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>Status: Alive
>For Now
Pitch his death episode
To be fair, Final Cut is a pretty lame song.
I don't know why but I find it amusing there's this high-quality official render of fucking Wendell from the Simpsons used for marketing purposes. Why even have this? Do they have ones for those two guys who hang out at Moe's but never really say or do anything?
Sneed shoots Wendell for trying to steal his feed.
>That TV thread that sneedposter spammed so much they found out he was just one guy
>Sam has twice as many talking lines as Larry and actually makes appearances outside the bar
Fucking Samfags, the show producers are always pandering to them
Larry will get his due. Have patience fellow Larryfriend.
Wendell is my favorite Simpsons character unironically.
Didn't wendell's VA die recently?
They were in the Simpsons Game?
Ask it to the five guys in the planet who played the Simpsons Game
I'm Lewis, that's Wendell.
I remenber this game being hyped as fuck as fuck in every magazine and gaming website, but then it came out and no one talked about it. But again, it was 2007 EA, so it was most likely just full mode bribbed shilling
Amazing. The fact they're trying to "colonise" this board is hilarious too because sneedposters don't get nearly as much attention here as on Yea Forums and the jannies are more active and take down sneedthreads only like 2 minutes after they're made
So what do f we post Chuck
So what if we post Sneed
We're just selling seed
Doesn't matter who'll feed
It was a fine platformer, probably one of the better Simpson games.
i just realised i said TV instead of Yea Forums i apologise for my horrible mistake.
what's up with this bullshit? Is this a obscure gaslighting meme?
I found another one
Whatever, say bye to Wendell for me
you can fuck right off faggot, Roger is based