
You are sent to this world. What nation are you sent to. what element do you bend. You get 10 years before the events of aangs awakening and sent as you are. Your goal is to mess with the original timeline as much as possible.

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fire please.
i try to find iroh and chill out with him and tell him about whats gonna happen
i think he would believe me, or if he didn't, then at least he wouldn't kill me or something for it

I would like to metalbend and brainwash people in Ba Sing Se =]

Why do you think you can metal bend? You're not a main character, so most likely you're gonna be a run of the mill earthcuck

I pretend to be the avatar but then get caught or killed. When Aang returns it becomes a meme.
>O yeah
>ANOTHER avatar back from the dead huh.

I would choose water in the northern water tribe. and try and turn water bending into something truly lethal. create techniques like high pressure water cutters and teach them all blood bending make sure the fire invasion fails without question.

Water tribe
I'd go fishing with Sokka and Katara can stay home looking after gran gran and the other villagers

He does have 10 years to train. He could probably go into dark cave systems and learn seismic sense

>go into any nation that isn't fire
>teach them about making their fucking element sharp
>stab people with stakes made of ice/stone
kinda fucking weird that theres swords and other traditional weapons but nobody thought about making them sharp projectiles.
Fucking brainlet earthbenders with their boulders and stone wheels.

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I guess you could call them blockheads

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Toph said literally every Earth bender can metal bend in Korra. 10 years should be enough as long as he isn't an absolute failure.

you still need to know what you're doing
also Korra is trash

Walk into a cave system or somewhere very dark and walk around without shoes feeling the earth. Seismic sense is probably the gateway to efficient metal bending.

Why would you know to do that though.
Toph learnt a new bending technique from the badger moles because she was wealthy and well educated enough to know thats where the original bending techniques came from. Plus you know the only reason why she cared about learning about badger moles in the first place was because they're blind.

i take my argument back because im a fag and didnt read the op properly


Read OP's post. You get sent into their world, and your goal is to mess with the original timeline. So if you've seen the show out here, you've got a huge leg up on everyone in there. Nowhere does OP imply you forget everything you know. Metal bending, blood bending, combustion bending, lava, these are all fair game.

Well shit in that case I take my reply back since I didn't hit update in time.

Metalbending. Use that plus modern knowledge to turn the earth nation into something resembling wolfenstein's take on steampunk germany and bring crazy-ass war to the fire nation.

join the military and climb the ranks. Get the engineers to make subs and kill aang. Fire nation becomes sole super power and your on the winning side.
Tell the earth king whats going to happen and that the earth kingdom needs to rival the fire nation and to join with the water tribes and go on the offence a day before the eclipse happens, then go in and take out ozia and azula and put iroh in charge with zuko being next in line.
Basically turn it into japan and become isolationist, straighten the south pole so its as strong as the north. Try and work with the earth kingdom in trade and control the seas with the best navy.
Become a thief and take what i want, learn to fly. Fuck everybody else.

>air bender in fire nation
>train in air bending for maximum stealth (silent walk, drop from above, document stealing, etc)
>pretend to be an amazing non-bender spy and get officially employed by the fire nation
>actually a double agent for water and earth and keeps feeding them info irrelevant to my missions
>this of course includes info stolen from fire nation itself
Starting point where I think most damage to original timeline can be done without needing to be a ridiculous prodigy or revealing myself as an isekai protagonist.

Evil me time line: I end up in the fire nation, join the military and raise in rank as fast as possible. B-line it to frozen aang as soon as I get a ship. Kill him. Rewarded rank of general. Off Iroh and zuko, make it look like an accident but honestly I wouldn't give a fuck if the fire lord knew. Manipulate the unbalanced and approval starved azula and enter a political marriage. Off fire lord. become fire lord. take over his plan but less crazy like position troops and use the comet to capture key locations.

Good time line: Water tribe. Befriend Gaang. Ride out series and have a blast.

Water. I want to replace Katara. Sokka can come though.