Why doesn't the Hobgoblin profit off of selling his serum? It's literally a better version or equal version of the Super Soldier serum that keeps the user sane.
Why doesn't the Hobgoblin profit off of selling his serum...
The government might be crooked enough to drug our soldiers without their knowledge, but they're savvy enough to know they cant trust Hob not to doublecross them in multiple ways. He's got chronic betrayal syndrome. It's baffling anyone works with him.
this is a recurring theme with supervillains, especially with the scientifically themed ones. they never use their genius to make bank legitimately for no genuine reason
Roderick's literally the kind of guy who'd do it nowadays, he literally sells superhero and supervillain identities to random people because they're public domain.
isn't the case usually their tech isn't feasible? either too expensive to mass product. impractical or too effective that you just have to buy it once and never have to need another.
Who said anything about the government?
Because then he would have more competition
Because why sell the one thing that makes you special?
That's one of the reasons Syndrome is so great.
In the Penguins of Madagascar movie, the Villain HAD that, or was working towards it, then sabotaged his own life for petty revenge when he was actually doing really well.
>That thing with the fingers means MONEY
he doesn't want to
That's Power Broker's whole deal.
Hobgoblin is instead selling gadget enhanced super suits to third rate wannabe villains.
I imagine there is some agreement to not step into each other's area among the supervillains that sell off their inventions. Hobby does the gadget costumes, Arcade sells the hidden traps and revenge rooms, Tinkerer sells super weapons, and Power Broker sells the superstrength serums.
Roderick himself points out when he first tests the Goblin glider that Norman probably would have made more money mass producing it than he ever could have made through crime. Though he muses that by keeping the tech to himself, Norman could ensure that only he had that kind of power.
Probably a combination of the reasoning above and Hobby being cautious about giving out Spider-Man level super strength to people he can't control.
this is a recurring theme with super heroes too.
>be a brilliant scientist
>invent something far in advance of what's available to the public
>have a tragic backstory means that instead of sharing that technology with the world for a profit, I'll keep it to myself
>Instead of using the profits to come up with more inventions to solve issues at a larger scale and reduce crime effectively, I'll risk my life on a regular basis by fighting crime myself like I've got a death wish.
>Give-up inventing unless it directly pertains to a gadget I need for a specific storyline.
didn't the issue of "why not just use the inventions to make money" directly lead to lex luthor being rewritten into the owner of a massive corporation?
i thought it meant ball fondling
I wish they relaunched the Ultimate universe with tp tier creators brainstorming about how the Marvel characters would change the world if allowed to
People like Priest or Ellis could figure something
obviously makes more money doing seminars
Original stern era shows hes intoxicated by the power and wants it all for himself. He comme ts numerous times on glider tech, weapon mobile vehicle base, various gadgets etc and how osborn was a fool not sell them. When he starts using them he starts agreeing with osborn and gets drunk on power. Dying and altering the costume speaks to his vanity and its clear the formula still has mental side effects based on his behaviour. Hes not split personality osborn and clearer thinking, but extremely possessive of his newfound toys and power hungry.
And let's not forget the societal impact that the existence of some heroes promotes I.E Doctor Strange in charge of not fathering an entire generation of ebay bought necromonicon/the wizard app generation school shooter autists.
Like- You cannot fucking tell me that powerful social American autism wouldn't cause a good chunk of bizzare comic book stories in of itself.
Spiderman impersonators? Hows about Kingsley selling Spidermen to the highest bidders, the whole gwen stacy sexdoll clone thing, Symbiote pocket pussies, the fantastic four making flying cars possible, stark rivialling them,and christian fundamentalism in the US going into the crapper because deities are walking amongst them, crazy ass shit like that instead of 100millionth tacticool American Intelligence organization popping up to handle it as if they had the technological competency to handle it- if at all.
yep and hes literally the only character who consistently does it. The only other example i can even think of is Doc Ock when he was superior spiderman, but that plot got dropped pretty quickly
I was thinking this to, but I believe Osbornes notes got burned up after Hobby perfected the formula so he couldn't recreate it
Thor is a god, a supernaturally powerful being -- God is GOD. Don't be thick.
He was a god though, a being powered by pure faith. Who existed because of the adulation of a former culture .
Kingsley doesn't sell the Goblin Formula for two reasons:
1. Norman Osborn already fucking wants him dead but is willing to let him continue drawing breath, as Kingsley further degrades his legacy as the Hobgoblin (since he's become nothing but a super fucking loser ever since being outed as Hobgoblin) with his chickenshit schemes. If he starts selling the Goblin Formula, then Norman hunt him to the ends of the earth and murder him in the most horrific manner fashion and no amount of proxy fall guys or running will save him from Norman's wrath and the unspeakable manner in which he will be put to death, to make an example out of him to everyone else about how you NEVER fuck with Norman Osborn.
2. The Goblin Formula causes insanity 99% of the time and Kingsley is one of the rare people who hasn't gone irrevocably mad from it. It's pretty much too dangerous to sell, because you'll end up with immortal, unkillable lunatics who can heal from any wound inflicted upon them running around creating all sorts of carnage.