Characters that Steven couldn't redeem
Characters that Steven couldn't redeem
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Fuck you, Armstrong is a goddamn hero believing in social Darwinism
Based retard
Every man should be able to fight his own wars
Trump is causing a recession
I never watched that show. whats up with those steven redeeming threads. I am out of loop here. Is this a meme or his super power?
Well he is batshit insane
No one even mentioned him user
>rent free
Kevin, apparently.
It'll never not piss me off that Steven managed to sway a bunch of space-conquering, war-waging, industrialist matriarchs who have probably left hundreds of planets barren and void of resources and killed dozens of thousands of people into being good, but the show continues to portray some arrogant rich teenage schmuck who asked a girl he was attracted to dance as completely unredeemable.
Why would Steven even bother to care about that guy? He’s not important enough.
Steven hates Chads so Tsukasa Doumoji from Hana Yori Dango is irredemeable for him, even if Sugar and all the female crew would find him irresistible
And Obama extended one for 4 extra years what do you want?
Not true the economy was in a better shape thanks to him
goes to show what the creator thinks is truly dangerous lol
I really love ThorHighHeels take on the character and why his philosophy is rather organic to the MGS universe and isn't as quirky as people think:
I always tries to search up who this is but Google image search just says "cartoon"
>trys to get Steven to make up with Connie
>gives him sound advice
>Steven takes and makes up with Connie
>still treats Kevin like garbage
Steven would just arrange a date with Veronica for him
I imagine it'd go like this:
>Now Aku, you have to promise not to subjagate the entire universe. In exchange, not only will you and Jack be friends but you'll also see your grandchildren
Maybe it's best you don't know where it's from you're the only innocent person left on Yea Forums for it
Can Steven redeem him, Yea Forums?
Clarissa's dad. He isn't the best Dad. Comic is called "Clarissa", you can Google it.
He got btfo be a dog breeder.
Cartman isn’t unbreakable
No he got btfo'd by Cesar Milan. That guy can turn a shit bull into a harmless puppBWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT FUCK PIT BULLS!
Even Yea Forums hates shit bulls
IMAGINE trying to turn a piece of supergalactic primordial evil.
When is Steven going to meet his equivalent of Kaguya from Nardo?
>Steven tries his usual gay shit to redeem Megatron
>Megatron just laughs and charges up his fusion cannon
>one near death experience later, Optimus Prime sits Steven down on his lap and gives him the talk that some people just can't be saved
Eh, the problem with believing that the strong should (and, usually, that you or your group are strong) is that someone stronger usually shows up, which generally causes a few decades of whining about how they "cheated" or something.
Trump's no Darwinist. He's got his faults, but that's not among them.
Penny Fitzergald.
There is no redeeming her and what she did.
He wouldn't have to.
If people weren't allowed to group up and instead had to rely solely on their own strengths, then it might work, but you can't stop lobbying.
Who would there be to lobby? There is no Congress in his new America!
Megatron: Gem-cepticons! Behold! Optimus Prime has graced us with his presence. Ahehehe. Oh, Optimus. First organics and now clods of dirt. What will you take next under your benevolent stewardship, I wonder. Air particles? Lint? Radio signals?
user hush
Try yandex comrade.
no joke is probably one of the better image search engines I've used
and no MSM means everyone can discern the truth themselves and share it among others without fear
Gay for him not that farfetched in a show of lesbian rocks
You know what she did
Don't deny the truth
I’d pay good money to see this encounter
You can't redeem someone who has absolutely nothing to need redeeming for to begin with
Prove me wrong
I love that PSA they have with Stevonnie where she's talking about social media and self confidence. And a tiny, barely passive aggressive comment from Kevin saying "Cool, I guess" with a little bored emoji managed to trigger a depressive reaction in Stevonnie.
>dozens of thousands
Try hundreds of trillions given how long they have been up around doing their shit.
I’m curious as to how it would play out considering they are from shows with a similar demographic.
It's always the same fucking picture of this guy too.
You fucking WISH we were in a recession.
Yeah I haven't seen SU in 2 seasons or so by now and don't know the exact statistics or lore anymore. I figured I'd rather underestimate the exact number of people (Earthling, Alien, Gem or otherwise) they killed than over-exaggerate their crimes.
>Worshipping Bill Maher
I don't, fuck that guy. I'm just saying there are legit people out there who want to see this country crash and burn just because it would reflect badly on the bad orange man.
Never since White was the time to do that.
He would end up turning Steven alt-right.
I want a recession just to see libtards seethe
They are the ones pushing for a recession
>I'm just saying there are legit people out there who want to see this country crash and burn just because it would reflect badly on the bad orange man.
I see that the conservative retard hivemind has their talking points and their victim complexes all ready to go
>"Don't vote Trump, he'll tank the economy!"
>"lol triggered libtard?"
>vote Trump
>he tanks the economy
>"Well, I told you so..."
Liberals were unironically upset when we didn't get into a nuclear war with North Korea, since they spent the entire election going "BUT SERIOUSLY, WE CAN'T LET HIM GET HIS HANDS ON TGE NUCLEAR CODES".
The Maher quote shows I'm right. There are legitimately people who think that way, calling me a conservative doesn't change that Yea Forumsmbler. Didn't even play a victim but you know BUZZARDS BUZZWARDS BUZZWARDS.
God damn I would love to see this smooth fucker outplay a goody two shoes "power of love" hero like Steven.
>Liberals were unironically upset when we didn't get into a nuclear war with North Korea
>"We made up this thing that you said, boy you sure do look stupid!"
But Trump didn't "tank the economy". It's doing fine.
>The Maher quote shows I'm right.
Oh well sorry, I didn't know that Bill Maher, the founder and owner of liberals, was totally serious and not just being a comedian
Many Americans care less about being right and way, way more about the other side being wrong. If you haven't notice that, then on a mental level at least, you're too young to be using this site.
Now imagine Trump is a Democrat and let the economy tank
I didn't know a unemployment rate of 3.4% was tanking the economy
>He was just pretending to be retarded!
"But Democrat Trump didn't "tank the economy". It's doing fine."
>I didn't know a unemployment rate of 3.4% was tanking the economy
Wow I can't believe Trump took unemployment from 50% to 3.4% just by tweeting on the toilet! Amazing, why can't anyone else do that?!
Oh wait he just inherited a strong economy from Obama and literally every single Trump supporter is a fucking retard? Oh my bad
>If I haven't heard people say something, then it never happened!
Ah, the life of the sheltered.
Employment rates are usually one of the slowest things to be effected economically
>Democrat Trump didn't "tank the economy"
Sure he did! Just look at how badly Obama screwed up the economy by making it go up. Now imagine Trump was a Democrat when number start going down.
>the left didn't claim Trump was going to start nuclear war with North Korea
>this level of historical revisionism for shit that didn't even happen that long ago
They were legit butthurt about the Trump/North Korea talks don't even pretend otherwise.
>"I didn't know that Bill Maher, the founder and owner of liberals"
He was clearly serious. And you're the one that applied this way of thinking to liberals, I didn't. Telling you made that assumption though.
>Oh wait he just inherited a strong economy from Obama
I'm not sheltered, I'm fully aware that literally every single conservative is a retard who shouldn't be taken seriously about anything
>inherited a strong economy from Obama
It's so obvious when you're just parroting fucking talking points. Funny how that strong Obama economy really started kicking in recently instead of during Obama's actual 8 years in office.
>They were legit butthurt about the Trump/North Korea talks don't even pretend otherwise.
Why is Trump coddling a vicious, bloodthirsty dictator?!
Oh wait, sorry, that's from the "President is a Democrat" folder... Here we go...
"The president's historic diplomacy is historically historic and you should kiss his ass!"
There, much better.
>Tries to talk to him
>Gets hit once in the gem and dies
this is the stupidest shit i've heard in a while.
>cause problem
>someone else fix problem
>yeah, well, they didn't fix it fast enough!
don't fucking shit your pants in the first place you fukkin stupid asshole.
monstervese Ghidorah is an alien who wants to rebalance the natural order to his whim which includes destruction of humanity. Steven and the Gems are human sympathizers and also muscling in on his alien invader turf and therefore must be exterminated
>It's so obvious when you're just parroting fucking talking points.
Conservatives are the masters of psychological projection
Because the whole economy doesn't show results overnight faggot. It takes years for the consequences and results to appear.
>Funny how that strong Obama economy really started kicking in recently instead of during Obama's actual 8 years in office.
"Funny how the economy was better after we got out of the recession that Obama inherited and turned around, what's up with that?! I'm a conservative, please take my opinions seriously."
My bad, i forgot i left this here
.... honestly, I’d be more amused to imagine Steven trying to work with Godzilla.
I mean they’re bother protectors but Godzilla is Antihero and a bit of a callous prick about it while Steven cries over blades of grass he stomps.
the sad part is how someone as stupid as you would think a man who shits in a gold toilet would have any interest in draining the swamp.
Just 4 more years
Yeah the alternative of nuclear war on the Korean peninsula is much better. Fucking Trump creating peace! If it was Obama you wouldn't be able to stop sucking him off for those peace talks.
>"Yeah Koreans can sleep easier at night but who cares! Trump was diplomatic to the bad man!"
So when does the amazing Obama economy end? I imagine right when the economy takes a shit or a Democrat takes the presidency. Whichever is more convenient for your worldview huh?
Since you think so badly of rich people I suppose it's okay to be prejudiced against poor people too? Just assume they're all assholes like some sort of BIGOT?
I'm on your side but still fuck off phoneposter.
You know, i kinda hope Trump goes full Palpatine and calls for emergency powers to fight a war against Russia and China just to piss everyone off.
Multiple people in this thread have called me a retard but being called a phoneposter it the worst insult and libel.
But Armstrong was right
Fuckin fredo
would the titans see gems as an invasive species and fight them off and that's why homeworld was beaten off of earth in this universe?
the figurative jew who cancelled acceleracers
Probably given how gem colonization works. Even with the crystal gems clearly on their side I doubt Godzilla would trust them.
>”you ducking taco munching space rocks are why that dick face mouth shitter Ghidora was here to begin with! And you cluster is literally space rock cancer aids! Fuck you all!”
Who said anything about Trump? You spend a lot of time thinking about him?
China and Russian can barely tolerate each other. If anything:
>China will create multiple small "conflicts" in Asia: i.e. invading Hong Kong, attacking Taiwanese ships, attacking India over boundaries, attacking SE Asian countries over sea boundaries, etc.
>NK will continue to be NK
>Trump will use these incidents to get involved
>China and NK back off but still end up with more than they went into the conflicts with i.e. Hong Kong citizens lose rights, Taiwan becomes more isolated, etc.
>Trump will be seen as a hero from stopping the Red menace from "spreading"
I can totally imagine seeing Steven talking things out with like 2 of the 3 heads but having trouble with the 3rd one. Basically imagine the side heads are Blue and Yellow and the middle is White, the hardest one to redeem left as the final boss.
I wonder how Steven would fare in mainline SMT? LAW, NEUTRAL, and CHAOS can never be friends, only one can survive.
Accelaracers is kino
i remember a weird headcanon thing from youtube where Ghidorah is part of a species who 'restore proper balance' to worlds and he came to earth because in his eyes Godzilla was an incompetent alpha so maybe the gems are embroiled in a war with the Ghidorah species. Shit now I want to make as Godzilla Steven Universe fusion universe
>middle head just asserts dominance over submissive heads and force them to vaporize the shit out of Steven
Is it bad that I really want to see Steven react to how things turned out on our timeline and have his world shaken? I want blackpilled Steven, it would be interesting.
I'd rather have an evil Steven who guilts you into doing horrible atrocities.
He can't keep getting away with it
Just listen to Metokur
Mattel's new CEO, Ynon Kreiz, might be bringing it back
If that happens, I'll have to deal with a jew being my new personal hero
Come on guys, we can beat Aku with a song about love and friendship.
Mentioned this in a previous thread but the problem is that a lot of people would get majorly pissed at Steven for doing his typical Steven thing and trying to see the best in people from our world.
>"Oh Mr. Epstein I'm sure what you did couldn't have been THAT bad. Can't we talk it out?"
only wants steven and connie to make up so he has a trick for his dinner party.
where have you been? under a rock?
Kevin would probably listen to steven and not understand a god damn word.
of course kevin would. he's become special needs from blowing up all the time
Kevin is not special needs he's just different.
He's just a good kid with 100 charisma. He does have other actual powers though
>Retards STILL taking the deliberate OOC Steven in Beach Citt Drift personally
It's been years, get ove it already.
The president isn’t nearly that influential on the economy
i think steven would end up joining armstrongif you ask me.
give him a cool outfit and a catchy song,
Seeing Steven try to befriend them would be the most entertaining shit.
he would corrupt Steven
Can't redeem him but his healing spit will probably have the same affect as that citadel healing gel
Angra Mainyu
Judge Holden
Noah Cross
Pic related
He is when he starts a trade war for the sake of his ego.
>Join the Crystal Gems?
>Fuck that shit!
Why would Steven need to redeem Jim Cornette?
he keeps exposing the business
>Yujiro Hanma
>Dio Brando
>Agito Makishima
>Hunter Rose
>Eppy Thatcher
>Mr.Nobody (He might think he is redeemed but he never thought he was doing anything wrong to begin with)
>The Batter
No that was Iron Shiek and Duggan when they got arrested together back in the 80s
steven need to convince him to stop being a carny
Damn it’s easy to trigger TIDF
Fuck I forgot the image
>say dumb thing without the slightest hint of irony
>"wtf why are people calling me out for saying something dumb??"
Explain. Everyone knows it was OOC but the notion that they did it on purpose as a joke is new to me, especially when Kevin is still treated with contempt by Steven even in the episode where they hang out.
If Rebecca Sugar wrote it, any one can be redeemed. They'd have some asinine retarded reason they were doing it, regardless of originally stated motives, and then they'd cry along Steven and become BFFs.
Steven (and Connie to an extent) were written as OOC in that episode to make the point that obsession is for chumps. The next episodd with Kevin is much more grounded and ends with Steven and Connie positively saying goodbye to Kevin as they reconcile and leave his party. Granted Kevin is still being a manipulative faggot at that point but he still got a cool party trick out of Lion shooting a portal so I guess when we see him again (if at all) he'll have come around.
Panty loves a select few strong handsome male people more than Steven, and she shows that through action. Steven couldn't handle her love.
It'd be funny to see him try
Remember how your mother died to give birth to you? It was me Steven! I was your mother all along! It was meeeee!
I can't see any way that Steven could convert Mina Loveberry. She was the final villain because she was the ultimate zealot of a belief of self-righteous crusading for justice. How could such a righteous viking crusader, who dindu nuffin wrong get converted?
i'll just post this image from another thread
Megatron atleast put Abe Lincoln down gently.
Well you can't be redeemed twice I suppose
OOH! Optimus gets shot right in the plasma chamber, and one of the gems (probably Garnet) takes the place of the cracked photon crystal in the Matrix, giving OP and upgrade, like Kiss Players or Power of The Primes.
Megatron gets jelly like always and convinces Jasper to jump into his spark chamber, and he starts shooting helmet-shaped hunks of quartz out of his cannon. Steven uses his link TO Jasper to make Mega see all the atrocities he's committed and how that's hurt not only other races but his own troops, and convinces him to lay down his arms because the Decepticon cause AT BOTTOM only leads to misery. BAM, done
>Steven growing up and becoming POTUS
Who would his opponents be? Not just in the race, what threats would oppose him?
>"was it really worth it megatron?"
>"every second"
>*proceeds to ignore this epiphany entirely and continue the fight*
why post a senator when you can have the vice-president/president?
Cut out living the lies that you're trying to force others to believe.
>So when does the amazing Obama economy end?
Check the news right now.
Redeeming fascists who believe their system is great is his forte though. It's people who genuinely don't care if they're evil that he's shown inability to change. People like
Exactly as I thought, Obama's economy ends right when it's convenient to blame it on Trump?
Okay remember that because stocks are already rebounding. So from here on out don't tell me shit about how any good economic news is still somehow Obama.
I mean, nobody really tried very hard to convince Mina that monsters weren't actually the baby-eating threat to Mewmans' existence that Mina believed they were. It's difficult to change the minds of racists, but not impossible. See
And then everybody on the bus clapped.
Take that man to Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, or any other major city with tons of melanin enriched brothers from another mother, and see how quickly they put back on their robes.
>Okay remember that because stocks are already rebounding
Trump's cabinet is terrified right now of doing anything to try to address the possible recession right now, because they believe it might trigger the free fall. That's how fragile the economy currently is.
...okay, that's fair. BUT THEN there's a Peter Cullen/Estelle duet, and that would probably convince someone of something.
Dumb racist.
Bill would forget he has reality warping powers and easily get tricked into getting himself wiped out but not before summoning an ancient god to resurrect him later on
megaton starts the Decepticon barbershop quartet to keep up on the Autobots musical advantage
>implying any of them would have anywhere near enough brain cells to see through his facade
The thing that "redneck country bumpkin kentucky klansmen" and "white liberal sheltered gated community progressives" have in common is that neither have actually had to interact with a majority-black community.
One is pessimistic about a group they know nothing about, the other is optimistic about a group they know nothing about, but both will be racist as fuck as soon as they do.
This guy gets it
Yeah notice your link talks about worries of a bad GLOBAL economy. The U.S. is still doing relatively good in comparison.
Some of the stocks from my previous job at a German company aren't doing so good. Economic prospects here are looking more positive than in a lot of other countries though. You got to have perspective.
>"Trump's cabinet is terrified right now"
Newspeak is always saying they're fucking terrified. If not one thing it's another.
atwvwn could never talk down valentine because he is too self assured in the righteousness of his cause
I'd like to watch him try. Dude gets a kick out of wiping out races.
The guy literally got them to give up their robes by befriending them, and showing them their stereotypes are based on judging other people from afar. Your theory that familiarity brings contempt is bs, and if you were actually familiar with your subject matter, you'd figure that out. It's shut-ins in their echo chambers who are the most racist.
I'd like to see him try.
>Yeah notice your link talks about worries of a bad GLOBAL economy.
That's not what it says Trump is worried about.
>Though bullish in public about America's economic strength, President Trump has reportedly showed concern privately about a looming recession that could seriously dent his chance of reelection in 2020, the Washington Post reported Thursday.
>According to two sources familiar with the matter who spoke to the Post, the president is "anxious and apprehensive," and has spoken by phone with business leaders and financial executives this week to sound them out about the prospects of the US economy. >The economy has clearly been on the president's mind, with the cost of his trade war with China among the factors blamed for the slowdown.
>Trump has hit back at negative forecasts and this week boasted of the health of the US economy, and in a tweet Thursday blamed the media for trying to provoke a recession and damage his chances of reelection.
>That's not what it says Trump is worried about.
Yeah look at literally the first bulletpoint:
>"President Trump has been "anxious and apprehensive" about the prospects for the US economy amid signs of a global economic slowdown"
It's a global turn down. Tons of people have been predicting this would happen since before Trump even ran for president. It's a legitimate concern to have whether the president right now was Trump or Hillary or whoever.
>disintegrates you
No, fuck pit bulls. I hate /pol/, and I hate pit bulls. The whole world hates them mate. It's time to let them go.
Pit bulls are an abomination, they shouldnt even exist in the first place. Their natural progression is to no longer exist. It's time to let them go mate. Hopefully by the time we're old fucks, Pit Bulls are put down by society on sight. They are a menace, ticking time bombs. Literal rage-filled abominations.
FUck I quoted wrong guy. Meant to reply to
>valentine just summons alternate universe rose quartzes/pink diamonds as a bribe
Hmmm. Starscream's not in that group, obvs. Let's see...Shockwave has a beautiful bass voice, then we'd have Knock Out, maybe Cyclonus, and Overlord?
>au rose sponges with steven because same gem shit
you can't not have soundwave
>It's a global turn down.
The article also says
>The economy has clearly been on the president's mind, with the cost of his trade war with China among the factors blamed for the slowdown.
Come on man, don't just hone in on one thing from the article and ignore the full context. Trump's protectionism isn't working, and it's having larger-scale effects.
Can't even shit talk specific types of dogs without Yea Forums implying it's politics and you're some racist Nazi who should go back to /pol/. For fuck's sake the "go back to /pol/" people on Yea Forums are sensitive and trigger happy on invoking the /pol/ boogeyman.
there might be AUs where rose still exist but doesn't have her gem. who knows how AUs in jojo work.
>Steven Universe is in fact a part of the world where it didn't get hit by the flash.
people will just complain about auto-tune if soundwave's in it.
>Incubators would trick Steven into becoming a Mahou Shoujo
>You can't talk down reapers.
>with the cost of his trade war with China among the factors blamed for the slowdown
Yeah I saw, "blamed for the slowdown" is limp-wristed news implication he's to blame. If you've kept up with things you've seen the tariffs have worked well for us despite what experts on the news have been saying. "Trump's protectionism" has kept us in a good place relative to other nations on the world stage during the current economy.
Whatever it's Friday and I'm drunk I don't feel like talking Trump economics on a cartoon board. I already know any economic downturn will be blamed on Trump no matter what I say and any economic success will be seen as occurring "despite" what he's done. Discussion of it is pointless.
Don’t fucking ruin this for me
>If you've kept up with things you've seen the tariffs have worked well for us despite what experts on the news have been saying. "Trump's protectionism" has kept us in a good place relative to other nations on the world stage during the current economy.
[citation needed]
Whatever here's some random article I Googled for you. You'd have a better idea if you actually kept up with things as they happened. Article probably won't change your mind anyway.
me too
That's an interesting perspective, and if the 11,000 new manufacturing jobs is true, that's a good thing, but meanwhile look at agriculture.
He stole 40 cakes, and that's irredeemable
>Steven gives him a talk about the meaning of friendship
>Ridley breaks down crying, agrees with him, hugs him, then proceeds to backstab him with his tail and dabs on his corpse
How kind of Megatron to put Abe Lincoln softly to the side
>Dio Brando
>Doctor Doom
>Pretty much any slasher villain
These come to mind.
Aku, you are to marry Jack and that will be the end of it.
IDW isn't like most continuities, for better or worse.
That is not proper characterization of Ridley.
Ridley woudn't even stop to listen to Steven, and immediately try to murder every gem in his way and do whatever the fuck he came over to do in the first place, then get out or die trying.
Why not just have Jack marry Ashi and end the feud that way?
Armstrong did absolutely nothing wrong.
Manjew isn't even evil. He hates humans as a collective, but cares for the intdividual.
is this characters Steven Armstrong couldn't redeem?
Based Captain Scarlet poster. Could the Diamonds beat thr Mysterons?
No its about who the murdercock's son can't redeem
>Steven pulls out his ukulele
>tries to start a song
>Aku's ominous background noise drowns out Steven's music
>gets visibly nervous and struggles to come up with a text on the spot
>Aku leans over and stares him down, smiling
>steven thinks he has redeemed Aku, gets relieved and smiles back
>Aku immediately slashes him in front of the CGs, keeping his grin
Could Steven or any of the Crystal Gems see Stands?
Sorry but pic related is the real threat
Fuck forgot the pic
>Could the Diamonds beat the Mysterons?
Nah, Mysterons would wipe the floor with them.
And I say that as both a CS and SU fan.
I have a few
ill hit you with a classic.. Ahem
Memes aside, can anyone in the SU cast even touch Madara Uchiha?
This. Though t.b.h Gorgon would also be pretty hard for Steven to redeem due to have Stubborn he can be.
Depends on when or what Dio. If he can talk to a younger Dio maybe, but once the mask gets put on Dio instantly becomes irredeemable. Steven could probably redeem Diego considering he never threw his humanity away like Dio did and his backstory came of as much more sympathetic.
Some do the meme but with Steven
>I ain't talkin' about Steven fused with all the crystal gems
>Yujiro Hanma
The guys pretty chill anyway more often than not.
Higher chances he ends up redpilling Steven.
Now thats one that would be fun.
>Characters Steven Armstrong couldnt convince with his speeches or influence.
The whole reason that Steven was able to redeem the diamonds was that he was able to present them with a different way of thinking opposed to the system they've lived under for thousands of years. I don't think Steven could redeem Hitler after his rise to power though. The diamonds were born into these administrative roles and mainly did evil because they simply thought that that was the way things had to be. Hitler chose to rise to power and chose to want to mass murder people throughout Europe. Steven probably could have taught young Hitler to accept his art getting rejected and keep trying though. We'd probably end up with an alternate timeline where Hitler became a famous painter.
If you aren't strong and don't bother him Yujiro generally doesn't fuck with you. Problem with that is that Steven is very strong and Yujiro wouldn't be able to help fighting him. There is no way in hell that Steven is going convince him not to fight. Steven is someone who fights as a last resort and Yujiro fights because violence is like a drug to him.
Yujiro would beat Steven and then fight each of Crystal Gems for fun. Then when it's all over he'd walk out of town as a beat up Steven waits for all the gems to reform.
Unironically, Steven Universe.
If they knew as much about him as Raiden does during the boss fight I feel most heroes won't go along with his social Darwinist "strong rule the weak" mentality.
The whole thing with Armstrong was that he was half right. The war economy is fucked up and people shouldn't have to deal with secret societies and shit running their lives.
The more interesting question is what heroes could he actually convince to side with him.
These smug junk food loving sadistic motherfuckers.
Ridley likes to play with his food, user.
You should know that by now.
It's precisely that Armstrong is the opposite of a fascist that would lead him to change STEVEN'S mind. Through war Steven will learn what it means to be alive, and bring that lesson to all the people of the world.
>southerners dont interact with blacks
oh boy!
Steven would be instantly executed lmao
>Redeem an unimportant side character
>Piss off all the idiots who feel personally offended by rapy mcrapist not being redeemed
Hard choice on sugars account, I'm sure
This is Yea Forums, not Twitter. You’ll find no retweets here.
>stock market dips any day of the week
>stock market rises any day of the week
go home, Fredo, you’re drunk.
Either of these two.
Well, a lot of the antagonists in JoJo, minor or otherwise, would be pretty irredeemable.
?? Kevin ended up being friends with Steven though, he invited Steven to his party and everything.
>nuh uh both sides are le same
Call me when Obama creates a recession.
GIS doesn't work anymore. Thank Getty Images and their bullshit lawsuit for that.
>SG: Look, ya chubby little doofus, Zorak and Moltar being slaves is NOT a bad thing. I'm a super hero! That makes it okay! Ya get it?
>SU: but-
>SG: One more word outta you and you're getting a faceful of my wristbands. They're filled with lasers, and they don't taste like chocolate! I think. I should really find out. Hey Zorak, be a taste-tester
>SG: How'd that taste?
>SG:...Burning chocolate?
Steven could never redeem any of the Jojo villains
...and Steven was never seen again.
The show redeemed him, though. Took pains to show that he was a decent if flawed individual.
Steven just couldn't see past his initial bias.
Kevin did that for his own benefit, though to his credit he never had to actually let him come. It's pretty clear Steven and Connie no longer hold a grudge against him which is nice.
Question for you Yea Forums:
Who wins in a FIGHT
>Steven A
>Steven U
Who did rape?
Black manta a good boi, he din du nuffin.
Technically is no a Yea Forums character but fit well in this thread.
It really wouldn't be that hard to redeem Shinji. For the most part he's just a depressed kid with a shit ton of responsibilities forced on him. Steven would easily be able to relate with that kind of heavy responsibility at a young age.
Bruh there was an Evangelion reference in SU. If it's on Rebecca's mind, chances are Steven can redeem a character from it (although I'm unsure as to what Shinji needs redeeming for here).
>All these trumptards seething at the truth
>It’s shit on purpose
>Don't know what the user's talking about
>Better assume the worst instead of thinking logically
>Implying he needs to be redeemed
This motherfucker.
Steven would get wiped out by absolutely everything.
Shinji can't be redeem because for it, he need spine to fight against his father. Steven can't give it to him.
>although I'm unsure as to what Shinji needs redeeming for here
I don't know,. Perhaps because he is weak and let everybody die.
>Steven sitting with rapt attention as Shake tells him the story about Korra and his daughter
>Steven silently staring, screaming internally
I dunno, he's pretty sturdy. Took actually taking his gem out to put him in the red.
you're absolutely fuckin right
That would be awesome
The shows writers provide 0 conviction for their villains. So some fat faggot can just change their whole alignment by whining about love & friendship.
Steven Universe Looks pretty, but it's an awful work of fiction.
He'd make Steven a necklace out of the shattered remains of the CG, and Steven would probably thank him and think they're friends after.
>0 conviction
>Just ignore the ones that it didn't work on though
Another stellar Yea Forums post.
Steven tries to redeem Jonas Venture ends up a guinea pig in some mengele tier shit
Jasper (THE ONLY VILLIAN WHO PREFERED DEAD BEFORE BEING SAVED BY STEVEN) literally ends up accepting her life on earth after sharing a few words with Amethyst after being cured..
He's quite literally the embodiment of all evil.
I mean, it took a british Saitama expy to finally put him to rest.
What? He was talking about fucking dogs.
Could Steven convince Asura that violence isn't the answer?
I disagree. Dio seems more reasonable post-mask than he does before. At least when he's a head at the end of PB he's willing to admit that he admires Jonathan, pre-Mask killed Danny and assaulted Erina.
Weird, I must have missed that arc. All that happened in CYM was her not throwing a shitfit because the Diamonds were around, no actual speech or redemption of any kind took place. Hell, I'll be shocked if she's actually in the movie (though there are episodes in S6 that'll take place during the two year timeskip).
Mad Lad Afton would either murder and turn Steven into the ultimate Killbot or try to take over his body to become God like he wants to.
You really confused me for a good bit until I saw all of the other posts talking about friendship and singing, especially since Sen. Armstrong's name is actually Steven. I kept looking at all of the other posts thinking it's him giving his speech about culling the weak and trying to get through to them.
Gonna give me a good 10 min worth of entertainment just imagining Armstrong in SU in Steven's place. Same episodes, same dialogue just a ripped adult acting as a stunted fourteen year old.
>Same dialogue
>Not wanting Armstrong as he is in Steven's place
>Not wanting Armstrong to fuck up gems with his bare hands while spouting his American dream, all the while outright refusing fusion and how he wants to do things himself
That's good too, I just like the image of Armstrong rapping about ice cream.
Are we including his gangsters and smugglers
Holy shit, imagine Armstrong having more compassion and a preservation of life but still having the same exact personality.
>”P-please Mr. Armstrong have mercy!”
>”Mercy is wasted on those who live to destroy and defile the sanctity of life, FUCKING DIE!!!”
Steven is basically Butters so he’d just be another person to feed his egoism.
It’s been proven in the show that Cartman can beaten with physical violence. Steven refuses to fight so he would ruin himself.
>Senator Armstrong representing Delmarva and America itself when talking to other Gems
>If not fighting shirtless, it's in a button down suit and/or shirt with a tie
I'd vote for him
>farmers losing money on corn
Good, fuck corn. We produce so much fucking corn starch to put in shitty processed food, it seriously needs to die
How hasn't ANYONE posted him yet?
>Implying THE Senator needs to be redeemed
He played college ball, you know.
>"Hi there sir! Those are some co-"
>*Eviscerates his skull*
Absolutely retarded enough to be redeemed.
Post mask fuck no, pre mask sure.
Just read The Dark Knight Returns.
Difficult but possible.
>Doctor Doom
The good doctor is a man of reason. So maybe.
Possible, just kinda a space incel with Mommy issues and insane brain exploding psychic powers.
>Any slasher Gillian
I don't see any reason why he couldn't talk with mentally ill psychos when that's what he spends most of his day doing anyway.
He'd lose
I can imagine Steven falling for his bullshit just to get backstabbed in the end.
>Absolutely retarded enough to be redeemed.
Retarded does not mean easily redeemed. Zim's fucking insane and completely devoted to conquering Earth.
No, but he could be tricked.
Dan "the man with a plan and a party van" Schneider
>just kinda a space incel with Mommy issues and insane brain exploding psychic powers
That’s Giegue, who Steven could totally befriend, Giygas is the incarnation of evil itself with absolutely no higher brain function aside from killing everyone and everything. Once Giegue becomes Giygas, there is no saving it.
>It's an Erebus teleports away because Steven befriended Kharn episode
The thing is that he didnt convince Raiden, but still influenced him in his thinking highly given the last scene. He might not get them on his side, but he is pretty good at handing out redpills.
Chaotic Good Armstrong would be unstoppable.
Even though I've never seen it, that is now my favorite episode.
Lord Emperor Zurg.
He could probably redeem most of part 4's cast, But that doesn't really count since most of them were already redeemed through intense beatdowns
Oh there's a difference?
Yeah, one still is thinking and can be talked to, the other is braindead force of evil.
>Mentioning trump out of nowhere
Doctor Doom is far too autistic a douche to be redeemed
>Vanilla Ice
>Risotto Nero
Just the possible ones
And yet the staff considered him important enough to go back and make another episode about him where he was suddenly a giant asshole compared to his first apperance
>it's only ok to bring real life politics into a thread as long as I agree with it
You're a faggot
Steven fights all the time user and does so willingly if the needs must. I dunno why Yea Forums thinks otherwise.
The Devil
Very true, not only is he immune to talk-no-jutsu due to being an autistic robot ghost clown, his inherant destiny and arguably source of his power is his desire to destroy everything that ever existed. Steven CAN'T talk him down or change his mind, because if HE IS ALREADY HERE then that, by the rules of time travel LE must obey, means Steven has already failed to change his mind.
Steven could very easily 'awake' him to the joys of crafting his own crowns. He'd be in the Barn, making meepmorps with the others. As long as nobody else wears anything on their head, he's harmless.
Post mask made a mother eat her baby for shits and giggles. Steven ain't redeeming that.
Barn's gone user, but your basic point still holds weight.
You got a little wasted around the Nth dimensional bar again, and you find yourself on the suckers end of a difficult bet. As an Nth dimensional being, you can pluck characters from one media and place them in another. With this, you have been challenged to choose THREE characters, who will immediately become familiar with each other, and work together (within reasonable limits of their personalities) to better and redeem the characters of the shows you place them in.
Who are you picking for your crack-team of talk-no-jutsu users, and whats the most difficult villain they could redeem?
Maybe he could redeem some of the minor villains, but there's no way he could redeem any of the main villains
The thought of Postal Dude fucking around in Beach City is hilarious.
>Postal Dude: Do you want to sign my petition?
>Steven: Why do you have a cat on the end of your shotgun?
>Postal Dude: Just sign the fucking petition.
>kisses "her"
>penis grows back
What’s his name?
He talked down cluster, he probably could stabilise gygas.
Shinji chose instrumentality because all his friens were dead. He could at least healed Toji
Only because iluminati and his mom forced him to do so.
the show itself
Not Yea Forums but there's no way in Hell
>the problem with believing that the strong should (and, usually, that you or your group are strong) is that someone stronger usually shows up
That's actually the great thing about Armstrong. He 100% respected Jack and saw him as proof of his point that the strong will survive no matter what, and when Raiden proved to be stronger he accepted it and didn't resent him at all.
God I love Rising so much
Fantastic end to the trilogy. Still get chills whenever the court theme kicks in at the end of the trial.
>converts Steven as an apprentice instead
I love his shit eating grin. This is the face of a man who knows he fucked up whole galaxy and he is happy about it.
Oryx the taken king, a tranny who to destroy all things so that he can make way for the literal embodiment of entropy
Shinji never needed to fight his father, he needed to get over him and learn that whether or not his father loves him doesn't matter.
>Only because iluminati and his mom forced him to do so.
No, his mother set things up for him in a way that allowed him to reject Instrumentality and let everyone go. Shinji tanged everyone of his own free will as revenge because he felt rejected. Although on the other hand, as you say it could potentially heal Toji provided he ever decides to untang himself.
Jack and Aku already fucked early in the series, though.
Did literally nothing wrong tho
No, Asura gets stronger the more he fights for whats right.
In essence, his violence is the most correct and right thing there is, simply on the grounds of it letting him clear basically anything.
You know where you are.
Please, write you know.
Fuck outta here.
>Difficult but possible.
Lol. No.
>if HE IS ALREADY HERE then that, by the rules of time travel LE must obey, means Steven has already failed to change his mind.
Holy shit, I never thought of it that way
I mean, he has the will to see the end of any of his choices. But none of them bring real peace and prosperity.