Is the 2015 Ultimates comic any good?
I love cosmic stuff and cool sci-fi setpieces.
Is the 2015 Ultimates comic any good?
I love cosmic stuff and cool sci-fi setpieces.
would've liked it better if it featured the FF4 instead
It’s crazy fun nonsense
I skipped every single panel with a human character on it.
Hell yeah it is, vastly underrated. Never see it discussed tho. Hope an user storytimes it at some point
Was pretty good desu. I thought I wouldn't like it because I wasn't sold on Ewing yet but this was pretty good. Suffers a bit because it needs to tie in to 2 shitty events. Has probably the most based Black Panther moment in history.
Final Fantasy 4
>Àméricà Chàvéz
>Carol Danvers
>Black Panther
>Blue Marvel
>Monica Rambeau
Looks like progressive-bait. They went out of their way to make every single character women or PoC.
No, it's fucking garbage, just like everything Al "white guilt" Ewing writes.
The art is also just atrocious. Yea Forumsmblr has shit taste.
Oh no no no
I read the first issue, and America Chavez was enough to put me off it.
I can't comment on the writing based on that but wow, that art really is terrible.
The team also features an uncommon practice in modern media of having no Caucasian men, the team being diverse in both race and gender. On the team's diversity, Ewing said,
>I think it's important in the way that a roof is important. If you're moving into a building and the landlord says 'oh, and we have—get this—a roof! And four walls! We're not just a hole someone dug in the street!', you don't start giving out medals for that. That's just a basic thing that ought to be standard. It's just fiction reflecting reality—there are all kinds of people in the world, and we should reflect that properly and try not to screw up. To be honest, I think there's a long way to go in a lot of ways, both on the page and off."
This, don’t believe the bullshit Yea Forumsmblr tries to push down your throat
He made America Chavez defeat Ultimate Captain America and turned Ultimate Hulk into an incel so the Nigger Superman could beat him in one punch to show his progressiveness
Some of the art is good
That was somewhat cherry picked
Diverse = no white men allowed, got it.
the more stylized look could work if the colors weren't so awful and the style wasn't so inconsistent
i mean there are artists who do this jazzy style very well, but what the hell is even this
do black panther and whats her face really belong with planet buster tier character
It was pretty good, but will ultimately be completely forgotten and inconsequential.
if that's what you like then heck ya
galactus is right fucking there my dude
For my money yes.
I didn't even fucking notice that until you pointed it out.
>He made America Chavez defeat Ultimate Captain America
...Yyyyyes, and? Chavez is orders of magnitude more powerful than Ulticap. Who was portrayed somewhat out of character, too, which is probably because the Maker didn't really like or understand him.
>turned Ultimate Hulk into an incel so Blue Marvel could beat him in one punch to show his progressiveness
Ultimate Hulk was an asshole, that was his whole deal. Plus it was established that the Ultimate heroes are powered down compared to their 616 counterparts. And Blue Marvel indeed is Superman-level. So, again....?
And he practically defines the 'Old white man who thinks the world belongs to him" trope.
And for once I'm rooting for him.
>Is the 2015 Ultimates comic any good?
Fuck yeah it is.
We discussed it all the time when it came out. Great book.
>turned Ultimate Hulk into an incel
Did this guy actually read The Ultimates?
Ultimate Hulk trashed midtown when Betty went on a date with Freddie Prinze Jr. During this hulk-out, Ultimate Hulked killed a fat man just to steal his pants, threatened to rip open Pym's skull to use it as a toilet, and tried to eat Tony Stark.
Ultimate Hulk being an incel on top of all of that isn't a stretch.
UltimateHulkPilled. He was literally a manlet.
Quite frankly anyone who passed on this series because of "diverse team" or specifically America Chavez (even though this version existed before the solo) simply didn't deserve to read it in first place. And yeah I know it's ironic because it was cancelled due to low sales, but it was one of the best series of the last five years, both in concepts and art department, and then went on to inspire and redefine a lot of things in terms of the Marvel cosmology in a positive way.
Thinking about "muh woke crowd" when looking at a team that's still a powerhouse where everyone has a specific role to fulfill is, simply put, small petty thinking.
It's very good yes and somewhat essential reading if you're a modern marvel fan
Literally no one bitched about the diversity back then, and America Chavez was amazing in it.
I doubt people bitching about it actually read it, given they ignore the fact that this came out before that garbage called America.
Galactus is the main character, though.
I came to this board shortly before it debuted and learned about the storytimes during the monthly discussions and speculations of the series, and even though they were some of the liveliest, most interesting threads we had back in the day, some people wouldn't stop bitching about the crew. It was specially annoying considering that at the time we had Kenneth Rocafort doing the art so it's not like they looked ugly or were unappealing (Ewing's writing elevated it too).
What I'm saying is, yeah, people who were dissing it now didn't even read it and don't understand the actual appeal of the series, but let's not pretend like back then most were accepting of it, after all Ewing was still in the underrated, low selling zone of his career. (He still is in that underrated zone, despite Hulk)
Given how fast Aaron ignored Ewing giving some development for Thanos (same as Loki) and how Gabby and Benis wrote America and Carol, I think it’s pretty safe to assume it was ignored in-house almost immediately.
Why is Aaron where he is?
Eh both of them tend to ignore continuity anyway. Its effects were felt everywhere else though: Duggan's GOTG, Zdarsky's Two in One, Slott F4, Waid's Doctor Strange (and others), even fucking Moon Girl referenced it, as well as other minor series that came after.
Its fine i liked the art of the first volume
It's kinda hilarious, people are gonna be forced to read once Immortal Hulk #25 comes out.
I'm hyped over that one. I'm wondering what sort of development is gonna go down when he says stuff like "I'll have to get ready for the interviews when this comes out".
>Quite frankly anyone who passed on this series because of "diverse team" or specifically America Chavez (even though this version existed before the solo) simply didn't deserve to read it in first place.
I agree, we don't deserve this shit.
Exactly, this is what I mean, thinking that her presence in the book somehow was so central that even her badass moments were a footnote to the mind-blowing stuff happening in the foreground.
Those cliffhangers in Immortal Hulk always building towards the next issue, getting people hyped month after month? That shit isn't new, Ultimates fans already got that every time.
>First Firmament
>The Multiverse In Chains
Etc etc
Aaron should only work with street level supers. Any cosmic character he touches (ex: Doctor Strange and Thor), he completely botches because he's too lazy to read, or care about the lore. To the point where Waid's run completely ignored it.
The fact that people give him praise for utterly ruining so many concepts is infuriating.
Wait are you saying Jason "We Are God's Vomit" Aaron is a hack?
No way! The same guy who created the Avengers from 1.000.000BC? And the one who turned the Starbrand, an item that was explicitly ported to 616 via Quasar by moving from the New Universe into ours, into an empty plot device to absurdly power up Doom and for lazy plot points?
At the time he was the bigger money maker probably. Also publicity. It’s easier to advertise that Thanos and Hela are making out when Infinity War was looming on the horizon than it is to say Thanos spending time outside of reality gave him a hard-on for nothingness.
I appreciate Ewing’s leepest dore stuff mainly because he keeps the characters moving forward more often than not or at least examines them in a new and cooler way. Loki’s ending at the end of Agent of Asgard being the easiest example of this sort of thing.
You can’t just read a billion other comics starring a generic white male hero, racist?
The Starbrand stuff is on Hickman though
Hickman brought the White Event into 616 by synergizing Ellis' series (hence the Superflow), but it was Aaron who killed Starbrand, gave it to his bizarre caveman OC in the past, then is going to write an upcoming arc where a planet is for some reason sporting a huge Star Brand across its cortex. Oh and the future Doom that basically looks like pic related that appeared on Thor (and had like two Star Brands) was also Aaron's doing.
He made America tolerable which is a miracle in itself so yes.
White = generic?
Didn't that Doom get killed by Old Man Thor though?
Haha, what? I didn't read it, I only saw the cliffhanger and thought it was enough for me. More reason to simply ignore the garbage.
He really had a lot of fun using America's powers, i remember her accesing the punch dimension
Also Anti-Man best boy
>Haha, what?
Not the same user, but that Doom was introduced in the "old man" Thor's universe, an alternative universe that is at the end of its time and weird shit keeps happening so Thor has to deal with it.
Assuming you read that stuff, you should know that old man Thor was involved in that elseworld story.
You sound like an easily triggered bitch
>Punch dimension
I got you
I was not aware, I assumed it was part of the main Thor ongoing and not the Old Man Thor mini he's writing. Mainly because it was months ago and I don't know how long that mini has been going on.
>Old Man Thor mini he's writing.
No it was still a stroy from the main Thor's ongoing, but Aaron has been doing the same thing he did before Jane replaced Thor: Alternating the main story with other stories either from the past (young Thor with the axe) or the future (old man Thor).
>Is the 2015 Ultimates comic any good?
It directly addressed the sliding timescale in the Marvel universe and why characters aren't aging in real time.
>"You should know that more than most, Adam Brashear"
And THIS is one of the reasons why this series is great.
its really good but it got cancelled prematurely
>Golbez Space Adventures
sign me the fuck up
>Experienced USAF major with years of experience leading military forces both alien and otherwise
>Charismatic Super-Genius who is arguably the most knowledgable about any of the threats they'll end up facing and definitely the most powerful among them.
>The sovereign ruler of the most advanced country on the planet, famed for his vast intellect, discipline and determination. Literally born and raised to lead.
>Level-headed former Coast Guard member who has led both the Avengers and Nextwave
>Their leader is some dimension-hopping lesbian who punches all her problems
Why though?
some of the designs were amazing, but yeah the guy needs to stop working with Marvel, they give him the WORST colourists ever. Look at the shit in Black Cat, it's fucking unreadable
on the subject of criminally underrated ewing comics......
Well in all fairness because she saw how ugly the Multiverse can get without attention, and unlike any of them, she had the experience in that field. But also because unlike every single one of them, she stayed focused on the team mission instead of sidelining it with petty earthly threats because of Civil War II.
We need to see who did the coloring for these pages though, they look great compared to other issues.
Looks cool.couldn't make sense of the words.
Fuck, i actually never noticed the first time, Galan straight up calls Adam a retcon.
She only became the leader in the second book, and the reason was she was the most objective and non-biased one and they needed someone to call the shots since their idea of "no one is in charge" failed.
This series was the only good series during all new all different marvel. Thus Ultimates threads were like the hulk threads now, a good companion piece to the main story month to month
Excellent revelation. I remember there being a truckload of speculation around this page.
It inspired a lot of hypercrisis threads for sure.
This in particular did, people theorizing it could've been The Empty Hand corrupting Marvel from outside.
Ewing's mighty and USAvengers were top tier books too that deserved more recognition
>The LGBT Makers
I'd say it came to a natural end.
How would you top this?
It came to a natural end, yes, that was definitely rushed. Solving all that in a double-sized issue was definitely not the way to go. If only Ewing had more sway back in the day, he would've been able to avoid the Secret Empire tie-in (that did NOTHING at all to the narrative) and lessen the impact of the Civil War II plot, while devoting more time to what he wanted to do. I'm not him and I don't know anything about scrapped ideas, but I get the feeling he'd easily be able to make an Ultimates3 with some of the things he couldn't explore due to lack of time.
With Monica in WandaVision, Phase 5 should be about the Ultimates
I'm happy with how he wrapped the whole thing up but he had to rush it, all the First Firmament thing should have been an event.
But looks like he is going to go back there in Hulk soon, and i'm hyped to see him play with his old cosmic toys.
It's just like the rest of the ultimates but way more awful.
>But Maker, last night you wore the green costume -- and tonight you're wearing the red! Why?
Stick to Cates, kid.
I'm hoping he also does this kinda shit in Marvel 1000 and whatever spins out of it
Ultimates ruled but you can tell it's got a "We only have 10 issues to get this story done" element about it.
I'm gonna be forever mad about Lifebringer not lasting
ultimates2 was originally the lead-up to an event called eternity war that marvel cancelled because theyre cunts and ewing ended up having to shove the whole thing into ultimates #100
HAH. I love how Ewing addresses the whole "Cykes eyes are portals to a dimension of concussive force" but here. Is that still Canon?
That Cyclops' beams are concussive force, not heat beams? Most certainly.
This was the good shit
I really dig how each multiverse has its own speech bubble color, the red one (Second Multiverse) being the most intriguing.
Do you know who else has the same speech color as the First Firmament?
It is an excellent touch. Also the font TOBA uses is the same as TOAA in Ultimates (the white pages).
The narrator of the story being revealed as TOAA in the final issue was fucking genius. Its even the same font as "Marvel Comics presents the Ultimates in (title of the issue)", as if acknowledging the meta/fourth wall nature of TOAA
That wasn't done by Rocafort tho.
>Calling the black character a retcon
Isn't that racist?
On a related note, what happened with Bendis OC Ulysses?
Poochied away by Eternity and never came back, as far as I'm aware
>what happened with Bendis OC Ulysses?
Never to be talked about or heard from again. Probably not even going to be bought up in even Inhuman Stories since Karnak and maximus the mad have future sight powers.
The comic has some great storytelling with irrelevant characters you wont like being the one to carry you trough the story. But thankfully Galactus is more of a main character than any of the humans meaning its flaws are short. Also the art is kindergarten level at times.
Didn't Ewing wrote an Ulysses mini?
The art only went to shit after Rocafort left the book. The guy who replaced him is the same guy who did the art on Electric Warriors.
He IS a retcon though, same as the guy right behind him (Anti-Man/Conner Sims).
Rocafort designed the Infinaut however... And some other stuff like the Dictator entity that used the Incubator.
Don't hold that against him
It was quite interesting, in fact. America Chavez was a pile of crap, though.
I enjoyed when Ewing used a version of New Universe's Psi force.
I enjoyed the new Galactus too.
I love the Infinaut design.
Well, after Hulk jumping to the top 3 marvel books, they can't afford to throw Ewing under the bus anymore.
Jut about every book he was given before IH had to bend over backwards to accommodate other books or events and he always ended up getting screwed over. The worst example is how Marvel more or less canceled all the books that were leading up to Eternity War and then made him work around Secret Empire on top of that.
God bless Ewing for biting the bullet and putting up with all that BS for as long as he did, because even if you hate his Hulk, you can't argue that the man deserved a win. Doing it with his favorite childhood hero is just icing on the cake.
His USAvengers deserved more love.
I liked his Mighty and New Avengers better
I liked his Loki: Agent of Asgard more.
I like his Rocket a lot.
Put me down for Crypt of Shadows.
Not trying to be contrarian or just showing off how much Ewing I've read, I just really liked that one shot. If I was showing off I would have picked Zombo.
I really hoped they revived these horror tales and not just do a one-off as if it was enough. Then again I don't think the regular marvel reader is actually gonna sit through these without a shitload of hype behind, and add much as it was a pretty good issue (the stuff about the guy trapped inside the crypt with the dogs was chilling), his horror stuff with Hulk only clicked because it WAS the Hulk underneath it all.
I'm the rare Royals fan
Not that rare, I like it a lot too. The last few issues were crazy, increased by Rodriguez' psychedelic art... It should've lasted longer than it did, but this is redundant to say in an Ewing thread.
Either way it was the last time the Inhumans were good, along with Black Bolt.
>Ultimate heroes are powered down
I’m curious, does this apply to the Maker and gods like Ultimate Thor/Hela? Because why the fuck would Molecule Man use some second rate shitter for his schemes instead of the OG Reed?
I found America Chavez as awful and insufferable as always, and I still found plenty other things to enjoy about the book. The trick, I think, is to realise Galactus is the real protagonist and the only person you should be rooting for. I don’t think it’s a coincidence Ewing made T’challa and Carol blow each other out constantly.
I did raise an eyebrow at T’challa offscreening the Tiger God with nothing but his suit and then using said god like a Stand to job out Logos so hard he reverted hen back into Master Order and Lord Chaos though.
I too loved Royals, It along with Karnak and Black Bolt are the best things to come out of the Inhuman push.
I also thought Secret Warriors was okay but that's just because I liked most of the team members for it.
Reminder it's canon the Eternals' goal in life is such a massive lie they literally killed themselves when they learned the truth
Reminder some bargain bin tyranids are all it takes to corrupt a few Celestials into being able to kill ALL THE OTHER CELESTIALS IN EXISTENCE
Reminder that humans are so much better at the Uni-Mind than Eternals ever will be, that Tony Stark screaming about it and T'challa fiddling with dials to pretend to be useful in the middle of a battle with cosmic gods is all it takes to Captain Planet a Ghost Rider into a force that can oneshot THOSE Celestials in a single page. Reminder that the Uni-Mind doesn't give a fuck if a god, a spirit of vengeance and a half-Kree are among those contributing, it just works.
Reminder that despite all this, because it was never retconned out Celestials still give more of a shit about mutants than humans. Which makes Eternals absolutely bottom tier in their eyes.
Yes after Wolverine gave Thor (who has the full Odin Force) the Phoenix Force, He fought "almost but not really" God Doom for days till he finally died.
>Which makes Eternals absolutely bottom tier in their eyes.
Well I mean they are kinda just tools for them. They even got a suicide button that activates when they try to attack a celestial. They are slaves. That being said someone should really fix the mutant shit. It makes zero sense when mutants didn't exist for thousands of years and there are multiple timelines where mutants get fucked. Not to mention other planets with Eternals and Deviants. So the Celestials blowing up the planet over not having enough mutants is stupid. Honestly making the X-gene in the first place flies in the face of them being a step in evolution or natural.
I forgot about Secret Warriors, the tail end of the series was good but literally HALF of it was dedicated to Secret Empire so at no point you could actually partake in the full premise of a team comprised of mutants and inhumans working together. Then Rosenberg goes to do this New Mutants and it all goes well until he ends it all with a bad cliffhanger that remains intra unresolved until Uncanny. Come on.
It... It hurts, stop!
All this bullshit into a single arc, and you forgot that Aaron went and called them "Dark Celestials" right after the Eternity Watch killed every other version of them that was created by the First Firmament, so these edgelord versions were new unexplained inventions.
I love Ewing's work and Aaron's Avengers i'm glad my brain isn't poisoned to hate them for these confusing continuity reasons
I liked Karnak, Quake, Magik and Inferno In Secret warriors. But Rosenberg is not good at writing Kamala and Moon girl. He makes that same mistake most writers make in writing her way too competent and it was obvious that she wasn't allowed to be in danger. Kamala was just moralfag there to argue with Quake and Karnak.
>literally HALF of it was dedicated to Secret Empire
That was such a big mistake and they weren't even acknowledged in the event. It killed the story and the sales because everyone thought it was a tie in mini because secret empire had like four of them.
>the tail end of the series was good but literally HALF of it was dedicated to Secret Empire so at no point you could actually partake in the full premise of a team comprised of mutants and inhumans working together.
This is imo it's biggest Missed opportunity, I like it when the two groups come together for a common goal. like when Black Bolt asked for Dazzler's help to beat a villain he could on beat alone or when the X-Men and Inhumans teamed up to fight apocalypse in X-Force issue 67 to 68.
Jason Aaron is really good at making the characters and races he kills off look like bitches and then shitting on there graves. I see where Donney Cates gets it from. May the Eternals return one day hopefully.
I too liked Karnak, Quake, and Magik. Inferno is alright imo. I also liked Ahura Boltagon, since he showed him as a bit more of a responsible and show more of how he was doing. Yeah Moongirl was too much up her own ass and the way she beat Deadpool was kinda lame no gonna lie.
>Kamala was just moralfag there to argue with Quake and Karnak.
Which is weird because Kamala never 100% come off as someone with that strong of Morals.
As much as I loathe America Chavez, as other anons said more politely the realisation that she was the most unbiased, focused and objective person in the same room as Marvel's premier superheroes is a deeply disturbing one.
No wait, it's the /inversion/ of the First Firmament's font's color scheme. How about that?
I really wish more people would acknowledge that the Celestials are such monsters they make Galactus on his worst, most cliched villain day look kind and considerate by comparison. Just have an Ultimates-like organization dedicated to killing all of the fuckers since Secret Wars and Ultimates proved Reed is one fiddly dial-covered macguffin away from remaking all life in the omniverse into his own image anyway.
You know at this point I actually hope Mahvel gives up on the synergy push and the Eternals stay dead. You can't come back from this level of character desecration in the minds of the readers, no matter how hardthey try and push and excuse Wanda for example she'll always be miss "no more mutants". You know what this reminds me of? Fucking Amazons Attack and the Nu52 Wonder Woman run which ended with all the Olympians Diana thought had come to trust her like family taking a big fat shit on that trust for the sake of internal politics. I don't care if Circe/Granny Goodness (I forgot which) was apparently the reasong for the former and I don't care if the latter were apparently golem dummy things for the REAL Olympians who were in hiding for...some fucky reason, why did they even making the First Born. Wonder Woman will now always be the kind but dim girl with a bad habit of trusting exactly the wrong people like Hibiki from Symphogear, and the fact that she didn't follow up on Circe being involved in her affairs in JLD which resulted in Circe becoming THE NEW COSMIC MULTIVERSAL GODDESS OF MAGIC only proves my point.
That is true, you can't fix something this broken and after that kick in the dick with a side of spit on Jack Kirby's grave. The Eternals are probably better off dead.
>That whole WW part
Wtf I'm not much of a DC guy but holy how can you shit the bed that bad. Ruining one of your big characters is not something you should look to do. Well I guess that just goes to show how fucked things are when not even WW can come out untouched by this shit.
>synergy push
That reminds me, synergy is probably going to hit the Eternals real hard. lessar known characters get it worse, that's why Tony barely changed while Star lord turned into chris pratt and is dating Gamora. I could even see them using the deaths as excuse to have the machine rebuild them with new bodies that look whatever the MCU comes up with.
Would you believe me if I said there’s an argument to be made that at the moment, Wonder Woman is being ruined...I don’t want to say WORSE, but in ways that /shouldn’t have logically been possible for any sane writer/ to ruin her in?
>Everything about her brother Jason. EVERY moment of his fat story stealing mouth opening and shutting while the world gives him unearned handjobs, culminating with him disappearing, getting an unexplained set of god armor and literally leaving the planet to save it from some random space gods Diana couldn’t beat on her own
>Veronica Cale shows up and her I HATE WONDER WOMAN story is she’s a bitter mom looking for her daughter and she blames Wondy not the actual supervillains because ???she failed her??? And at the end of her arc she gets her damn daughter back and goes “w-we’re still enemies you know” at Diana like a fucking anime tsundere
>Hippolyta can just create alternate dimensions ruled by a bitch version of herself. This is never explained and is used solely to add an additional random challenge level
>Ares tries to be a superhero and fucks up hard because he’s incredibly naive about how to actually save people in a warzone despite, you know, being the fucking immortal god of war
>In JLD other than what I said Batman somehow knows more about magic than Diana, to the point her every response to a magic threat is to JUMP AT IT WITH HER SWORD
God, I struggle to remember a time when Pratt Lord wasn’t dating Gamora. Which is REALLY bad given that one time Gamora went power mad with the Infinity Gauntlet and after they INSTANTLY FORGAVE HER AND TOOK HER BACK because apparently consequences get in the way of our brand friendly teams.
In fact since I need to burn some more salt out of my veins, let me just say this: Grant Morrison’s Wonder Woman series has a scene where amazons shoot orgasm rays at actual Nazis to pacify them, and it is a plot point that the Nazi supersoldier woman was mindbroken so hard by the rays she went yandere for Diana and killed Hippolyta. They turned Dr. Psycho into a sleazy hypnotist government spook that moonlights as a pickup artist, had Hippolyta originally raise Diana to murder all men before they had her change her mind while raising Diana, made Hercules the actual father of Diana by rape, made Steve black and implied Ares is a platonic idea currently manifesting in the form of an advanced battle tank.
Despite all of that, I would unquestionably say Morrison and his team treated Diana far, far, far more respectfully and with a clearer idea of her as a character than everything else she’s in at the moment.
>Everything about her brother Jason. EVERY moment of his fat story stealing mouth opening and shutting while the world gives him unearned handjobs, culminating with him disappearing, getting an unexplained set of god armor and literally leaving the planet to save it from some random space gods Diana couldn’t beat on her own
Oh not this shit again, this shit right here needs to die and every time something like this is made the editor should go to the writer's room and telling her/him to rewrite this or he/she is fired on the spot.
>Veronica Cale shows up and her I HATE WONDER WOMAN story is she’s a bitter mom looking for her daughter and she blames Wondy not the actual supervillains because ???she failed her??? And at the end of her arc she gets her damn daughter back and goes “w-we’re still enemies you know” at Diana like a fucking anime tsundere
I hate this shit too blaming Superheroes for shit that is not there fault always feels super cheat to me like these people save your asses everyday and they is how you thank them? get the fuck out of here with that shit. pic related
>Hippolyta can just create alternate dimensions ruled by a bitch version of herself. This is never explained and is used solely to add an additional random challenge level
explained Powers because why the fuck not, that's not going to be forgotten or retconned into something else.
>Ares tries to be a superhero and fucks up hard because he’s incredibly naive about how to actually save people in a warzone despite, you know, being the fucking immortal god of war
I think I just lost some brain calls from reading that.
>In JLD other than what I said Batman somehow knows more about magic than Diana, to the point her every response to a magic threat is to JUMP AT IT WITH HER SWORD
Oh God I can feel the Batwank from here and Diana shouldn't be retarded when it comes to Magic.
I have no comment for this one.
Wow DC just Wow.
Fifth Multiverse must have been a fun place, lovecraftian mages aside.
I think I'll agree with you on that because after what I just read Morrison's crazy and fucked up wide ride of a Wonder Woman run sounds better then wtf I just read.
>Well, after Hulk jumping to the top 3 marvel books, they can't afford to throw Ewing under the bus anymore.
Say what you want about Marvel but they never gave up on his talent.
They even gave him the whole Avengers line (and he did a great job with it) but his bad sales' streak looked unbreakable back then.
I want to know more about the second multiverse myself for apparently having outsourced to Darkseid. And isn't Lifebringer-One Galactus' ship?
Marvel is having a blast with horror books in this period, the Separetion Anxiety's story was incredible. But those kind of stories works better as one-shots (by their nature those stories can't be an ongoing, unless you make a series with different stories each issue).
She was. This was the pre-Rivera's era. We were so young and innocent.
>And isn't Lifebringer-One Galactus' ship?
No that would be the Taa II.
I'm aware Cates referenced the Lifebringer-One as Galactus' incubetor in his Silver Surfer mini but i'm waiting for Al to properly go back to the Multiverses' History in IH #25, since Cates' is clearly just a name-drop, the Lifebringer-One is supposed to be the first super-hero.
It’s a pretty embarrassing Morrison impression. Not as bad as the shit Snyder is doing, but pretty bad
Uh noo???
LMAO remember that Ewing beat Tom King Hulk, Ewing is the best
Ok, I'll bite the bait.
How is that a Morrison's impression...?
One, I've been generous to >impression accusations ever since Moore accused Morrison of ripping off him. Like shit tell me a good story and I don't give a fuck who copied who's gimmicks.
Two, I...wouldn't say Ultimates in particular is trying to fill that niche, the impression I get between this and the new history of Marvel series is Ewing wants to worldbuild.
That said, despite what I said earlier I was bamboozled when the end of No Road Home suddenly turned into Hopeful Superhero Stories vs The End of Stories As A Darkness Goddess. You can't just establish a character has agency, tragedies and something outside themselves they care for then expect me to buy them as GASP, THE END OF ALL STORIES! Especially when quite frankly at this point in Marvel, I was rooting for Nyx to win.
The whole thing reeks of Morrison but this page in particular just made me go “come on”.
Oh and this.
“Panopticonic astral consciousness.”
Gimme a fucking break
YES PLEASE it weird I see nothing wrong with this page because DC doesn't have a monopoly on technobabble, but sets off all kinds of alarm bells?
>big dramatic thought bubbles
>italics separated into different bubbles for emphasiss
>dramatic textbox sentence
>still can't get over America being so on-task, the post-Rivera era has ruined my memory
Ah yes, Lee and Kirby copied Grant by travelling into the future. Damn Ewing for referencing that plagiarism!
Really dude, if you think that dialogue is some sort of Morrison's exclusive, you should read some silver age FF. Or just FF in general.
Someone suggested the fourth being missing was a reference to the Fourth World.
>Its only weapon is love
>Yea Forums is love
>We are the weapon of TOAA
>America Chavez was a pile of crap, though.
Eh. This was her at her best. You could very readily argue the Demiurge (Billy) created the Utopian Parallel specifically to produce a multiversal champion, like Eon with Quasar.
God, it was so good.
It’s not even technobabble. It’s just a bunch of cool sounding words strung together that barely mean anything. I can’t tell you why I don’t mind when Morrison does it, all I can tell you is it makes me roll my eyes here.
You’re being disingenuous. Is Ewing some kind of sacred cow around here? I pull Hulk, I’m a fan. I just think this Ultimates comic is one rung up from Snyder’s JL
His one slip-up, I feel. Does the universe really need YET ANOTHER group of ersatz Celestials? Wouldn't the nature of the Celestials preclude exacly such a scenario?
Besides, I like the idea of the Kree being one race that has never been tampered with by cosmic forces - just raw Darwinian evolution and that is why they are both perfect and awful.
Because the Maker has no scruples at all and thinks he is so smart he can't be second-guessed or outwitted, although that literally happens all the time.
He's a lot like Doom - I suspect deliberately.
Not him but amen brother, I read and enjoy Hulk but every time I've seen it discussed on Yea Forums they make it sound like the second coming of Alex Ross or Neil Gaiman or something. I just think it's a neat little self contained story with an interesting gimmick written by somebody who's done their homework, but I wouldn't rave about it and certain parts break the tone.
Alright I'll bite, why don't you mind when Morrison does it and why does it make you roll your eyes here?
>Yea Forums is love
Doubt. Also do you really want to be the weapon of a pathetic jobber?
Someone needs to make a comic that actually addresses what a fuckup the Maker is. He's not quite Batman Who Laughs-tier in Marvel wanting you to take him seriously as a super genius ultra mastermind but he's not many rungs down either.
Different Omega Force. In fact it's pretty much the exact opposite.
Amazingly it debuted in Fraction's 'Defenders' mini which literally retconned itself out of existence in the final pages of the last issue.
God, what a loser he was.
Ewing took his concepts and improved them in every way. (checks) Aaaaand he's British and started at 2000AD. I did not know that but I am not the slightest bit surprised.
I wonder if Marvel has an agent posted across the street from the 2000AD offices who, whenever a writer leaves the building, walks up to them and whispers "Psssh. Hey, kid. Want to make the big time?"
...One could do a LOT worse than being a student of Morrison.
>Panopticonic astral consciousness
So omniscience.
No, i'm just pointing out that Grant Morrison didn't invented the Silver Age's dialogue.
If anything Ultimates was an impression of the FF (and it was, in the most positive sense).
I don't think it's entirely fair to post a Starlin comic. Jim loves Thanos and would marry him if he could.
Also, he named his 'supreme being' Above-All-Others and that tells me someone informed him he can't use TOAA.
It's an interesting subversion. Ultimate Doom is scarier than 616 Doom; and perhaps they shifted that aspect of his personality to the Maker. Ultimate Reed was set up to take the role of Doom, of course, down to the facial scarring.
>Alright I'll bite, why don't you mind when Morrison does it and why does it make you roll your eyes here?
I said I don’t know why
Call it what you want, I didn’t like it
Lmao how new are you?
If you even say some bad thing about Ewing in
here you get called a /pol/ user, or a Tom King fan
Ewing is nothing more than Benis using continuity
Yeah this thread is pretty masturbatory. When people are apologizing for America Chavez you know a writer has a cult following
>Call it what you want, I didn’t like it
And that's totally fine, but don't create strawmen to back up your opinion.
Fantastic Fucking Four
What strawman? I never attacked you or anyone in the thread. I said I didn’t like the comic, I have a reason why, and I posted example pages I disliked.
I don’t like everything Ewing ever wrote, crucify me
I'm not attacking you for not liking it either, you started this discussion by saying the dialogue in the first page you posted was a Morrison's impression, i replied by saying that's nothing new to the Silver Age's FF, so if anything it was an impression of that (hence me saying you are using a strawmen).
Those were the only things i replied you with, dunno if someone's else attacked you.
Maybe it is just something you feel, but i can assure you: I'm not resentful of you for not liking this comic.
That’s not a strawman
What you did here is a strawman, putting words in my mouth, suggesting what my Implied meaning was. The way you reacted was so fanboyish, almost taking it personally that I don’t like this comic.
Anyway it doesn’t matter because we’re all living in a simulation run my machine elves and it’s 6 AM and I still haven fallen asleep so goodnight
>he says as he tries to push Morrison into the the discussion
>putting words in my mouth
Whatever you say man, the replies are there to see.
>almost taking it personally that I don’t like this comic.
Oh i see, you were trolling. Well, you got me good. Enjoy your escape for not having argouments backing you up.
What trolling? I read this thread, notice a lot of Ewing masturbation, and thought I’d add a contrary (and genuine) opinion to make it a little more interesting. As fun as it is to watch people agree with each other for 200 posts And talk about how literally everything Ewing ever did is perfect. Ok I’m actuslly going to sleep now good night user
>a lot of Ewing masturbation
Saying we like an author who seems to care about telling good stories more than pushing an agenda and who does a pretty good job at it, that's 'masturbation' now?
What do you like that is so good, user?
>i got sad because people were saying too nice things about this comic :C Fucking fanboys!
>Adam Warlock was Jim Starlin’s self-insert all along, there to pick up Thanos when that mean hussy Death dumps him
It all makes sense now
trifecta is his best work
its imitating classic cosmic not morrison dumbfuck
Just give the eternals to Ewing and make em the new ultimates team.
From Mighty Avengers #8
More B & C list characters need moments like these. Mighty avengers was a great title
>I love cosmic stuff and cool sci-fi setpieces.
Then don't read capeshit.
>When people are apologizing for America Chavez
America Chavez is not a bad character when she is not written by writers who care more about her being a lesbian than being a superhero.
>Mighty avengers was a great title
Land's art brought that title down. I did like Luke Cage arguing with Blue Marvel
>Why people aren't shitposting on this book like it was Rivera's America
Because people have actually read it.
I hope your hateboner for a fictional character will find a place somewhere else.
>Luke Cage arguing with Blue Marvel
Oh? over what?
Luke was kinda pissed that Adam retired when the world found out he was black.
He thought it would have meant a lot to other black folks growing up since the 60s to see that the most powerful man in the world was black.
Even if the president ordered him to stand down, Adam should have stayed visible
Adam was kinda condescending to Luke because of his criminal past
That sounds very human.
Ewing is really fucking good, you are just a troll Batman poster Tommy
From the civil war 2 (ugh) tie in
The progenitors don't really have much in common with the Celestials. They mostly keep to themselves and their goal is seems to be improving themselves fusing with other races, closer to Super skrulls if anything. Hell they are only huge because Javier likes that kind of stuff. According to the cbr interview Ewing wanted a race that was hard to distinguish if they are organic or robotic and the rest was Javier.
End of this particular skirmish
Did any of you read his contest of champions?
Such a fun series for what we got
Probably my favorite series of his. Didn't give a shit about anything but being fun.
>P-people saying nice things on muh internet secret club? That's not allowed!
If you want to generate discussion instead of being called a retard you could start by providing a well thought out position instead of an absolutely headass take like "He's making a Morrison impression and its CRINGE" following by an even more headass "Its like Scott Snyder's Justice League".
I wonder how many anons are ruining the board with this mentality. Not having a well constructed criticism but saying something because you NEED to be contrarian because otherwise the thread is "masturbatory"
I liked how it drove brock silly that venom killed parker
Wish this lasted longer than it did
This argument is inherently pstriarchal.
If the team were Cyclops, Hulk, Moon Knight, Quasar, and Sue Storm, you would not say they went out of their way to exclude black women.
That Another Universe is a reference to Graviton?
I'm liking Hickman's X-Men but I'm so pissed his Sunspot teaser from No Surrender will never get followed up on
Milhouse is not a meme is no longer a meme, but Yea Forums is still love
The lolifags were banned, but Yea Forums is still love
Sage Freehaven, king of the namefags, is long gone, but Yea Forums is still love
The bronies were quarantined, but Yea Forums is still love
Yea Forums long stopped taking pride in being better than Yea Forums or /new/ or /pol/ but Yea Forums is still love
>because it was never retconned out Celestials still give more of a shit about mutants than humans.
Where is this from?
This whole Mutant Eternal thing is very interesting to read.
Love how TOBA's dialogue has a 3d quality to it while everyone else's is 2d really helps to sell him as beyond the page itself
Hulk smashing puny transphobes, and fighting sexists and climate change deniers is good storytelling?
That's nonsense though. Think about when the book came out and what they needed to do. The idea was to make a team of world-breakers who could act like The Fantastic Four meets The Illuminati, proactively super-sciencing the fuck out of cosmic threats before they hit Earth.
Reed was gone. Tony was gone. SWORD was gone. The Avengers were basically shot.
America was a bold choice and Monica felt like she was just there because of her relationship with Adam, but for Carol, Black Panther, and Blue Marvel, I dare you to find a group of characters better suited to handle the shit they were handling.
Remember's Uncanny Avengers
I'm pretty sure that Tony was still alive when the Ultimates started out
Three words: Civil War II. And Bendis was using him exclusively.
definitely my favourite ewing team here. painfully short series though
The Ultimates were operating for a while before CW2
And Stark was part of Waid's Avengers before that
Monica was arguably the most fucking op member of the team
>Lightspeed movement
>can turn into hard light and reduce a planet to rubble
>Can turn into an inmense variety of waves from the electromagnetic spectrum: Gamma, Neural electricity, can revive and amp energy based beings
>Fry an opponent's brain by going into their eyes
>Is a being of pure light, making her essentially immortal and technically not even human, she only remains in human form to keep herself sane. Has cosmic awareness instead of your average 5 senses
>Can emulate anything visually
>Freeze beings to.absolute zero by absorbing the energy in them
>And Stark was part of Waid's Avengers before that
You got your timeline all wrong. Stark was not part of his Avengers, and Waid's team was in 2017. In fact I don't think he was in any team during 2015, which is when Ultimates started. Go read Avengers #0 if you don't believe me... He was in Hickman's team.
Either way the dynamics wouldn't have worked with Tony in the team, he'd have thrown a wrench into every decision made by the others, opting to go his own way instead.
I think the only one who was a challenge to her was America and that's because she could also move fast (though not lightspeed), and because she had contingencies in place.
I mean this is honestly pretty OP
(creating a portal with her eyes) but it worked at the time.
Best thing about the series OP is the broship between Galactus and Ego.
Thanks I'll look into this as soon as possible.
Yeah, I thought it was good, it was a bit hurried in the end, but still fun. I would've liked it more if Ewing had more issues to write it. Much better use of Chavez, art has some good moments. Definitely not trash like a fair bit of 2015
>Fry an opponent's brain by going into their eyes
That only worked like once out of the three times she tried it with the Ultimates
Ah, ANAD only difference with the next iteration was Tony's inclusion. I stand corrected.
Of course Monica is OP, but raw power wasn't the main reason people were being included on the team. BP and CM bring resources and political power. BP and BM bring superscience. BP, BM and AC all have deep experience and knowledge of the specifics behind hopping dimensions or time-travelling or whatever have you.
Monica's done some of that, but it was always as a passive participant. I love the work Ewing has done on the character, but she's the Ma-Ti of the group.
>I love the work Ewing has done on the character, but she's the Ma-Ti of the group.
Care to explain the reference?
Ma-Ti is the useless kid from Captain Planet.
She's seen some shit though, did you forget nextwave?
Oh I see, the Latino...
I saw the Spanish sub when I was little, so I didn't get the reference.
You better take that back
See what I said about active vs passive participation.
America's whole power set is built around dimension-hopping. Blue Marvel discovered the neutral zone and regularly visits other dimensions. Black Panther has been hopping around space and time since the Jack Kirby run.
Monica Rambeau was victimized. No different than Carol getting pulled along to Limbo by Immortus.
Nextwave was wild fun for us but crazy for her
I did it for the first five issues.
Ma-Ti is to Captain Planet what Aquaman is to the Superfriends. A joke.
USAvengers was the first time Rulk was fun in a not self masturbatory way.
>Yea Forums is still love
>still believing such weal tripe
Yea Forums is now another extension of /pol/. It won't be long until we conquer every last inch of Yea Forums and drive away all libtards, non-whites and non-males.
Agreed fellow /pol/CHAD.
Murder all non-whites.
Murder all women and LGBTBBQs.
We will own the planet again soon enough.
>Yea Forums is now another extension of Yea Forums
That's right, keep your head in the sand, libtard.
Sure, keep ignoring the hundreds of Yea Forums threads flooding the board, /pol/cuck.
>Yea Forums is now another extension of /pol/
Don't confuse us with Yea Forums. Even the casualgate drama threads barely get any traction lately.
someone never read Parker's Rulk
Most people haven't
>admitting to being a contrarian because he can't stand people liking a writer
You must be really messed up if you think you need to "even the balance" on those kinds of things.
British Punisher best boy
He was being written by Bendis, he was doomed since the announce.
Can't believe I missed this post. Did you seriously chime in to give a baseless opinion on a writer you didn't like simply to break the "circlejerk"? I get that Yea Forums's Olympic discipline by choice is Contrarianism but this takes the cake.
Never read much of New Universe or universal, what's the deal with Rodstvow (the character, not the tripfag)?
is Parker the only Rulk worth reading?
Rodstvow is a paranormal that debuted in Psi-Force, his body and eyes were partially destroyed but he could reconstitute it with pure energy, making him one of the most powerful paranormals of that universe.
In 616, only his eyes were consumed (in fact they were empty sockets), and while his backstory isn't clear, apparently he came from a parallel dimension to the Utopian Parallel called the Dystopian Parallel, and thus he has similar powers to America, except adding energy projection and whatnot. If you pay attention to this though , you'll notice he's transforming into one of the "pets" the Aspirants made for themselves.
It was still an 'ancient alien race created us/ other ancient alien race' thing.
That was him, too? Damn. Ewing is even better than I thought.
It's such a fucking weird idea, him and Aaron on the same series.
Oh, sweetie.
Without him, the team desintegrates and Cap is a monster.
>what's the deal with Rodstvow
To add to what this user:
said, he appears to be one of the monsters the Aspirants - aka the Death Celestials, and how I loved Ewing for taking that particular piece of Fraction lead and making it into gold - created.
Forgot pic.
I think the Loeb stuff is so dumb it's good but mileage may vary
Loeb Rulk is Rulk beating the shit out of people for reasons. It's so bad it's good.
I did, it was shit tho
Fantastic For Four
It's a comic about a single mom raising super powered quadruplets
>An entire event with tie ins in a single comic
He really likes to play around like this, doesn't he
is he like evil cyclops?
No, his eyesockets are hollow, he's more like a vessel full of energy underneath. Here's a better view.
From ultimates 2 #5. Im still pissed that this wasn't the event crossover we deserved instead we got secret empire.
Chavez written well
>"I've met Tensens-- Jims, Johns, Jennys, you come in a lot of flavors"
She definitely met New Universe's John Tensen.
>Zdarsky talking about Marvel wanting more Life Stories and hinting he pushed for Ewing to do an FF one
it'll be weird if they do both Grand Design books and Life Story books but if the quality maintains I won't complain
Now that I think about it, we now have the negative trifecta of TOAA, eternity and the living tribunal. Fucking brilliant
>Negative Living Tribunal
Yeah. Order went big instead of going home and swallowed the chaos and the in betweener
Man, this whole sequence is still one of the hypest and most tense I've read in a comic
>Rodstvow's eldritch form revealed and his monologue about the end of ideas
>Terry's horror and desperation at what he just saw, followed by Vogt's realization
>That fucking spread of a malnourished, corrupted Galactus, completely feral and basically unstoppable
>The First firmament's monologue, slowly zooming out to reveal how much larger than the entire multiverse it is
So fucking good
Reading the physical copies during storytimes was a delight for shit like this. This was the best event/not event marvel has had in a long time. This should've gotten more traction.
Part of that is people taking Azzarello's run as Not Muh Wonder Woman to absurd fucking levels. I mean in fairness, I guess technically it was the writer who came after Azz who shit everything up but they really should have gone with a harder retcon.
I fucking love that he actually brought back the Beyond Corporation
He kind of reminds me of the Corinthian.
He reminds me of that cocroach guy from MiB, an alien being in a badly fitted human shell
Yeah, that's closer to what he's supposed to be, a clump of energy wearing a human suit. In New Universe, he was more like chunks of human flesh held together by energy.
Those teeth-eyes are nightmare fuel.
This was an "oh shit" moment when they finally made Nextwave canon
Nextwave: made into Canon by retconning it all
Seeing Ultimate Hulk just get shut down was funny as fuck. Also Carol getting thrown back by the shock wave.
Last mini storytime cuz I gotta sleep, ultimates #6, status quo
>Has the full power of the beyonders, can end multiversal abstracts with a thought and control information and narrative itself
>Jobs to Slott's literally who OC
The One Beyond All when?
Lmao this is SO effin EPIC lolz
Mind if I share it on my reddit?
I’ll credit you of course!
Ewing was probably the only person on the face of the earth who read Weisman's Starbrand and Nightmask
End. Keep the thread alive
This is what frustrates me the most about Galactus returning to purple. It goes against the entire message of hope and trascending the status quo from the run. The First Firmament won. On a shitty movie synergy event that no one read, to top it all
They should've joined three ultimates if it continued
Yeah, so far it seems like Loki is the only one that was able to claw his way out of that hole and stay there, since even in Jane's book and War of the Realms he was a Revolver Ocelot style triple agent.
I'd like to say Ewing had a hand in that, but he totally didn't.
Are you really that surprised? Lore has been a dumpster fire of change things for movie synergy since the early 2000s.
I don't even remember, when did this happen?
Not surprised but severely dissapointed. It's the sort of change that had the potential to stick. Galactus hasn't been a "bad guy" for decades. Usually he's an ally against bigger threats or neutral. Surfer hasn't been his herald for some time. The might as well have gone all the way and turned him into a force of pure good
You mean the Never Queen or another?
Either way she's one of the most OP Abstracts and also the one with the coolest concept and presentation (she's always around the panels, never contained, outside the action).
I think they were referring to Molecule Man jobbing to the Griever from Slott's Fantastic Four
I mean the griever at the end of all things, an entropy being whose purpose is to "grieve as the last light fades from creation". Although she feels kind of redundant with Oblivion and Entropy around. She showed up in Slott's Fantastic Four, killed Owen and destroyed most of the universes Franklin created
Given her role I wonder if Ewing will use her for Immortal Hulk, for the upcoming arc with Banner at the heat death of the universe
Oh duh. Well at least she's directly tied to Oblivion from the start, unlike other Gary Stu edgy OC's with similar reach.
Pretty sure that's from Hickman's Avengers, "The Last White Event".
I'm not Slott's biggest fan but the concept of the Queen of nevers is really cool. The Griever could fit the cosmology too if her role is is more like that of a cosmic Banshee than a dollar store oblivion
Anyone know of a way to contact Ewing without tweeting at him? I wanna ask if he knew anything about "Eternity War".
Try [email protected], he used that email back in the Ultimates era for the letters page. No idea if it's still active.
How was retconned?
Slott you fat piece of shit.
I really like the concept idea of the Never Queen, her being the personfication of "what might be" is really fitting for an abstract.
A little bit of mighty avengers and to keep the thread alive
A bit of context. This series launched while infinity was still being released, most of the avengers were out in space fighting the planet makers who were coming to destroy earth because I guess they saw the collapse of the multiverse and wanted earth off the table. Thanos then made his move towards earth to kill the last of his bastard children. They figured earth was without her avengers, so a new team was formed amongst the chaos.
I thought that was Riri?
Also Otto was spider-man at the time and written well
She got her suit after civil war 2, anad took place just before that
White tiger was great here and Vol.2
And before anyone starts crying about power wanking, it was said this was like a fingernail of shuma gorath. If he fully materialized, he would instantly take over
I love me some Spider-Ock. Never read these issues though. Could someone please tell me what issues this comes from?
Superior Octopus only got one issue before it reverted to Superior Spider-Man again which makes me sad
And that's it for me right now
I swear between her, Knull, Nyx (Nox?), Amatasu-Mikaboshi, THE Void (Sentry), Oblivion (who Mikaboshi is just a chunk of) and probably more I’ve forgotten the void in Marvel is just this schizophrenic mess throwing a big childish tantrum about Existencechads which all have the same tiresome cliched personality. Well alright, the Void is fixated solely on the Sentry. But still, all the tripe about cosmic balance in Marvel feels so trite and forced when I’ve literally never seen a reasonable argument for why Richards shouldn’t have recreated the multiverse without these fucks. Hell in Agents of Asgard Hela even implied that Oblivion would triumph if the Incursions had completely worked (i.e. no Doom interference) where even death could not.
Necessary forces my ass, some-most, in fact-Cosmic Abstracts are garbage that should’ve been thrown out and replaced by...I don’t know, loli cosmic cubes or something
Mighty Avengers vol.2 I think. Issue 3
>killed Owen
Miss me with that gay shit, Owen was Da Bomb that took out all the Beyonders and the Beyonders explicitly murdered all the Abstracts with pew pew lasers. I don’t like it, but I’m not happy about this inconsistency either.
I have no problem with a fingernail of Shuma being pushed over since that conveniently lets me justify how Aaron’s Science Gorr was able to laser one’s tentacle off, but how the fuck did T’challa beat the Tiger God with nothing but his panther suit in the first place since that’s how you get his blessing and that’s how he ended up ascending to the metaphor-space of the Abstracts?
Dude, people simply figured out he is Otto. It took them way too long honestly.
This is pure Morrison, really. Any member of the Gentry could have said that.
No. I am in favor of that.
It is always assumed "It is his power". No, it is not: it is CONTROL. It is control over molecules, atoms, baryons, superstrings: reality.
It is only logical, or poetic, or both (mathematics) that eventually, reality - like some huge, slow animal - would look over its shoulder and go "Excuse me, who are you?" and shrug. The Griever at the End of All Things is an allergic reaction by reality - or Oblivion - to mortal control of everything.
For every action...
But he is not the One-Beyond-All. He is a hypercosmic predator. A shark, or an angler fish maybe. Swimming the waters ("Hyperbleed"?) between Multiverses and occasionally devouring one.
I so hope they'll set it up so Perpetua tried to weaponize the Multiverse to kill him - and that's why he went "I have tested you and you ain't shit."
Sad sack.
>That miscolored Entropy
I read it, to my ongoing bewilderment.
Not really, this is a post Secret Wars comic in which the motto "Everything Dies" was coined, related precisely to the end of all these universes by the hand of the Beyonders and the Maker. The First Firmament draws upon that desire to kill everything new, colorful and diverse to unify it around Itself.
It's nothing like the Gentry and this insistence on drawing comparisons to Morrison is silly, the First Firmament itself is based on an obscure name-drop in Morrison's own Marvel Boy already.
The Empty Hand could easily be a corrupted, extraplanar Beyonder.
Galactus just changed too early. He now knows his destiny is to become the Lifebringer.
Oblivion is not part of the multiverse. He's provoked into existence, or ecnetsixe, by it - like a Dirac sea, but for actual existence. He is anti-noumina, and I propose that all the lesser incarnations you mention are like allergic reactions or blisters wherever reality and Oblivion touch.
I still suspect the experiment was not the destruction of all universes but Secret Wars itself. Just destroying everything does not fit with what we have seen of the Beyonders so far.
Yes, yes. Hackman... but he just likes breaking toys. Are we sure he's not British?
>this insistence on drawing comparisons to Morrison is silly, the First Firmament itself is based on an obscure name-drop in Morrison's own Marvel Boy already
Uh. This seems somewhat contradictory to me.
Nothing like the Gentry? The Gentry propone hopelessness and corruption, like the Rodstvow creature; the Death Celestials / Aspirants, its creators are such beings; beings who worship cruel authority from which no escape exists, because it is wielded by the universe itself. (I wonder what Darkseid would have to say about that! Probably groan with envy "I am the tiger force at the heart of existence." "I AM existence.").
>The Empty Hand could easily be a corrupted, extraplanar Beyonder.
...Yup. A big one though.
I0ve been wondering since Ultimates if there is a Multiversal version of Entropy, and if there is: Is the version of him destined to become the new cosmos?
Same with Oblivion.
>Uh. This seems somewhat contradictory to me.
It's not, because it was a namedrop that in no way hinted the First Firmament's motivations or backstory beyond "there was something called FF many ages ago". Everything else was Ewing, and if you know him well, he likes to draw from previous continuity and create something new from obscure concepts.
>Nothing like the Gentry?
The Gentry's motivations are a means to an end, there's no depth to them beyond relentless nihilism, because that's the concept that drives them (not saying the idea is bad but that its simplicity is terrifying). Meanwhile the corruption that the First Firmament brings have a goal in mind: Unity, bringing things back the way they used to be. So even though it looks like it's "destroying" things, in truth it seems to create a new order based upon its own concept (the Logos, the Word itself encompassing Chaos, Order and everything In Between), centralizing everything while getting rid of what it deems superfluous. It's not Life what the First Firmament finds insulting, but its diversity, the creativity behind it (which paradoxically enough it thrives when it's diverse and creative).
The First Firmament then, by means of corruption (from our perspective), wants to unify to preserve itself, whereas The Gentry corrupts to sate an endless hunger.
Of course, the problem with this plan of His is that, even though he's Outside, he's blind to the Far Shore, which is most definitely another antithesis of The Gentry (a place where ideas and concepts are preserved, providing Someone remembers), so He was bound to fail. But if The Gentry knew about The Far Shore, the Omniverse would probably face annihilation.
I think the user you are replying to is right.
The Gentry wants the end of all the stories
The First Firmament wants to be the story. He despises evolution, he wants to keep things as they are (which from his point of view, is the right thing)
>he likes to draw from previous continuity and create something new from obscure concepts.
Oh god don't I know and love it.
>if The Gentry knew about The Far Shore, the Omniverse would probably face annihilation.
Don't know about that though. Is 'The far shore' the bank of the river opposite this place? The 'end of the void' where the immortal 'Judges of the Source' live?
The Far Shore is basically comic limbo, but also a wellspring of ideas where they cross when they're done with and brought back when needed. I used to think of it as the Source Wall in DC but apparently it was broken or something? The Far Shore is pretty much what lies Outside The White Page. From that page I understand that Perpetua was sealed off beyond the void? (Also why does she look like one of the Marvel Multiverses?)
No, she was imprisoned INSIDE the Source Wall. And yes, it was broken inadvertently by the Justice League at the end of 'Metal' and destroyed altogether when they tried to fix it and she was freed.
It is all incredibly stupid and clumsy - like what a child might do with your action figures without any knowledge of their background and associated character.
You know I give Marvel a lot of shit for THAT panel from Starlin's final Thanos wank-off. But I do find it hilarious DC's big bad cosmic villainess' debut involved by blown the fuck out by a completely unexplained space bird.
Isn't there another huge space guy that seems like an analogue to Galactus in Milk Wars, who Retconn was trying to sell DC too and used Lord Manga Khan as a negotiator? That guy seems like he'd fit the bill too
The biggest issue for me is they haven't really explained why they can't just use Element X to push in Luthor's shit before he and his Legion of Doom could do anything. They sure as shit had enough of it to chain Barbatos after healing the whole multiverse, could've just kept a little more and BAM, Legion would be flat on it's face in jail before it could do anything.
Also you know if he really was all "I have tested you and you ain't shit" ironically that for an event called THE YEAR OF THE VILLAIN that might push Perpetua into more anti-villain territory considering, you know, The Empty goddamn Hand being a loyal member of the super-celestial race.
My way of rationalising MM's downfall disagrees with that interpretation because well...frankly based on it's track record I don't think the Marvel multiverse has very good reactive defenses. Look back to the Cancerverse, the whole 'verse was losing until Thanos, someone explicitly separate from "the norm" i.e. the system it sustains itself by, brought an entire Abstract over to their home turf. Look at how Eternity didn't do SHIT to the Ultimates way, way back in the day: They relented out of compassion to the insignificant speckes their experiments were casually wiping out pleading for clemency. And the Age of the Sentry depicts the multiverse trying to deal with an "invasion" by an external force by creating multiple counterbalances: The villains are continuously thwarted, and by the era of Contest of Champions it's implied even the Void ultimately didn't succeed with the Sentry's last words suggesting he let it win in the hopes of it learning to be like him. Or perhaps, to defeat it by simply taking it over. It's also darkly hilarious that the mere fractured and broken essence of a Silver Age Superman from a bad end Crisis on Infinite Earths hosted into an imperfect vessel is sufficient to provoke a hostile counter force from Marvel's multiverse yet STILL warp space-time enough to retroactively become the greatest hero on the planet
Anyway back to the point: I think it's simply to do with the nature of the power, not it's magnitude. MM was seemingly designed to be a resident of the main multiverse, considering the end of Secret Wars has him experiencing relief at unfurling back into his "normal" positions and the seeming years he spent unaware of his true nature. So I reckon just as Doom could only imperfectly borrow the Beyonder power hosted by him, so too could he not perfectly do what they could even with their power because for his fundamental nature that would be asking like sand to blow like wind indefinitely.
He defeated the tiger god by conquering all fear in himself. No earthly weapon can beat an elder god into submission, but he can metaphorically be beaten by defeating what he represents. Puck mentioned in Immortal Hulk that he also defeated the Tiger god during his trip to Nepal
>A shark, or an angler fish maybe. Swimming the waters ("Hyperbleed"?) between Multiverses and occasionally devouring one.
That would be the Gentry. The Empty Hand, embodying among other things the reader and the Final villain at the end of the never ending story, seems to be something far greater in the cosmology. He's the consumer to TOAA's writers and the source's blank omniversal pages. It commands beings that embody the editorial mandate, who they themselves command the author's self insert. If TOAA and the Source are the ultimate creative force above all others, then The Empty Hand is the Ultimate consumption force, Beyond all others.
I loved it. And as I recall, it and the second volume were pretty well enclosed.
This is from the second issue, and might be some of the lowest stakes in the entire series, so take that as you will.
Why didn't Tony's armor defeat Thor by metaphorically representing control over thunder or strength?
Because neither Tony nor Thor were in a place where the Abstracts manifest in a way that allows them to harness their base concepts. Places like the Superflow, for example. Transcending the limits of the Real allowed the Eternity Watch to engage in metaphorical fight, and for Black Panther to defeat Logos by using Fear against The Word.
Thor isn't as abstract as the Tiger god, he's a flesh and blood god who mostly punches things into submission
From ultimates 2 #3
Still at work so. I'll update as I go
>some gods are more abstract than other gods
What a convenient way to give villains and side characters things main characters should reasonably have
>"Don't be jelly, Herb."
If anything can be faulted to Ewing is making Maker sound too quirky, kinda like a Jesse Eisenberg playing Luthor. I don't mind the line but it's not how he normally speaks, to my knowledge.
Have you seen Odin engaging in this sort of conflict with Abstracts, beyond *that* page in Infinity Gauntlet? For as much as Starlin has bothered to include him and the other Skyfathers in the Cosmic Pantheon, they rarely engage in this sort of thing.
I'd say that proves my point, if anything. Oh no Odin and Zeus don't get to indulge in this abstract existence crap...but some literal who like Nyx has full on darkness powers and Mikaboshi is literally an aspect of an abstract and Pele helped rebirth Hercules into full on god of gods mode. It's bullshit. Hell look at Cul, he was controlling the whole world with fear and turning into a snake kaiju but come the War of the Realms he's just a guy with an axe even though the 9 Realms should've been seething with fear.
Tiger god is literally the first human fear personificated, it kind of open itself to the metaphor battles
That has more to do with Odin's modern characterization than anything else. He's been portrayed for a good while as a god that, while powerful, often prefers to excuse himself from conflict or simply chill, as if these "earthly matters" aren't his concern. So when deeper conflicts arise, it usually falls upon the likes of Doctor Strange to fix them, because no one much closer to these things step to handle them.
Perhaps it also has to do with the gods being Abstracts themselves and thus unable to engage beyond their own boundaries, while mortal beings are less constrained by these rulings and can interfere if they're high enough to do so.
Thor is quite frankly not the kinda character to work for this sort of story, anyway. Even with Celestials, his solution is to throw a hammer at them.
Yes, it's very good. HOWEVER, the tie-ins to Civil War II, and an abrupt ending stop it from being an all-time great run.
I am gonna steal your idea about Oblivion and the lesser voids.
What does Weisman's Starbrand and Nightmask have to do with the Ultimates? I haven't read the series so please excuse my ignorance and lack of information. All I knew was Ewing reference it in Royals.
I intentionally skipped two pages of the heroes fighting in space during the secret empire thing and panther making a deal with the first thing man ever feared, white tiger god.
I missed this book so much
Ewing just mentioned Weisman's plot about how Eternity's children were fucking around in the new cosmic order since Eternity wasn't around to stop them
I'm so dumb. I thought Eternity's children was the Eternity Watch
>a completely unexplained space bird.
Oh, an enforcer from the Judges of the Source no doubt. It IS the force that originally empowers Hawkman - or at least Hawkgirl.
>Isn't there another huge space guy that seems like an analogue to Galactus
Mr.Nebula, and yes - he is explicitly based on Galactus.
DESU I very much doubt Empty Hand will ever be acknowledged by anyone except Morrison.
"The age of the Sentry" is non-canon. It says so itself.
And honestly, I am just trying to find a way to live with a creation of many parents, half of whom could not find their own ass with both hands and a flashlight.
>an elder god
The Tiger God is not an elder god.
>some literal who like Nyx
Ohhhh boy.
I wonder why Ego was turned into an honorary abstract. He has so many origin stories that even a generation ago it was deemed necessary to do something about that.
I hope Ewing will do something more with him.
Ambush Bug: Year None is such an underrated book.
Kind of weird how Marvel introduced their hawgod two years prior to that, given how much important the "hawks" are for DC.
That's Snyder for you.
I think Chris Sims is a criminally underrated writer.
I want to see his version of the League of Losers.
yep. brought back ares. not much has happened since then.
if crossover shit didn't happened, it would've been better, but i thought it had a good run.
Another hawkgod?
The Marvel Hawkforce has been a thing since the original Guardians of the Galaxy
Also: in many mythologies, older the generation of a God, the stronger they are. Because they represent more primitive and fundamental forces/elements/concepts.
Tiger God is probably from the first generation after the Elder Gods, so he is mighty.
Thor is something like a 4th generation God.
And his thing is less "lighting and thunder" and more "punching and hammer": to defeat him conceptually you must outpunch (or outhammer) him. Like Devil Hulk did: he outpunched Thor on a conceptual level, that's why it was so effective.
Likewise Loki defeated himself out-lying his God of Lies incarnation by turning a simple Lie in a whole Story.
Nyx and Mikaboshi are how the Japanese and Greek pantheon system did "interpret" the concept of Oblivion as its too high a existence for even Gods.
Likewise with Death: she has her Agents/servants in every pantheon in Thanatos, Hela, Anubis and whatever.
Just the main universe version of the OG GotG one.
No, it's the same Marvel Hawkgod
>But I do find it hilarious DC's big bad cosmic villainess' debut involved by blown the fuck out by a completely unexplained space bird.
Ah okay so that shit came out of nowhere? That's funny.
The one in Ultimates is the Psi-Hawk from New Universe, that one in your pic is currently tied to the Darkhawk mythos.
Fuck, I don't have a pic of the Dark Starhawk in the comic, this will have to do.
>Likewise with Death: she has her Agents/servants in every pantheon in Thanatos, Hela, Anubis and whatever.
Which is funny because Cates writes Hela acting derisively towards Death, as if the latter was somewhat beneath the former. Ridiculous. Dude needs a 101 in Marvel cosmology urgently.
Darkhawk? Darkhawk.
I'll find more if people want it. I love darkhawk dude
>Tiger God is probably from the first generation after the Elder Gods, so he is mighty.
>Thor is something like a 4th generation God.
Firstly: the Elder gods are about as old as the planet. The newer generation of gods are said to have come into existence once beings with abstract intelligence could imbue the raw god-stuff with life.
Secondly, Thor may be a latter-generation god (debatable) but his mother is Gaia. And his father is the most powerful Skyfather on Earth.
The Riders are the superior cosmic breed.
I hope Sims will get to write cosmic again, i really wanted to see how that story continues.
What is Sims up to now?
Man infinity countdown was actually good
Pretty sure he is up to nothing, which ain't right.
it was. idk what happened with infinity wars. duggan stopped giving a fuck.
>For once
Big G is never wrong.
Oh fuck right off Jane. Good God
Nah honestly it was mostly bogged down by Deodato's terrible art, I agree it was weaker than what came next but I assure you if Marcus To or Aaron Kuder had stayed, it'd have been better received.
Remember the 'Galactus the Devourer' mini?
Ill never get Aaron's sudden turn to "all gods are pieces of shit" when his run literally starts with Thor saving a civilization light years away because he heard a single girl's prayer
Blue Marvel is a bro
Just some ultimates goodness
i dont even at this page
Aaron has daddy issues.
Starlin didn't know when to quit, which should in fact have been this page.
Ikr you think after all Thor has done for the earth, she would at least not be a full on dick to him because he wasn't there that one time.
It was all a trick to lure us into think this man knew what he was doing and not trying to ruin Thor and his books for the longest time.
>the most powerful
The most prevalient due to Thors popularity
You know I dont understand why so many people complain about Doom becoming omnipotent like a couple times when thanos has done it like a dozen, nearly all of them under the same writer and each time is more retarded and ignores more rules than the last one
Aaron directly contradicts himself at many, many points in his own damn story. You certainly aren't meant to see Thor's entire extended family from his mother to the Warriors 3 as selfish monsters.
Honestly Thanos becoming omnipotent bothers me more than Doom does because the whole point of the FIRST time he did it, was that it ended with him completely giving up on the concept and becoming a nobody.
>so many people
Just Tommy.
>thanos has done it like a dozen
-The Cosmic Cube
-The Infinity Gems, merged into a mega-gem
-The Infinity Gauntlet
-The Heart of the Universe
-Absorbing all cosmic beings
-Killing all cosmic beings in the universe
Still only half a dozen.
Third time.
>-Absorbing all cosmic beings
you can leave this one out, it is an AU story.
>Killing all cosmic beings in the universe
This one was just a dream, just a dream... Didn't happen!
It's by Starlin so it's relevant in context.
The one where he offs the comics beings is also an AU, and that universe in particular literally ended after that story.
>Just one main character is white
And she's a halfbreed, apparently...
There are so many problems with Stohl's goofy-ass fanfic-gone-wrong.
But the most obvious one, to me: it demands we believe an elite Kree warrior - not just a Kree, not just a Kree warrior, no, an elite Kree warrior on a mission given to her by the Kree empress herself would throw all of that away for the sake of Joe Danvers... that is... sending the exact opposite message of the one you'd expect.
I mean, fuck, even Diane Fossey didn't actually have sex with the apes.
I think.
Isn't the point of TOAA that it is simultaneously all characters at once? Like, it doesn't make sense that he would try and fail to stop Thanos and then ask for help from the Living Tribunal because it is simultaneously Itself, Thanos and the Living Tribunal
Not quite, his concept is more meta than that.
He represents the writer but he is also a vouyer, he watches as the events unfolds while staying neutral most of the times.
Starlin is using it a bit differently, he doesn't even call him TOAA but The One Above All Others, which led people to believe that might be an impostor.
Btw TOAA "using" other people to do the job for him is in line with him being the writer, he doesn't shows up directly into action but he let someone's else be the protagonist ("they are themselves but they are also me")
I thought the "they are themselves but also me" part meant that every opposing force in the story was part of TOAA. That's what set him apart from the beyonders, first firmament and all the other omnipotents that supposedly created and dwarf all creation
How in the world is this thread still up? Nobody likes Ewing anymore thanks to THOSE Immortal Hulk pages.
Not everyone is an outrage fueled idiot
Is that why sales of the series went up almost immediately after THOSE pages?
Almost like you retards are low but few.
loud not low*
Well, also "low", as in IQ.
At that point owen had absorbed the full power of the beyonders, who embody the great beyond outside the multiverse. His power is supposed to be greater than the sum of all reality
Sorry, America Chavez is ruined for me. I can not look at her and not think about that awful series, you know, that one.
West Coast Avengers was pretty bad
Do you guys have any theories for what will happen in this issue? Ewing insists it will be experimental on a way not seen since the 70s and it will be unlike any marvel comic.
Perhaps another meta-game of sorts, like the ones he likes to do? You Are Deadpool, Marvel Comics #1000, etc...
Or it's something similar to Ultra Comics in a way, perhaps. A conversation with Metatron (which is the Avatar of The One Above All) describing the Hulk's transition from Multiverse-8 to the future 9, while the other Multiverses across the Far Shore welcome him in.
When did Zdarsky say that? I’d like to see Ewing do a Life Story.
Bruh that's Mission Creep from Venture Bros.
Remember one of those niggas is a fuckin' tree
>Marvel Comics #1000
I also wonder what he's going to do for this one as well. Has he said anything on interviews?
Which character, though? Obviously not Hulk...
I bet he'd really nail an old and wisened Doctor Strange going through the ages, though that's not too grounded... Tony Stark could work too, hell, I bet he'd make me finally like the guy.
>but I want a white characterrrrrrrr
>no not like thaaaaaat
He has given interviews, yeah. As usual he's pretty cagey about the story, but he revealed some details at least:
>Nrama: And the story is about something called the Eternity Mask. Can you tell us about that? Is it related to the Marvel character, Eternity?
>Ewing: Almost definitely! It'd be a bit weird if there wasn't some relation. The Eternity Mask is the macguffin of the mystery, and it's actually got a pretty cool power that I'm not sure has come up in Marvel before - in fact, I'm struggling to think of a super hero who's had this particular power. (Which doesn't mean much - if I've learned one thing from this project, it's that there are an awful lot of goofy Golden Age guys with strange, oddball powers floating around.)
>One thing I will say - the explanation for the Eternity Mask is new to Marvel, but if you're a long-lived or well-read Marvelite, you've seen the mask itself many, many, many times...
Said "Eternity Mask" is in the cover of #1001, though no clue if that's its real appearance.
The mask was worn by some cowboy in Marvel Comics 1 and also one of Ewing's pages is Night Thrasher
I heard of it, by some speculation in Bleeding Cool a while ago... But what does it do? That's the question.
>I wonder why Ego was turned into an honorary abstract.
From what I remember, Galactus considered Ego like a brother since he was another scientist who had transcended mortality in his explorations.
I don't think Ewing considers him an abstract as much as a merger of science and cosmic magic.
I think i have a vague memory of The Captain showing up in Nova or something
>it's actually got a pretty cool power that I'm not sure has come up in Marvel before
My god, with Ewing's continuity boner, he might just be right about this.
I bet it's like "Ash Manipulation" or some shit. I got it in the randomizer earlier today and I'm still mystified by it.
It was the CW2 Nova tie in issue where The Captain acted like a mentor for Sam and helped him see that he needed to put himself first more often.
W-what are you doing to him Joe
“Every character there has ever been and every possibility of those characters yet to be will be is weaker than Thanos even when combined into some grand gestalt abstraction of ultimate divinity. Even the writers and editors of Marvel Comics kneel to his almighty purple cock, and I will RKO any man or woman alive who disagrees. I myself have already welcomed my big purple overlord, and unlike you uncultured swine have wisely lubricated my anus in preparation for him physically ripping his way out of the pages and stepping forth into reality. Thanos is love. Thanos is life”
Jim Starlin, 2019
I think Volcana was actually able to turn into ash at one point
Ah dammit. I just noticed I forgot to capitalize the L.
Mini storytimes, you're welcome
I think the "they are themselves" part implies they have free will.
iirc before the Marvel Comics issue was announced he said he was always fascinated by the cowboys and the golden age era of Marvel, i would really like to see someone like him touch those more obscure characters.
>Which doesn't mean much - if I've learned one thing from this project, it's that there are an awful lot of goofy Golden Age guys with strange, oddball powers floating around.
I bet this is a clue, Waid is involved in the project and there is no way he didn't asked him beforehand if the power was an exclusive one or not.
Anti-Man was a good kid
That's it for me, I gotta start my shift.
are you dumb? the myth of sisyphus is, as galactus says "the myth of the impossible task". the point is that for galactus to stay as lifebringer and not eventually revert back to worldeater when some retard wants to use him again is impossible
Spider Hero, I actually liked that suit
"Supposed to be". But what IS 'power'? Energy? Or knowledge? And why should Owen even be able to do that?
Hickman' stuff was contrived.
I'll wait. I was hyped for 'Ultra Comics' and that wasn't that great.
I wasn't speaking with disapproval, user.
She was, but that was when she had part of Molecule Man's power in her.
Something like this...
>Ash Manipulation
Yeah, that sounds like a very anime thing, wouldn't be surprised if there is almost no trace of it in comics.
Ewing's intent changed halfway through the run, read the final issue. He originally planned to revert him and then realized how counterproductive that would beI bet we're getting a clue in tomorrow's history of the marvel universe
Are there any good sites that analyze Ewings comics that same way they do for Morrison?
No, because:
1) Absolutely nobody cares about Ewing anymore due to THOSE Hulk pages.
2) The ONLY good comics discussion site is here on Yea Forums.
This better be bait
Yeah, PanelxPanel did an Immortal Hulk issue, dedicated to analyzing the first issue from a variety of angles as well as panel deconstruction and narrative.
I bought a copy when it came out and I uploaded it to mega a few weeks ago though, in case you want to read it:
There are articles about Ultimates and Royals but these are more reviews than critiques, same as the youtube videos devoted to this stuff. I admit I haven't dug much deeper, but as far as I'm concerned there's no in-depth analysis of the themes in Ultimates; hopefully with the current spotlight he's getting, somebody will go back and do it.
It is.
>nobody cares about Ewing anymore due to THOSE Hulk pages
By that logic no one would care about Morrison either
The part about nobody caring about Ewing, yes.
The part about Yea Forums being the only good comics site, no.
Thank you for the post. I'm really interested in reading about the Ultimates but more so about Royals. The whole Kree stuff is fascinating to me.
What are you blithering about, attentionwhoring buffoon?
I wish Royals didn't came out during the peak of the Inhumans' fatigue, back then Ewing's sales were still shitty but that surely didn't helped.
But i gotta say he was able to wrap the story pretty well, he probably got used to it.
Recently i have seen a tweet from him saying that besides Best Defense and the upcoming Ross' tie-in, he won't have any other tie-ins and cross-over of such by his choice. The poor guy probably has PTSD from his books getting interrupted by events and then cancelled.
I wouldn't fucking blame him, mighty avengers was created because it was a tie in
His New Avengers has 3 trades and 2 of them are titled after event tie ins
>But i gotta say he was able to wrap the story pretty well
Practically miracle since they stole 2 chapters from him at the last minute. According to the retailer copy of previews book Royals was suppose to have 14 chapters and judgement day.
Wow they did the Ewing dirty. Poor Inhumans they actually had some decent books towards the tail end of that Inhumans' fatigue now they well be forever forgotten. I feel the Eternals are going to be MCU's Inhumans... Just a thought.
That's pretty much because he negotiated the last issue to be double-sized (Judgment Day) tied to Black Bolt, so despite getting the run cut short, he had enough freedom to give the Inhumans a satisfying conclusion.
>The poor guy probably has PTSD from his books getting interrupted by events and then cancelled.
This, and I've noticed the increased amount of fans thumbing their noses at event tie-ins lately, specially considering these tie-ins aren't even drawn by the regular artists but often fill-in, degrading the quality. Champions was probably the rare case where the WOTR tie-in had better quality than the ongoing, but those were still two issues wasted on that shit.
Well this was a good thread
See you guys in the next Immortal Hulk storytime
Didn't even realized we were close to the bump limit.
Nice thread indeed
Editorial pulling their hands back is what helped the inhuman books.
Its been my honor gentleman
Also, at least Earth One comics are their own separate, self contained thing.
A fond adieu.
>Like a month from now