Who the fuck is ladderbro and why does everyone give him shit simply for speaking his truth?
Nice try Ladderbro, we know it's you.
An annoying Marvelfag (Though he probably only watches the MCU) who constantly shits up threads relating to DC
His DC equivalent is Tommy.
>louisville ladders
ladderbro is an imaginary DCuck bogeyman.
Hi ladderbro
Why haven't Tommy and Ladderbro been perma banned yet???
How did Tommy and Ladderbro get their name son an anonymous board?
Nothing wrong
That is clearly a step ladder.
A step ladder can still be a bro just as much as a regular ladder
Imagines a ban will do any good when you can spoof any IP address from around the world.
Bans don’t do anything. The best thing to do is to let them get bored and leave. Like clock bro on Yea Forums.
Who is Clock bro?
Never mind that, I want a Death Battle episode with the two.
I just want to know where the name itself came from
Who the fuck is clock bro? Haven’t been to Yea Forums in ages.
Tommy would probably win.
Hard to ban people who don't exist
Naw I want Namorhater vs Aquafag instead. Unless that's really Tommy and Ladderbro on their off days.
I have no clue because I stay away from Yea Forums but chances are we don't wanna know.
I think there was a guy who hated Aquachad. But maybe that was a joke to contrast the Namorfag hater.