It all comes tumbling down.
Superior Spider-Man #10 preview
So he never got back with the midget girl?
Nope, he still has feelings for her but she doesn't want to have a relationship with him. She's basically his probation officer right now.
And people were wondering why he didn't go back to calling himself Doc Ock.
the die is cast!
I hate comics and how characters development is thrown out of the window for the sake of drama and status quo
Hopefully he completely owns it and starts going by doc ock again.
>See, I'm actually a CLONE of Doctor Otto Octavius in a different body that doesn't have his brain damage, so therefore, I cannot legally be held responsible for the crimes of Doctor Octopus.
Please let it be a return to Superior Octopus
>a character living a lie is forced to confront it
>Is the guy calling himself the Superior Spider-Man who wears the same suit that Spider-Man wore in New York during a time in which he publicly stated and the Avengers confirmed that Doctor Octopus took over his body and called himself the Superior Spider-Man actually Doctor Octopus?
You'd think they would have figured this out sooner.
I hope you're right and it's just about confronting it and not a way to throw out his character development by making him a villain again. I'm just not optimistic about it.
this is true though.
This is comic books tho
Odds are, Otto will inevitably become Doctor Octopus again, but he'll be more of an anti-hero like Venom rather than a full-on super-villain.
>You'd think they would have figured this out sooner.
American mainstream news corporations.
I honestly hope they double down with lady octopus and Otto just doubles down on being superior to his villainous self and just takes every oppitunity to fuck with his old comrades and by knowing them inside and out humilates them until it bites him in the ass when he underestimates them.
No idea how the press made that connection (probably Spider-Osborn) but hey, it could be worst as Toliver isn't necessaraly outed, and actual Spider-man (and other top-grade super) already know.
Dwrf love was real , i guess Cage wanted his own romance
This may be the calling of a third suit.
Yeah but Superior was so good tho, i hope he get to keep the hybrid echanced body
They wouldn't need to turn SpOck back to being a villian, since he is a clone.
Just bring back the original and leave Elliot do whatever he wants.
he'd have to genuinely LOSE it and be forced into the dregs of his old body, which wouldn't be satisfying to undo the development he's had but
we've been there before in the spider-man continuity why not round 8 on undoing good.
>Just bring back the original and leave Elliot do whatever he wants.
They (Slott-Cage) put a lot of effort to imply there is always exactly one of him (clone popping when 1 die). No Otto overlap despite time/verse shananigans.
Even digitalised in the living brain there was only that single contigency plan , Digitalisign his mind make it duplicable , but the second they do that the idea that he was his own soul become weird
(Kain being confirmed to have his own in a connected storyline).
All that and the fact Octavius base form remain pretty inconic, for me the more we get Elliot the better but i hold no long-term hope.
Holy shit, that woman is so fucking ugly.
Slott is now going deep into the issue of conciousness and life over in Iron Man, where Tony is having an existential crisis because his brain is a digital back-up copy and his entire body was redone from scratch so not a single cell of Tony Stark's original body is left, making him question whether he's the real Tony Stark and whether or not he counts as an artificial intelligence.
I hope Otto eventually gets closer to how he originally looked (more weight, not just a fucking clone of Spider-Man), while still remaining a hero.
it'd defeat his bodies new powers and abilities if he just got fat again, though seeing Obese otto tuck and roll through the air would be hilarious.
>They (Slott-Cage) put a lot of effort to imply there is always exactly one of him
Eh, kinda. Gage did most of it by saying that the clone tech used during Spider-Geddon were able to to legitimately resurrect the individual who is using it, but this Otto started out as a back-up copy, even in Clone Conspiracy it was still the back-up copy inside a cloned body, unlike the others.
That being said, i know it is really just up to Gage to say whether or not he is the original.
Or bing Ultimate Doc Ock into 616!
>But he’s dead
Hey, if they can resurrect most of the Ultimateverse cast that died, they can resurrect Ult Ock
> making him question whether he's the real Tony Stark and whether or not he counts as an artificial intelligence.
reminder he still has the Sybiote immitation superior chrome suit somewhere
And old , dont forget she's old, not Otto level of old but she sure dont mask it that well.
>i know it is really just up to Gage to say whether or not he is the original.
indeed,but lets not forget editorial, marketing and bigger events add a less predictible bend to any stories