>Character the creators didn’t intend to become popular becomes far more popular than the intended “cool” character
Character the creators didn’t intend to become popular becomes far more popular than the intended “cool” character
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Yeah wtf was the deal with Boba Fett? Really weird how the Clones are a thing canonically all because fans built up a weird cult following for a bit character who jobbed like a bitch.
dumb weapon, dumb that it can block a lightsaber, but idea for a scene.
but the dude playing that glorious bastard made a faceless nobody in a dumb scene feel more genuine than most of the main cast, so credit to the man.
he had a cool set of armor people liked the look of, is probably why.
Star Wars is fucking dead.
If only because all the other villains of the new trilogy have been grossly incompetent and lame. So the faceless nobody who sees a main character, yells “traitor!” Tosses down his shield an proceeds to beat the shit out of said main character until someone cheap shots him. That’s fucking rad and memorable.
Someone else can post CIA.
It's also the only meaningful fallout from fins decision to betray everyone he's ever known, giving it accidentally plot importance.
Reminds me of a anime I saw once, where some random guard put up a better fight than the entirety of the main villains. Guy deserved a raise.
Pretty based. TDK was my first introduction to anything Batman related; when the movie opened up with this guy standing up to thugs, I thought it was because he was secretly Batman
I'm pretty sure that there was this book they released immediately after TFA that was a collection of 3 stories for the 3 main characters (Rey, Finn, & Poe) and the Finn story had this guy show up as an old friend of his.
And the only thing Finn really does in the two movies.
Rose steals his Heroic Sacrifice when he finally finds something he believes in. Because of some love they came across in the like day they knew each other.
Man that movie was a mess. And you just know they aren't going to fit any serious character development in the last one. Fucking mouse.
The memes were pretty great although obviously nowhere near as widespread as Baneposting. They say that Fichtner wasn't even supposed to be in the movie. He just walked onto the set and started threatening everyone with a prop shotgun and Nolan told them to film it. At least they thought the shotgun was a prop.
There is absolutely nothing to build on. Nothing happened to the three that really forces them to grow.
Rei- Tree set on fire, she's got some books or something.
Finn - Well he's got Rose now (but I don't think she's in the next one) so he's got nothing.
Poe - Got demoted which likely forgotten by the next film since the total numbers of the rebellion could fit in a matchbox.
It's sad that Kylo is literally the only character with any sort of personality or goals and even he is boring
His one personality trait is anger. He's got no real goal and is just fucking around, going in circles aimlessly. Kylo is the perfect personification of Disney's Star Wars
Kylo is the only character I liked, even back when TFA premiered.
Anyway, not that interested in the movies anymore.
He's gone one, everyone else has 0
Good showings from nameless mooks are usually pretty memorable. I still remember the Yakuza dudes from The Wolverine who fought him for like a good minute despite having no powers
At least Finn kinda had an arc, but you're right. No one got it worst than Poe though
Big Band from Skullgirls
He was just a background character that American fans thought was cool, and apparently Jap fans went ape shit over him.
he was not the first pick for DLC characters among the devs, but they made him one because of his Dark Horse popularity.
They didnt even let fans vote on him since they apparently knew he would sweep.
Hux is probably tied with Poe. He didn't have a great showing in TFA, but his sheer antipathy towards Kylo and his bullshit was top notch. And it's not even an "I don't believe in the Force" type deal, he genuinely does not give a single solitary fuck about who Kylo is or what he can do. And he got absolutely destroyed as a character in TLJ.
Both were fucked in the first scene with the your mom joke
Left is original print, right is paperback print
>dumb that it can block a lightsaber,
Not that dumb.
The fight on the bullet train?
They had to have known that Phasma would be disappointing. They gave her a name, a distinct design, and got friggin Gwendoline Christie to play her, and they don't let her do anything.
"Traitor!" trooper is unironically my favorite part of new Star Wars.
those were dumb and lore has it that they were supposed to be rare and expensive, literally the highest quality droids can get. not the type of weapon you would hand to literally a random soldier.
also, those were specifically designed to fight jedi. why the hell would a random soldiers shock baton be made to block a lightsaber, something they would suspect maybe 2 people at most to have on them? why did that one soldier and no one else have a random super shock baton made to block lightsabers, and you see no one else with them even on them much less using them? the hell are you putting such technology into a inconvenient shaped baton weapon? at least a staff makes some sense, but a batons not even made to be an actual weapon, and the heavier weighted end only makes it worse as one for how its used.
its dumb, its all just dumb. but that basically describes 90% of new star wars anyways.
That change makes sense, in a way.
Deadpool is blocking too much of his name on the left.
It's hilarious that she was thrown into the garbage because the script writer said "oh yeah, something has to happen to her otherwise the good guys just let her go".
They had a bunch of big whatchamacallits... standees? Uh, a bunch of those 6-foot cutouts of her at my local grocery store, near the "electronics section." Before I saw 7, I expected her to be important, but I guess not.
Disclaimer: I watched 1-6, then watched 7 and noped the fuck out of the series after that. Even watching the camrip, I felt like I wasted those two hours and could've been doing something more productive like fapping or working on my art.
That's the one. I rewatched the scene just now and it was just one really persistent thug who somehow stayed on top of a bullet train
It's more about popularity than composition
The worst thing is that she actually cares about the character, whereas lucasfilm (or at least the directors) do not
Shes always happy to voice Phasma, and has already done so in Battlefront 2 and the Resistance TV show
Its honestly baffling how they waste a decent character (when factoring in books and comics) twice
You don't know what that word means
I guess, he's assuming Boba was supposed to be formidable given he's a top bounty hunter.
Then in his only actual fight, the most he accomplishes is he tangles up look for a second before a Blind Han Solo accidentally whacks him in the jet pack and he falls into a sandy vagina.
Technically not jobbing because we have no real reason to assume he's not just a shitty bounty hunter who lucked out.
Bill Fitchner is an underrated actor.
aww yeah
I dont even know how you can fuck up as bad as they did with Phasma.
They think up a cool name, and have it be a female trooper in a bitchin set of chrome armor, and then literally throw her in the garbage in the movie, after she does nothing the entire time. Like what in the fuck where they even thinking. They could have made her a trooper that could stand up to jedi tier threats or something. Pretty much anything would have been better than what they actually did in these clusterfuck movies.
Should've been plasma
In the PT there were 10.000 Jedi, and they were fighting for the Republic
In the ST there are 1 and he's in hiding
In which periode would it make most sense to make weapons that can block lightsabers?
the thing about the sequels is that one sentence idea chances like this could have the movies much better
They weren't thinking, it was mandated by Kennedy after she saw the concept art and rushed into the movie late in the production. The director and writer had no interest in including her and she became a burden.
None of the developer picks got made into characters desu. The dev picks were Annie, Umbrella, and Marie and instead we got Robo-Fortune.
Finn lost his potential 15 minutes into TFA when he mindlessly opened fire on his fellow stormtroopers
That shit was so dissapointing. I went in expecting a story about Finn suffering from PTSD from turning on the people he spent years training and living with. Like he would be in some kind of grey area where he doesnt want to kill troopers, because they are just misguided like he was.
But instead within about 30 seconds of defecting hes whooping and hollering like a ghetto nigga while mowing down his fellow troopers with blasters. WOOOOOOO!!!
I was very disappointed with Phasma in both TFA and TLJ. I was ready for a shitload of Snu-snu-trooper inspiring art.
Fett's toy was released in advance of Empire as the sneak preview toy, hyping him up as a character, and in the movie he has a small but important role as a competent villain who looks cool. There was solid ground to build on and instead they threw him away in Jedi, but by then he was already popular and his death couldn't stop that.
It's what was implied about Fett that made him cool, like when Vader stopped and personally said to him "NO disintegrations"
Honestly what was even the point of makeing him ex empire. It's all so annoying.
Man, I don't even like SW that much but that baton was so cool.
This. Vader singling him out made it pretty clear he's more noteworthy than IG-88 or 4-LOM.
Really? I always thought it was trying to imply his work last time he worked for Vader was not to Vader's liking, so he had to single Boba out to basically say "don't fuck it up again".
Even if that's what it is, it shows Vader is willing to work with him again despite that fuck-up. And if Vader tolerates your mistakes, you must have done a ton right.
>Tracks the Falcon to Bespin
>Has the balls to stand up to Vader
>Notices Luke stalking through Cloud City and successfully ambushes him
Boba Fett isn't a major character, but he does more than enough in Empire to validate his cult following.
I figured he chalked Boba's worth up to working with the Clones. Not really knowing him well enough that Boba didn't live up to his genetic potential.
>hire the actress who plays cool lady knight Brienne
>have her be a strict amazon storm trooper in cool armour
>make sure she lives for the second movie
>kill her off anyway
She could have been a Mama Wolf style storm trooper leader who winds up following Finn's lead despite being shitty to him when they firsy interact, or a reluctant ally/antihero after a while, or a serious threat who mows through rebel forces like a tank. Absolute waste.
This. IF they had her in that one scene at Maz's castle and show her curbstomping a bunch of goons there that probably would've done what they had intended her to be and got her the fanbase they wanted her to have.
Hadn't considered that angle yet since I'm only a casual when it comes to Star Wars but you're probably right, Anakin does have a ton of experience working with clone troopers.
I'm certain the implication is that Boba has overkilled a target before because he's so badass, and Boba replying "As you wish..." is him saying that yeah, he won't murderkill them... this time...
Which would have come off as absolutely ridiculous had Boba been a different character. But he's such a mysterious man of few words, that actually completes his mission in the movie to boot, that it works.
Was there even an intended cool character?
They surely didn't want people to like Kylo Ren, Phasma or Hux given what they did with them. And they surely didn't expect people to like Rey, Finn or Poe, did they?
All of those you listed were the new flagship characters that were set up to bring new blood into this franchise, aside from Hux maybe. You really think they didn't want you to like them? That's why TFA is basically ANH again, they figured if it worked for the old cast it would for the new.
How I wished Phasma died in TFA, so that she didn't get to put the pretty silver armor to shame again in TLJ. So much potential, horror character.
Nah, they wanted you to like them so hard that people end up not liking them as much. Probably because they gave them ''likable/cool'' scences, archs, powers, abilities that the characters didn't deserve or didn't fit them at all. They were more concern with the movie and its entirety than actually making things organic and consistant across the board. That's what you get when you try breaking down writing into a an artificial set of sequences rather than a passionate need to tell a story.
I think worse for me is the deleted scene from TLJ. What made it into the film was a straight forward fight between Finn and Phasma peppered with cheesy one liners. The scene they cut was Finn’s using his past as a storm trooper to relate to the other stormtroopers over their shared dislike of Phasma to undermine her authority, and show that the faceless mooks are people, just like Finn was, potentially setting up a how the Resistance could rebuild after getting BTFO and having a unique plot about mutiny amongst the stormtroopers. But I guess Rian couldn’t fit the BB-8 in a Walker scene after the deleted one.
They couldn't resist showing that nazi white man was "mediocre" and uncontrollably emotional.
The "NB" is for "Nigger Beater"
Light sabers cant butter slice everything, if they have metal ships that can withstand faster than light travel , than surely they can put that metal into a stick
>Which would have come off as absolutely ridiculous had Boba been a different character.
Isn't he? I never got the impression he was a badass. Jango? Yeah. But not Boba. At least not based on anything I've ever watched or read.
That image makes me sad
According to Lucasfilm, no physical, solid substance except for a Zillo-Beast hide can withstand the blade of a Lightsaber. Only thing that can is energy based weapons. Like another Lightsaber, a Mangnaguard staff, Zygerrian whips and TR-8R's night-sick.
And vibroblades.
Didn't they say that they wanted to go beyond it being a trilogy? There could be an inherent fear of doing anything too substantial with the characters if they're already vaguely planning a fifth and sixth sequel.
Likely the weapon is nothing too special, was designed for a different purpose, and the lightsaber-blocking was an unintended side-effect. Also, that particular trooper was probably just an absolute madman who happens to prefer bludgeoning rebels with an awkward club.
He did nothing wrong.
Maybe she could have been hunting Finn down throughout the first movie with the intent to drag him back because nobody runs out on her command. She could've been a one woman army destroying everything in her path just to get to him, perhaps causing Finn some emotional conflict that people are still suffering because of him.
Nah, just throw her in the garbage, it'll be a good joke.
...But that's not true, there's Phrik.
What anime
Holy shit how young are you.
Rebel scum
>Phasma hunting Finn
>she's a fucking machine coming after him like the Terminator
>you can only slow her down, not stop her
>instead of the stupid casino planet he should have been training to get good so he could 1v1 her
Also she should have pulled off her helmet and shook out long blond hair, like an evil Samus.
Had it been Phasmagirl fighting Finn in that scene and some random british officer thrown in the garbage hatch they would have had the intended effect.
I still can't figure out what they were thinking.
Is there a way to watch the original trilogy in HD without Lucas's hackjob edits?
Star Wars isn't Yea Forums unless you post the comics or cartoons
fuck off
Music to my ears.
>Finn is a former child soldier who's entire life has been under the First Order training
>Cracks shitty jokes the second he gets out and does nothing with said training.
What the fuck?
>Finn knows how to get into Starkiller Base
>Because he was a fucking janitor
Why the fuck did a Janitor get tagged into being a Assault Trooper?
That was failed clone level job.
Also that training seems pretty fucking weak since it has zero effect on him once he hits Jakku.
...they'll probably handwave it that The Force cured him of his brainwashing.
Well obviously the First Order found the last few deposits of cortosis left after the Old Old Republic Era. Just like before, they dumped them in trooper-issue sidearms instead of actually useful things.
Cable & Deadpool sounds better.
It’s not dead until Yea Forums stops saying this. Because when it’s truly dead, no one will care to mention it anymore.
Most logical explanation is that in the FO non-specialist positions rotate between field and base duties. Something like 6 months grunt, 6 months POG. Finn never having seen combat could be explained by his former "combat" postings being guard duty outside of combat zones, and his complete breakdown of training explained by him basically sitting around or doing maintenance ever since he finished training. He's basically the equivalent of a Marine that pretends he's badass because he did a single tour of duty guarding an embassy in Iraq then spent the next 5 years stateside meeting the minimum standards.
why do you think it was made specifically to combat lightsabers?
No, that's the very definition of jobbing. Take Funaki, a probably Korean pro wrestler who spent a good chunk of his career getting shit on by heels. He was enthusiastic, surprisingly popular (I remember he used to get almost Rey Mysterio-tier pop some nights) and usually ended up with his back, and sometimes his face, flat on the mat. Funaki existed to make big guys look strong and make the crowd hate them for beating the shit out of this happy plucky little guy.
A jobber is someone whose primary role is to make others look good by losing to them, but generally aren't a credible threat to begin with. Boba Fett fits that role.
>arc ruined by D&D
>new character ruined bu Disney
Why can’t we protect her bros?
Itagaki was originally going to have Baki kill Hanayama before he exploded in popularity
be thankful she's dead and at peace now, or else D&D and Disney could both ruin her at the same time even more with the new movies they are getting to write.
>phasma slowly, yet purposely, walking towards finn
>shoots her with a blaster
>bounces off
>she starts walking faster
>oh shi-
TR8R should have been Finns buddy or team mate and so took great offense to Finn's betrayal of the Empire/Order
Finn sucked
Didn’t they retcon him to being Finn and dead trooper’s childhood friend?
>when you're hyped up as the important, first black MC of Star Wars, subjected too all the slings and arrows of audiences, culture warriors, and marketing
>turns out you're just the fakeout MC for a white girl running distraction for the suits
He did, that was the best part of the book. Getting his and Finn's comradeship
Did they? I hated TFA so I never bothered with the rest of Disney SW
The best part about star wars books ihas always been taking background characters and spinning elaborate backstories for them. Like Max fucking Rebo.
To make matters worst Deadpool & Cable and Cable & Deadpool were two different series
Finally. People forget he's the one that tracked down Han, not the empire. He's not a jobber.
Further note: first appearance was as actually Christmas special, so not sure he wasn't supposed to be hyped
If anyone first this thread, its Han. Han was supposed to be less popular than Luke but it didn't work out that way
This is a comics and cartoon board
The Clone retcon of Fett it pretty dumb. He should be his own guy, not a clone of his dad
I have them on Laserdisc which is the closest you will get to owning the original copies, but there are no home copies of the original films. Every release ever had changes
Like above poster said, he was the one who tracked the Falcon to Bespin. No other bounty Hunter was capable
Motherfucker don't you dare talk shit about my man Bossk, who is a lizard but also a man
who even could possibly give a fuck about any aspect of star wars
>D&D and Disney
>The Clone retcon of Fett it pretty dumb.
How was it a retcon if his past was never explored before?
Derpy will be remembered
Your art sucks anyway.
Background grey maned winged horse with visual impairment from the color pasteled horses show about magic and friendship.
I have a feeling that the documentary makers wanted us to see Chang as a lazy, incompetent, neo-colonial, racist, exploiter; but people seem to sympathize with him the most.
They tried to engineer their own Boba Fett with Phasma when they had an organic Boba Fett with this guy.
Derpy was a good pony.
I wouldnt go that far
...Slow Dancer from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run?
The paparazzi didn't even want us to notice him. but we couldn't help notice him noticing.
She could get her helmet partially sliced by Finns lightsaber, so she pulls it off and unfurls her hair to keep fighting.
And then still, dont kill her. Have her come back every time, and maybe reconsider what shes doing when she sees al the suffering she causes. Maybe have her swap sides, and get a new suit of armor, that she also gets chromed because she likes the look.
Boba Fett:
-Has a cool design people liked
-Was probably the only thing most people liked about the Star Wars Holiday Special
-Was shown to be effective in ESB in small ways (Vader saying "no disintegrations", Fett spotting the Falcon on a destination to Bespin, Fett showing up with Vader on Bespin, Fett getting to transport Carbonite Han to Jabba)
-Ends up falling in the Sarlacc Pitt during the fight in ROTJ
People compare Phasma to Boba Fett in order to defend the poor way Phasma was depicted in the ST, but Phasma:
-Has a cool design
-Orders the villagers to be killed
-Is easily ambushed by Finn, Han, and Chewie and then thrown into the garbage compactor
-Has confrontation with Finn in the next film and is easily taken down by him.
People trying to defend JJ and Rian's take on Phasma by going "b-but Boba Fett" are fucking brainlets.
Having seen what lightsabers can do, i don't think you accidentally make something that is resistant to it
It definitely wasn't in the films, must've been one of the supplemental material that can easily be ignored.
That's called a "breakout character"
who said that?
It's weird how Hanayama has managed to still stay relevant in the series after all these years.
You forgot that Boba Fett successfully stands up to Darth Vader's authority in Empire, which instantly gives him badass points.
But that wasn't Boba. That was Tag in Boba's armor. It's almost like you don't read any of the expanded universe material user. Are you really that retarded?
Now now, you mean muffins as derpy was insulting and derogatory to special needs children.
While I know you’re joking user, it’s shit like this that makes me glad that Disney shat the EU out of canon. 90% of the eu was utter garbage (idling zombies anyone?). While Disney Canon is mediocre, mediocre beats shit any day of the week.
I disagree. The old canon had different levels of canonicity, from “Lucas canon” to “not canon” and every level between. A lot of the stuff that people point to as being stupid was from low level entries and the non canon list.
Comparatively it’s now canon you can download force powers, the force has a two way autobalance function, and other crap. EU was mostly okay at the upper level canon, the new canon is just stupid.
he was the first one on vaders side to backtalk/second guess vader and not get choked
he does this more than once
>she's a fucking machine
It was in some book or something
Why would you think they considered Tag and Bink canon?
No one wants to go to Yea Forums though
Despecialized versions.
That's like intentionally missing the point.
Let’s be fair, the intended cool character in TDKR was Bane and the meme is named for him even if CIA gets all the best lines.
>mfw realising according to the promo materials he was apparently Nolan’s envisioning of Slade Wilson
>mfw I can’t look at Deathstroke anymore without imagining him doing the pose and being obsessed with Bane
BOY are there some shots of Obi-Wan slowly and laboriously cutting holes in walls and shit from Revenge of the Sith they might want to edit out, then.
It amazes me that Itagaki thought about where Baki’s character arc should go and decided he would be 100% chill with ultimately NOT beating his dad in a fistfight, alienating Kozue with his fighting autism, being content with being given the “strongest creature on earth” as a meaningless consolation prize when we all saw Yujiro WIN THE DAMN FIGHT and then become increasingly jaded and fight-happy like his old man.
It amazes me further he decided to add a sumo wrestler who can crush coal into diamonds as the current big challenge fight man.
He’s really really really REALLY big and tough and strong even though he doesn’t know a goddamn martial art or is a freak caveman or a goddamn resurrected samurai like the other endgame level fighters, please understand.
thats not how FTL travel works in Star Wars. in canon material you see people cut through the hulls of ships that can do FTL travel with lightsabers. now, granted, i couldn't tell you why this is or how it works, only that its been shown that FTL capable hulls are not lightsaber proof. im sure some are thick enough trying to melt through it is wholly impractical, but thats different than it not being possible, or the material being able to deflect lightsaber blades.
all of that sounds like just an excuse to wave it off for the nonsense that it is.
>she's a fucking machine coming after him like the Terminator
They should make her survive and give her a Grievious-like cyborg body. With Finn not knowing it's her until he damages her helmet in the final battle.
One more month till the end m8.
and Derpy will always be the best.
Cortosis is resistant to lightsabers, not completely lightsaber proof
Disney canon is even worse, what are you even talking about?
On the more obscure side of things, we have Barricade, a throwaway grunt from the first movie who accidentally lived through all five without resurrections or anything because Michael forgot to put him in the final battle of every movie he's in. His G1 phase has been thrown in the trash in favor of evil Prowl for most of his incarnations and even became TF of the Year, 2nd place Bayformers Fanpoll winner of 2016, and low-key the most memorable TF video game character for one of the movie games.
All because he skipped the final fight of the first movie.
>get gifted one of the new books (bloodlines?) because "you like Star Wars, right?"
>it's about Leia becoming a senator in the new republic or whatever it's called now
>It's about Populists vs Centrists
>it's just an election story
Fuck that shit. The old political stuff with Corellia, and the GA, and all the other shit was so intriguing. Secret agents, espionage, betrayal, propaganda, way more interesting than what we have now. And the core worlds vs the outer rim was just as engaging.
>and low-key the most memorable TF video game character for one of the movie games
If you mean the first movie DS game, I agree. It helps that he was voiced by Keith David.
Totes. The campaign was balls surprising. Loved the heist thing they pulled. Sad they didn't bring his importance back for the sequels.
A retcon doesn’t have to be directly contradicting something in order for it to be a retcon.
Yes it does, otherwise its just adding backstory.
Are those BOYS skullgirls TOO?
>they immediately try to rehash this with Phasma and the plasma axes next film
Why not have it just be Phasma to start with in TFA?
Friendly reminder - Boba Fett's first appearance is the Star Wars Holiday Special, where he pretends to be Luke's friend.
>just imagining how assblasted Vader was about whatever that disintigration remark referred to
I wonder if Palpatine made him do a shitload of paperwork or something. Probably had something to do with them wanting a body for evidence of death.
He's literally just rebuilding his mask. They're undoing everything TLJ did and as a result his characterization is all fucking over the place. He's still the best new character but its a really fucking low bar.
They're really not dragging her back for this one? I figured it would have been a gag.
Since we've gone over why Phasma was a failure, any ideas on what made TR-8R badass?
Aside from having a cool toy and a good look. He was the only character in Empire that Vader just talked to man to man, rather than threatened or browbeat.
Limited usage that made him look cool:youtube.com
He isn't made a joke like Hux or Kylo or Snoke or Phasma.
He beats Finn and almost kills him.
A smarter storytelling person would've either used him again in the second film, or put Phasma in his place instead--Phasma nearly killing Finn only to be wounded by Han. Unfortunately, the sequel trilogy isn't really made by people who care about storytelling.
He's got Moxie. I like it.
But yeah a better movie would've done a lot more with Finn's whole origin. For someone who should be an indoctrinated child soldier having an existential or moral dilemma, his character doesn't work well with that.
If he truly cared about his life, one would imagine he'd value himself more in the beginning.
If he truly cared about the lives of others, one would imagine he wouldn't be completely okay with shooting all his old comrades in the back.
This. I never watched TLJ, but kylo, phasma and hux at least are all made into jokes by the end of TFA.
>Kylo throwing a bitch fit and the first order soldiers just noping out of there
>Hux squeaking like a bitch and getting dragged around by snoke
>Phasma literally only appearing to be made into a haha so funny OT reference
>"Traitor!" trooper is unironically my favorite part of new Star Wars.
Well, it's the only good part.
My headcanon is that Boba fett was drunk as hell.
>give us our 1st female SW villain in a movie
>she gets 5 minutes of screentime and dies
I thought the force was female wtf?
I always thought Phasma was a celebrity cast, especially since they planned to make her into one of those cool faceless character guys. But that doesn't work when there's very little to cheer for. It's like the difference between Jason Vorhees and Phasma- both are uncharismatic bores but at least one of them does something.
Stormtroopers have always been a joke in Star Wars and by 2015 were basically walking slapstick and been parodied to hell as completely useless.
Then this mother fucker shows up, whips out a lightning baton and goes toe to toe with some dude with a lightsaber to bring justice to a filthy traitor. And he almost kills him if not for Han.
Janna's more of the comic relief fave like Sheen from Jimmy Neutron of Joey from Friends. Great as a side character but the minute they get their spinoff, they're fucked out of charisma. Well, at least the lawyer guy from Breaking Bad is doing alright for his spinoff.
females can't be villains idiot
Plus he didn't appear in the trailers. Makes him a complete treat.
I betcha his figure sold millions for the meme and memorable scene alone.
it really says something about the new trilogy that the stormtroopers have all the best scenes
Finn's background have only been used for him to know where the shield generator and hyperspace tracker was located. Raised as a soldier he should have a more rigid personality, and the Resistance should be more suspicious of him
>Finn is raised as a child soldier
>TLJ has Rose explain to Finn why slavery is bad
Is that bad? That shit's a lot to work with, like you said all it amounted to was Finn being a key to the Death Star stand in. But all of what you just said could be interesting character angles if they just went with one of them.
I recall at least one Tumblrtot complaining that Finn, as a black person, should automatically know why slavery was bad.
I can only hope that person was joking, and not an actual tard- but that's Tumblr for you.
Remember, in TFA she immediately gives up when held at gunpoint at close range, despite the fact that she's wearing explicitly blaster proof armor.
>1st female SW villain in a movie
*Blocks your path*
Laserdisc. There are a fair few rips floating around on the net. I'm sure Disney have released an "uncut" version by now to rake in even more money from the corpse that is star wars.
I don’t think so, Tim.
>in a movie
Beginning of TCW technically counts as a movie.
>stormtropper goes toe to toe with stormtrooper
Either way, a stormtrooper is useless. It's over Anakin
There is a chance that this is expanded upon in a alternative cut. Finn was originaly suposed to get a lot more focus.
Jango fails in his mission to kill Padme and ends up killed in the movie, whereas Boba succeeds and makes off with a main character in the cargo hold. How is that not badass?
Now if Jango had a "no disintegrations" scene with Dooku, he WOULD come off as ridiculous, since he fails and dies. It would be as if Boba had his goofy death by blinded Han in Empire instead of 3 years later in the sequel.
Are they gonna reveal that Vader's armor is made of Zillo Beast hide? Maybe they have already.
i think short name & long name just sounds better
>muh 1080p
You have to be 18 to post here
He did fight Obi Wan (mostly) 1v1
I don't know that :)
Even though Jango's design is so recycled it's silly (no one needed to see Boba Fett's origin), the Kamino duel and the asteroid field chase are my favourite scenes from Clones. Temuera Morrison is great.
They almost were. Had a cameo in SOLO, but the scene got deleted. Shame too, it was a good scene, showed Han in the imperial flight academy.
While he died like a bitch, the fight scene does show him being pretty tactically smart
>enemy has laser sword, get in the air so he can't hit
>enemy is deflecting blasers, use rocket
>realises when jedi is trying to get his sword back, prevents that
He even holds his own in CQC against force jump kicks and the like. Shame in the final fight he forgot all that and just fired his pistols uselessly until he got decaffeinated.
>what is TCW movie
You mean like Nameless Shura killing Falco?
I am actually disappointed that he was the manager of a mob-controlled bank. It would have been a lot cooler if he was a regular guy.
>American fans and Jap fans
Wow so like a whole 10 people?
11 it's big in Japan
Holy fucking kek
i like horses
>Jango fails in his mission to kill Padme and ends up killed in the movie
Fought and defeated Obi-wan, killed Coleman Trebor, and it took Mace Windu to finally bring him down.
> whereas Boba succeeds and makes off with a main character in the cargo hold. How is that not badass?
Because all he did was just luck out and track them. It's not like he captured Han, Leia and Chewbacca. Vader did.
>Even though Jango's design is so recycled
It was a vast improvement over than that janky mess that Boba wore. Also showed he was more professional that he cared about the maintenance of his equipment in addition to being a badass, unlike Boba.
No. Vader's armor is already known to be made of plasteel. His arm didn't get cut because there wasn't enough momentum behind Luke's strike. The more force behind a strike, the cleaner and more effective the cut.
I think some material is harder to cut with a lightsaber then others. Quigon Jin took some time making a hole though a door.
That was because of the blast-doors. They, coupled with the regular doors, were thicker than the length of his blade. So he was kinda forced to quit cutting through it and apparently try to melt them instead.
>I thought the force was female wtf?
Minority representation never, ever matters in cases of dirty jobs or characters who aren't fucking flawless. Nobody gives a shit about female garbage collectors, black ice road truckers, or transsexual supervillains.
Basically, it's what said. When's the last time you saw an unrepentant female supervillain who didn't come from a broken home, wasn't doing it for the greater good, or hadn't in someway been forced into the role of villain against her will?
Star Wars is fucking trash
Phasma was expected to be Boba Fett 2.0, instead she's a straight jobber and a joke.
I can kinda see what they're going for with the fascist overtones to the New Order and Phasma's total willingness to capitulate the second shit goes south, but its a confused mess w/ Hux being a joke, Kylo a ranging manchild and Snoke very dead.
>Phasma was expected to be Boba Fett 2.0, instead she's a straight jobber and a joke.
sounds like a boba fett 2.0 to me
Boba/Jango were independent figures who were doing it for cash and died.
Phasma is a coward and bully with nice armor who keeps appearing for some reason?
Don't make your 'cool' character with nice armor a weird authoritarian failure who gives up instantly.
God he's the fucking best.
Christ, those fucking toolbox-shoved-into-a-blender transformations still fucking irrationally piss me off to this day. They look so fucking fragile and less practical than actual god damned 80s toys. Like, one small screw dropped into that whirling mess would cause the whole thing to fly the fuck apart.
It's telling how Rian claimed he wanted a subversive film that defied expectations, yet pulled shit like this. All he really wanted was to direct a shitshow to fuck over a franchise he held some form of grudge against and Disney paid him millions to do it.
They have the same number of syllables.
>big band
>trench coat
>”hammer space” weapons
>cool theme
>has a saxophone motif
What’s not to like?
>sounds like a boba fett 2.0 to me
Nice try, shill
In the context of Star Wars there was Chancellor Saresh, Kreia, Atris, Daala, and many others but they’re all EU
So glad Kathleen Kennedy and the rest of Lucasfilm decided to shit on the EU to herald in this brave new world
I adore this guy in John Wick 2. He loves his job, you just know he's in there early, getting things set up, last to leave. He wakes up each day with a big smile on his face, knowing he's doing what he loves.
>TDK was my first introduction to anything Batman related
You're kidding bro
Daala would have been a neat reference, shame hollywood replaces all red heads with blacks
>character that doesn't rely on fanservice ends up being the coolest
The sweetest of justice.
I've always hated Boba Fett, but this is coming from someone not really big on Star Wars to begin with. He's such a non character who gained a following over occupation and costume design. The only thing he does in the films is fly around and fall in a giant sand vagina.
If I may add to this, the scene feels amazing from a choreography standpoint. They're not dancing around or doing flips constantly. The guy feels genuinely pissed at Finn and every one of his attacks has weight to it.
The only likeable villian in the entire show
No it doesn't.
If nothing changes then whats being retconned?
Neo's fun.
In the last movie Bumblebee executes one with a chain after it becomes tangled in him when he transformes so you are not too far off.
That has got to be the most petty criticism of Transformers I ever read.
You should find a dictionary and look up the words retroactive and continuity.
you should too
Not everybody cares about every piece of pop culture, especially something like Batman where a lot of people assume it's dumb pulpy comic book stuff for kids.
There are plenty of people who never knew anything about the Joker until they say the Heath Ledger version and assumed that's how he was always portrayed.
He fought a dude with a lightsaber and beat the shit out of him
No user, you're retarded.
Even context clues should've keyed you into the fact he was not Batman. You're just really dumb.
Hey remember that one time in TLJ when Rose was talking to Finn and she was like "ugh dont you know the First Order is bad, me and my sister suffered under them" and Finn was completely fucking silent despite being a kidnapped child soldier?
They really dont fucking care about his backstory.
He tries to get away at the end of the movie but his jetpack is damaged from one of the monsters. AOTC is a shit movie and that last scene is still terrible but logically it still works. Jango would have fled if he could.
Didn't she also free a bunch of race horses while abandoning literal child slaves?
And they wonder why we hate that character so much.
>universe where sentient droids exist and can complete complex tasks
>use human slaves
why bukkake queen?
Trying to make a commentary about...? I have no idea, this is so dumb.
>Implying he didn't survive
>Implying he doesn't know the secrets of spinning.
That's the kind of stuff Lucas would pull off and it would be glorious.
>TR8R is the final boss of Star Wars.
Worth it.
>fans built up a weird cult following for a bit character who jobbed like a bitch.
Cause he was mysterious and shit. They left out so much of his characterization and backstory but gave enough that you could wonder and build that shit up in your head. I don't why this line of thinking eludes so many people when they question Boba Fett's popularity.
For the DVD release, they added a sparking effect to the jetpack to make it clearer that it was damaged, if people only saw the original release they might not have got this.
Thats not why clones are a thing. Obi wan tells about his days in the clone wars before boba fett was established. Id figure that people asking wtf the clones wars are in addition to boba fett exploding in popularity have to do with the mandalorians being the basis of the clones.
You can see her face right there, why do you think?
He was so hilariously menacing, and unironically (and unintentionally) badass. Everything else in the new movies is filled with "witty humor", but for this moment it's just a raw silent beatdown, with only his rage-fueled grunts to be heard.
I still love it desu
I prefer the term boneboys