drawing and even used it to start the Yea Forums thread this week, I'm flattered.
That being said, what do you guys think I should draw this time?
Characters in custom race cars.
Wacky race cars.
Your doodle kicked off a discussion of what a /coc/-style Wacky Races would be like. Maybe you could draw inspiration from that?
Good Idea, I'd like to make a comic too so I've got a lot of rewatching to do to it justice
What sorts of wacky cars would they all drive?
Would Yea Forumsnrad have a shabby looking Batmobile knock-off? But the rocket booster actually works.
Faggot Tree's Wooden Racer is Phallic/Aerodynamic.
Let's all pick 11 racers to keep it simple.
who who'd you guys pick?
It only seems like she's wearing nothing at all
nothing at all
nothing at all
Stupid, sexy Marley...
Cute Marley
She CUTE!!
Eazy E with his G4
Briana with a big dune buggy.
Marley is wearing skintight spandex.
It's also padded because she's flat as a board.
Whar happened to this artist does he still post here?
I think RadLazyBones is working on some sort of comic. Haven't seen him post here in a while though.
Do some character partner up because this is cross country, and some people do need a navigator? If characters partner up who would be the driver and who would be the navigator?
Ladybug either partners with Lila (in her yet to be seen Knightingale persona) or Poison Dart.
sounds reasonable, but I think thematically more consistent if its poison dart, but don't remember how well they know each other.
Cute Lila
They know each other well enough (in the stories where they do know each other anyway) that they go through a lot to help each other.