>show ending
>"now is the time to pander to t/u/mblr"
Where have I seen this before?
Anyways, good riddance.
Other urls found in this thread:
Last minute lesbians is a time-honored tradition.
no you see its different because it isnt the very last second
except they were together prior to this episode
Before this thread turns into a /pol/ shitstorm, let's all agree that Carl was a kino episode.
More like "Oh.. gay? Gay! Oh.."
Let's stop the show
"Surprise Lesbians" is an increasingly popular trope.
Enid was confirmed as a fag long ago
they've been fucking behind rad and ko's backs since red action was introduced
Bi, get it right
how many times you gonna make this thread?
I'm bi myself. I still use fag to refer to anyone lgbt
They did NOT seriously. fuck me. at least I can stop watching it now.. but I feel bad for briefly being so into it while it had potential.
god it must be really hard for girls being unable to even have friends now without people thinking youre lebbians. I guess the bigger thing seems to be 'admiration = romance' though, which is possibly even worse. It suggests women have to be super independent and not look up to anyone, except whom they're fucking. and fuck everyone they admire, I guess?
Congrats, now you know what it's like to be a guy.
Does anyone have the mega?
You should post that Mung Daal image there user,feel like a miss opportunity.
user, just call everyone a faggot. You're on Yea Forums for fucks sake
Did this become a trope by now?
>let's all agree that Carl was a kino episode.
I too enjoyed the episode.
But they've been dating, or at least openly attracted to each other, for a while
Does even look bi to you?
Its kinda realistic. Ive never seen women become "bros" without getting gay.
The creator confirmed she's specifically bi and this was I believe years ago
All lesbians secretly diddle kids. Its a power trip to them
>/pol/tard tourists are still trying to force there meme reactionary crap to a cartoon they don't even watch.
Oh, stop it.
Are you stupid or something?
I have plenty of female friends and nobody thinks I'm a lesbian.
The trick is to not kiss them in public.
This happens because these shows end before they have time to develop these relationships gracefully and all plans get rushed. Plus they can stop worrying about what execs and audiences think and just do it.
user, Enid and this chick have had a thing since they first met. This isn't a last minute lesbian thing.
>she's not kissing a guy at that exact moment so she must not be bi
>in public
Yeah, save it for when you get home
Ah, just like the real life counterparts.
Misshapen ugly blobs.
>they can stop worrying about what execs and audiences
Steven Universe never had any issues. Where does this meme of forbidden gay comes from?
>It suggests women have to be super independent and not look up to anyone, except whom they're fucking.
As long as they're fucking other women. Straight women are looked down.
They used "they're genderless rocks" as an excuse until the public was brainwashed into accepting it.
Leave this thread, it's for men to scream in
But that goes against muh narrative!
She strikes me as the kind of "bisexual woman" that is fully game dating exclusively women save for the occasional oogling men in magazines.
it limits international release and the company your working under more often than not cares more about profit even today user. as an example steven universe can broadcast in russia but it's chopped to hell and missing entire episodes/action scenes.
They look and sound female and use female pronouns. If you think shitty lore only fans know is enough to fool the boomers that would be bothered by it then you are retarded.
Yet they never forbid Sugar from anything. Thats just a wishfu tumblr meme.
The kids knew the lore and used it to argue with their parents when they tried to tell them they didn't want them watching gay shit, the parents didn't know how to deal with the argument and shrugged it off.
I want this bi"sexual" meme to end.
>shit that never and would never happen
Any parent who genuinely doesnt wants their kids to watch gay shit would still forbid it
no shit sherlock russian laws have no control over something being produced in the states and i don't go on tumblr so i wouldn't know about your "meme", but it does cause the localization to cost more.
I hear you but the point is that they never told Sugar not to do it
What about holding hands and giving them fuck-me eyes?
To clarify the point is that people act as if they have creators by the balls when it comes to including gay shit but that isnt the case at all, networks are more than happy to deal with the issues it brings
Yeah the episode was pandering. But they had it set up in past episodes about this ring a thing. So it wasn't pulled out of their was at the last minute.
Not advised.
I mean, I don't blame them. All issues removed, it's just getting dull. Even I would get bored if every series ended with boys smooching, and I was a massive yaoi fiend.
Overly animated and blobby isn't good either. I don't know why everyone sucks Baxter's dick so hard when most of his animation work is so recognizable due to how floaty it is, like there's too much moving in so little frames.
Korra and Asamai
Does Rachel Bighead count? In my experience any tranny who puts in that little effort is almost definitely a lesbian.
OK KO? More like Oh Gay? Gay. Oh...
>Show is despised by SJWs
>Appease them anyway
The show was made for horny cartoon fans, so let the gals kiss!
There is nothing that proves she is bi, even when she hooks up with rad. It feels like she is just experimenting before going full dyke.
All of that, should be burned down in kerosene.
she's outright seen more than once with a Bi pride symbol
I’ve seen so many SJW hating on this show, with all the excuses saying it has too many sexy brown women with thicc thighs and even saying to boycott the Sonic episode. Sheesh!
>Yea Forumsmblr acussing anyone of being tumblr
i wanna sit on his lap, is that normal
there's multiple scenes that hint at this user, it's about as much of a secret as boxman and venemous being gay minus the very obvious rainbow stickers.
Enid is bi u fuckers
Also Rad is going to get threesomes with Raymond and Drupee pretty based if you ask me
>it's always two girls
You know the boardroom of executives don't actually care about the issue because they read the survey that lesbians are more socially acceptable the two dudes. It's like trying to earn SJW brownie points but you don't wanna stick your entire foot in the water.
Disgusting. They always bomb the show at the end because they have nothing to lose.
No, bye.
>it must be really hard for girls being unable to even have friends now without people thinking youre lebbians.
So this is equality...
if this show had more episodes at this point they need to have boxman and venomous wear rainbow bandannas and fire off a giant fucking mega phone to try and destroy the plaza while screaming they love each other then maybe you fuckers would get it.
How will Elodiefags recover?
reminder that they didn't wait for the finale, they waited for the final one-off episode before the endgame stuff started
this would be roughly equivalent to if the bubbline kiss happened in Blenanas (and also if Blenanas was about bubbline)
That’s what the storyboard artist intended, so sit away!
>You know the boardroom of executives don't actually care about the issue
Because it's the (((people))) in charge of them that are forcing it.
>but she got a symbol!
And nothing to back it up. What are the males that she shows interest? Rad, some random guy?
What are you talking about? I know this. They did it poorly to show this.
It's like when people says that PB is bi without showing any evidence that she likes males.
Can you explain what you mean by that?
the symbol was designed by rebecca sugar and is blatantly based on the color scheme of the bisexual flag, and yes her interest in rad and the ninja guy that has been pointed out about 10 different times in these same bitching threads are evidence.
Why do faggots have to ruin everything?
Of course. The Jews are doing this to destroy western society in order to boost Israel's power. You know.
Bis are the patrician fag, free real estate in truhomo minds.
I fucking hate fag panders. Why is the industry full of faggots?
Which she ultimately dumps him and rather choose women.
until she relapses into her shotacaine addiction
>western people: we are the most powerful people in the world and nothing can stop us
>also western people: this fictional lesbians from a dead show are going to be the downfall of our society
200 years of lies
Thank you for explaining. And they're doing this via cartoons?
Based. Fuck ok gay o.
>CN and Nick are constantly spamming this lgbt shit
>meanwhile based Disney XD keeps them in the background and keeps MCs straight
nah, this is called following through.
Been hinted/stated Enid is Bi several times in the show and by the creator.
Can you believe that this guy gets railed by boxman every night?
Lucky bastard
>show ending
>"now is the time to pander to t/u/mblr"
>Where have I heard this before?
From EZ
>Enid is bi
>has never showed any interest in men
who caress, Enid still hot and all I care about okko is the porn
glad this show is getting canceled
She dated Rad
So you changed your post after you got told with Star vs and GF? That's pretty sad my man
shit is becoming less and less of a rumor
ya "dated" Rad
>I don't know why why everyone sucks Michelangelo's dick so hard when most of his fresco work is so recognizable due to how crowded with detail, like there's so many things in just one piece
In her teens.
I want to fuck that robot girl
Bad Writing, Bad Development
>i don't watch cartoons i just bitch about them man comes back
is being going on for awhile thou
>I have a small white penis
Fixed. fuck off you incel
I absolutely hate the current state of animation, but that doesn't make this guy not a simpering little faggot.
>"Muh super-cereal top-secret insider source tells me Alex Hirsch is sacrificing baby foreskins to Xenu to shower in planet in festering lesbian herpes sores!"
You never heard of puppy love?
what's funny about that is that some of that video is literally shitposts aka hack posting made in /gfg/ and retards eat it up.
you sound like tumblrites who claim that bi people who end up in het relationships are actually straight
What's that have to do with anything?
Where's the mega link though?
All Bi Myseeeelf
there's multiple copies of megas in the night of thread.
How about.............. not having them at all?
Name a more iconic duo
Being gay is mostly a phase too.
Yes, in conjunction with other forms of media. By using this "exposure" strategy they make things more palatable for people, especially for children. They try their hardest to control people's minds.
Seething tumblrtard.
kek I thought I'd seen the same post before too. I even thought this was even the original thread before I looked at the replies
Pretty good batch so far. Besides a pacing issue, which is CN's fault at this point, I have no real complaints.
Will Fink go anti-Turbo? She was an albino coloured rat originally. A corrupted KO verses a purified Fink sounds like a good final fight.
Fucking lol
Meh you have to go notably off model to make Enid attractive. Her natural state has her ((thic)) legs look like two logs.
Why is it always lesbians instead of gay guys?
Throwing lesbians into something is just zero-risk easy progressive brownie points. Lot of creators realise this.
My only complaint is that it was obvious that season 3 would've been the Rad season with a 4 part mini series
Straight people think lesbians are hotter.
Kung Fu Panda added a gay male couple in the middle of the series, and nobody cared.
I feel bad for gay guys, the only media appearances they get is shit like modern family.
Probably because nobody watched the show
That and a lot of idiots think the red one is a girl.
The gay guys were together for half of season 2 and almost all of 3
>good riddance
You mean Tumblr? Yes, good fucking riddance.
Except is was emphasized in 3 prior episodes that they were more than friends. I'm not a gay lifestyle supporter, but it was pretty obvious when Ian and the board artists were liking/retweeting art like this for 2 years
>I feel bad for gay guys
Why? I'd rather have interesting characters than "representation." If an interesting character is gay it's just icing. Get it? Icing? Cause cakeboy ah fuck it.
>didn't watch the finale of Voltron
No, because they fucking wound up here
Probably never because despite being Kungfu Panda, nobody watched it.
people need to be spoon fed everything on this board
I don't eat shit.
Also Jackie in SvtFoE (it was like 3 episodes before the series finale, that counts as last minute to me). Star being bi for Brunzetta also happened in the final season.
Cause gay guys are disgusting? Most guys are turned on by lesbians if they're pretty and girls usually don't mind them.
So what you're saying is progressive types just go for what is potentially profitable instead of actually giving a shit?
>Reactionary /pol/tards in THIS much denial.
Just give up. You lost this war.
user half the the people bitching itt probably don't even watch cartoons, especially considering they've been ignoring the gay dudes in the fucking show.
I hate this "guys are gross" wave of feminism.
>this thread
You guys know that these two were established as a thing a long while ago, right? Why are you bitching about it now?
...You mean feminism?
Of course! It all makes sense now!
>What are the males that she shows interst in besides the two males she shows interest in?
Because no one likes gays user, after 20 years of faggots pushing their agenda all they've managed to accomplish is to grow their own batch of radicals and make everyone else go from wanting to beat queers on the street to tolerating them while still hating them for their attention whoring and dirty lifestyle
is there a mega?
But they failed, Because jackie did not kiss chloe. And their ending was lame and poor.
that would require them to actually watch the cartoon rather than use Yea Forums as there personal venting blog.
The youtube link still works, they up every episode on their channel.
>Uh hunny, she's BI *gets pozzed*
>((Bi)) character always ends up with a same sex partner in the end
I like gays because men are the best gender.
I want to see a Fink with her natural colours and KO's outfit.
Enid was always a boring mary sue.
All the characters in this show were boring. Cept for the Villains who actually did stuff.
Boring yes, but not a mary sue.
>hated Korrasami
>hated Bubbiline
>like this
I don't get it, this is better, but I don't know why?
I can't tell if you mean gay people or the faggots in this thread treating this like it's a big deal.
Korra was an asspull. Bubbiline was just a product of "lol fuck Finn I hate Finn let's dedicate the show to how much we hate Finn"
Because it was a creator choice that was slowly developed rather than a booty blast based on speculation culture
>implying they weren't here all along
Unlike Korrasami and Bubbline, Rednid (or whatever the pairing's called) was probably planned early on and has been hinted at since season one.
>Last minute lesbians
Tvtropes doesn't have the balls to do this.
>Ever being friends
True friendship only exists between men. Lesbians are more realistic than females being friends with each other.
Fink's basically adopted but doesn't see him as her dad, which is why she always calls him boss. She wants his dick. Getting it is probably the only time she'd call him daddy.
where the fuck are the new episodes at?!
Makes you wonder if a blond kid bullied Muto.
They didn't kiss, or do anything romantic at all really outside of a few lines.
It's a good shorthand for bi if the character had only dated opposite sex partners before. I think it would be better if they mixed it up. But then again, faggots are rather biphobic (read: hate bis) so having a previously gay character ending up with an opposite sex partner would create severe internet backdraft
Episode 13:
Episode 14:
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
Episode 17:
We literally just got Aquaman and his bf in Young Justice the last two weeks.
This show should've been on Netflix, desu. Nobody watches Amazon Prime.
He's designed to make you want to lewd him, so sure.
Enid should have /ss/'d K.O
but KO is like a 6-15 year old boy
>doesn't know what /ss/ is
It's always fun reading manga left to right
K.O. is for Dendy and/or Fink
It especially works when people start calling your show shit and you throw the Tumblr crowd a bone so they would defend the show like mindless drones because of how "progressive" it is.
Sounds fake
>Bitch can't you see I am trying to enjoy two sodas
Gay people don't like Ace, Bi, Trans people.
>boxman gets fired
>no more jetrho
holy shit
ss is just another form of incest with size difference
Fink or Dendy, who will win the KObowl?
the dick most of the time is usually the size of an adult's and the mother tends to be far more busty just bigger overall. it is incest size difference.
Wow it's almost like the LGBTQBRAAAP is a bad idea because lumping in a bunch of people who have nothing to do with each other is dumb
Maybe they just wanted to give the fans some lesbians makeouts to look at?
It's not always incest and size difference. You just look up incest and size difference.
Gays and lesbos hate bi people because they usually eventually choose to date someone of the opposite sex and have a normal life and kids. Which, let's face it, if they can, why wouldn't they?
Being bi is basically the "one drop" rule to gays.
I'm gay and I never got this. You wanna do both then have at it little buddies. You get a bigger menu but I like what's on mine just fine.
>Transgender adolescents are far more likely to attempt suicide than teens whose identity matches what it says on their birth certificates, and trans male youth are especially at risk, a U.S. study suggests.
Damn Prof membrane really is BASED
>My poor trans son
>Which, let's face it, if they can, why wouldn't they?
I can think of a lot of reasons as to why I wouldn't want to be permanently tied to one person and waste half my life raising little shits, actually.
I legitimately read this in his voice kek
Because they're not loyal. They're gay when they want to and straight when they want to - getting benefits of both.
Probably Dendy, Fink got sister-zoned
Bi people can end up in homosexual relationships. Gay people feel like Bi people are less victimized, because they can "choose" to be straight, or that their sexuality is "just a phase," basically all the same bullshit straight people told gay people.
Liking everything crosses the line from "having wide tastes" to just "having no standards."
Dont care much for the cameos and references of other Yea Forums stuff in the show, but this one actually gave me a chuckle.
They get the benefits of neither.
So? I'm not a fan of poly shit but there's no reason they can't be in a committed relationship with one person.
user I'm pretty sure bifags can still say "no fat chicks"
They'd be more likely to say "I only like guys who look like girls." which is the stupidest form of bi.
Hey whatever floats their boat. I'm only into big dudes so I can't give anyone shit for being particular.
That's based taste though, and also you're not faking being bi so it's not the same thing.
So it's pure jealousy?
It's hard to consider 'I like males who don't look like males' as bisexual.
We just got a show where the lesbian character is friends with a girl that she's not attracted to.
>logical answer is Dude that's gay
>it's also Dude that's not gay enough
I refuse to believe that until the very last episode, but I'm glad she is not straight from the beginning, instead of the last minute.
Look at it this way: What if when people are mixed-race, they could just change their appearance to whatever the two races they are made from? Let’s say you you’re black and this guy can be Tyrone Baxter for this month and be talking about the struggles and hanging out with the boyz jamming to hip-hop, and then by the next month he turns into Jimmy Willikers owning expensive property and going golfing with his rich white friends. Wouldn’t you be pissed off that he can just shift like that?
Based Daddy Venomous/Little Fink posters.
Yeah, but Biracial and Bisexual people can't do that.
If they're using their bi shit to talk about identifying with whomever then yeah that's annoying, but if they just get on with their lives and fuck girls or guys I don't care. Being obnoxious and grandstanding about societal issues is hardly exclusive to bi people.
Based retard
Man I just want the best for Boxman.
What's with CNs lack of mlm relationships?
Joff and Nick Army are cute but... I want Voxman... Ian please, give Boxman's husband back.
soundtrack for ep13
sounds like its straight out of switch force
Well add another cuck to the LGBT agenda trope of having the straight male losing his crush to a dyke. The way the scene played out you could strongly argue he was just lying about being bothered about the video of KO and just didn't want to get kicked out of Enid's friendzone by having a problem with their relationship.
You're seriously choosing to ignore the joke so that you can say Rad was cucked?
Dendy showed KO her special hole. They are practically married.
im not a faggot you faggot
One day there will be a huge and violent pushback for all the forced faggotry inserted youth media.
trips of truth
we already have that it's called the modern day equivalent of edgy facebook anarchist from the early 2000's
That's real? I thought it was an edit that was being reposted on different sites.
Multi-Level Marketing?
We already have 30 year old losers whining on twitter.
kissing can be fine,
Though I've found that fucking them in public does cause some disproving glares.
He's the worst turtle tho
I can't honestly be too mad at it seeing as Ian at least put SOME bread crumbs hinting that they were attracted to one another, but for everyone else getting mad in the thread do you honestly expect character development in cartoons anymore?
I'll still forever remain a diehard Radnid fan because they actually had a history and a dynamic, not just a couple dedicated episodes.
If I had my way Enid and Red would have a falling out and she would get closer to Rad because of it, but that's just me
Soo, they basically took the lazy Korra route and killed off any chance of blu-ray sales?
This user gets it.
When was the last time a CN show got a blu-ray release outside of Australia?
>Gays are 2 percent of the population
>Lesbians are half that
>Lesbians are 1 percent of the population
>Every cartoon now features a lesbian relationship
What did they mean by this?
Anyone have a link to complete Mega? I'm super behind and wouldn't mind catching up.
That's weird... do you have the exact number of cartoon lesbians against the exact number of cartoon straight people in all of existence? You sound like you r/didthemath, buddy!
Gays are a minority of a minority. According to cartoons, they are at least half the population.
You know a lot of straight men like lesbians. It's not just for lesbos.
And straight women like gays but they dont watch cartoons so who cares right lol.
tv tropes is full of shit. they took down their page for COC(the erotic text adventure) to probably clean up their image but still keep up the tropes page for Paraphore (the furry erotic text adventure with scat and necrophilia)
I'm surprised and disappointed by the lack of reaction pics taken from these episodes. Are we really too busy arguing over yuri?
>AT last minute lesbians
>TLOK last minute lesbians
>OKKO last minute lesbians
>SU fake lesbians
>only one cartoon has a lesbian from the start who is handled the right way, has excellent taste in women, and is also the main character
>nobody cares and instead wastes their time on the above listed shows
Why was she created, only to suffer?
cuz 12F is worse than all those shows, also they say shes a lesbian but she never does anything besides run from a girl, and she never will be because refusing to grow up is her entire character
Die, Twelve Forever! Die!
>OKKO last minute lesbians
Either you never watched the show or were too dense to see the signs.
Man when I first saw Carol make that face I was dying from lack of air due to have much I was laughing.
>Show made in 2019
>Must have a mandatory lesbian
Sure they dropped hints from early on, but it could've gone either way. Enid is also bi, aka. doesn't qualify for the lesbian olympics.
to be fair they blushing at each other almost every chance they had and the entire episode of them going on a date may have been too subtle hints
Why is it always lesbians?
I was hoping the Lion King remake or at least the Lion Guard would confirm my OTP, but nope. I didn't even get any hints.
cuz lesbian porn >>> gay porn
lesbians are just hotter man
I'd like to see the actual number of cartoon characters confirmed to not be straight compared to the number that show no signs of not being straight. For some reason I doubt that it is 50%.
How shallow. So impure.
>gay disney characters
user, you live in a non-disney fantasy world.
Watching barbie dolls awkwardly bump against each other for an hour is boring as shit.
>character voiced by Ashley Burch turned out to be a piece of shit
what kind of porn are you watching?
Well, I got one. Barely. The literal joke idiot character who doesn't end up with anyone.
Thanks, Disney.
Thanks user, I'd love to die.
Good porn, and when I hate myself and need to fall asleep I watch lesbian porn.
My face from seeing Enid ruined by being a dyke instead of /ss/
the very show thread your in has 2 confirmed gay men couples and one hinted at one though.
Cause anal is Icky ;)
Is that fucking 12oz mouse? Holy shit.
>Before this thread turns into a /pol/ shitstorm
The only character I know from this show is Bernard.
fucking scroll up you blind bastard
Boxman and Venomous have done literally everything including move in with one another and have an episode on marriage counseling, the only way they could make it more obvious outside of the creator confirming it which already happened, is if they showed up next episode wearing rainbow spandex.
then there's Joff and Nick Army who have had multiple scenes together and are business partners, also confirmed to be in a relationship.
finally there's real magic skeleton and brandon who are close friends and co workers, no confirmation though.
Paraphore is fucking based tho
Venomous had a kid.
yes which makes him bi and boxman is apparently pan according to ian.
Yes, and? He left the ho he impregnated.
is 2019, everyone is either the gay or bi, if you werent the gay before you can always become one later
Her interest in girls was obvious from the get-go. The others were ass-pulls.
Pretty lame, Word of Gay is lazy.
She had several episodes about lusting after girls and a few where the girl fucked her over.
Fucking Elodie man... haven't we all had an Elodie in our lives?
so.. last line: the show turned out to be a fucking gay propaganda for children..
i am with russians on this one. fuck Rebecar Jewgar and her gay propaganda.
>Where does this meme of forbidden gay comes from?
Because up until the 2010s, the world was relatively sane, and gay shit wasn't in western cartoons at all. Cartoons were for children, not mentally ill manchildren and womanchildren. There were quality control standards that had to be followed that simply don't exist anymore.
russian broadcast censorship removes a lot more than just gay stuff, hope you like your action cartoons where nothing can be stabbed sliced or have impact. because some kids might get some ideas. and hurt someone.
>nothing can be stabbed sliced or have impact.
So 90s American cartoons? Sign me the fuck up.
at least it's not true lesbianism
true lesbianism IRL is very very rare
thanks for letting us know facebook memers are pro censorship user
I've always been generally anti-censorship. But even I recognize that SOME censorship is necessary. Western cartoons are for kids, and kids are stupid. They soak up all kinds of stimuli like a sponge. Every little bit can either drive them into something productive, or something destructive. You can't go full retard on a cartoon, because then you end up with shit like this I would rather cartoons have strict rules, than no rules at all. Video games on the other hand, should be left uncensored.
ah so your a hypocritical Yea Forumsermin and Yea Forumsutist combined clamoring for the removal of artistic liberties and enforcement of government intervention in media. any kid whose not being watched while on the web right now could be literally playing hundreds of online games including access to porn sites and even the website where currently on, that aren't suitable for there age range simply by lying and doing math like anyone with a brain has done countless times, your a little monster if your genuine and a coward if your lying. and the mere fact that where expected to suck your dick because hivemind think good is the cherry on top.
Im not mad, just disappointed.
On that same note, the West should just ban anime right out, as that shit drives millions to also be pretty fucking destructive degenerates.
There is NOTHING wrong with adding LGBT representation at the last second.
Your bait is shit and you should feel like shit
We hate bi people because you are whiny people with martyr complexes
You don't have any actual problems in your life, like you described, but still want to take that oppression dick so much that you invent scenarios where evil gays are oppressing you when all we can do is sometimes go "haha bi people are liars and chaters" and that's pretty much it no actual harm done
Grow a thicker skin
LGBT representation is not bait. It's an important part of teaching our children how to love.
You should be embarrassed.
Sure, anonymous poster who is not a false flagger.
I wish lol
What are you going to do about it? Drive a truck through a crowd? Go on a mass shooting spree? Force all your employees to see your favorite politician or get their pay cut? Buy Greenland?
>oh no we are shamed from participating in pride even though it's heavily corporatized anyway now
>i want to buy rainbow burgers and shit too like any other fag
False flag user or not he's right you know.
Bisexuals actually want to participating in that whole pride shit? I thought they were just too chill for that.
I literally have no clue what silly made-up shit you're talking about, did you read a Vogue clickbait article or something? This has no relevance to any of my life experiences.
Reminder that the OP is just a typical boring shill who uses fake outrage over nothing in order to advertise the show. Former thread got deleted for that very same reason, after all.
So you agree bi means not having any problems.
Why would anyone shill a show that's confirmed to be on its last season and only has two episodes left?
sounds like your trying to spin your own head cannon as fact when folks who've been following the show for years know how autistic the hate base can get. and it only get's further amplified when /pol/ meme idiots who don't watch cartoons find something to gawk over.
No you use that as an excuse to push pedophilia
Aren't the leg logs off-model too? Her legs look relatively normal in the official promo artwork.
gonna say the n word
it did, actually. sugar went through a lot of difficulties getting ruby/sapphire and the wedding, she talks about it in the podcasts.
>PB doesn’t like males.
Fem user here, I like men, but I dated a dude I wasn’t attracted to because I was lonely, kissing him was disgusting. PB kissed Finn twice in the series and clearly had no problem with it. If a straight woman reacts in disgust after kissing someone she’s not into, wouldn’t a lesbian be even more repulsed by kissing a dude?
based guy pretending to be a girl online to get (You)s
the promo image is based off the intial shorts and the shows designed to encourage it's boarders to follow the model sheets while incorporating there own style, it's just some boarders draw certain aspects of the characters differently. it's one of the things that pisses off a lot of people trying to get into the show and a source of a lot of the complaints early in it's life span and too this day.
/pol/ boogeyman
Everything is /pol/ if I see anything I don't agree with 100%
Why the outrage? I think it's cute.
PB mentioned in the first episode that she used to date Mr. Cream Puff. Like Gumbald, though, they decided in the last season that this wasn't as pleasant as she made it sound at the time.
Not all minds think alike
Some people don't like any same sex romance in cartoons, while others wish there were more M/M pairings.
>And nothing to back it up
>Except for literally the two guys I mention just now but IGNORE IT IGNORE IT I PROVED MYSELF WRONG BUT IGNORE IT I BROUGHT IT UP SO IT'S IRRELEVANT
Why did you even bother writing anything you idiot, just to show off how much cognitive dissonance you're capable of?
God, I want him to step on me but he'll only step on Boxman.
Well, fuck. I bet "Mama Sugar" pushed Ian into doing this.
Doesn’t help either that he’s one of the fags that thinks animation should only be for kids and not evolve to be for everyone.
>Yea Forums doesn’t like lesbian relationships out of no where
>not liking them when they are barely developed or showcased
>not liking them when there’s evidence of it throughout the whole show
Something tells me that some Yea Forums anons just hate lesbians, no matter how it’s handled.
men think it's hot
women think it's progressive
Fuck off, I'm a filthy yurifag and sudden lesbian is pretty shallow. It's the equivalent of pride month from brands.
I never said I even disagreed with you. What are you on about?
Same shit, different toilet.
>last minute
This isn't true. Networks are risk averse, just because you feel like they're all hungry for gay characters doesn't mean there's friction behind the scenes, that doesn't mean there's a "don't rock the boat too much" work culture where more than just your own job security is on the line. And as it was stated before, Sugar was the spearhead of this issue and had to fight for just characters that are aliens from an all female race of rocks falling in love in order to get the okay.
And SU's ratings were down, lower than We Bare Bears towards the end of its run, just like AT and I'm pretty sure there's good reason to cancel OKKO. While it enjoyed some success, the studio isn't all for the risk.
CN's ratings started to drop at about the same time in recent years I thinj. Not too sure and I'm as unclear if the app contributed to that but even after its initial drop (clearly thanks to hiatuses) SU's still top 3 in ratings whenever they bother to air it. Might actually be higher, haven't checked recent TTG ratings.
>There is nothing that proves she is bi, even when she hooks up with rad.
Do you only manage to attain erection by exposing to everyone how much of a moron you are.
It's not. When you drop below We Fucking Bare Bears in a non-Asian country, you have a bit of a problem. I think it's TTG, Total Dramarama, and... fuck can't think of it.
jesus christ
She hooks up with rad when she is native.
It wasn't planned to end at this point yet.
>Mao Mao below Victor and Valentino
Fuck this gay earth.
The last SU ratings were 700k topping out at just under a mil. What were TTG's? I was speaking strictly in terms of premieres.
Always lesbos, never gays
>She hooks up with rad
Hence she is bi.
>when she is native.
She never change of ethnicity, you know.
>ss is just another form of incest
No. SS is Schutzstaffel.
/ss/ is something entirely different. If you can't even be assed to type the correct abbrevation, then fuck off and kill yourself. You are not welcome here.
Gravity Falls, Kung Fu Panda, Loud House, Voltron, and Zootopia.
Here we go, latest TTG episode got 560k en.m.wikipedia.org
And as a bonus, latest Total DramsRama got 380k en.m.wikipedia.org
>titans is on season 6
Well fuck. I haven't even been able to finish season 5 yet. I just can't find a folder with proper quality rips of the last 10 episodes.
>She never change of ethnicity, you know.
Debatable she never shows any affections towards males after rad.
>Kung Fu Panda
1. that doe in no way indicate a change of ethnicity. I don't even know why you bring that up
2. That's irrelevant That she was attracted to Rad and some other guy means that she is bi, no matter ho she is attracted to after
>she never shows any affections towards males after rad.
It still prove she is attracted to males, no matter what.
She is kind of pervy.
>It still prove she is attracted to males, no matter what.
What about lesbians that dated males, and then stops.
Finally, We Bare Bears latest episode got 450k or so. Remember folks premiere ratings > Schedule presence. en.m.wikipedia.org
There's a boar dude couple in the new series.
They are lesbians when they never felt comfortable with those dates and dated because it was the societal expectation.
Enid was physically attracted to Rad.
Let them be friends. 2 men can actually hang out and be friends
Off topic, I like how blushing turns into "I wanted to fuck you" sign.
Its really does, she is just prefer women more than males.
Well, some lesbians wasn't turn on, or don't think they are attracted enough.
Women are more likely to be gay/bisexual than men though. I wouldn't be surprised if like 50% of them would go for a cute enough girl given the chance.
She’s friends with Elodie, which was a far more focused on and developed relationship in the show. Not to mention her monster girl friends from her childhood.
With Red, she was blatantly hinted at having a crush on her since the moment she saw her.
>We get token characters as gay, maybe a minor character
>"HURR everyone is gay nowadays, stupid sjws!"
>The only time we get mains as gay characters is at the end of a show, because show runners are too scared of backlash to start them out as gay
>"hurr Durr how will girls know that they can be friends with other girls Durr"
>Even then it's normally not a main character but some cute girl in the main cast because that's the only socially acceptable way to do it so far
>"Them liberals with their a-genda!"
>Even when we do get gays from beginning to end, we never get any confirmation they're gay until the end, just hints so subtle that we pretty much miss them
>"They are just trying to PLANT a gay liberal agenda in their shows, making it subtle to brainwash kids!"
>"The gays are taking over television!"
>Even though they still have to dance around twenty hoops just to show a fucking gay character
I swear to God this board is filled with the dimmest dipshits known to man
Why do men keep killing each other so much though
Most men that are killed are killed by their so called friends when they get into a drunken fight
What are the episodes I should watch to get all caught up in the Professor Venemous being KO's dad subplot?
They are less than one percent. What are the mathematical odds.
K.O. already keeps a pair of her panties around, if it's not obvious enough
because gays are more creative than straights
Knowing Ian, he probably fought the suits tooth and nail to get this scene greenlit just to trigger Yea Forums.
Dendy. Though later on in life when her and K.O. are adults, I can see her being all Sheldon Cooper-ish about sex.
Episodes 10, 13, 16, and 17.
what about Rise
I fucking wish. Bisexuals literally ruined pride with their moronic queer/pansexual/nb shit. Most trannies are bi and most tranny fuckers and panderers are bi.
It's bisexuals who come up with million different fake idenitites because being bi is not enough and it's bisexuals who yell at gays for only liking one set of genitals.
Bincels were the first incels of LGBT when they were whining about gays and lesbos not dating them and trancels copied them with their "why lesbo no suck penis/why homo no like vagina" whining.
What about Potato?
So this board hates everything LGBT?
Incels were the first incels of the LGBT. The woman who coined the term to describe herself was a lesbian. Get out of here with your scapegoating bullshit.
Not really. It just hates forced and obnoxious LGBT.
And the Rutile Twins from SU. They're pretty chill.
no shit sherlock
Dykes should be gassed
Angry straight men who photo shop each others's selfies to make their chins bigger still popularized the term because apparently it resonates more with them than lesbians apparently though.
Yes, excusing it with "it's forced", or "it's in your face", and other bullshit meme phrases.
Yea Forums is as much of a /pol/ colony as Yea Forums and Yea Forums are, make no mistake.
No such thing.
The woman herself who coined the term said it was meant for all genders and herself said later that it was mostly angry men that were part of her mailing list though.
I dont get this shit, do lesbians want to make themselves more hated? Because thats what theyre doing by constantly putting in surprise lesbians in cartoons.
This is Jonathan Yaniv.I posted this pic herebc he has used the term “transgender” to gain access to girls restrooms just so he can take pics of them, says that girls don’t deserve privacy, and tried to host a topless party of kids of the age of 12...
do you think Jessica Jewgar is part of his pedo network?
As a lesbian I welcome this because it makes me laugh to think that it will be children's cartoons that finally kill straight men's lesbian fetishes
>oil is hydrophobic? why would it be afraid of water??
Have you considered it's not meant for you, retard?
>As a lesbian I welcome this
sure. i bet you as lesbian paid this show with your taxmoney. also we just recomended the local TV network to skip this show at season 1. they did it. YEAY for GAYS! no fuck off with your piderast propaganda.
Why havent you killed yourself dyke?
also yes this has killed any attraction i get from lesbians, all i see are man hating feminazis now.
>I won't hate you as much if you hide more
It's sad that this complete lack of responsibility is commonplace.
Seethe harder, heterast.
>chemists misused already established nomenclature instead of coming up with something new, that means i'm right
Haha, no.
Have you considered that its only worsening your cause rather then strengthening it, dyke?
>man hating feminazis
God i wish there were more of those.
Dont shove yourself into cartoons by making characters suddenly into man hating dykes and i wouldn't have grown to hate you as much as i do now. I will never forgive the dykes for what happened with adventure time.
You're probably trolling. It'd be amazing if someone would actually list the ruining of their fetish as a political grievance and automatically associate someone's attraction with specific radical politics.
God i wish someone would cut your head off.
Pandering to homophobic men isn't our cause.
What cause?
full gay rights are a thing in pretty much every country that's worth a damn while people who think like you are on the way out
Bro, it's a cartoon. Time to grow up.
>"either you want to fuck Finn or you hate all men!"
Not sure if you're being serious.
Yeah well youre only making more of them by doubling down on this misandrist bullshit
Again, youre creating more people hating you by shoving in dykes into cartoons
Kill yourself
T b f, nothing wrong with hating men either.
You first :)
This mra tard has been torn, bring the next one
>women not fucking men is an action against men
This logic is funny because it implies that whenever someone marries someone, they hate everyone else.
This show will most likely be completely forgotten by next year.
So youre a hypocrite then, got it
The feminazi is struggling with buzzwords, how cute
You're having a mental breakdown over children's cartoons dude, I don't think you're impressing anybody.
>He says, secretly wanking to lez porn right the fuck now.
>its a children's cartoon so you cant have feelings about it
You can leave Yea Forums anytime you want
>Enid and Red Action's relationship is hinted at for multiple seasons
>Ian straight up confirms that Enid is bi
>Enid has bi stickers on her bikes
>Wow I can't believe how forced and out of nowhere this reveal is.
Anyone who didn't see this coming is a moron.
that's not what I said
don't they get fined or their budgets cut when they pull these stunts?
No, some of us know how to enjoy cartoons. You're just making excuses for unhealthy obsessions.
I understand you're from Russia or China or Saudi Arabia but some nations have sweet glorious FREEDOM and don't have a governing body that enforces a ruling party's moral standards.
I don't know if you ever heard of critical role but in their first campaign tumblr got pissed that two bi characters ended up in hetero relationships, making them not true bi in tumblr's eyes. That fucking logic is so flawed it does not surprise it came from tumblr
Preach more senpai..
>This user gets it.
Voltron had no choice to or else they would be hunted down and killed by the same fujoshi that blackmailed them.
Lesbians are the most played safe. The "cis" of LBLT preferences. Nobody likes gays.
Whats wrong with lovers?
I like gays.
But i hate dykes much more
>>AT last minute lesbians
Dude, it was there since season 3. Don't even pretend otherwise
>>OKKO last minute lesbians
>>SU fake lesbians
They are real
There is nothing mandatory.
IT's not last minute, the show was cancelled. not the same thing.
woah, this really happened? holy shit
We've known Enid was bi for awhile though. This isn't anything new
so bi people kiss buys and girls at the same time? neat.
>don't have a governing body that enforces a ruling party's moral standards.
What country? Certainly you don't mean 'murrica were abortions are still illegal in lots of states.
What does abortions have to do with gays in cartoons?
Then you're a nobody, and thus not relevant.
>overning body that enforces a ruling party's moral standards.
Moral Standards applies to more than just PoL.
>Then you're a nobody, and thus not relevant.
No I'm not. I'm just inconvenient to your false claim.
That's nice. Want a metal, fag?
>Moral Standards applies to more than just PoL.
? Are you in a country where the same governing body that presides over the content of cartoons and hands out fines for them ALSO rules on the morality of abortions? What country are you in, man?
>a metal fag
What, like a vape?
no like a metal dildo! The one your dad uses! lmao!
No, most just want to see a gay character and a gay relationship handled better. Not heavy-handed or cheap.
What kind of reaction were you hoping to get from this post.
Why is it always lesbians?
So when do they do the timeskip where Enid seduces adult KO?
Can you retards stop beating the bush and outright say you don't want to see lesbians in cartoons at all? Don't dance around with that "last minute, suprise lesbians" bullshit when Enid showing interest in Red was established since the first season and they consistently built up that plot thread.
Also, you guys should've figured out ages ago that this show wasn't pandering to your demographic. Ian, bf of Rebecca fucking Sugar, browsing Yea Forums and apparently being ""/ourguy/"" got to your heads.
Grats, in your eternal quest searching for things to get mad about, you managed to miss an obvious joke.
Keep trying, young padawan.
(You)farming by acting retarded is a hard art to master, and you still have a long way to go.
They're more palatable.
>heh actually you're a troll and i'm also a troll!!!!
I'm just trying to have a regular conversation, no need to pussy out this hard.
>Keeps bending over and spreading her legs to make him flustered
You people are like broken records.
They're more marketable. Seriously, there's this cognitive dissonance where people see male gays as more "please think of the children" and it was described to as someone who felt more uncomfortable with the idea of a gay son than a lesbian daughter as having to do with sodomy and gender roles; when a female steps up to be more boyish, it's good because boys are strong, but when it's a couple of dudes, there's questions of who is the bottom and who is the "woman", who stepped down. It's seen as worse. Also it's not always lesbians.
i fucking called this on the last thread.
>they were gonna do exactly what adventure time did
There, Now everything is predictable. No more twists M. Shaymalaimya
It's all fun and games until TKO gets unleashed.
So are these shows with their last minute lesbians.
We wouldn't keep saying the same thing if they stopped making same sex pairings
>Relationship from season 1
>"last minute"
English doesn't seem to be your first language.
>nobody likes x
>well i like x
>then you're a nobody haha
How do you manage to get past the captcha while being too retarded to see the joke here? Are you a diagnosed aspie?
Because every cartoonist on the industry grew up jacking off to lesbian lolis. Are you this fucking retarded that you didn't notice it?
Alright, now you've shed the pretense and we know where you stand.
I understand the joke, but I'm also ignoring it because I'm making a point that the original statement is incorrect. And also it's so old and unoriginal that it wasn't worth acknowledging. I'm sorry if that upsets you.
>Enid can't comprehend how he's giving her dozens of orgasms on his first time with no prior coaching or experience of any kind
Include me please.
Yea Forums doesn't care about facts.
lmao, did they really do it?
god damn the industry is so ass.
>this show is over
FUCKING FINALLY! This show should have been better if it was the pilot episodes instead!
why is it that whenever straight characters are in a relationship its just whatever but literally every single time theres a gay couple in fiction it's automatically and inherently 'forced representation'? Like, even IF that's the case, who cares? It's not like the characters were created SOLELY for the relationship. Enid has been in KO since it first started airing, so its not like her character is ruined because she's gay/bi now. It should only annoy you if gay people in real life annoy you, too. Otherwise its really petty and childish to claim the character is ruined now just because she's fucking a girl and she just happens to be a girl too
Because some people don't like gays and they can't say just that without seeing like an asshole so they dress up the opinion to be about something else.
If "openly gay" is walking around half-naked and acting like a retard, nobody should be openly gay.
Actually girls like gay boys as much as straight dudes like girls being gay.
That wasn't included, but you jump to that conclusion because it's convenient. You don't hate gays, you just assume that one being open means being a flamboyant deviant.
From this season? Thanks bro. I have a female friends who loves characters like this, and I want to get her to watch this show.
>If "openly gay" is walking around half-naked and acting like a retard, nobody should be openly gay.
no that's most straight people
at the gym, at sports games, when its hot and also in the south
Unfortunately, you know that's not true.
>>And nothing to back it up. What are the males that she shows interest? Rad, some random guy?
Pick one, user.
cubchads always win
Enid was always bisexual though, she dated Rad proving she likes cock, and gets flustered by Red Action proving she likes pussy.
>More Enid and Red Action art inbound.
I hate that instead of being able to experience it organically with a grasp of the context or whatever I gotta experience it through multiple hate threads of people being mad about it before I even get to watch the batch of episodes that released like 2 days ago.
Even though it's ending, always remember the good times.
Yep, season 3.
Well, to be fair, the thing between enid and red had been going on for a while already.
she's still a faggot, just that she still wants the (little) D
imagine his smell
haha nice
>hahaha yeah
I don’t think it’s common enough to warrant its own page yet. You need to list more than just cartoon examples to justify its existence. The closest it’s got is probably “Last Minute Hookup” and/or “Suddenly Sexuality”.
I know, cuz I watch the show. My issue is I don't get to experience this scene in its raw form. Now even when I do get to the scene it's just gonna be "oh here's that part that made Yea Forums mad". I didn't get to see all of that shit pay off before people started sperging about it.
It's not even the case here. the show was cancelled. And she has been openly bi all along.
Have we not got any hollywood movies that've done that? I guess it's different since a movie is just like one long episode and if they REALLY felt like they weren't allowed to do it, they wouldn't be allowed to slip it in at the end anyway. The only one I can think of is that guy from Paranorman turning out to be gay.
Given that Adventure Time was only worth the first 2-3 seasons before Pendleton Ward fucked off, then yes, it might as well be a last minute "addition".
>Another one on these.
This already became stale since Esteban University.
>Grow a thicker skin
Super ironic posting right here.
It would have to be movie adaptions/reboots that take existing franchise characters and reveal them to be gay, though only if it’s established late enough in the movie that it feels forced. Other than that, it would mostly be tv/anime/book/comics/web that are ongoing and “reveal” sexuality that wasn’t clearly planned from the beginning.
tvtropes was shit right from the getgo
>It's like when people says that PB is bi without showing any evidence that she likes males.
>Mr. Creampuff
Denial isn't just a rival, yadda yadda...
this is the site where people are honest about how they feel. everyone on Yea Forums is annoying, get used to it
wait really? for fuck sake, didn't they had a bunch of rad x enid moments like that video on K.O's channel
i will only forgive this because venomus and boxman are the best and K.O's family is pretty cute
Pan is just a bi with personality issues
Because when you're not brave enough/talented enough to write gay characters, you'll still get great reviews by shoving them in at the tail-end and claiming it was always there in "subtext."
>Being so creatively bankrupt they resort to fandom shittery to try and score points
That's why I end up respecting studios and staff that don't get too involved with fandoms and their stupidity. Nothing really good comes out when they have too much contact with them.
Voltron and SU have been one of the worst fandoms in the last years for that reason after all.
Korrasami and Bubbleline were pandering asspulls (despite what some people might tell you about the latter).
This one is, well, more of a deliberate choice that was planned and shown since the beginning.
Figures. Not surprising at all.
>Amphibia no lesbians
And that's ok.
Elodie and Enid are the ones who should have hooked up.
Now you are baiting.
>because they can "choose" to be straight, or that their sexuality is "just a phase," basically all the same bullshit straight people told gay people.
Wow, they have come a full circle.
>biased furries protecting their cubshit while making it hard for every one else
now where did this happen agai-
oh yeah
i approve this message,
Seriously it wasn't cool to tease rad x enid shippers with all that "B-because i lo-lov" bullshit
Also apparently shit only started because enid went back in time and danced with red action, at least with Elodie we had way more moments and they knew each other for longer
Why so defensive, /pol/?
>misha poking in to say something stupid and worthless yet again
Are you serious? Just you wait.
>SU fake lesbians
>They are real
They're fake. Genderless rocks can't be lesbians, no matter how much pink they wear or feminine they act. They don't even consider themselves female. Garnet, the show's "gay pride mascot" is more hetero than anything because she's defiantly two different rock types versus two same rock types hooking up as was homeworld custom. Notice how there's not a single gay human on the show? The main character is also straight, white, male. The LGBEES were fooled and swindled by this show, but suck that shit up like it's honey. It's amazing.
how come the gay men couldn't even kiss? I'm upset by the fact lesbians are the only ones that can kiss while gay men get the short end. it isn't fair.
It hasn't ended yet.
They're designed to look like women
They're conceptualized as women by the writers
They're voiced by women
They use feminine pronouns.
They've used terms like "Betty," "gal," and "girl" to refer to each other
How much does it have to look, act, and quack like a duck before it's a duck?
yeah what a convienient excuse Sugar you worthless fag
Would you say the same if you saw two namekians making out? I mean they're a mono-gender species too.
My boys are finally heroes
i would be ok if this was the final episode of OK,KO and then we get the first episode of BOXMORE: Let's be heroes
everyone HATED THAT SHOW, EVERYONE cept me, faggots.
i bought the damn dvd set too.
fuck you all, you don't get to put Fitz in your FUCKING CARTOON FOR BABIES
>watching faggot jew cartoons
I highly doubt that, honestly. The amount of lgbt I encounter as I get older seems more like every tenth person at least, even among my groups of straight friends, some of who admit they’ve considered dating the same sex
Many people who answer het on surveys are probably at least a little bi, and would explore that - even if just in their own mind - if they weren’t boxed in by expectations and normalcy
Elodie is actually her old friend though, turning that into romance would justify the “you can’t have strong platonic friendships these days” complaints
Most romance manifests pretty quickly springing out of superficial attraction, Red/Enid is a more realistic romance
You can censor lesbians as friends in other countries to preserve marketability.