>"Yeah, my friend drew over this. He didn't get reprimanded for it. In fact both of us got our own show on a major cartoon network. You mad?"
Your reply?
>"Yeah, my friend drew over this. He didn't get reprimanded for it. In fact both of us got our own show on a major cartoon network. You mad?"
Your reply?
I'm gonna kill everyone in this room
hey hey hey
I still don't really care about it. When the threads first started appearing, I couldn't even tell what the drawing was over. The pencil marks were so light beneath the sharpie drawing that it just looked like nonsense scribbles.
holy shit it's just a fucking drawing
>Your reply?
"I draw prolapsed anuses for fun and profit. Hey, what show did you make again?"
I don't even care not was by the OG creator, YOU NEVER INK OVER SOMEONE ELSES WORK.
In graffiti circles that shit starts wars.
doesnt matter. modern anime is shit. could have been moeblob garbage and my reaction would be basically the same
Isn't MaoMao throwing shade at the person who did that?
>Hear my prayer and obey my masterssssss !! amennnnnnnn!!!!
every time.
I'd assume so, since he's comparing him to a vandal
I thought we found the culprit for a second but was shade to the unknown bastard
It's literally a wall where everyone can doodle over other's doodles. That's what it's there for. technically, it's not even hiding the drawing underneath.
"I paid you to suck my cock, not run your mouth."
Graffiti is ugly, “street artists” are trash, fuck anyone who defends it.
It’s a bunch of scribbles in a stairwell someplace you can’t get to that were done five years ago. It was never important. Get the fuck over it. If you can’t, go make some street art by jumping off an overpass.
Mao Mao sucks too. Fuck that show.
Cowboy Bebop isn't even that good
The contrarianism is high this saturday morning
I agree.
"Street art" literally never looks decent.
You know a city has failed when it gives up and starts promoting itself as a place to look at “street art” vandalism. Looking at you, Houston.
>Look at me, I'm so indifferent!
People have good reason to be offended that some hack drew over a nice parting gesture from an actual artist who came to visit.
>if you paint on a wall, it can't be good
Based retard.
I bet these people enjoy those benches made of metal that are too hot to sit on in summer and too cold to sit on the winter because city isn't supposed to be a place where people can spend time and enjoy themselves but a soul sucking and dulling blocks of concrete where you just move from your home to work and back
If graffiti was more a white people thing Yea Forums would like it but they hate it due to "niggers"
Why the fuck would someone get reprimanded for drawing on a wall that was meant to be drawn on? Yeah the art looks like shit but get over it they did nothing wrong.
>creator drama
I LOVE comics and cartoons!
Because they drew a shitty doodle on top of the work of a talented guest.
Again, retard. I get that BUT GUESS WHAT
That's what the wall is meant for.
So shut the fuck up and move on so sick of hearing about your dumbass wall doodle once a week for years. Even the guy who drew Spike doesn't care SO SHUT UP! Fuck. Don't you get tired of saying the same god damn thing every single day over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again? It's like being in a neverending void of shitposts it's all so tiresome it's draining I want to kill myself it never ends IT NEVER ENDS IT KEEPS GOING fucking STOP STOP STOP STOP.
Hey, apparently it's not just us. Sorry you don't feel the same disgust we do, but there's no need to sperg out.
Hey retard the graffiti guy and the artist for the show are different people.
I remember you from the other thread. IDK how you can make that kind of mistake but if I were you I would start reading books or something because, and I'm really sorry you had to find out this way, you're a brainlet.
>Hey, apparently it's not just ME
you don't know that the cartoonist isn't making fun of your obsession
Yeah, nah. There's at least a few people given these threads, so "us."
>Maybe the cartoon is about people bitching.
Well, did you watch the episode? What do you think and why? It'd be a nice change to talk about it instead of projecting obsession on people who dislike something while screeching about how they should stop expressing this opinion you disagree with.
Books don't magically make you smart. This stupid misconception of HURR READ A BOOK DUMBY needs to end because books for the most part are fucking retarded.
Someone working on Maomao probably did it
>projecting obsession
dude you've talked about this fucking thing unsolicited for YEARS
get over it
Leave me alone I didn't state that post was open for discourse.
>implying that street art can't be great
Kys, normalfag.
N word detected.
I can't believe you dweebs are still mad about this like, what, five years later? Don't you have anything more important to complain about on the internet?
Are you new to Yea Forums or just dumb
Lol who the fuck cares.
>bu-but it’s a famous anime guy, massively important
If I had an inch of talent to get anywhere close to CN studios I’d purposely draw over Spike again.
>If I had an inch of talent to get anywhere close to CN studios
More like
>If I had an inch of connections to get anywhere close to CN studios
>an inch of penis