"Mickey Mouse - The Quest for the Missing Memories" ("Alla ricerca di Topolino" in original), a long story in 8 episodes from 2018.
It was written by Francesco Artibani while every episode has a different artist.
"Mickey Mouse - The Quest for the Missing Memories" ("Alla ricerca di Topolino" in original), a long story in 8 episodes from 2018.
It was written by Francesco Artibani while every episode has a different artist.
Looks kino
Thanks user
looking forward to reading that
So are most Italian Mickey comics about the police being completely useless and needing Mickey and Goofy to do all of the work for them?
Depending from the writer, but generally Mickey give them a big help. Some stories play with this theme.
Wow, you've cracked the code of every detective fiction in existence !
Jesus that's a stellar ensemble
>>Chapter 2
Hope this artist makes mickey with flesh color
thanks for storytiming
don't worry mickey, donald took care of her
>>Chapter 3
>>Chapter 4
stop for now, I'll post later the other episodes.
>>Chapter 5
I'm surprized that topolino actually get sone interest outside Italy
>>Chapter 6
F baby bird, he died so mickey could have some memory fireworks.
>>Chapter 7
>>Chapter 8 (last)
Pete' line always makes me laugh
And this is the end. Thanks for reading.
You liked? Which is your favorite artist?
Sorry, the text here was for this last page.
This is the first time I think I have seen the phantom unmasked. I always thought he just was a blot of ink.
Really? In Italy he appear often unmasked.
All of them. I only dislike the Edizioni BD coloring
In American stories he appeared unmasked only once, at the end of his first appearance in the Gottfredson strips.
Of course he didn't break in. He might be tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties but he does it square.
If was Donald' house it will be different.
Nah, he wouldn't break in into Donalds house in the middle of the night, not in a sneaky way. He would break the door barging in and screaming Donalds name, but not in a criminal stealing things way.
Donald in fact relies on that fact, otherwise he couldn't hide his superhero stuff in the house.
Thank you op. Even though I can’t stand Eega Beeva, the little shit.
Poor man from the future.
Interesting read, OP. Thanks for the story, but is there a Mega or something to download it all at once?
on desuarchive.
But buy is better, so we can have other works officially translated.
Maybe I will purchase a digital version once I finish with my bills and shit, yes.
Something like this...
The italian comics use Scrooge breaking in Donald's house as a running gag, justified by the fact the house belongs to Scrooge but Donald is always so comically behind of his monthly payments that Scrooge is 100% justified to just to to Don's place, break in and drag him around to do some risky jobs for him to reduce Donald's long debt by a bit.
>pete smiling
Stealth bro
That was a really nice read. Being French I grew up with Disney comics (both Ducks & Mickey Mouse) stuff, which included a lot of Italian artists, so I'm definitely recognising most of those that drew this series.
Heh, never really liked him either. I'm not even sure why honestly.
And Scrooge is always going to Donald’s house for free food.
He was unmasked in his first story.
>Heh, never really liked him either. I'm not even sure why honestly.
Because he has a ugly design and the way he speaks is just annoying and difficult to read?
I read a lot of them as a kid in late 90s (they're very popular in Poland) and yeah, pretty much. I like that nothing appears to have changed.
That or Mickey goes on some adventure.
I mean, a lot of modern detective fiction are police procedurals where the detective IS a cop. But otherwise you're not wrong.
Bump for fumetti.
Not the best Mickey story, tho.
That's a fantastic strip to introduce the character.
What else is family for?