>"Sam, you're my best friend. I will miss you on my way back to Segregation."
"Sam, you're my best friend. I will miss you on my way back to Segregation."
Reminder that the "Cap went back to the main timeline and didn't change anything" interpretation one of the writers gave is measurably worse than him changing the past. Main timeline means he didn't warn Peggy against Zola, and easily prevent HYDRA's SHIELD taekover. It means he let Bucky stay in HYDRA control, when he could have orchestrated a rescue. It means he let Howard stark become the distant and cold man he later became without his friend, when he could have been there for him, and for young Tony Stark. It means he didn't use what he had learned in the future to meaningfully fight systemic racism. He didn't stop the assassination of the President. And what's the bad implications of him altering the timeline? That in the main timeline Peggy ends up with some boob and Cap cucks him, making it so that that guy's kids only exist in the main continuity, and Cap's kids exist in the divergent one? Who cares? Nobody actually suffers from that, he'll probably find somebody else. Sitting back and allowing the worst events of the lives of the people he knows and the country as a whole is way worse morally, especially considering most of it could be altered without even coming out of retirement.
Or maybe he just shot Red Skull in front of the church where they got the tesseract
I feel like doing any of that stuff would alter the timeline way too drastically, which could have ended up making things even worse. Like if Howard Stark was a good father, Tony probably wouldn't have been so selfish and irresponsible, which would've never led to having a change of heart, stopping the sale of weaponry, and becoming Iron Man, which could have major negative effects on the timeline.
Ultimately, the knowledge that Cap couldn't stop most of history's most tragic events was his greatest sacrifice. It probably hurt him every single day. A small price to pay for love.
>the twist is that the name of Cap's town is called Segregation
How ironic.
>spamming this shitty copypasta in every thread
He went to a different timeline.
This, and it's final. Enough with the nonsense.
>Tony probably wouldn't have been so selfish and irresponsible
Fuck that. He wasn't a good person.
>spamming this shitty copypasta in every thread
I literally just wrote that for the first time.
>He went to a different timeline.
I'm saying there's a discrepancy between what the directors say (different timeline) and what one of the writers says (time loop). I'm saying the different timeline version is better by a mile, and if Marvel is smart, they'll support that interpretation in the future.
>I'm saying there's a discrepancy between what the directors say (different timeline) and what one of the writers says (time loop).
It doesn't fucking matter what the writers say because ultimately the goddamn script was shot and interpreted in a way that goes with the alternate universe version. The time loop shit goes directly against the time travel interpretation they THEMSELVES wrote in the movie, since there's no way to do a time loop in a quantum travel scenario.
>I feel like doing any of that stuff would alter the timeline way too drastically
It would be intended to.
>which could have ended up making things even worse. Like if Howard Stark was a good father, Tony probably wouldn't have been so selfish and irresponsible, which would've never led to having a change of heart, stopping the sale of weaponry, and becoming Iron Man, which could have major negative effects on the timeline.
Cap could offer encouragement to young Tony in perusing his technical skills, and also inspire him about the value of heroism. Tony could end up as a more stable version of himself, that could save people without also making erratic decisions like building a powerful AI in secret.
Jeez, calm down dude. I agree with your interpretation but you're being a cunt if you say "No you can't interpret it any other way, I'm right REEEEEE!"
Dude I'm not actually angry or upset, maybe I sounded more flippant than usual but it's just that this keeps happening. Angus & McFeely should've kept their opinion to themselves.
Best thing probably would have been some closed time loop thing where it turned out that our timeline was actually the best possible timeline because Cap actually intervened in unseen ways, and that the timeline would have been way worse without him.
Markus and McFeely are starting to seem like hacks honestly. Like the only reason they were good was because of the Russos. TFA was alright, but there's clearly a reason TWS was so much better.
Fuck off Markus and/or Mcfeely.
>Change the past
>Doom the world into a worse future
It's in every comic book.
Bruh, I literally said Markus and McFeely's version is bad.
But didn’t they waste so many minutes explaining that changing the past has no effect on the future? It’d not BTTF rules.
Didn't they fuck up anyway when they killed past Thanos?
>What is the Butterfly Effect?
A producer had to come up with 'And I am Iron Man'. The writers never considered that but did deliberate on shit like 'Eat it, Barney!' I'll get the Russos some slack for not getting everything right considering how exhaustive the whole process must have been (like Nebula doing shit during the finale except for killing... herself).
No effect on THEIR original time, as it already happened for them, it's already in their past. They go to the past, change things, and then return to their own future which can't be altered. But a "branch reality" can still be created from their actions. The Loki TV show supposedly takes place in one such reality, the one from the 2012 Avengers movie divergence.
it's simply possible he saved everyone and everything in that timeline. MCU literally just opened their universe to any and all possibilities like in comics where nothing matters and everything can be changed and given an excuse by saying its a different timeline.
Yeah so now that timeline doesn't have to worry about him.
what matters is what happened in the film, nothing else.