I don't really get it. The jokes were on point, the animation looked fantastic, and overall it just felt like a continuation of the original show. Like, even if you don't like trans stuff, are you really gonna let that ruin the special for you? People always talk about how there's no discussion or understanding other people's point of view anymore, but the faggots on /pol/ do the same shit. You can disagree with all the LGBTQIPABBQ stuff and still enjoy something that presents a different viewpoint. I can't find a single place that doesn't ONLY talk about the trans shit, whether that be praising it or hating it.
I don't really get it. The jokes were on point, the animation looked fantastic...
Other urls found in this thread:
holy fucking christ
Bro, the point of this special was to accept change.
If you want people to complement your cake
don't put dogshit on it and tell us to eat around it.
why do so many cartoon characters have holes in the bottoms of their shoes
The trans thing is the centerpiece of the whole thing, it's meant as the proof that change is a good thing, and a rebuttal to Rocko's earlier resistance to change. Also while the show doesn't take anything else seriously and has always been eager to slay sacred cows, everything goes uncharacteristically super serious mode when they get to the tranny issue.
You can try to frame it as the right being intolerant of other opinions, but the pro-tranny side want to ban misgendering. There is no 'other side' shown in the media except hateful irrational bigots. The media don't believe in hearing or accurately portraying the other side but somehow we are expected to hear them out. Not many people that I know of want to force crazy adults to stop dressing like women or taking drugs or getting surgery. We just don't want to be forced to pretend they really are women, or let kids who still believe in Santa decide they're the opposite sex.
You’re completely right and it’s a bummer. It was so nice to have Rocko back for 45 minutes. It’s too bad Nick botched the release of this so bad because I want more Joe Murray cartoons. I’m sure his PBS cartoon is cute but the characters probably can’t scream at each other.
>The jokes were on point,
What jokes?
This. OP is a faggot who can't accept the whole special was ruined by PC shit
You're gonna have to name off these "so many" because besides Heffer, i can recall no others.
>ruined by PC shit
Imagine being so catered to your entire life that the slightest hint of a mindset outside of your own sends you into frenzied bitchfits.
I mean I have to imagine. You don't since you're living it.
I figured out why it makes sense that they added the tranny thing.
it’s Rocko’s MODERN life and what is more modern than guys chopping off their dicks and living as women?
the only who seems to be upset here is you. I would assume because you’re personally offended by people not liking trannies
>No u
Wow got me, but why did you waste so many words farting that out
>the slightest hint
Oh how I wish it was this.
Im sorry for not editing it down to the acceptable level.
now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go dilate. oh wait no I don’t, my vagina is real hahaha
Stop using facts and logic to reason with the /pol/tarded user
>Im sorry for not editing it down to the acceptable level.
Don't lie about your intense love for the sound of your own voice.
even if its bad or corrupt?
yeah you're a real pussy alright lmao
imagine hating trannies so much you have to pretend to be a woman online just to pretend you have a higher ground somehow
oy vey are you saying there's such things as objective standards? someone needs to be re-educated.
No one "pretends" to be a woman you bigot. If you say you're a woman then you are one.
how does that work on a text based site?
do I love the sight of my own typing?
either way, you’ll never be a woman lol
I honestly thought the animation was off.
didn't watch, but the trailor looked bad. It's not just the overly clean digital coloring either.
Coincidentally I had just finished rewatching the whole series before the trailor was released and the difference was jarring.
>Reboot old cartoon for a 45 minute special
>The plot of the special is a parody of the cartoon being rebooted
>That's it, nothing else to it
So...what the fuck was the point?
The point was to push tranny shit because the creators are conformist pussies.
Why do liberals think it's okay for little kids to decide what gender they think they are?
>You can disagree with all the LGBTQIPABBQ stuff and still enjoy something that presents a different viewpoint
while you're right, most of Yea Forums's userbase is too peabrained to do that.
I hate this so much. It seems like a lot of nostalgia grabs have to be self aware that they're reboots or have some kind of on the nose reference to that fact.
Imagine this was just the next episode. would it have been a good one?
>that presents a different viewpoint
Mental illness should be treated, not celebrated
What are some examples of media which violates your values that you still enjoy?
It would've at least made sense if it was to be followed by a new series or something, but it just ends. Feels like they could've saved money and just had one of the animators come out on Twitter and say "Oh yeah Ralph became trans in the end".
>but the pro-tranny side want to ban misgendering
lol wat
That's just as retarded as thinking everyone who wants any kind of gun control is just out to ban guns
Pretending the opposing viewpoint is crazy and unreasonable isn't a good way to convince anyone that you're arguing honestly
If there's one thing the special did, it was to remind me of this cutie
user. It's the core ploy element. There are a lot of unconnected comments on the late nineties and early 2000's, and a potentially self-contradictory dig on computer animation, but the only actual plot element had to do with Ed and Rachel.
Of course it's all people will talk about. What else? Gee, it sure is funny Starbucks made that mistake twenty years ago.
Are you asserting that if some hypothetical person or group did in fact desire to make misgendering a crime that they would be crazy?
Not the OP, but he does have a point. The Rachel shit doesn’t even take up a third of the running time; it’s overshadowed by the “change” theme. Poltards and trannies really do ruin everything.
>The jokes were on point,
Which ones? The ones where they reminded you of existing bits from the old show, or the ones that shared in your anguish of feeling old and obsolete? Because those were the two types of jokes in the special.
They almost could have saved it if ralph's girl name were something sillier like "Ralphena". When an absurdist media halts the absurdity to pay uncharacteristic respect to some thing, it is making a statement.
What does ralph sound like in the new one? does he have a female voice actor or is it the same?
You get banned on twitter if you misgender someone. The Netflix corporation used their twitter to lecture us about the importance of using proper pronouns as exemplified in Rocko. Articles are being published that label people who don't like the trans element of the Rocko special as 'disturbing' and dangerous:
The people promoting the trans movement mostly don't have a live and let live attitude, they want to force you to pretend to believe what they believe about gender.
Mickey Mouse and Goofy also have holes in their shoes. Not sure any others though
>Also while the show doesn't take anything else seriously and has always been eager to slay sacred cows, everything goes uncharacteristically super serious mode when they get to the tranny issue.
This is a good point. I'm so used to everything being a target of jokes, when Filburt responds to the reveal with "That is AWESOME" it felt like he was being sarcastic.
too bad it's a hate crime to have ideologically neutral media now.
I sure hate when private companies censor free speech on their for-profit platform that they own
The trans shit would have been fine if it was put in organically. Instead it felt so forced and preachy.
It's 100% the same, not even a new mode of speech or inflection. Which at least feels a little deliberately absurd. But I'm not sure that was the intent.
You'd think it would be more poignant and powerful if the out of time trio were resistant or even confused by ralph's transition. Instead this is like some cartoon from the 50's taking a time out from the fun to show an extended scene of the main character loving to eat all of their vegetables and wash their hands.
I really wish they didn't skip Filburt coming home to her after 20 years.
That's good, at least.
Ralph doing his "NEVER" montage is one of the funniest scenes in the whole series.
The point is that asking to get a show back won't get you exactly the same thing you enjoyed in the first place and that's an unavoidable truth so stop living in the past because for better or worse those days are gone.
glad to be part of the 1% that enjoyed seeing the characters adapt to the new modern world of today but still thought the tranny shit was a bit on the nose and unnecessary.
it’s nice to be so nuanced and complex, I wish everyone could know this joy.
The tranny shit was actually meta-messaging because it forces YOU to adapt to change rather than the characters. As in, this is Rocko now, deal with it
>glad to be part of the 1%
About that.
this 200%
the extra 100% is the fact that there are forces intentionally rebooting classic media specifically to ruin them. They're not going to stop until absolutely everything has been through the treatment. So buckle up bucko.
Yeah... the more you look at the message the more self defeating it felt. I mean Rocko was trying to get 'his cartoon back'. That was his exact wording. Alluding to it all being about being overly attached to the original cartoon and wanting it to come back, in other words, the creation of this special. And then in the end, Rocko finally decides it's okay to move on and for things to change. Then the special ends.
Okay? You spent your whole special pretty much admitting to how unnecessary the special was?
>The jokes were on point
>everybody is stupid but me
I mean, they own the ground you stand on. Do you really want to give them all that power?
oof. Not a news reader huh?
The original is always better. Don't ever forget that. It doesn't need an update or a remake or anything of the sort as it's perfect the way it is. Oh and no transcuck shit.
That makes it even worse because of what said. Why bother rebooting something just to criticise reboot culture and nostalgia? And then make the criticism the moral of the special? Totally undermines itself and makes it even more pointless. I genuinely think they wanted to make a new series out of it (The updated into montage is a big hint), but Netflix shut it down at some point.
It took over the entire second half of the special. First half was solid tho
the way you characterize it makes it seem like the special was lecturing its own fans. Why is there this big trend to shit on die hard fans of everything?
well if the special is a big hit they can parlay it into a series and if it isnt they can just let it go.
The (((critics))) lauding it for its progressive messaging arent spending millions of dollars on merchandise so it's going to be the later.
You should just kill them and take their money
I fucking loved the special. It's just the typical /pol/tards and OUTRAGE right wing faggots that're triggered by it.
what about the people who are sick of political messaging of any sort being inserted into their media?
Is Spunky dead?
No and somehow none of them aged in 20 years.
Only one who aged was Heffer's grandpa who died. Even Filbert's kids were the same age.
How is simply including a trans character political messaging? They didn't even make a big deal about it, which was the point, they all just accepted it and moved on.
Shh, just let him marginalize all the critics so he/she/xhe/kim can sleep easy for one night.
My main issue was how hard they tried to make Rocko seem like a fish out of water due to cultural changes, from the 90's to now. But things are hardly different now. Portable phones were popping up and people had pagers. Remote control toys weren't that different than the drones of today. 3d Cartoons had a strong presence starting with the original Toy Story. Food chains were already popping up everywhere, even before Star Bucks. LGBTQ representation was already becoming a thing through pop culture. Look at who sung the theme song for the show.
But they tried to act like he Rocko was in a different world. It reminded me of that episode of South Park where that guy was unfrozen after only a couple years, but they act like he's awakened in a completely foreign environment. Except they actually meant it in this special.
Time dilation, birthday paradox.
It fits the theme man, why do people care so much.
>They didn't even make a big deal about it, which was the point, they all just accepted it and moved on.
That's the message.
It's not accurate to reality that people "just accept" others transitioning, but it is some people's desired reality. They assert the message by having the character's model the behavior.
>It's not accurate to reality that people "just accept" others transitioning
I mean, if you're not a dick it is. Who gives a shit what other people do. You say you're a man/woman now I'll call you a man/woman because it's no skin off my back but it'll make you happy.
>mfw not having people freak out over a tran character = """political messaging"""
The absolute state of triggered snowflake right wingers.
>accept change even if the writing is very poor.
I refuse to accept shitty change. It's like how I refuse to accept Donald Trump being president.
trans issues would be the shining center peice of a 20 year fish out of water story. It was wholly not controversial to not accept transitioning in the 90's. Misgendering 80" chested men that roar "IT'S MA'AM" is national news now. In the 90's a guy like that would have had the police called on him before even being spoken to.
1984 is here guys.
Well user, her femininity wasn't just accepted, it was celebrated! Sometimes you just have to sacrifice good writing and character development to make a proper political tool to bludgeon your audience with.
It depends who the "other people" are. Is a child who is distressed that their father has become radically physically altered a dick? Is a parent who doesnt want their child chemically stunted before they're old enough to make life decisions being a dick? Is a heterosexual woman being a dick if she's not pleased her husband is now a woman? These characters didnt have a "live and let live" attitude they were enthusiastically supportive of it.
The treatments come with serious risks, and the lifestyle is destructive. It's not about random people having a bug up their butt that other people are liking things they don't like. It's about people whose loved ones are, in their mind, making an enormous life destroying mistake.
Can you empathize with that?
That's true, but the actual trio trapped in space for 20 years had no issues with it anyways. Just Ed did. And I don't think he had an actual issue with having a trans daughter, he was just having an episode due to a bunch of things in his life being subject to change at once. So really that seemed like one of the things Rocko DIDN'T have trouble accepting as a change from the 90s.
>Mr.Garrison was a tranny then he wasn't happy and went back to being a dude and becoming a shitty politician.
>It's unrealistic that the whole special didn't consist of the characters screaming "forty percent dilate" over and over again the way that a normal, well-adjusted human being like me does.
Good point, user.
>Can you empathize with that?
No. Because those people sound like selfish assholes and those just seem like pretty pathetic attempts at justifications to be transphobic.
>I-I'm actually upset because I care about your well being
frankly not all transgender individuals even transition.
Lets treat Rocko's modern life: static cling like if it was a restaurant.
>Resturante that is well known for making good on point burgers for years.
>brag to all your friends and family how good the burgers are.
>Suddenly the burger joint shuts down.
>you're sad it's gone but you move on.
>40 years later it fucking shows up again.
>you go there, order your burger like you have from 40 years ago having a high expectations because ya know; this food is fuckton good!
>but wait! something is a bit off. The aesthetics of the establishment are fine, service is good, it's the food!
>The food taste like shit!
>I don't remember this burger tasting this bad?
>you're upset and throw it in the garbage
>everyone else is ironically giving this place 5 stars and saying , "You're right user this place is good!"
>All your friends look at you confused at the disgruntled yet disappointed mom look you have on your face.
>"user what is wrong? Why are you mad?"
>This food taste like shit!
>"I don't know what you're talking about user. seems fine to me?!?"
>You don't understand. This place used to be good! Now it's fucking garbage!
>"Maybe you need to grow up and accept change, user!"
>Now everyone thinks you're some kind of manchild while everyone is accepting "OK" burgers even it if kills them.
Never accept low grade burgers, OP.
You didn't really need an analogy, that's pretty much what happen IN the special with the Fatheads reboot that added a baby, with Rocko being the only person to see it as a shitty cashgrab (literally, according to the narrative) with a pointless change.
This was where the special really lost me. The final message in accepting change was Rocko accepting a reboot that genuinely didn't look very good, and was made just for money (even if Rachel/Ed needed the money for good reasons).
Accepting a mental illness and promoting body mutilation (that often goes wrong, see flesh becoming fucking necrotic because a penis isn't supposed to be turned into a fuck hole) is not a positive change. I'd no more want to see a pro-tran story than I would a pro-anorexia, pro-schizophrenia, etc, story.
>Lol wut, we don't want to ban misgendering, we just want to drive anyone who misgenders or disagrees with trans ideology off of every public platform so no one will be able to hear their opinion
Little functional difference.
I didnt, and am not going to, watch it, but your characterization is about what I expected.
Ed's the show's counter-example. The recylcing episode is the penultimate example.
Why did Ed like to pollute? Was it because of proof america's garbage problem didn't exist and we had/have enough garbage capacity to last hundreds of years? Did he talk about the economic benefits of conglomo and how all the people of o-town depend on them, but theyd have to layoff employees to be greener? no. he was just a big meany. he polluted because he was an asshole. and he's an asshole because he's a wimp who let's life shit on him.
So he has a problem with ralph transitioning, and has no explenation for it? This user said it. If you have a problem with trans people it can only be because you're a dick. And Ed's just a dick. there is no reason to have a problem with your son joining a group of people with accelerated rates of suicide, drug abuse, and being raped.
> >I-I'm actually upset because I care about your well being
This is the absolute truth though. Let me inform you. I personally don't care. I have the live and let live attitude. I am wholly ambivalent what any stranger does with their lives, but I sincerely care about the people in my life.
Just finished watching it, and I found it to be the only reboot/revival I enjoyed. And they did it with a tranny character.
>The jokes were on point
Not really. I was genuinely surprised at how unfunny Static Cling was. The most it got from me was a smirk, maybe two or three times. Meanwhile, Into the Florpus had me actually laughing several times.
>there is no reason to have a problem with your son joining a group of people with accelerated rates of suicide, drug abuse, and being raped.
Is that really the going transphobic defense now?
>but I sincerely care about the people in my life.
But if they're now happier, like Rachel is, shouldn't you then be happy for them?
No one is afraid of you freaks
Is that why they keep killing themselves?
It's really cute that you care so much about if we keep killing ourselves
It does make me happy.
No, it's more that people care about their friends and family falling for the tranny meme. Particularly children. Trannies really like going after children at libraries, for some reason.
What does other people have to do specifically with Rachel? She was happy, end of story. Not all trans people kill themselves. Using your reasoning I suppose you're also in favor of harsh gun control since some people do bad things with guns.
did the creator of the show turn trans? would be weird if they didn't since the character was based on him
People find anything to complain about and the fact that that is the only point anyone really grasps at really speaks volumes for how good it really was.
No, he's still on model.
cuz trannies suck kek
This. After the shitstorm people were making about it I expected it to be super ham-fisted and on the nose. But the special handles it really well, it's not even really a focus point. The characters see that she's happier and respect her decision and are happy for her. End of story.
>first half is good
second half is just propaganda
Happy now OP?
You keep saying that trannies trick people into becoming them through whatever method blah blah blah
Most of it is just more access to information on the internet. Kids can look up "Why do I hate my penis" and get a more in-depth answer about mental illnesses than the previous answer which was "Stop being a fag" which made them want to kill themselves even more than they do now
>trans character exists
Because they feel like they're trapped in a stranger's body, and other people feel the need to abuse them for trying to correct that.
Anything I don't agree with is propaganda
Sounds like they need mental help then
At least you're consistent.
It's not hate.
Oh that's right, you don't like it BECAUSE you actually care so much. My apologies.
Well that information leads them to mutilate themselves, and very frequently become prostitutes. That's not a healthy way to deal with mental illness.
Hell, the reason trannies kill themselves is exactly because after all the surgeries and hormones are done the "I hate who I am" feelings arent alleviated. If anyone hates trannies it's the people pushing them to transition.
>Ignoring the context of the trans character and pretending it was completely disconnected from the narrative
this, but unironically
>People can get a good look at mental illness through Google
Actually false and one reason Google has been in trouble. Google promotes results that are good for ads. Results with high engagement, which may mean controversial results. A person is actually likely to be directed to a grifter on YouTube.
The trangender issue is complicated by a complete lack of understanding and very limited population for testing. We don't know what causes it, and we don't,know what treats it. Surgery and transitioning might well he dangerous amd unnecessary, but then there's no firm research either way.
Yes, there is research, but it relies on self-reporting, and the media can easily encourage vulnerable people to think they have an illness they may not have. The real truth is that we don't have the answers, but it's an agonizing truth for those seeking it.
Meaningful change, or mentally ill change?
You.... understand that trans suicide is high because they were born into I body they don't feel connected to and when they try to correct their bodies their difficulties are treated like made up bullshit? Yet their very existence is enough to make people so mad that they can't even enjoy a cartoon with a frog that probably naturally changed gender because frogs can do that?? You understand that right???
Not all change is necessarily good. A lot of things have changed for the worse over the years.
>born into I body they don't feel connected to
Sounds like a mental illness. They should seek mental help instead of permanently mutilating their bodies
Nostalgia baiting because like I said many times before. All those 5 year olds who watched shit during the late 90's are now 25 year olds with spending money and independence. And during a time when they are probably struggling and trying to find themselves, they sometimes want something that brings back the good feels of those childhood days when things were simple. When the only thing they had to worry about was going to school and what toy they wanted to play with.
Blaming society is just a hypothesis. Specifically, a hypothesis advocated by proponemts of surgery. They say there's nothing wrong with the surgery - it's how people react to the surgery that matters.
But imagine this for Polio or something, where if people weren't emotionally supportive enough of your Polio vaccination after you got it, Polio still killed you.
At this point, you're not dealing with a virus, but a frame if mind. And I ask you this: if you can change the world's mind about the definition of what a man or a woman is, why can't you do the same for one patient? Why is changing the world's mental state a cure, but telling a man that women wear pants and drink beer impossible? The answer is, there's something more to it than how society defines a gender - at least that's what I figure.
Literally the only reason that anyone could dislike Static Cling is if they get triggered about the existence of trans people. And I am highly supportive of how transphobes are getting triggered more and more. I mean, conservatives can’t even emotionally handle a gay Black Mask. The slightest thing upsets them anymore, and I look forward to what they’ll do in the coming years as capitalism continues to tap into the growing LGBTQ market.
>trans character exists
I have 0 problems with Ralph woman version dude , but if you movie is basically "ACCEPT IT ITS THE ONLY CORRECT ANSWER ITS 2019" and not let me choice by myself yeah its propaganda.
Second part of the movie lacks jokes and tries to take those moment serious.
This is almost "gays cannot be villains" bad levels of protecting.
felt like the final episode. i mean every single person in town but rocko was happy!
>Dead by 30
>Growing market
>Most of it is just more access to information on the internet.
There's a reason people always said "don't trust everything you read on the internet." That the solution to your problems is chopping your dick off is one of those things you shouldn't believe.
And no, the reason they kill themselves is because they aren't treated for any actual mental issues they have; trannies do everything they can to convince everyone else that all of their issues are because they're "secretly a woman trapped in a man's body", leave actual mental issues untreated, and kill themselves when they have a moment of lucidity and realize that they've irreparably turned themselves into an abomination.
In the olden days before Chinese sweatshop imports, having holes in a character's shoes was a shorthand indicator for being poor.
>yeah its propaganda
>information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
A trans character existing and people not having a problem with it is not propaganda.
They do though and part of the treatment is surgery. Learn a single thing.
unironically it is
>You seee people? If Rocko can support trans people why you can't? Is Ed better than you?
Like i said i have 0% problem with the fact he is a she now but if your entire plot goes about that well you lost me because it turns into propaganda.
>he is a she now
el o el
Why not just let people live bro? No need to "hypothesize" about shit that literally never effects you.
Not him, I'm fine with stupid people mutilating their bodies, but not when they're asking for it to be taxpayer funded.
I mean. When they treat depression with meds it jas a 60% success rate on the first try, so what's the success rate on cosmetic surgery and is it better than a saline control solution?
Additionally. What recourse is there for someone who was misdiagnosed?
Literally fractions of cents of your money could ever go towards that, most of your tax money is killing kids in 3rd world countries and buying viagra and underaged sex slaves for old men who would sooner let you die in medical poverty than look at you. Just let people live.
>Just let people live.
That's what I'm saying. Don't force me to subsidize your lifestyle.
I'm a tranny and I always misgender people who don't pass
Maybe if more effort went into helping trans people then it would answer all your questions. Why do you care so much about other people's genitalia? Let the frog be a girl.
Nah, I gave up on listening to viewpoints on this, if something has tranny stuff in it I automatically consider it worse.
I'm not white enough to have to lick the assholes of faggots so I don't get socially lynched, don't like it, then don't post here.
No, the point of this special was to figure out a way to make someone pay for a special, which meant making a character transsexual, which then meant Nickelodeon and subsequently Netflix was willing to shell out shekels.
It has affected friends, and could affect loved ones. I knew three people who took gender studies in college and all three came out as trans soon after.
What if the supposed cure was to drink bleach instead of getting surgery? You may think I'm being cheeky, but the FDA has been issuing a warning on "oxidizing" health tonics for years because they're low doses of hydrogen peroxide.
People will hurt themselves with miracle cures. Especially vulnerable people trying to find a cause for their negative feelings.
I sure hate when private companies foreclose on the property that they own and kick the squatters living on it out.
Just want you to know, I hate /pol/tards, not even a fan of white people in general, but I honestly, genuinely, legitimately hope that you get shot.
I hope you bleed out slowly and your last moments on this earth are full of suffering before you pitch black soul is dragged into the pits of hell where you belong.
Because you are a demon in human skin, and your death will be a net benefit for the planet.
Just wanna let you know.
Maybe learn more about it then rather than getting wound up about a bunch of hypothetical theories. You don't understand the mentality of trans people. You don't even understand the surgeries or hormone treatments. You've never read a first person account of transition, how they felt looking down at their body when they've healed and finally found it matching who they felt they'd always been. You don't actually care about trans people. You feel a contempt for them that you can't admit to yourself so you pretend it's actually contempt for quack medicine. The problem here is you.
Let the frog be a girl.
>You seee people? If Rocko can support trans people why you can't? Is Ed better than you?
That's some next level projection.
To get the wider audience, you most sacrifice the niche one
>everyone screaming about the trans
>no one notices the socialism ending
>people still being triggered over a trans character existing
The REAL fucking outrage here is that I just learned the dvd released of Rocko are still all fucking censored. That's the shit people should be triggered by. Anyone got decent links to the 4 censored scenes? Every version of the Heffer getting jacked off stuff I can find has been stretched to widescreen.
Its like this , its the same propaganda tool
Dude seriously i dont hate the movie but you need to be BLIND to not see their true intentions
People who drink hydrogen peroxide also give glowing, emotional praises of its value. The Before and After situation is basic medicine - nobody would take a treatment for anything is the after wasn't better than before.
That's why control groups and statistical significance are important.
>true intentions
Yeah, change happens and people should accept it. If you think that's propaganda then I guess every kids cartoon about people getting along or with any teaching moment ever is propaganda as well.
your only the 5th person to even bring it up, granted these threads are just an excuse to bitch about trannies on Yea Forums.
Why do you people keep making this strawman? It's not the tranny existing, it's the narrative.
>change happens and people should accept it.
yes but they legit were aggressive about it
Also change =/= good
What happened?
blame the meaningless mods on here for letting /pol/ shit up every board with thier garbage, but the mods think people spamming stupid pastel ponies is the real problem
>Yeah, change happens and people should accept it.
I agree, climate change happens and people should accept it.
Don't be retarded, obviously not all change is a positive thing.
Conglom-O gets blown up by their rouge rocket (same one that had Rocko and friends in space for 20 years.) All their money gets spilled out into the street, and all the townspeople come and start grabbing it for themselves.
why would they do anything about there primary form of income, it's like how the mods never do anything about the Yea Forumsutist bait threads any monkey with a keyboard could recognize.
That's way too innocuous to be a socialist message. The irony would be a pit too thick as well.
>Why not just let people live bro?
Because they won't reciprocate.
We can't just live and let live, tranny enablers will eventually have them declared a protected class for which discrimination is verboten and we will lose the freedom to simply not associate with them.
Freedom of association or radicalization. Liberals have taken their pick, so obviously conservatives will too. That's how we end up with commies vs. fascists yet again.
I mean suicide rates are the same with or without transition, but you're blaming society for the cure not working. Can something even be a "cure" if the world has to believe in it to work? How's it different from faith healing then?
What you don't realize is that given the restrictions being imposed by accepting the current narrative, some psychologists advocate striking it from the DSM, making it a lifestyle choice rather than an illness.
Is that your perspective? Because clinically the transgender thing is quite difficult and I don't think you help people by being another Youtube quack extolling the virtue of unproven medicine.
says the bitch that gets triggered by ponies
This is genius, nothing makes white people open those fat wallets to throw money at stupid shit like trannies.
White people care more about trannies than anything else.
>found the bronie fag
>food analogy
/pol/ brainlets never change.
What was the narrative? It was hardly even a part of the special. They all just accepted it, you're upset because no one made a big deal about it?
>they legit were aggressive about it
Nigga what? A 5 second scene of Rocko, Heff and Filbert saying awesome is aggressive? Part of what people especially in the trans community from what I've seen are praising about how it was handled is that it wasn't aggressive or forced. It was just there, everyone accepted it and moved on.
>obviously not all change is a positive thing
Feel free to point out where I or Static Cling said all change is good. Gotta keep moving them goalposts though I guess.
>everyone accepted it and moved on
That's why it's called fiction
>Feel free to point out where I or Static Cling said all change is good.
>Yeah, change happens and people should accept it.
Gee user, backpedaling so soon?
You think the show about a sentient Wallaby should be true to real life?
You seem very confused. How are
>change happens and people should accept it
>all change is good
the same thing? People accepting change does not mean it's good and I never said all change is good. For example, I accept that you are clearly a moron, that doesn't mean I think it's a good thing.
The fact that the very obvious message from a children's cartoon special went so far over your head is amazing.
If it's not good then why should people accept it?
>People accepting change does not mean it's good and I never said all change is good.
So if it's not good then why SHOULD people accept it. Because you flat out stated that people SHOULD accept it, which is retarded if it's not a positive change.
Are you mentally disabled or something? You're going really far to justify your retarded post instead of just admitting that it was a retarded thing to say.
>If it's not good then why should people accept it?
Because you literally can't do anything else. Rocko couldn't make the world the way it was back in the 90's and Ed couldn't get his son back. What else were they supposed to do? Go onto a Chinese cartoon board and bitch about how the mean ol SJW's are forcing propaganda down everyone's throats? They accept, they move on.
>Because you flat out stated that people SHOULD accept it, which is retarded if it's not a positive change.
As I said, there are some changes that are literally impossible to not accept. No matter how much Rocko wanted to he cannot make the world like it was in the 90's, he has to accept it. What is and isn't a positive change is entirely subjective. For Rachel, Rocko and co her transitioning was a positive change. Ralph couldn't change that fact, so his only choice is acceptance or bitching on the internet. Plus her transitioning wasn't even really what Ralph was upset about notice how immediately after learning about her he says he has no daughter, which acknowledges her change Ralph, like Rocko, was upset about all the changes in his life in general. But the winds of change cannot be stopped, so your only option is to accept them, for good or bad.
>calling someone else mentally disabled when a children's cartoon was too hard for him to understand
wew boy
and of course by Ralph I mean Ed.
>Because you literally can't do anything else.
Not accept it.
Literally that simple.
Believe it or not, not accepting something doesn't mean "ohmahgard, I HATE this, it's awful!" it can always just be "meh, this sucks, whatever."
Believe it or not, not everyone else is some white autist who feels the need to throw a tantrum, we just call it shit and move on with our day.
I'm not going to read the rest of this post because I haven't even watched special because I don't particularly care about it, I literally only took issue with your post saying change happens and that people should accept it, because that's a retarded stance.
Hence the climate change angle.
>That's just as retarded as thinking everyone who wants any kind of gun control is just out to ban guns
Not everyone who wants gun control, but everyone who worked on or enjoyed Let's Not Be Skeletons. The episode ends with KO calling his congressional representative to get her to ban all guns. This is not an exaggeration.
Realistically, there should have been a conversation about what happened and when she decided to transition. It could have been between Rocko on the drive back to O-Town, or explain a little bit more to her parents instead of just going with the basic "this is who I am now" reasoning.
>Literally that simple
>it's 2019
>I want it to be 1999
>therefore I don't accept that it's 2019
Absolutely flawless logic.
>I haven't even watched special
So it's just autism I guess then.
>>it's 2019
>>I want it to be 1999
>>therefore I don't accept that it's 2019
No, it's more like
>2019 kinda sucks
>I'll just ignore all the shit released this year
Again, literally that simple.
It's nothing like that though, which you would understand if you'd actually watched the special or had a 5th grade reading comprehension. Just to reiterate once again, not all change is good, but there is some change that you literally can't do anything but accept. The year for example.
>2019 kinda sucks
>I'll just ignore all the shit released this year
Is still accepting that the year has changed and dealing with it, whether you like that it's 2019 or not.
Not him, but that wasn't the message of the special at all, and nobody actually refuses to accept physical reality... except for, you know, crazy people like trannies.
>that wasn't the message of the special at all
>have literal winds of change character explain all this
You may need to re-watch. Apparently it was too subtle for you.
>and nobody actually refuses to accept physical reality
Exocet how Rocko was refusing to accept that the world had change or Ed refusing to accept his life was changing. Again, you may need to re-watch.