So is Disney just gonna leave this franchise alone now? Thought Incredibles 2 ended in a way that could lead to further adventures but not exactly a sequel.
So is Disney just gonna leave this franchise alone now...
Eh, i think a prequel about the “good ol’ days” would be better.
3 is going to be "Violet gets a job"'
>Thought Incredibles 2 ended in a way that could lead to further adventures but not exactly a sequel.
So did Zootopia, but there are no plans on a sequel or spin-off tv series for that, either.
They should only make a third movie when they come up with an actual interesting story that isn’t a rehash of the first one.
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>Violet's growing anxiety as her body fails to develop anywhere near to her mum's
I feel like this board would only be interested in a potential third Incredibles film if we got canon MILF Violet
I honestly hope so. They're clearly in no hurry to do a timeskip story, even for Incredibles 2, so I say let it be.
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>Violet's growing anxiety as her body develops even more voluptuously than her mum's
More like
>Dash's growing anxiety as Violet's body develops even more voluptuously than her mom's
>Yea Forums only cares for waifufaggotry and "muh pp hard".
Seems about right.
Yea Forums only cared about the second film because of Elastigirl's ass, Violet's ass and hypnosis smut.
>Violet's ass
what ass?
>it only gets worse as the two get more and more competitive over who's the sexiest, wearing less and less around the house
>they notice his anxiety and start secretly using his reactions to judge who's winning
>they view him as impartial because he's equally unsettled by how sexy they both are, whereas Bob would obviously side with Helen
I hope so, I feel like 2 was getting dangerously close to "too much of a good thing" and 3 might push it over that line.
3 is jack starts to abuse his powers
Incredibles 2 was just a rehash of the first script with a bigger budget. They even redid the Tony Rydinger subplot, that's how little creativity modern Pixar has. If I want to rewatch the first movie then I'll rewatch the first movie. The only thing I2 has going for it is a couple good action scenes and I can just watch those clips on youtube.
I just want more Helen and a story that was just as entertaining as the first.
that'd be nice. it could be full of silver age campiness.
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>Violet's growing anxiety as her developing body starts taking more after her dad's than her mom's
honestly being built like a shit brickhouse might do more for her self-esteem than trying to match up to the other girls.
Plus the only thing stronger than force fields is a fucking fist to the jaw
>honestly being built like a shit brickhouse might do more for her self-esteem than trying to match up to the other girls.
>Plus the only thing stronger than force fields is a fucking fist to the jaw
oh I figure it will eventually, but at first she'd hate it, particularly with how it'd probably complicate her civilian life
I was hoping for a Incredibles where the kids become young adults and get unique costumes. But I guess they’re destined to always be a super-powered family and the status quo.
Bob’s VA might not make it to 3
Wait, who’s behind the username ‘ElastigirlRulz28’?
>silver age camp
Bud the first movie took place in the early silver age, anything before that would be dissonant because the time period would be Golden Age.
Elastigirl, obviously. How she changed usernames that fast I have no idea.
No one but the biggest comic book nerds would care if Incredibles didn't use real-life comic eras as its bible.
Please sir, may I have s'more?
Van's Incredibles art is great, though I've never been a fan of the antagonistic relationship he often gives Helen and Violet, just feels really OOC for them
Why not both? Have Violet luck into She-Hulk mode.
How has no one with these models put Violet's head on her mother's body?
honestly I was picturing Violet in this scenario to be rather curvy after her growth spurt, just that it's overshadowed by the fact that she's now almost as muscular as her dad is(even had in mind a scene where after her growth spurt, due to Edna still working on her new costume she has to borrow one of Bob's costumes for a mission and she's slightly mortified at how well it fits her)
on another note it's a shame how little good stuff there is for Dash out there, especially now that he's a canon muscle shota
>How has no one with these models put Violet's head on her mother's body?
I wonder the same thing too user, similarly when I found out that they had released fashion dolls of both Helen and Violet in the toyline for Incredibles 2 I was very tempted to buy them so I could try swapping the heads around
Easy. Because Violets body is superior in every way. ;-)
Sticcs are for thiccening up
I agree, but I like the OOC characters as their own thing.
There's sexual tension that they don't want to admit, and in the end, they both just want to bond and get dominated by the same man and turned into his sister-wives and personal breeding sows. Theya want to spend the rest of their lives together in the bliss of worshipping their master's cock, and begging him to knock them up with his umpteenth child.
Sticcs thiccen me up.
How many voice actors will pass away before the TS5?
Shoulda made a tv series right after the first one instead of a sequel movie. It was set up well for an episodic take.
The problem is that when you get down to it, what was the change from the end of Incredibles 1 to the end of 2?
>Supers are trying to make a comeback, but the collateral damage is too great, so they're trying again with a better PR image, but then said PR image is hit by the whole goggle thing, but then it's fine now
>Violet is getting together with Tony...which was what they were going to do at the end of the first one and just ended up going full circle
>Jack Jack has his powers. Of course, he always did, and we know that, the only difference is that his family knows
>The family splits up with one parent doing herowork and the other taking care of the family, then they come together to save the day.
If this is the best they can do, then maybe this franchise is a dead end. The story needs some sort of new conflict and developments.
This largely depends on whether Brad Bird wants to make another movie, I'd think. It's pretty much his project. If he had a good idea for another film, he'll make one.
whats the next incredibles should be about?
they should get a divorce
well they did get mr incredibles car back I guess
and that new house
honestly I would like something where frozone is the lead
God I hope not, Incredibles 2 was shit
Really poorly drawn
user, what are you doing?
dem legs
So like the first one? 2 made a billion didn't it? They're not leaving it alone.
>on another note it's a shame how little good stuff there is for Dash out there, especially now that he's a canon muscle shota
Tie it in with .
>as Vi and Helen keep a surreptitiously close eye on Dash to observe his reactions to them, they realize his own development is nothing to sneeze at
>particularly since he's been working out more to vent his frustration, since he really does not want to jerk off to his mom and sister
>it occurs to them that they'd never settled on a "prize" for whoever wins their competition
nah, violet is not allowed to grow up because brad bird hates timeskips
Normally I'd go to the Yea Forums booth for incredibles pics but it's been infested with ads of weird dudes shoving their dicks in fruit for some reason
Google "Spending Mother's Day with Mrs. Parr"
There's two versions: A vanilla one and a futanari variation with Helen Parr
Let me know what you think
If she'd gone nude she'd have been fine
Reminder that they storyboarded a holdup in the diner scene that involved Vi disrobing to stop the badguys and it was cut.
That would have been based
Brad Bird is the holdup
How many times are going to post about your stupid fucking story?
I'll stop when they make a good Incredibles sequel
I was hoping the second film would add some world building desu, explore the early 60s but the differences with super powered people existing in it, like how would the cold war be effected with the government basically owning super heroes? heck would it just go full watchmen? Was the superhero ban that was caused by the public suing the heroes actually a plan by the goverment itself to get rid of supers? Fucking explore it damn it! It could be interesting.
You can't make a mainstream movie with interesting ideas/concepts anymore because it has to be easily translated for Chinese audiences.
Sadly true, is fanfiction our only hope now? It is truly the darkest of times...
Was co-writing a story with a britbong, and I had a female character describe getting hot under the collar as "getting the vapors", and he literally had no idea what I was talking about and wanted me to change it until I showed him where it came from - and he speaks English.
Imagine how much shit gets lost in translation
Half tempted to write up something with a lad who has a seemingly useless power but figures out what the government did in order to get rid of supers and why. Kinda want to go down a mystery/thriller plot desu.
>in order to get rid of supers and why.
I thought the first movie established why well enough. Unless you want to make it more of a "they had to contain something much worse as not all super heroes went willingly" and just exploring things like that?
It seemed to me the whole suing parts were bullshit, the first one for example tried to kill himself and that alone should have been laughed out of court. The train incident should have all been pined on frenchie, so to me the whole thing stunk to high heaven, which would have been interesting to explore if they bothered. Me personally I think they got rid of super heroes because they caused too much damage which the government had to pay up for, there are a ton of popular theories on how connected the government is to supers, due to their training and how they got their powers.
Well it could be interesting, like any concept. I just never really thought about some big conspiracy in regards to that, as the government seemed like a positive force with the super hero relocation program
But there could be some darkness - what would they do with super heroes who have gone rogue, that type of thing, and what happened to them.
Maybe they were involved and helped Syndrome, thus, easily cleaning up their old problems
>Well it could be interesting, like any concept. I just never really thought about some big conspiracy in regards to that, as the government seemed like a positive force with the super hero relocation program
That's fair, I remember re-watching the first movie after hearing the second was being made thinking the intro was bullshit then thinking they might explore that and I got a little exited about that.
>But there could be some darkness - what would they do with super heroes who have gone rogue, that type of thing, and what happened to them.
Same, I also want to know what happened to the villains too considering they up and vanished.
>Maybe they were involved and helped Syndrome, thus, easily cleaning up their old problems
That itself makes sense too, he probably set up a deal with them, something to do with his tech and if you recall this is during the nam and cold war so they were probably desperate at the time, and all Syndrome wanted was information.
I didn't watch 2, is it good?
Yeah. Not as good, but good.
Probably not. It’s more likely they’ll just wait another 14 years to release Incredibles 3. Incredibles 2 also may not have delivered in the ways they wanted so who knows.
So what, this time Viola is asked to become a face of teenage superheroes and leaves her family behind, but it's actually all conspiracy?
Did they do The Underminer? Or are we counting the game as an unofficial film so they don’t have to?
Film opens up immediately as the first one ended. So we get the underminer for like 5 minutes
Yyyeaaahhh, sounds like they could elaborate a hell of a lot more.
Maybe some more Frozone backstory?
I thought the artist implied Ty Lee was Violet’s mom and just accepted before looking again and realizing I was wrong.
Ty Lee isn't THAT flexible, user.
The Incredibles (Live Action) Coming Summer 2021
The game isn't canon anymore, and neither is the old comic series that continued on from it.
Well then in that case, I’d say they have more content for more films
ill only read it if mrs parr gets blacked
Have sex
I would like to see Incredibles animated series for Disney+
This is Incredibles fanart, that's redundant.
Holy shit why is every artist who tries to draw it so terrible?
I have my ideas for a third movie but APPARENTLY time skips aren't in the vision for the franchise.
Why does everyone want oppai Violet?
She almost smacks her jaw on thst table.
So you want 'My Mom and Sister Are Size Queen Sluts: Incredibles Edition'
Melkor Mancin is beyond your plebian criticism
I’m upset that we never really got much in terms of villain content? Somebody that’s delightfully villainous. I feel like there’s tons of potential in showing the old heroes and villains, especially given the interviews on the DVD. You have all this backstory for characters given ten second scenes and they never show it. I know a lot of them got killed during testing but I wouldn’t mind a reference or appearance from the glory days again.
They have Marvel. They don't need to bother with their old superhero franchises anymore.
Very slowly, though.
Because she wants it too.
Probably this:
This was also my idea, centered around a Kingdom Come-like scenario where the virtues of old supers have eroded and given way to aggressive upstart superheroes who are okay with lethality while the public just eats it up.
It would still be about the family but it would actually give the kids some screentime to flesh out their characters instead of just leaving them as satellites. It would be ostensibly their movie with Bob and Helen acting as the older, wiser generation.
Eh, definitely not that far.
Eh, is this really so hard to reinterpret those abilities in new contexts? Bob facing the waning of his strength as he's aging something everyone (who won't die young) experiences sooner or later, teenage Jack Jack can easily have identity crisis, young men might not be as hyperactive like little boys, but they're still rush compared to their elders etc.
Deleted scene where she rambles about her poor self image and includes "I have no curves and I'm getting ganglier and ganglier"
"Virtues of old supers"? Mr. Incredible threw a fucking car at Syndrome. They never had a problem killing their villains
Did old super villains mess with Mr. Incredibles family?
You have to think about it like golden age heroes and villains, where the stakes were mostly silly and kinda not serious
Bomb Voyage tried to kill a child.
Yeah, I remember someone here pitching a reverse Kingdom Come scenario, with the new generation having a strict no-kill rule to set themselves apart from old supers who had no problem killing villains like Gamma Jack and...I think Apogee was the other one who mentioned it in their file.
But that just explains why there isn’t one between 1 and 2, not that they oppose the idea in general.
Brad's also said something along the lines of "Why should I do an Incredibles timeskip? The Simpsons has been going on for over thirty years without the characters aging and they seem to be doing great"
If Brad said that, then he's stupid.