Yesterday I'm watching SatAM, thinking about how SatAM/Archie had the best iteration of Robotnik, when for the first time in my life it started to bother me that the man has no apparent motive for ruining the ecosystem and turning the entire planet into robots. Who would do such a thing? What is there to gain from it? What WAS Julian Kintobor's problem, anyway?
What was his problem, anyway?
He was an incel. Princess Sally wouldn’t have sex with him so he turned evil. SATAM tried to warn us of the threat white men posed, but we chose to ignore it.
fuck living things
>humans won't let me make robots
>join the animals to genocide them
>be stuck around fucking animals
>here I go killing again.
>He was an incel. Princess Sally wouldn’t have sex with him so he turned evil.
but she was like 6
Sonic pissed on his wife. Probably.
Is that how it went in Archie? The Overlanders didn't like his robot shit so he joined the animals and decided he hated them too?
He was Darth Vader
Julius failed in an attempted coup against his brother, escaped prison, made his way to Acorn's kingdom, and taught them how to successfully fight the Overlanders.
He fully intended to stab the Mobians in the back from the beginning though. Even Acorn's lunkhead general could see that but was too corrupt to care. The King was pretty much the only person who thought Kintobor was honest,
>Julius failed in an attempted coup against his brother, escaped prison, made his way to Acorn's kingdom, and taught them how to successfully fight the Overlanders.
That makes sense. In the SatAM episode "Blast to the Past" King Acorn even credits him with winning the Great War. I just don't see what he gets out of roboticizing literally everyone, though. Just seems to be nihilism for nihilism's sake without any monetary or even philosophical gain.
I miss prime Archie Sonic. That shit was my childhood. The only comics I ever collected.
>The only comics I ever collected.
Explains why you liked it.
>but she was like 6
What if SatAM's Robotnik was a libertarian?
He never got that prrrrrromotion.
Didn't know Dan "Candy in the van" Schneider was a libertarian.
In general, Sonic himself is meant to portray the most positive take on Chaos and Freedom, and by contrast, Robotnik/Eggman represents the most negative aspects of Law and Control.
But in the earliest iterations, this really just makes him come off as an unrepentant asshole. Robotnik wants everyone to be a robot under his control, a 'perfect' wind up automatized city where every aspect his to command. And that's all he wants. He *just* wants the control--he doesn't give a shit about poisoning the planet or using up all it's resources as long as he gets that. it doesn't have to make sense or be sustainable.
Even within in context of the SatAM cartoon, Robotnik waddles around as if everything is his to control-- from the way he arrives in a big ship and has unfeeling robots stand at attention to stoke his own ego--to the way he belittles the only person in his retinue who isn't a robot. He believes the world's his toybox and nobody has any right to tell him how to play with the contents.
Finally, an answer that makes sense to me. I mean, it's still insane, but I get it. He's a genocidal manchild who thinks he's entitled to "play" with the world: raze forests, turn people intro robots, etc. There's no real endgame, but for someone like that there doesn't need to be.
I was also a big Sanic fan having watched all the cartoons and played all the games.
Reminder that the only people who use the word incel are ass ravaged ham planets
But /r9k/ invented the term
He hates that hedgehog
Cucked by his own clone, remains a virgin.
>find furry planet
>turn them into robots
I don't see the problem desu
t. Ro-butt-nik.
Reminder that you guys literally coined the term incel to describe yourselves and then started freaking out about it when people (rightly) pointed and laughed.
fuck you hedgehog
he's the first anti-furry
When you have the private resources to construct your own Death Star level space colony, what is the point of conquering anything? You're already your own autonomous nation, you just need to let people move in!