ITT: Yea Forums characters the creators are known to hate
ITT: Yea Forums characters the creators are known to hate
Wait, really? You mean Walt or someone else?
...yeah, who the fuck are you talking about?
Disney himself seemed pretty fond of the Duck and personally hired Carl barks to work for the company after the latter came up with a single joke for an early short.
Barks and Rosa may have really enjoyed writing shit for Scrooge at times, but Donald's supposed to be a hardluck case.
The *only* thing I can guess at what you're referring to is how the 80s/90s Duck Tales only had Donald appear twice because --apparently-- the suits thought he was annoying.
nu-Ducktales treats him like garbage to prop up Scrooge and Della
>The *only* thing I can guess at what you're referring to is how the 80s/90s Duck Tales only had Donald appear twice because --apparently-- the suits thought he was annoying.
That and Disney at the time didn't want to devalue the character by having him prominently featured in a daily TV cartoon.
I was actually referring to 2017 Ducktales because the directors of that have been pretty outspoken about it, but Walt wasn't actually as fond of Donald as you think. Mainly because Donald overtook Mickey as the most popular in the 30s and 40s and Walt didn't find it acceptable since he wasn't as responsible as he was for making Mickey. That's part of the reason Fantasia was made as Mickey's "comeback"
Humor me for a moment, but... the 2017 writers *really* hate Donald? I haven't gotten as far into the show as I like but apart from Scrooge clearly favoring his sister, I would never have imagined any show allowing Donald to actually beat the shit out of some Beagle boys when he was trying to save the nephews early on would hate the character.
They treat him like garbage because he and Launchpad are the designated comedic relief. I don't think it's that malicious given the nature of the show.
They don’t, they just don’t give him as much of a break as they did in the other recent duck show (3C)
Donald’s whole thing is that he has bad luck and life shits on him constantly but the Ducktales cast is so bloated that they don’t give Donald a ton of screen time outside of shit happening to him. They also gave him Don Cheadle’s voice as a one off gag that pissed a bunch of people off
To be honest I think Yea Forums being really protective of Donald is endearing but I don’t think the showrunners actually hate him, they just haven’t figured out what to do with him.
Honestly, it feels like they want to keep him to be the fall guy, but in a legit manner unlike Launchpad who is a lovable doofus and is treated as such.
However apart from moments of random heroism, they don't seem capable of telling a Bark or Rosa story that's actually squarely focused on Donald without the rest of the cast hogging the spot light.
I’m curious to see what happens when he comes back from the moon
>I was actually referring to 2017 Ducktales because the directors of that have been pretty outspoken about it
which is funny because donald is the better character and is funnier too.
>treats him like garbage
That is Donald's character trait, retard
They avoided using him in the first season, wrote him out of much of the second season, will probably fully have him leave to clear up space in the third season and already said Della is more iconic then Donald
So yeah, it's a pretty good show in most regards though
>caballeros treat him with respect
>in nu ducktales he is a non character so far
Hmmmm expect Daisy to kiss Della or Della to be the reason why they are together
I tried to defend the crew but after "lets make your own OC 3 girl triplets" i just can't
While I understand that the original DuckTales didn’t have many reoccurring female characters, it annoys me that the solution for the crew was to create multiple OC characters, especially when there’s already characters from the Duckverse they could use and develop.
What about April, May, and June? What about Minima? Hell, failing that, why not bring back Webby’s friend Skittles?
Honestly, I can’t see characters like Lena or Violet integrating into the Duckverse outside of the reboot. They just wouldn’t fit the style.
His ass
Minima was explicitly not used because they didn't want the Magica connection to be figured out immediately(fat lot of good that did).
They technically could bring her in later and have Magica actually care about her while still treating Lena like shit for some drama I suppose.
April May and June were probably not brought in because of Webby- they are a package deal and having them alongside the triplets and Webby would probably be odd.
That beings said, could see them make a guest appearance of some sort.
Meanwhile, this girl is probably doomed to never show up.
Dickie being in the show would be a bit awkward to fit in do to being Goldie’s Granddaughter.
If you wanted a Ducktales thread you can just start one without posting conspiracy theories
Ducktales characters never really entered other the other Duck comics. Launchpad, Webby, only were in Ducktales branded comics.
Minima sorta crossed over into regular Duck Comics, but she sees very limited use.
Admittedly, she started life in the Ducktales comics rather than the cartoon, but still.
Della is probably the most likely to be gay on the show though isn’t she? Amputees are always gay
What is that gif from?
Dickie and several other characters only animated appearance ever.
It really wasn't my intention to make it a DT thread or even specifically about Donald, I would have started more positive
But if people want it to be a DT thread why not
Thanks, I’ve never seen this before. Everyone’s there! They even invited Horace! Cute.
I don't even know who "the creators" of most shows are. It seems stressful to have to track the personal views of dozens of people.
As an added bonus: when Yea Forums starts epic twitter screencap threads I have no idea who they're about so they don't affect my enjoyment of anything.
I recommend this lifestyle to everyone.
>I wish I was at home reading occult books
>I wonder if that Minima girl down the street is a witch? I swear I saw her flying a broom...
The obvious choice but they’ll probably go with Della because lesbians are more palatable or something
That would require the triplets to have a lesbian stepmom and I'm not sure they'll do that. Della is practically an OC here so at the same time she's a possibility
These two I could see too and it would work really well
Angones has liked/retweeted a few DW/Launchpad pictures. I suppose they could make it canon, although I wonder what they would do with reboot Morgana?
I believe Romano Scarpa actually animated it himself, which is why so many of his characters show up.
He did do this animation test for Ducktales .
Google Translated the text under the video:
>Unfortunately a type of animation so sought after would have had a certain cost that in America they would never have wanted to face, preferring to entrust the animation of DuckTales to the various Japanese or Korean studios. Furthermore there were tensions and fears in America that resulted in some strikes dictated by the fear of being replaced by a foreign animation school (it was in full transition, the studios came from some flops like Taron and the rebirth started with the Little Mermaid and continued in the 90s was still far from imagining).
Years later, however, Disney would open the satellite studios of France, Japan, Australia and Canada for television productions, but by now it was late and Scarpa's project was now shipwrecked in full, precisely because it was ahead of its time.
>That Italo-Disco Disney remix
As a sidenote, I'll probably start translating the Donald Duck Pride and Prejudice comic myself eventually(using the actual book as a guide) so can actually complete that scanlation. Having just the first part out there and none of the rest feels wrong to me.
Will probably be a while, my autumn and winter is pretty busy as is.
Kinda sucks that I don't know italian.
Maybe one day, I'll learn it just so I can read Duck Comics.
Morgana is one of the obstacles to that becoming canon. Another is if Darkwing could be seen as enough of a "legacy" character to pull him off liking men, especially by someone who was young when it first came out
But Angones is in absolute love with Darkwing (and arguably moreso then Ducktales) so who knows what he has planned
Didn’t he say he was personally a fan of Drake/Morgana as a ship?
If it weren’t for the fact that I’m pretty sure we’re going to get a DW reboot eventually I’d say Drake/LP isn’t out of the question but I can’t see them doing a show where the main character is gay but who knows, anything is possible. They’ll probably make the “gay representation” on DT someone no one gives a shit about like Manny or the goth dog guy
>using the actual book as a guide
based. the mistranslations in Hamlet drove me crazy.
I won’t lie - I adored Morgana and Darkwing’s relationship in the original Darkwing Duck, so I’d be (irrationally) hurt if they switched up the DW’s love interests that drastically in the reboot.
But the crew seems to be hinting that Launchpad’s bisexual in the reboot, so I assume that means we’ll see some sort of endgame boyfriend (as that usually is what happens), but other than DW, who else could it be?
Would a potential DW show be a continuation from Ducktales? Would it even happen, because I keep hearing assumptions it would happen
They could always say that it's just something that was done for the Ducktales 2017 universe version and not him overall
I wait with bated breath. Still need to finish the real story.
I like Morgana too and would hate to see her left out of a reboot even if I’ve always liked DWD/LP.
Good question about Launchpad’s endgame BF. I’m not caught up on Nu DT so I don’t know who he has chemistry with other than Drake on the show. I could see them introducing an OC at the last minute to pair him up with.
I should probably have started out that way, but someone mentioned it to me only when I had already done a few pages.
I usually do try to translate the duck puns/names in a reasonable manner as well.
Hence why the Bennet family(named Pennet in italian, some sort of pun of feathers) is Downet in the translation so far.
By the way, this particular image is gonna be murder on me thanks to this. I barely know how to start GIMP and I don't have Photoshop, I do my translations mostly in paint.
I can somewhat work SAI in a pinch.
Rebooting it with no reference at all to the events of DT 17 seems unlikely to me considering how Disney’s all about MUH LORE these days but it could get messy if they go that route. I’ll actually be surprised if we don’t get a reboot, it’s probably the most popular Disney Afternoon property and IMO one of the few that still holds up.
That's another thing, if they are willing to make Launchpad bi it isn't a stretch to make Darkwing too
Of course, that doesn't mean they couldn't do both. Make them bi and have Darkwing dating Morgana. There's many ways to do it. And it might just be pointless speculating, they might go elsewhere for the lgbt stuff
First "long" story I did this with was the Revenge of the Pharaoh, so Amneris is sorta a character that will stick with me.
Translating german was way easier for me, especially since I also had a swedish copy to base stuff from if something didn't make sense.
The very first scanlation I did was on a comic where Scrooge and Rockerduck become friends via the internet.
I suppose if it's the same crew they will go with the same canon, but there's multiple duck properties running right now
I expect it at some point, but we might be a decade away for all we know
If only there was a MangaDex for Eurocomics so these didn't all get memoryholed in a day or two
I’d love it if they went with an already established character for the gay stuff but I’m willing to bet it’s going to be a character brought in just for the occasion
Just let your fucking birds be gay, Disney
While I have no evidence for this at all, outside of the fact that his VA is gay, I wouldn’t mind if they made reboot Gyro gay.
>Just let your fucking birds be gay, Disney
Donald and the caballeros.
Gyro being gay seems like a given
I think I've met like one person online who likes 2017 Gyro
Some nice art came from that.
I like him enough to be interested in whatever his arc ends up being.
Some of the fan theories (Gyro building the spaceship Della took off with) are interesting
>Some of the fan theories (Gyro building the spaceship Della took off with) are interesting
I'm pretty sure that one is already a given, considering he wrote the manual on how to repair it.
how dare a character create conflict. source is some old NYT article
>But there's one person who doesn't like Angelica -- Arlene Klasky.
>Klasky, one of the creators of the series, actually hates Angelica, a character not created by Klasky.
>In the article, Klasky said, "I think she's a bully. I never liked Angelica."
>Klasky never fully approved of her character development, honed by Paul Germain, Gabor Csupo and the staff that worked on the classic 65.
>The troubles of deciding what's appropriate for Angelica on the series eventually led to the dissolution of the series' original creative team.
>the humor in Angelica's bullying is what caused Klasky to express her distaste in her.
It’s definitely implied but I’m interested in knowing if it’s a part of a larger arc for him. Being involved in the decade long disappearance of your employer’s niece is probably going to fuck you up somehow
sorry, wrong magazine, it wasn’t NYT is was just The New Yorker
You should really stop using Paint and pirate Photoshop. Consider at least upscaling the images with instead of just pixel-doubling to make them easier to work with (and better looking!).
But practically speaking, you can probably just skip those and get away with it.
Absolutely delusional
They even cast Don Cheadle to do a normal voice
Do you know what font they commonly use in these comics?
I use Laffayette Comic Pro because it looks fairly decent, but knowing the actual font used by the official comics would be nice.
Webby’s friend violet has gay dads.
It looks like a Comicraft font but I'm not sure which one. I think it's literally what they use for their menus.
No. He is awesome as ever.
Thank you!
He got completely fucked over.
Blah Blah Upper looks ALMOST the same--the Topolino font is still a bit different, but not in a way that anyone without autism would notice
Who gets stuck with all the bad luck? No one, but Donald Duck.
>disney is a person
Mord was a interesting one
Some see him as a self-insert but damn did he get shitted upon and fucked up hard
>Creators force the audience to sit through a bunch of Mordecai's love drama that they forced on him
>Suddenly he's deemed unworthy and gets incredibly depressed during the last season, and then they force him to be with a literal who bat girl
It's curious that Disney is so hyper PC but the nuDucktales staff basically admit that kids with speech impediments are inherently funny and they can't be taken seriously as a former kid with speech impediment, I found it a little mean-spirited. I could totally related to Donald in an old short where he took a pill that allowed to talk normal and felt really bad for him at the end. Hey, I was like 6 or 7 years old.
Violet is not having fun.
Finally figured it out; it's Comicrazy. The lowercase tripped me up.
I like 2017 Gyro if only because it's the only version that remembers that he could be kind of a petty asshole to people who didn't acknowledge him as a genius.
This one?
Della setting up Donald and Daisy doesn't sound like a bad idea.
If anything Donald is sterilized in the new series to almost annoying degree, they're making him into a gary stu if anything
Fortunately, that is being balanced out by him having all the bad luck and getting comically hurt.
Yeah.. Klasky wanted the babies to just be cute and endearing, and could not accept that one of them could be an unrepentant antagonist.
She felt Angelica was completely inappropriate, though, really, I cannot imagine the original 65 episodes, let alone the entire fucking show, actually lasting any length of time without her.
>think Webby and Lena are cute
>moment Violet exists I want her to absolutely break Lena and steal Webby
Why am I like this
Why are any of us
Yeah bullshit. They present him as a badass with terrible luck. Just because bad things happen to a character doesn't mean the crew hates that character. Otherwise they never would have bothered with scenes like the one where the boys talk about how good a person Donald is.
Cuck that duck
There is a ton of Gyro/Launchpad content in the DT fandom, have they even interacted yet?
Wasn't pic related meant to be a joke on crappy OCs?
>magic based 3 caballeras never ever
They kinda interacted in the Beware the BUDDY System and Most Dangerous Game Night.
You try being the third wheel after bringing back your new friend's old best friend back from the dead.
So they type the comics out in all caps? Interesting.
This poster really does capture what's wrong with this series. It relies more on spamming characters then its actual quality in attracting people. And there's so many characters in their attempt to add in its quest to be the Disney Afternoon Extended Universe that it leaves characters who are already poorly developed added onto in the pile that needs fixing
That and the very thing that ties the characters together (adventure), is never taken seriously.
Well, up to a certain point in time, he is.
Walt Disney.
It’s not like like characters not having interacted with eachother will stop shipping. Delpad was a thing even before Della was confirmed to be alive
that's just what Donald is about
taking shit and giving it back eventually
though I guess the new writers exaggerate it a bit
Yeah, that one.
this long turned into a ducktails thread nd besides author hates Pages more
Diet of protien shakes. No homo.
user donald has all the bad luck it's in his fucking theme song for fuck sake
everyone loves donald
... have you never seen a donald duck cartoon? Dude used to job FOR CHIP AND DALE.
>someone with all the bad luck, no-one but Donald Duck
It's in his fucking theme song you mook.
Don't know why, but I could see it as a voice for when he's Duck Avenger.
Did rigby's brother get a sex change?
He still might, if the rescue rangers give him any trouble.
Watched the youtube video about it. She was fucking insane and divorced her husband over the creative differences they had while working on the show. Dee and Dr Lilpshits were also used to make fun of how crazy she was.
Donald absolutely BTFO
Mickey Rooney was the only real person who could say his character slapped around Donald, then did an Irish jig. He will be missed
Francisco Agones actually complained about Donald being too white on twitter a couple years ago.
"NuDucktales shafts Donald" is the new meme after "NuDucktales is the Webby show" stopped being applicable.
That's Rigby's eldest daughter
More like they are trying to cram every piece of 90s nostalgia they can into the series at the expense of the main cast.
I know it won’t be canon at all, but I ship Della x Launchpad after seeing their first meeting. It’s fun to see ‘everybody’s friend’ Launchpad meet someone who picks a fight with him from the start and genuinely challenges him over his skills. It may be the only time we get to see Launchpad have an interaction with someone that doesn’t revolve around him being the idiotic comedic relief or associated with Darkwing Duck with some way. Plus, it gives him an opportunity to show that he really does belong in McDuck’s family.
I could be totally wrong, of course. Finding genuine character development in this show is like finding a needle in a haystack. But the point is, I see the potential in this ship to actually let both characters grow.
Donald always has bad luck, you shmuck. And his cousin is always extremely lucky.
>but Walt wasn't actually as fond of Donald as you think. Mainly because Donald overtook Mickey as the most popular in the 30s and 40s and Walt didn't find it acceptable since he wasn't as responsible as he was for making Mickey. That's part of the reason Fantasia was made as Mickey's "comeback"
Are you sure? Uncle Walt always seems to be fond of Donald even if it was just for his popularity. He even allowed his animators to throw a jab at him using Donald as a stand-in
Jump to 12:40
have they shown gadget?
If Nu Ducktals makes a reference to Paperinik I will cum a pond.
Are they back to translating them, or are they still stopping that indefinitely?
Welp, she is ready to create a new generation of furries again.
It's weird to me how these guys pretty much look exactly like they did in the 90s
Like, every other character you can see they were redesigned or tweeked slightly, but I would never have guessed this was art for the new DuckTales
Chip n Dale have pie eyes, that’s really the only change.
Other then this actually has merit
Micker Maus rubbed his non-Euclidian testicles that look the same from every angle all over the Rescue Rangers because Disney's got something planned for them in particular. I think it was a movie?
Is there an explanation for pie eyes like there is for white gloves and the Hanna-Barbera collars?
Is there a link for this lmao
Good ol' classic bad Duck luck.
Donald gets beaten up, Della loses a leg, everything is as it should be.
Tying the color of non-human cartoon characters to human skin color just seems like an absolutely incredibly bad idea.
>not hating on Pages
Who fucking likes these weenies?
Ducktales won't have any lgbt kids the cast says they are too you-
I'm sorry user, I don't speak outrage
I am fucking scared of the future generation of mentally ills.
Which peanut brain retard thinks Della is more iconic than Donald?
Don't worry. America won't last in power long enough for the next generation to take over.
All that needs to be gotten out of this is that Webby/Lena is more then possible
Webby and Lena will definitely happen.
Lena as Donald's adopted daughter fucking when?
Nah. They will just be best friends on the show but on twitter he will post that it was meant to be a lesbian relationship
More like Lena as Della and Daisy's adopted daughter.
>wanting Donald to be with Daisy
>daughter fucking
I'm with you, a wholesome relationship between them is something I really want
They said there won’t be any romances among the kid characters.
Fuck off. Your harem fantasies won't happen either. I just want my childhood hero to have some happiness but unfortunately the writers hate him because he happen to share the first name with Drumpf
There shouldn't be any romance in ducktales outside of flashback from scrooge in the past
Holy shit you negroes are unreal
>harem fantasies
Didn’t Scrooge sorta adopt her already?
He wouldn't adopt her if he knows about her origin
Yeah but that kinda fell by the wayside after she got blasted into the niggazone
Even now it's mostly just allowing her to continue to live (I think? I honestly can't remember if she's been in an episode since the return) in the mansion
Getting a full on father figure in donald would be kino, even moreso if it became official
The comics already did that.
She’s only been in “Friendship hates Magic!” so far, she going to be in that Sleepover episode.
Does any decent art of Violet and Webby even exist
>Tying the color of non-human cartoon characters to human skin color just seems like an absolutely incredibly bad idea.
We just had think pieces and articles complaining about how robots being manufactured today are all white and therefor those robots are racist.
Roughly 300 SEK for this font.
Gonna have to think about it.
Laffayette is probably the best of the free alternatives, so I'll stick with it for now.
You can find the CC fonts downloadable online in various place. But if you're going free, might as well go all the way and just use the Carl Barks Script font (hint: use lowercase; uppercase is bold).
That's ideal, thank you.
Funny how in a thread all about discussing who hates Donald Duck or not no one, NO ONE, has pointed out the one individual who went on record stating he grew tired of Donald's voice and his shorts in general; Jack Hannah, also responsible for directing half of his classic shorts, and who's ironically thought of as a sort of Donald's Daddy nowadays when the duck was at his least developed and most battered up in his pictures.
Meanwhile, Jack King, who actually bet on Don's personality and had fun putting Don in the spotlight, is all but forgotten.
This is something that I've thought of for a while. How long before they're called out on it? This does NOT mean changing Don's voice, but rather changing their approach of it.
user I made this thread and even I think that's a bit of a stretch
See, I don't think they HATE the character...
...but as user remarks, they just haven't shown the talent to write him as dynamic, versatile and interesting as other several incarnations. In an ironic twist, they've made him too reliant on the nephews when it was always he who stole the show from them.
Non binary is such a bunch of nonsense. Especially if the person in question is a kid.
California was a mistake
What’s with Walt’s lack of chin?
>writers hate him because he happen to share the first name with Drumpf
Is this nigga real?
Also Donald hooking up with Daisy is one of the worst things to happen, because she's a gold digging harlot, he is better off with that reporter lady whose name I don't remember or even fucking Magica, remember there being a strip where she spend time with him disguised as Daisy AND SHE WAS A BETTER FUCKING GIRLFRIEND
Wait a minute...
It a caricature so things get exaggerated.
Disney own all the media so they can't be called out. Also woke media tend to be conservative in a very bizarre way but they rarely get called for their corporative sponsorship. Just see Finn from the sequel trilogy, he's sypposed to be empowering or something and he's a minstrel character
>he is better off with that reporter lady whose name I don't remember
The writers aren't aware she exist and inb4 Italian comics, most probably the writers believe Disney comics were only published in America
How the hell did I get into a Disney comic
Yeah but my point that Daisy sucks still stands
>barely any changes.
It's either Daisy or being 100% cucked by Della (took his nephews, took his girlfriend and always was Scrooge's favorite)
It is coming from a white as fuck fat white guy who decided in 2017 that he is Latinx now because fuck drumpf. So there's that...
They say one thing but then do another thing
If they are fine with this for younger kids then having 15 year olds find their sexuality and start dating like most of the fandom wants shouldn't be taboo
Donald is too white, not the upper class wealthy British uncle that revels in not paying a reasonable wage to any employee and plunders other cultural artifacts from third world nations. But yea Donald is a honkey ass bitch.
How the hell this thing is allowed to write shows for kids? Networks say parents should control what their children watch and talk but the fucking economy doesn't allow it
Donald is a stand-in for the working class, the common man screwed by the system. The writers can relate to Scrooge better because they see themselves as snowflakes too special and therefore misunderstood by the normies
You should check out his twitter. It's pretty much nothing but "Fuck Trump" over and over and over again.
That might be how he lands ass backwards into major jobs at Disney
He also spent a month bragging about making Fenton mexican and how that was one of the biggest victories in modern media
I'm latino and I found it meh at best. It was so pointless
would you rather something like this?
>No fanart with Lena and Minima interacting
I am sad
Unironically how assblasted do you think he was when he found out about that other Donald series featuring Latino characters that existed since 1942
Scrooge will be everyone's uncle.
aight, won't lie
first thing I saw when I opened the image was a gigantic bong
He's kinda the reason she even exists.
Oh man, don’t even get me started on how the DT crew praised themselves over making Launchpad ‘Jewish’ in the Christmas special.
Wow. They made it him wear a Hanukkah sweater while he played a Christmas song on the piano for the few minutes of screentime he had that episode.
Amazing. So Jewish. Can’t wait until the next time his Judaism is mentioned during the *next* Christmas special where he says the word ‘Hanukkah’ or a passing mention is made of his bar mitzvah. Love the thought and care put into this.
Keep Donald away from teens.
christmas specials are pretty much how we find out which characters are jewish
Any child Superman has will be discarded
Which conspiracies do you think would exist in the duck world?
I don’t care how people to interpret the races of Mickey and friends but I always pictured Donald as white. His mom is from Scotland and apparently his dad was English American. If you picture him as “black” or whatever that gives off a bunch of bad implications.
Everyone else is free game though.
Scrooge would probably have tons of conspiracies surrounding him.
>he is better off with that reporter lady
Lyla? From Paperinik?
how in the FUCK was this not the first post?
>gold digging
>dates donald, who lives on a boat with three of his sister's kids.
>she literally has to buy him his clothing.
The hollow earth conspiracy theory being real.
Who cares about what this loser thinks? donald duck is both older and bigger than him.
Honestly Launchpad is probably only half Jewish. His last name sounds Irish af.
Scrooge's long life being the result of vampirism or "human" sacrifices.
Maybe his mom's Jewish?
This is gonna sound nerdy as fuck, but I personally headcanon him as half Irish and half Jewish. Jewish mom, Irish dad.
He would probably be hated in the 2010 for hoarding lots and lots of ancient artifacts and cultural items from around the world after plundering them from their native countries.
His owning the entire city of Duckberg would make a lot of people angry at him. And any illuminato/skull and bones conspiracies people have in the real world can be attributed to him
Most would believe that Scrooge is proof that the wealthy elite is allowed much better medicine and treatments that ordinary common people are not allowed to use or even know about. Apparently people can be perfectly healthy and active in their 130s while poor people die in their 80s.
He's the director of the series
You do got a point. However he's handled in this is not going have any effect on his popularity worldwide
No because it’s not real
I want not!Daffy to dom Donald
This doesn’t even look like her
That was a temporary thing right? They aren't still doing that... right?
Who impregnated Della
Well that explains why the triplets are retarded.
Not even Della knows.
I thought Della being the mother explained that enough
It's a knot made from her jumpsuit, user.
Which make funny on hindsight. If only Donald knew back then.
Some random duck.
It makes too much sense
What an autist
You just don't ruin a GOOD character design sometimes. Why do you think people draw Classic Lola Bunny? Because her design is too good. Ironically it's the version of her design that has the least screen time (only like 3 minutes in a theatrical film) and yet it's the one most fanart and porn chooses to use.
The other designs from New Looney Tunes Show and Wabbit have more screen time and yet no one cares about those.
What did she mean by this?
is he retarded or something?
Bong not dong
But I’d be fine with a huge dick
Hussie only cared about Vriska
Guess he wanted to get back at Scrooge.
I've not found any fanart to support this and it kills me inside.
>his son is a massive faggot and whipped for Scrooge's nephew
there's no closing that gap, man
Looks like its mostly Scrooge as Lena’s adopted father.
>although I wonder what they would do with reboot Morgana?
Love rival (male).
even if she knows , della won't tell
>gold digging
this is donald we are talking about
daisy and gladstone are there to make donald's life harder so we can relate
they do their jobs well
The fujos who write/storyboard very likely dislike his character type and design (that's why he's allowed to be in a hetero relationship)
I don’t think it’s a board driven show
You are two fold retarded. First Disney was a person second in Murrica Corporations are considered a person. So you are wrong literally and even your dumb attempt at a joke fails since the current corporation of Walt Disney still qualifies as person hood under the 14th amendment.
Donald isn’t immune to the gay