I love Will Conrad's art, but I hate Mikel Janin's work.
What does Yea Forums think of poser artists?
They're shit, they'll always look like shit, they can fuck off, and fuck Mikel Janin especially, he is terrible.
Draw for real or fuck off.
So the OP image is shit user?
Its stiff and generic and relies on the inker and colorist to be a crutch.
What do you mean by poser?
Janins pretty good honestly
Yeah I actually like Janin's stuff. It's different.
I bet you two love the taste of slimey stinky green poo poo shitpills in your mouth too.
But Will Conrad doesn't use a poser you fool. This was a test and you failed user. Go back to enjoying Frank Quietly artwork.
> It's stiff and generic and relies on the inker and colorist to be a crutch
Not a valid argument dumbhead
Get over yourself
>Go back to enjoying Frank Quietly artwork
>shitting on Quietly
Wow you have awful taste.
>>Not a valid argument dumbhead
What the fuck do you mean "not a valid argument"?
The inks are smooth and the colors are good but if you take those away you're left with an incredibly stiff, lifeless image. Its a polished up turd.
Why the fuck would you ever in a million god damn years LIKE Mikel Janins "art"? It looks genuinely fucking terrible.
Why do you care so much what I like or dislike?
You felt the need to voice your tastes on a public forum of discussion in a thread specifically about opinions related to this exact kind of artwork.
Dumb faggot.
Dont voice your retard opinions in a public space and then get confused why people respond to your retard opinion and call you a retard, you fuckin retard.
You should probably explain what a poser artist is first, because I'm too lazy to Google your obscure terminology.
>obscure terminology
Ignoring for a minute that you, like OP, are retarded, he's referring to 3D model poser programs where hacks pose a 3D model and then trace over it for their art.
I hope you find happiness
What the fuck are you talking about you fool?
Its stiff.
Always looks stiff.
how does it look stiff?